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    << 1 Chronicles 29 - 2 Chronicles 2 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  The solemn offering of Solomon at Gibeon.
     7  Solomon's choice of wisdom is blessed by God.
    13  Solomon's forces and wealth.
    VERSE 1
    - was strengthened.
       * 1Ki 2:12,46
    - the Lord.
       * Ge 21:22; 39:2,21 Ex 3:12 1Ch 17:8 Mt 28:20
    - magnified.
       * 1Ch 29:25 Php 2:9-11
    VERSE 2 
     - Then Solomon.
      This seems to have taken place a short time after David's
      decease, and, according to some, in the second year of
      Solomon's reign; when being established in his kingdom, he
      convened his chief men, and spake to them concerning the
      solemn sacrifice which he purposed to offer to God.
    - to the captains.
       * 2Ch 29:20; 30:2; 34:29,30 1Ch 13:1; 15:3; 27:1; 28:1; 29:1
    - the chief.
       * 1Ch 15:12; 24:4,31
    VERSE 3 
     - Gibeon.
       * 1Ki 3:4-15 1Ch 16:39; 21:29
    - the tabernacle.
       * Ex 26:1-37; 40:2,34 Le 1:1
    - the servant.
       * De 34:5
    VERSE 4 
     - the ark.
      The tabernacle and the brazen altar still remained at Gibeon;
      but David had brought away the ark out of the tabernacle, and
      placed it in a tent at Jerusalem.
       * 2Sa 6:2,17 1Ch 13:5,6; 15:1,25-28
    - for he had pitched.
       * 1Ch 16:1 Ps 132:5,6
    VERSE 5 
     - the brasen.
       * Ex 27:1-8; 38:1-7
    - Bezaleel.
       * Ex 31:2 1Ch 2:19,20
    - he put.  or, was there.  sought unto it.  went to seek the
      Lord there.
    VERSE 6 
     - a thousand.
       * 1Ki 3:4; 8:63 1Ch 29:21 Isa 40:16
    VERSE 7 
     - In that night.
      This was the night following the sacrifice which Solomon had
       * 1Ki 3:5-15 Pr 3:5,6
    - Ask.
       * Mt 7:7,8 Mr 10:36,37,51 Joh 16:23 1Jo 5:14,15
    VERSE 8 
     - Thou has shewed.
       * 2Sa 7:8,9; 12:7,8; 22:51; 23:1 Ps 86:13; 89:20-28,49 Isa 55:3
    - to reign.
       * 1Ch 28:5; 29:23
    VERSE 9 
     - let thy promise.
       * 2Sa 7:12-16,25-29 1Ch 17:11-14,23-27; 28:6,7 Ps 89:35-37
       * Ps 132:11,12
    - for thou hast.
       * 1Ki 3:7,8
    - like the dust.  Heb. much as the dust.
       * Ge 13:16; 22:17 Nu 23:10
    VERSE 10 
     - Give me.
       * 1Ki 3:9 Ps 119:34,73 Pr 2:2-6; 3:13-18; 4:7 Jas 5 1:5
    - go out.
       * Nu 27:17 De 31:2 2Sa 5:2
    - for who can.
       * 2Co 2:16; 3:5
    VERSE 11 
     - Because.
      This does not occur in Kings:  and it implies that the request
      of Solomon, as arising from a spiritual judgment and heart,
      was peculiarly acceptable to that God who searches, regards,
      and demands the heart.  God promised Solomon all the things
      which he had not asked, except the life of his enemies; for he
      was to be a peaceable king, a type of the Prince of peace.
    - this was.
       * 1Sa 16:7 1Ki 3:11-13; 8:18 1Ch 28:2; 29:17,18 Pr 23:7 Ac 5:4
       * Heb 4:12
    - that thou mayest.
       * 1Ki 3:28 Pr 14:8 Jas 13 3:13,17
    VERSE 12 
     - I will give.
       * Mt 6:33 Eph 3:20
    - such as none.
       * 2Ch 9:22 1Ch 29:25 Ec 2:9 Jas 5 1:5
    VERSE 13 
     - at Gibeon.
       * :3
    - reigned.
       * 1Ki 4:24,25
    VERSE 14 
     - Solomon.
       * 2Ch 9:25 De 17:16 1Ki 4:26; 10:16,26-29
    - the chariot cities.
      Cities where the chariots, and horses belonging to them, were
    VERSE 15 
     - the king.
      He destroyed its value by making it so exceedingly plentiful.
       * :12; 9:27 1Ki 10:27-29 Job 22:24,25 Isa 60:17
    - made.  Heb. gave.  sycamore trees.
       * 2Ch 9:27 Isa 9:10 Am 7:14
    VERSE 16 
     - Solomon.  Heb. the going forth of the horses which was
       * 2Ch 9:28 1Ki 10:28,29
    - linen yarn.
      The word [miqvà <\\S#4723\\>,] or [miqvàh <\\S#4723\\>,]
      {mikweh,} is regarded by the ancient translators as a proper
      name:  the LXX. have [          ,] "from Tekoa," the Vulgate,
      {de Coa,} "from Koa," which is adopted by Dr. Geddes; the
      Syriac, "from the city Aphelia;" and the Arabic, "{ex urbe
      Australium.}"  Bochart thinks it signifies a tribute; others
      suppose that it signifies a string or drove of horses, or as
      Jarchi says, what the Germans call {Gtutte,} a stud; but
      Houbigant supposes it to be a corruption for {mercavah,}
      "chariots." Our English translation, however, which regards it
      as synonymous with {tikwah,} seems by far the best.  According
      to Norden, linen yarn is still one of the principal articles
      of commerce in Egypt, and is exported in very large
      quantities, together with unmanufactured flax and spun cotton;
      and Sanutus, 400 years ago, remarked that though Christian
      countries abounded in flax, yet the goodness of the Egyptian
      was such, that it was dispersed even to the west.
    VERSE 17 
     - the kings.
       * 2Ki 10:29
    - means.  Heb. hand.

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