|  |
Peace, Spiritual
- God is the God of
#RO 15:33; 2CO 13:11; 1TH 5:23; HEB 13:20
- God ordains
#ISA 26:12
- God speaks, to his saints
#PS 85:8
- Christ is the Lord of
#2TH 3:16
- Christ is the prince of
#ISA 9:6
- Christ gives
#2TH 3:16
- Christ guides into the way of
#LU 1:79
- Christ is our
#EPH 2:14
- Is through the atonement of Christ
#ISA 53:5; EPH 2:14,15; COL 1:20
- Bequeathed by Christ
#JOH 14:27
. By Christ
#EPH 2:17
. Through Christ
#AC 10:36
. By ministers
#ISA 52:7; RO 10:15
- Announced by angels
#LU 2:14
- Follows upon justification
#RO 5:1
- A fruit of the Spirit
#RO 14:17; GA 5:22
- Divine wisdom is the way of
#PR 3:17
. Faith
#RO 15:13
. Righteousness
#ISA 32:17
. Acquaintance with God
#Job 21 22:21
. The love of God's law
#PS 165 119:165
. Spiritual-mindedness
#RO 8:6
- Established by covenant
#ISA 54:10; EZE 34:25; MAL 2:5
. The Church
#ISA 66:12
. The Gentiles
#Z10 EC 9:10
. Saints
#PS 72:3,7; ISA 55:12
. The meek
#PS 37:11
. Those who confide in God
#ISA 26:3
. Returning backsliders
#ISA 57:18,19
- We should love
#Z19 EC 8:19
- The benediction of ministers should be
#NU 6:26; LU 10:5
. Have in Christ
#JOH 16:33
. Have, with God
#ISA 27:5; RO 5:1
. Enjoy
#PS 165 119:165
. Repose in
#PS 4:8
. Blessed with
#PS 29:11
. Kept in perfect
#ISA 26:3
. Ruled by
#COL 3:15
. Kept by
#PHP 4:7
. Die in
#PS 37:37; LU 2:29
. Wish, to each other
#GA 6:16; PHP 1:2; COL 1:2; 1TH 1:1
. Great
#PS 165 119:165; ISA 54:13
. Abundant
#PS 72:7; JER 33:6
. Secure
#Job 29 34:29
. Passes all understanding
#PHP 4:7
. Consummated after death
#ISA 57:2
- The gospel is good tidings of
#RO 10:15
. Know not the way of
#ISA 57:2; RO 3:17
. Know not the things of
#LU 19:42
. Promise, to themselves
#DE 29:19
. Are promised, by false teachers
#JER 6:14
. There is none for
#ISA 48:22; 57:21
- Supports under trials
#JOH 14:27; 16:33
- Is of God
#PS 18:32; 138:8
- All saints have, in Christ
#1CO 2:6; PHP 3:15; COL 2:10
- God's perfection the standard of
#MT 5:48
. Entire devotedness
#MT 19:21
. Purity and holiness in speech
#JAS 3:2
- Saints commanded to aim at
#GE 17:1; DE 18:13
- Saints claim not
#Job 20 9:20; PHP 3:12
- Saints follow after
#PR 4:18; PHP 3:12
- Ministers appointed to lead saints to
#EPH 4:12; COL 1:28
- Exhortation to
#2CO 7:1; 13:11
- Impossibility of attaining to
#2CH 6:36; PS 96 119:96
. The rule of
#JAS 25 1:25
. Designed to lead us to
#2TI 3:16,17
- Charity is the bond of
#COL 3:14
- Patience leads to
#JAS 4 1:4
- Pray for
#HEB 13:20,21; 1PE 5:10
- The Church shall attain to
#JOH 17:23; EPH 4:13
- Blessedness of
#PS 37:37; PR 2:21
- Christ suffered
#PS 69:26; JOH 5:16
- Christ voluntarily submitted to
#ISA 50:6
- Christ was patient under
#ISA 53:7
- Saints may expect
#MR 10:30; LU 21:12; JOH 15:20
- Saints suffer, for the sake of God
#JER 15:15
- Of saints, is a persecution of Christ
#Z8 EC 2:8; AC 9:4,5
- All that live godly in Christ, shall suffer
#2TI 3:12
. Ignorance of God and Christ
#JOH 16:3
. Hated to God and Christ
#JOH 15:20,24
. Hatred to the gospel
#MT 13:21
. Pride
#PS 10:2
. Mistaken zeal
#AC 13:50; 26:9-11
- Is inconsistent with the spirit of the gospel
#MT 26:52
- Men by nature addicted to
#GA 4:29
- Preacher of the gospel subject to
#GA 5:11
- Is sometimes to death
#AC 22:4
- God forsakes not his saints under
#2CO 4:9
- God delivers out of
#DA 3:25,28; 2CO 1:10; 2TI 3:11
- Cannot separated from Christ
#RO 8:35
- Lawful means may be used to escape
#MT 2:13; 10:23; 12:14,15
. Commit themselves to God
#1PE 4:19
. Exhibit patience
#1CO 4:12
. Rejoice
#MT 5:12; 1PE 4:13
. Glorify God
#1PE 4:16
. Pray for deliverance
#PS 7:1; 119:86
. Pray for those who inflict
#MT 5:44
. Return blessing for
#RO 12:14
- The hope of future blessedness supports under
#1CO 15:19,32; HEB 10:34,35
- Blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake
#MT 5:10; LU 6:22
- Pray for those suffering
#2TH 3:2
- Hypocrites cannot endure
#MT 4:17
- False teachers shrink from
#GA 6:12
. Addicted to
#PS 10:2; 69:26
. Active in
#PS 143:3; LA 4:19
. Encourage each other in
#PS 71:11
. Rejoice in its success
#PS 13:4; RE 11:10
. Punishment for
#PS 7:13; 2TH 1:6
. Illustrated
#MT 21:33-39
- Spirit of-Exemplified
. Pharaoh etc.
#EX 1:8-14
. Saul
#1SA 26:18
. Jezebel
#1KI 19:2
. Zedekiah etc.
#JER 38:4-6
. Chaldeans
#DA 3:8-30
. Pharisees
#MT 12:14
. Jews
#JOH 5:16; 1TH 2:15
. Herod
#AC 12:1
. Gentiles
#AC 14:5
. Paul
#PHP 3:6; 1TI 1:13
- Suffering of-Exemplified
. Micaiah
#1KI 22:27
. David
#PS 161 119:161
. Jeremiah
#JER 32:2
. Daniel
#DA 6:5-17
. Peter etc.
#AC 4:3
. Apostles
#AC 5:18
. The Prophets
#AC 7:52
. The Church
#AC 8:1
. Paul and Barnabas
#AC 13:50
. Paul and Silas
#AC 16:23
. Hebrews
#HEB 10:33
. Saints of old
#HEB 11:36
- An evidence of reconciliation with God
#COL 1:21-23
- An evidence of belonging to Christ
#JOH 8:31; HEB 3:6,14
- A characteristic of saints
#PR 4:18
. Seeking God
#1CH 16:11
. Waiting upon god
#HO 12:6
. Prayer
#RO 12:12; EPH 6:18
. Well-doing
#RO 2:7; 2TH 3:13
. Continuing in the faith
#AC 14:22; COL 1:23; 2TI 4:7
. Holding fast hope
#HEB 3:6
. The power of God
#PS 37:24; PHP 1:6
. The power of Christ
#JOH 10:28
. The intercession of Christ
#LU 22:31,32; JOH 17:11
. The fear of God
#JER 32:40
. Faith
#1PE 1:5
- Promised to saints
#Job 9 17:9
- Leads to increase of knowledge
#JOH 8:31,32
. Leads to assurance of hope
#HEB 6:10,11
. Is not in vain
#1CO 15:58; GA 6:9
- Ministers should exhort to
#AC 13:43; 14:22
- Encouragement to
#HEB 12:2,3
- Promises to
#MT 10:22; 24:13; RE 2:26-28
- Blessedness of
#JAS 25 1:25
. Excludes from the benefits of the gospel
#HEB 6:4-6
. Punished
#JOH 15:6; RO 11:22
. Illustrated
#MR 4:5,17
Pharisees, The
- A sect of the Jews
#AC 15:5
- The strictest observers of the Mosaic ritual
#AC 26:5
- By descent, especially esteemed
#AC 23:6
- Character of
. Zealous of the law
#AC 15:5; PHP 3:5
. Zealous of tradition
#MR 7:3,5-8; GA 1:14
. Outwardly moral
#LU 18:11; PHP 3:5,6
. Rigid in fasting
#LU 5:33; 18:12
. Active in proselytising
#MT 23:15
. Self-righteous
#LU 16:15; 18:9
. Avaricious
#MT 23:14; LU 16:14
. Ambitious of precedence
#MT 23:6
. Fond of public salutations
#MT 23:7
. Fond of distinguished titles
#MT 23:7-10
. Particular in paying all dues
#MT 23:23
. Oppressive
#MT 23:4
. Cruel in persecuting
#AC 9:1,2
- Believed in the resurrection etc.
#AC 23:8
- Made broad their phylacteries
#MT 23:5
- Their opinions, a standard for others
#JOH 7:48
- Many priest and Levites were of
#JOH 1:19,24
- Many rulers, lawyers, and scribes were of
#JOH 3:1; AC 5:34; 23:9
- Had disciples
#LU 5:33; AC 22:3
- Some came to John for baptism
#MT 3:7
- As a body, rejected John's baptism
#LU 7:30
. Often invited by
#LU 7:36; 11:37
. Condemned by, for associating with sinners
#MT 9:11; LU 7:39; 15:1,2
. Asked for signs by
#MT 12:38; 16:1
. Tempted by, with questions about the law
#MT 19:3; 22:15,16,35
. Watched by, for evil
#LU 6:7
. Offended, by his doctrine
#MT 15:12; 21:45; LU 16:14
. Declared the imaginary righteousness of, to be insufficient
for salvation
#MT 5:20
. Declared the doctrines of, to be hypocrisy
#MT 16:6,11,12; LU 12:1
. Denounced woes against
#MT 23:13-33
. Called, and evil and adulterous generation
#MT 12:39
. Called, serpents and generation of vipers
#MT 23:33
. Called fools and blind guides
#MT 23:17,24
. Compared, to whited sepulchres
#MT 23:27
. Compared, to graves that appear not
#LU 11:44
. Left Judea for a time on account of
#JOH 4:1-3
- Imputed Christ's miracles to Satan's power
#MT 9:34; 12:24
- Sent officers to apprehend Christ
#JOH 7:32,45
- Often sought to destroy Christ
#MT 12:14; 21:46; JOH 11:47,53,57
Philistines, The
- Descended from Casluhim
#GE 10:13,14
- Originally dwelt in the land of Caphtor
#JER 47:4; AM 9:7
- Conquered the Avims and took from them the west coast of
#DE 2:23
. The Caphtorims
#DE 2:23
. The Cherethites
#1SA 30:14; ZEP 2:5
. Called Philistia
#PS 87:4; 108:9
. Divided into five sates of lordships
#JOS 13:3; JUD 3:3; 1SA 6:16
. Had many flourishing cities
#1SA 6:17
. Given by God to the Israelites
#JOS 13:2,3; 15:45,47
- Were a great people and governed by kings in the patriarchal
#GE 21:22,34; 26:8
. Proud
#Z6 EC 9:6
. Idolatrous
#JUD 16:23; 1SA 5:2
. Superstitious
#ISA 2:6
. Warlike
#1SA 17:1; 28:1
- Men of great strength and stature amongst
#1SA 17:4-7; 2SA 21:16,18-20
- Some of, left to prove Israel
#JUD 3:1-3
- Always confederated with the enemies of Israel
#PS 83:7; ISA 9:11,12
- Shamgar slew six hundred of, and delivered Israel
#JUD 3:31
- Oppressed Israel after the death of Jair for eighteen years
#JUD 10:7,8
- Oppressed Israel after the death of Abdon forty years
#JUD 13:1
. Promised as a deliverer from
#JUD 13:5
. Intermarried with
#JUD 14:1,10
. Slew thirty, near Askelon
#JUD 14:19
. Burned vineyards etc. of
#JUD 15:3-5
. Slew many for burning his wife
#JUD 15:7,8
. Slew a thousand with the jawbone of an ass
#JUD 15:15,16
. Blinded and imprisoned by
#JUD 16:21
. Pulled down the house of Dagon and destroyed immense
numbers of
#JUD 16:29,30
- Defeated Israel at Ebenezer
#1SA 4:1,2
- Defeated Israel and took the ark
#1SA 4:3-11
- Put the ark into Dagon's house
#1SA 5:1-4
- Plagued for retaining the ark
#1SA 5:6-12
- Sent back the ark and were healed
#1SA 6:1-18
- Miraculously routed at Mizpeh
#1SA 7:7-14
- Jonathan smote a garrison of, at Geba and provoked them
#1SA 13:3,4
- Invaded the land of Israel with a great army
#1SA 13:5,17-23
- Jonathan and his armor-bearer smote a garrison of, at the
#1SA 14:1-14
- Miraculously discomfited
#1SA 14:15-23
- Saul constantly at war with
#1SA 14:52
- Defied Israel by their champion
#1SA 17:4-10
- Defeated Israel at Ephesdammim and pursued to Ekron
#1SA 17:1,52
. Slew Goliath the champion of
#1SA 17:40-50
. Procured Saul's daughter for and hundred foreskins of
#1SA 18:25-27
. Often defeated during Saul's reign
#1SA 19:8; 23:1-5
. Fled to, for safety
#1SA 27:1-7
. Gained the confidence of Achish king of
#1SA 28:2; 29:9
. Distrusted by
#1SA 29:2-7
. Often defeated in the course of his reign
#2SA 5:17-23; 8:1; 21:15-22; 23:8-12
. Had a guard composed of
#2SA 8:18; EZE 25:16; ZEP 2:5
- Gathered all their armies to Aphek against Israel
#1SA 28:1; 29:1
- Ziklag a town of, taken and plundered by the Amalekites
#1SA 30:1,2,16
- Israel defeated by, and Saul slain
#1SA 31:1-10
- Besieged in Gibbethon by Nadab
#1KI 15:27
- Sent by God against Jehoram
#2CH 21:16,17
- Defeated by Uzziah
#2CH 26:6,7
- Distressed Judah under Ahaz
#2CH 28:18,19
- Defeated by Hezekiah
#2KI 18:8
- Israel condemned for imitating
#JUD 10:6; AM 6:2; 9:7
. Union with Syria against Israel
#ISA 9:11,12
. Punishment with other nations
#JER 25:20
. Dismay at ruin of Tyre
#Z3 EC 9:3,5
. Base men to be their rulers
#Z6 EC 9:6
. Hatred and revenge against Israel to be fully recompensed
#EZE 25:15-17; AM 1:6-8
. Utter destruction by Pharaoh king of Egypt
#JER 47:1-4; ZEP 2:5,6
. Destruction and desolation of their cities
#JER 47:5; ZEP 2:4
. Their country to be a future possession to Israel
#OB 1:19; ZEP 2:7
. To help in Israel's restoration
#ISA 11:14