|  |
- Origin of
#GE 10:8,10
- Origin of the name
#GE 11:8,9
. Land of the Chaldeans
#EZE 12:13
. Land of Shinar
#DA 1:2; Z11 EC 5:11
. Land of Merathaim
#JER 50:1,21
. Desert of the sea
#ISA 21:1,9
. Sheshach
#JER 25:12,26
. Lady of kingdoms
#ISA 47:5
- Situated beyond the Euphrates
#GE 11:31; JOS 24:2,3
- Formerly a part of Mesopotamia
#AC 7:2
- Founded by the Assyrians, and a part of their empire
#2KI 17:24; ISA 23:13
- Watered by the rivers Euphrates and Tigris
#PS 137:1; JER 51:13
- Composed of many nations
#DA 3:4; 3:29
- Governed by Kings
#2KI 20:12; DA 5:1
- With Media and Persia divided by Darius 120 provinces
#DA 6:1
- Presidents placed over
#DA 2:48; 6:1
- Babylon the chief province of
#DA 3:1
. Its antiquity
#GE 11:4,9
. Enlarged by Nebuchadnezzar
#DA 4:30
. Surrounded with a great wall and fortified
#JER 51:53,58
. Called the golden city
#ISA 14:4
. Called the glory of kingdoms
#ISA 13:19
. Called beauty of Chaldees, etc.
#ISA 13:19
. Called the city of merchants
#EZE 17:4
. Called Babylon the great
#DA 4:30
. Antiquity
#JER 5:15
. Naval power
#ISA 43:14
. Military power
#JER 5:16; 50:23
. National greatness
#ISA 13:19; JER 51:41
. Wealth
#JER 50:37; 51:13
. Commerce
#EZE 17:4
. Manufacture of garments
#JOS 7:21
. Wisdom of senators
#ISA 47:10; JER 50:35
. Idolatrous
#JER 50:38; DA 3:18
. Addicted to magic
#ISA 47:9,12,13; DA 2:1,2
. Profane and sacrilegious
#DA 5:1-3
. Wicked
#ISA 47:10
. Arrogant
#ISA 14:13,14; JER 50:29,31,32
. Secure and self-confident
#ISA 47:7,8
. Grand and stately
#ISA 47:1,5
. Covetous
#JER 51:13
. Oppressive
#ISA 14:4
. Cruel and destructive
#ISA 14:17; 47:6; JER 51:25; HAB 1:6,7
. An instrument of God's vengeance on other nations
#JER 51:7; ISA 47:6
- Languages spoken in
#DA 1:4; 2:4
- Armies of, described
#HAB 1:7-9
. A great eagle
#EZE 17:3
. A head of gold
#DA 2:32,37,38
. A lion with eagle's wings
#DA 7:4
- Ambassadors of, sent to Hezekiah
#2KI 20:12
. Made Jehoiakim tributary
#2KI 24:1
. Besieged Jerusalem
#2KI 24:10,11
. Took Jehoiachin, etc. captive to Babylon
#2KI 24:12,14-16; 2CH 36:10
. Spoiled the temple
#2KI 24:13
. Made Zedekiah king
#2KI 24:17
. Rebelled against by Zedekiah
#2KI 24:20
. Besieged and took Jerusalem
#2KI 25:1-4
. Burned Jerusalem, etc.
#2KI 25:9,10
. Took Zedekiah, etc. captive to Babylon
#2KI 25:7,11,18-21; 2CH 36:20
. Spoiled and burned the temple
#2KI 25:9,13-17; 2CH 36:18,19
- Revolt of the Jews from, and their punishment illustrated
#EZE 17:1-24
- The Jews exhorted to be subject to, and settle in
#JER 27:17; 29:1-7
- Treatment of the Jews in
#2KI 25:27-30; DA 1:3-7
- Grief of the Jews in
#PS 137:1-6
- Destroyed by the Medes
#DA 5:30,31
- Restoration of the Jews from
#2CH 36:23; EZR 1:1-2:67
- The gospel preached in
#1PE 5:13
- A type of Antichrist
#RE 16:19; 17:5
. Conquests by
#JER 21:3-10; 27:2-6; 49:28-33; EZE 21:19-32; 29:18-20
. Captivity of the Jews by
#JER 20:4-6; 22:20-26; 25:9-11; MIC 4:10
. Restoration of the Jews from
#ISA 14:1-4; 44:28; 48:20; JER 29:10; 50:4,8,19
. Destruction of
#ISA 13:1-22; 14:4-22; 21:1-10; 47:1-15; JER 25:12;
1 50:1-64 51:64
. Perpetual desolation of
#ISA 13:19-22; 14:22,23; JER 50:13,39; 51:37
. Preaching of the gospel in
#PS 87:4
- Is turning from God
#1KI 11:9
- Is leaving the first love
#RE 2:4
- Is departing form the simplicity of the gospel
#2CO 11:3; GA 3:1-3; 5:4,7
- God is displeased at
#PS 78:57,59
- Warnings against
#PS 85:8; 1CO 10:12
- Guilt and consequences of
#NU 14:43; PS 125:5; ISA 59:2,9-11; JER 5:6; 8:5,13; 15:6;
LU 9:62
- Brings its own punishment
#PR 14:14; JER 2:19
- A haughty spirit leads to
#PR 16:18
- Proneness to
#PR 24:16; HO 11:7
- Liable to continue and increase
#JER 8:5; 14:7
- Exhortations to return from
#2CH 30:6; ISA 31:6; JER 3:12,14,22; HO 6:1
- Pray to be restored from
#PS 80:3; 85:4; LA 5:21
- Punishment of tempting others to the sin of
#PR 28:10; MT 18:6
- Not hopeless
#PS 37:24; PR 24:16
- Endeavor to bring back those guilty of
#GA 6:1; JAS 19 5:19,20
- Sin of, to be confessed
#ISA 59:12-14; JER 3:13,14; 14:7-9
- Pardon of, promised
#2CH 7:14; JER 3:12; 31:20; 36:3
- Healing of, promised
#JER 3:22; HO 14:4
- Afflictions sent to heal
#HO 5:15
- Blessedness of those who keep from
#PR 28:14; ISA 26:3,4; COL 1:21-23
- Hateful to saints
#PS 101:3
- Exemplified
. Israel
#EX 32:8; NE 9:26; JER 3:11; HO 4:16
. Saul
#1SA 15:11
. Solomon
#1KI 11:3,4
. Peter
#MT 26:70-74
- As administered by John
#MT 3:5-12; JOH 3:23; AC 13:24; 19:4
- Sanctioned by Christ's submission to it
#MT 3:13-15; LU 3:21
- Adopted by Christ
#JOH 3:22; 4:1,2
- Appointed an ordinance of the Christian church
#MT 28:19,20; MR 16:15,16
- To be administered in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy
#MT 28:19
- Water, the outward and visible sign in
#AC 8:36; 10:47
- Regeneration, the inward and spiritual grace of
#JOH 3:3,5,6; RO 6:3,4,11
- Remission of sins, signified by
#AC 2:38; 22:16
- Unity of the Church effected by
#1CO 12:13; GA 3:27,28
- Confession of sin necessary to
#MT 3:6
- Repentance necessary to
#AC 2:38
- Faith necessary to
#AC 8:37; 18:8
- There is but one
#EPH 4:5
. Individuals
#AC 8:38; 9:18
. Households
#AC 16:15; 1CO 1:16
. Only to professing believers
#AC 2:38; MT 3:6; MR 16:16; AC 8:12,37; 10:47,48
. Scriptures supporting infant baptism
#PR 30:6
- Administered by immersing the whole body of the person in
#MT 3:16; AC 8:38,39
- Emblematic of the influences of the Holy Spirit
#MT 3:11; TIT 3:5
- Typified
#1CO 10:2; 1PE 3:20,21
Baptism with the Holy Spirit
- Foretold
#EZE 36:25
- Is through Christ
#TIT 3:6
- Christ administered
#MT 3:11; JOH 1:33
- Promised to saints
#AC 1:5; 2:38,39; 11:16
- All saints partake of
#1CO 12:13
- Necessity for
#JOH 3:5; AC 19:2-6
- Renews and cleanses the soul
#TIT 3:5; 1PE 3:20,21
- The Word of God instrumental to
#AC 10:44; EPH 5:26
- Typified
#AC 2:1-4
Bear, The
- Inhabits woods
#2KI 2:24
. Voracious
#DA 7:5
. Cunning
#LA 3:10
. Cruel
#AM 5:19
- Often attacks men
#2KI 2:24; AM 5:19
- Attacks the flock in the presence of the shepherd
#1SA 17:34
- Particularly fierce when deprived of its young
#2SA 17:8; PR 17:12
- Growls when annoyed
#ISA 59:11
- Miraculously killed by David
#1SA 17:36,37
. God in his judgments
#LA 3:10; HO 13:8
. The natural man
#ISA 11:7
. Wicked rulers
#PR 28:15
. The kingdom of the Medes
#DA 7:5
. The kingdom of Antichrist
#RE 13:2
Beard, The
- The Jews never appeared without
#2SA 10:5
- Worn even by the priests
#PS 133:2
- Laying hold of, a token of respect
#1SA 20:9
- Shaving of, a great offence
#2SA 10:4,6,7
- Plucking of, a sign of scorn
#ISA 50:6
- Dribbling on, a sign of derangement
#1SA 21:13
. Was neglected and untrimmed
#2SA 19:24
. Was clipped
#JER 48:37
. Was shorn
#JER 41:5
. Sometimes plucked out
#EZR 9:3
- Corners of, not to be marred for the dead
#LE 19:27; 21:5
- Subject to leprosy
#LE 13:29,30
- Of the healed leper to be shaved
#LE 14:9
- Shaving, illustrative of severe judgments
#ISA 7:20; 15:2; EZE 5:1
- Created by God
#GE 1:24,25; 2:19
- Creation of, exhibits God's power
#JER 27:5
- Made for the praise and glory of God
#PS 148:10
- Differ in flesh from birds and fishes
#1CO 15:39
- Herb of the field given to, for food
#GE 1:30
- Power over, given to man
#GE 1:26,28; PS 8:7
- Instinctively fear man
#GE 9:2
- Received their names from Adam
#GE 2:19,20
- Given to man for food after the flood
#GE 9:3
- Not to be eaten alive or with blood
#GE 9:4; DE 12:16,23
- That died naturally or were torn, not to be eaten
#EX 22:31; LE 17:15; 22:8
- Supply clothing to man
#GE 3:21; Job 20 31:20
- The property of God
#PS 50:10
- Subjects of God's care
#PS 36:6; 104:10,11
. Void of speech
#2PE 2:16
. Void of understanding
#PS 32:9; 73:22
. Void of immortality
#PS 49:12-15
. Possessed of instinct
#ISA 1:3
. Being four-footed
#AC 10:12
. By nature wild, etc.
#PS 50:11; MR 1:13
. Capable of being tamed
#JAS 7 3:7
- Many kinds of, noisome and destructive
#LE 26:6; EZE 5:17
- Many kinds of, domestic
#GE 36:6; 45:17
- Lessons of wisdom to be learned from
#Job 7 12:7
. Deserts
#ISA 13:21
. Fields
#DE 7:22; JOE 2:22
. Mountains
#SO 4:8
. Forests
#ISA 56:9; MIC 5:8
. Dens and caves
#Job 8 37:8; 38:40
. Under spreading trees
#DA 4:12
. Deserted cities
#ISA 13:21,22; ZEP 2:15
- Liable to diseases
#EX 9:3
- Frequently suffered on account of the sins of men
#JOE 1:18,20; HAG 1:11
- Often cut off for the sins of men
#GE 6:7; 7:23; EX 11:5; HO 4:3
- Early distinguished into clean and unclean
#GE 7:2
. Ox
#EX 21:28; DE 14:4
. Wild ox
#DE 14:5
. Sheep
#DE 7:13; 14:4
. Goat
#DE 14:4
. Hart
#DE 14:5; Job 1 39:1
. Roebuck
#DE 14:5; 2SA 2:18
. Wild goat
#DE 14:5
. Fallow deer
#DE 14:5
. Chamois
#DE 14:5
. Pygarg
#DE 14:5
. How distinguished
#LE 11:3; DE 14:6
. Used for food
#LE 11:2; DE 12:15
. Used for sacrifice
#GE 8:20
. First born of, not redeemed
#NU 18:17
. Camel
#GE 24:64; LE 11:4
. Dromedary
#1KI 4:28; ES 8:10
. Horse
#Job 19 39:19-25
. Ass
#GE 22:3; MT 21:2
. Wild Ass
#Job 5 6:5; 39:5-8
. Mule
#2SA 13:29; 1KI 10:25
. Lion
#JUD 14:5,6
. Leopard
#SO 4:8
. Bear
#2SA 17:8
. Wolf
#GE 49:27; JOH 10:12
. Unicorn
#NU 23:22
. Behemoth
#Job 15 40:15
. Ape
#1KI 10:22
. Fox
#PS 63:10; SO 2:15
. Dog
#EX 22:31; LU 16:2
. Swine
#LE 11:7; ISA 66:17
. Hare
#LE 11:6; DE 14:7
. Coney
#LE 11:5; PS 104:18
. Mouse
#LE 11:29; ISA 66:17
. Mole
#LE 11:30; ISA 2:20
. Weasel
#LE 11:29
. Ferret
#LE 11:30
. Badger
#EX 25:5; EZE 16:10
. How distinguished
#LE 11:26
. Not eaten
#LE 11:4-8; DE 1:7,8
. Not offered in sacrifice
#LE 27:11
. First born of, redeemed
#NU 18:15
. Caused uncleanness when dead
#LE 5:2
. To enjoy the sabbath
#EX 20:10; DE 5:14
. To be taken care of
#LE 25:7; DE 25:4
. Not to be cruelly used
#NU 22:27-32; PR 12:10
- No likeness of, to be worshipped
#DE 4:17
- Representations of, worshipped by the heathen
#RO 1:23
- History of, written by Solomon
#1KI 4:33
- Often used as instruments of punishment
#LE 26:22; DE 32:24; JER 15:3; EZE 5:17
- Man by nature no better than
#EC 3:18,19
. The wicked
#PS 49:20; TIT 1:12
. Ungodly professors
#2PE 2:12; Jude 10 1:10
. Persecutors
#1CO 15:32; 2TI 4:17
. Kingdoms
#DA 7:11,17; 8:4
. People of different nations
#DA 4:12,21,22
. Antichrist
#RE 13:2; 20:4
- Antiquity of
#GE 47:31; EX 8:3
- Couches or divans used as
#Job 13 7:13; PS 6:6
- A small pallet or mattress used as
#1SA 19:15
- Considered necessary
#2KI 4:10
. Iron
#DE 3:11
. Ivory
#AM 6:4
. Gold and Silver
#ES 1:6
- Wood
#SO 3:7-9
- Supplied with pillows
#1SA 19:13; 26:7
- Covered with tapestry and linen
#PR 7:16
- Often perfumed
#PR 7:17; EZE 23:41
- Of the poor covered with upper garment
#EX 22:26,27; DE 24:12,13
. Sleeping on
#Job 15 33:15; LU 11:7
. Reclining on by day
#2SA 4:5; 11:2
. Reclining on at meals
#1SA 28:23-25; AM 6:4-6; LU 7:36-38; JOH 13:23
- Not used in affliction
#2SA 12:16; 13:31
- Persons sometimes took to, in grief
#1KI 21:4; HO 7:14
- Saints meditate and praise God while on
#PS 4:4; 149:5; SO 3:1
- The wicked devise mischief while on
#PS 36:4; MIC 2:1
- The lazy too fond of
#PR 26:14
- Of the poor often sold for debt
#PR 22:27
- Subject to ceremonial defilement
#LE 15:4
- Purification of
#MR 7:4
. Of the grave
#ISA 57:2
. (Made in darkness,) of extreme misery
#Job 13 17:13
. (Made in sickness,) of divine support and comfort
#PS 41:3
. (Made on high,) of carnal security
#ISA 57:7
. (Too short,) of plans which afford no rest or peace
#ISA 28:20