|  |
- The tenth of anything
#1SA 8:15,17
- Antiquity of the custom of giving to God's ministers
#GE 14:20; HEB 7:6
- Considered a just return to God for his blessings
#GE 28:22
- Under the law belonged to God
#LE 27:30
. Of all the produce of the land
#LE 27:30
. Of all cattle
#LE 27:32
. Of holy things dedicated
#2CH 31:6
- Given by God to the Levites for their services
#NU 18:21,24; NE 10:37
- The tenth of, offered by the Levites as an heave offering to
#NU 18:26,27
- The tenth of, given by the Levites to the priests as their
#NU 18:26,28; NE 10:38
- Reasonableness of appointing, for the Levites
#NU 18:20,23,24; JOS 13:33
- When redeemed to a fifth part of the value added
#LE 27:31
- Punishment for changing
#LE 27:33
- The Jews slow in giving
#NE 13:10
- The Jews reproved for withholding
#MAL 3:8
- The pious governors of Israel caused the payment of
#2CH 31:5; NE 13:11,12
- Rulers appointed over, for distributing
#2CH 31:12; NE 13:13
- The Pharisees scrupulous in paying
#LU 11:42; 18:12
. Or its value yearly brought to the tabernacle and eaten
before the Lord
#DE 12:6,7,17-19; 14:22-27
. To be consumed at home every third year to promote
hospitality and charity
#DE 14:28,29; 26:12-15
Titles and Names of Christ
- Adam, Second
#1CO 15:45
- Almighty
#RE 1:18
- Amen
#RE 3:14
- Alpha and Omega
#RE 1:8; 22:13
- Advocate
#1JO 2:1
- Angel
#GE 48:16; EX 23:20,21
- Angel of the Lord
#EX 3:2; JUD 13:15-18
- Angel of God's presence
#ISA 63:9
- Apostle
#HEB 3:1
- Arm of the Lord
#ISA 51:9; 53:1
- Author and Finisher or our faith
#HEB 12:2
- Blessed and only Potentate
#1TI 6:15
- Beginning of the creation of God
#RE 3:14
- Branch
#JER 23:5; Z8 EC 3:8; 6:12
- Bread of Life
#JOH 6:35,48
- Captain of the Lord's hosts
#JOS 5:14,15
- Captain of salvation
#HEB 2:10
- Chief Shepherd
#1PE 5:4
- Christ of God
#LU 9:20
- Comfort of Israel
#LU 2:25
- Chief Corner-stone
#EPH 2:20; 1PE 2:6
- Commander
#ISA 55:4
- Counsellor
#ISA 9:6
- David
#JER 30:9; EZE 34:23
- Day-spring
#LU 1:78
- Deliverer
#RO 11:26
- Desire of all nations
#HAG 2:7
- Door
#JOH 10:7
- Elect of God
#ISA 42:1
- Emmanuel
#ISA 7:14; MT 1:23
- Eternal life
#1JO 1:2; 5:20
- Everlasting Father
#ISA 9:6
- Faithful witness
#RE 1:5; 3:14
- First and Last
#RE 1:17; 2:8
- First-begotten of the dead
#RE 1:5
- First-born of every creature
#COL 1:15
- Forerunner
#HEB 6:20
- God
#ISA 40:9; JOH 20:28
- God blessed for ever
#RO 9:5
- God's fellow
#Z7 EC 13:7
- Glory of the Lord
#ISA 40:5
- Good Shepherd
#JOH 10:14
- Great High Priest
#HEB 4:14
- Governor
#MT 2:6
- Head of the Church
#EPH 5:23; COL 1:18
- Heir of all things
#HEB 1:2
- Holy One
#PS 16:10; AC 2:27,31
- Holy One of God
#MR 1:24
- Holy One of Israel
#ISA 41:14
- Horn of salvation
#LU 1:69
- I AM
#EX 3:14; JOH 8:58
#ISA 26:4
- Jesus
#MT 1:21; 1TH 1:10
- Judge of Israel
#MIC 5:1
- Just One
#AC 7:52
- King
#Z9 EC 9:9; MT 21:5
- King of Israel
#JOH 1:49
- King of the Jews
#MT 2:2
- King of Saints
#RE 15:3
- King of Kings
#1TI 6:15; RE 17:14
- Law giver
#ISA 33:22
- Lamb
#RE 5:6,12; 13:8; 21:22; 22:3
- Lamb of God
#JOH 1:29,36
- Leader
#ISA 55:4
- Life
#JOH 14:6; COL 3:4; 1JO 1:2
- Light of the world
#JOH 8:12
- Lion of the tribe of Judah
#RE 5:5
- Lord of glory
#1CO 2:8
- Lord of all
#AC 10:36
#JER 23:6
- Lord God of the holy prophets
#RE 22:6
- Lord God Almighty
#RE 15:3
- Mediator
#1TI 2:5
- Messenger of the covenant
#MAL 3:1
- Messiah
#DA 9:25; JOH 1:41
- Mighty God
#ISA 9:6
- Mighty One of Jacob
#ISA 60:16
- Morning-star
#RE 22:16
- Nazarene
#MT 2:23
- Offspring of David
#RE 22:16
- Only-begotten
#JOH 1:14
- Our Passover
#1CO 5:7
- Plant of renown
#EZE 34:29
- Prince of life
#AC 3:15
- Prince of peace
#ISA 9:6
- Prince of the kings of the earth
#RE 1:5
- Prophet
#LU 24:19; JOH 7:40
- Ransom
#1TI 2:6
- Redeemer
#Job 25 19:25; ISA 59:20; 60:16
- Resurrection and life
#JOH 11:25
- Rock
#1CO 10:4
- Root of David
#RE 22:16
- Root of Jesse
#ISA 11:10
- Ruler of Israel
#MIC 5:2
- Savior
#2PE 2:20; 3:18
- Servant
#ISA 42:1; 52:13
- Shepherd and Bishop of souls
#1PE 2:25
- Shiloh
#GE 49:10
- Son of the blessed
#MR 14:61
- Son of God
#LU 1:35; JOH 1:49
- Son of the Highest
#LU 1:32
- Son of David
#MT 9:27
- Son of man
#JOH 5:27; 6:37
- Star
#NU 24:17
- Sun of righteousness
#MAL 4:2
- Surety
#HEB 7:22
- True God
#1JO 5:20
- True Light
#JOH 1:9
- True Vine
#JOH 15:1
- Truth
#JOH 14:6
- Way
#JOH 14:6
- Wisdom
#PR 8:12
- Witness
#ISA 55:4
- Wonderful
#ISA 9:6
- Word
#JOH 1:1; 5:7
- Word of God
#RE 19:13
- Word of Life
#1JO 1:1
Titles and Names of the Church
- Assembly of the saints
#PS 89:7
- Assembly of the upright
#PS 111:1
- Body of Christ
#EPH 1:22,23; COL 1:24
- Branch of God's planting
#ISA 60:21
- Bride of Christ
#RE 21:9
- Church of God
#AC 20:28
- Church of the Living God
#1TI 3:15
- Church of the first-born
#HEB 12:23
- City of the Living God
#HEB 12:22
- Congregation of saints
#PS 149:1
- Congregation of the Lord's poor
#PS 74:19
- Dove
#SO 2:14; 5:2
- Family in heaven and earth
#EPH 3:15
- Flock of God
#EZE 34:15; 1PE 5:2
- Fold of Christ
#JOH 10:16
- General assembly of the first-born
#HEB 12:23
- Golden candlestick
#RE 1:20
- God's building
#1CO 3:9
- God's husbandry
#1CO 3:9
- God's heritage
#JOE 3:2; 1PE 5:3
- Habitation of God
#EPH 2:22
- Heavenly of Jerusalem
#GA 4:26; HEB 12:22
- Holy city
#RE 21:2
- Holy mountain
#Z3 EC 8:3
- Holy hill
#PS 15:1
- House of God
#1TI 3:15; HEB 10:21
- House of the God of Jacob
#ISA 2:3
- House of Christ
#HEB 3:6
- Household of God
#EPH 2:19
- Inheritance
#PS 28:9; ISA 19:25
- Israel of God
#GA 6:16
- King's daughter
#PS 45:13
- Lamb's wife
#RE 19:7; 21:9
- Lot of God's inheritance
#DE 32:9
- Mount Zion
#PS 2:6; HEB 12:22
- Mountain of the Lord's house
#ISA 2:2
- New Jerusalem
#RE 21:2
- Pillar and ground of the truth
#1TI 3:15
- Sanctuary of God
#PS 114:2
- Spiritual house
#1PE 2:5
- Spouse of Christ
#SO 4:12; 5:1
- Sought out, a city not forsaken
#ISA 62:12
- Temple of God
#1CO 3:16,17
- Temple of the Living God
#2CO 6:16
- Vineyard
#JER 12:10; MT 21:41
Titles and Names of the Devil
- Abaddon
#RE 9:11
- Accuser of our brethren
#RE 12:10
- Adversary
#1PE 5:8
- Angel of the bottomless pit
#RE 9:11
- Apollyon
#RE 9:11
- Beelzebub
#MT 12:24
- Belial
#2CO 6:15
- Crooked serpent
#ISA 27:1
- Dragon
#ISA 27:1; RE 20:2
- Enemy
#MT 13:39
- Evil spirit
#1SA 16:14
- Father of lies
#JOH 8:44
- Great red dragon
#RE 12:3
- Leviathan
#ISA 27:1
- Liar
#JOH 8:44
- Lying spirit
#1KI 22:22
- Murderer
#JOH 8:44
- Old serpent
#RE 12:9; 20:2
- Piercing serpent
#ISA 27:1
- Power of darkness
#COL 1:13
- Prince of this world
#JOH 14:30
- Prince of the devils
#MT 12:24
- Prince of the power of the air
#EPH 2:2
- Ruler of the darkness of this world
#EPH 6:12
- Satan
#1CH 21:1; Job 6 1:6
- Serpent
#GE 3:4,16; 2CO 11:3
- Spirit that works in the children of disobedience
#EPH 2:2
- Tempter
#MT 4:3; 1TH 3:5
- The god of this world
#2CO 4:4
- Unclean spirit
#MT 12:43
- Wicked-one
#MT 13:19,38
Titles and Names of the Holy Spirit
- Breath of the Almighty
#Job 4 33:4
- Comforter
#JOH 14:16,26; 15:26
- Eternal Spirit
#HEB 9:14
- Free Spirit
#PS 51:12
- God
#AC 5:3,4
- Good Spirit
#NE 9:20; PS 143:10
- Holy Spirit
#PS 51:11; LU 11:13; EPH 1:13; 4:30
- Lord, The
#2TH 3:5
- Power of the Highest
#LU 1:35
- Spirit, The
#MT 4:1; JOH 3:6; 1TI 4:1
- Spirit of the Lord God
#ISA 61:1
- Spirit of the Lord
#ISA 11:2; AC 5:9
- Spirit of God
#GE 1:2; 1CO 2:11; Job 4 33:4
- Spirit of the Father
#MT 10:20
- Spirit of Christ
#RO 8:9; 1PE 1:11
- Spirit of the Son
#GA 4:6
- Spirit of life
#RO 8:2; RE 11:11
- Spirit of grace
#Z10 EC 12:10; HEB 10:29
- Spirit of prophecy
#RE 19:10
- Spirit of adoption
#RO 8:15
- Spirit of wisdom
#ISA 11:2; EPH 1:17
- Spirit of counsel
#ISA 11:2
- Spirit of might
#ISA 11:2
- Spirit of understanding
#ISA 11:2
- Spirit of knowledge
#ISA 11:2
- Spirit of the fear of the Lord
#ISA 11:2
- Spirit of truth
#JOH 14:17; 15:26
- Spirit of holiness
#RO 1:4
- Spirit of revelation
#EPH 1:17
- Spirit of judgment
#ISA 4:4; 28:6
- Spirit of burning
#ISA 4:4
- Spirit of glory
#1PE 4:14
- Seven Spirits of God
#RE 1:4