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    << 2 Chronicles 10 - 2 Chronicles 12 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  Rehoboam raising an army to subdue Israel, is forbidden by
     5  He strengthens his kingdom with forts and provisions.
    13  The priests and Levites, and such as feared God, forsaken
        by Jeroboam, strengthen the kingdom of Judah.
    18  The wives and children of Rehoboam.
    VERSE 1
    - when Rehoboam.  See on
       * 1Ki 12:21
    - an hundred.
       * Ps 33:10,16 Pr 21:30,31
    VERSE 2 
     - to Shemaiah.
       * 2Ch 12:5,7,15 1Ki 12:22-24
    - the man.
       * 2Ch 8:14 De 33:1 1Sa 2:27 1Ti 6:11
    VERSE 3 
     - to all Israel.
       * Ge 49:28 Ex 24:4 2Ki 17:34 Php 3:5 Re 7:4-8
    VERSE 4 
     - against.
       * Ge 13:8 2Sa 2:26 Ac 7:26 1Co 6:5-8 Heb 13:1 1Pe 3:8
       * 1Jo 3:11-13
    - return.
       * 2Ch 10:16 1Ki 22:36
    - for this thing.  See on ch.
       * 2Ch 10:15 Ge 50:20 1Ki 11:29-38 Ps 33:11 Ho 8:4
    - they obeyed.
       * 2Ch 25:7-10; 28:9-15
    VERSE 5 
     - A.M. 3029-3032.  B.C. 975-972.  built.
       * 2Ch 8:2-6; 14:6,7; 16:6; 17:12; 26:6; 27:4 Isa 22:8-11
    VERSE 6 
     - Beth-lehem.
      Bethlehem, called Bethlehem Judah (Jud 17:7,) to distinguish
      it from another Bethlehem in Zebulun, (Jos 19:15,) and also
      Ephratah, (i.e., fruitful,) and by the Arabs, Bait-el-lahm, is
      situated on a rising ground on the southern side of a deep and
      extensive valley, and reclining from E. to W. not quite six
      miles S. of Jerusalem.
       * Ge 35:19 1Sa 17:12 Mt 2:5,6
    - Etam.
       * Jud 15:8 1Ch 4:32
    - Tekoa.
       * 2Ch 20:20 2Sa 14:2 Ne 3:5,27 Jer 6:1 Am 1:1
    VERSE 7 
     - Beth-zur.
       * Jos 15:58
    - Shoco.
       * Jos 15:35
    - Socoh.  Adullam.
       * Jos 12:15; 15:35 1Sa 22:1 2Sa 23:13 Mic 1:15
    VERSE 8 
     - Gath.
       * 1Ch 18:1
    - Mareshah.
       * Jos 15:44
    - Ziph.
       * Jos 15:24 1Sa 23:14,19 Ps 54:1 *title
    VERSE 9 
     - Lachish.
       * 2Ch 32:9 Jos 10:5,11; 15:35,39
    VERSE 10 
     - Zorah.
       * Jos 15:33
    - Zoreah.
       * Jos 19:41,42
    - Ajalon.  Hebron.
       * Ge 23:2 Nu 13:22 Jos 14:14; 20:7 2Sa 2:11
    VERSE 11 
     - he fortified.
       * Isa 22:10,11
    - captains.
       * :23; 17:19
    VERSE 12 
     - he put shields.
       * 2Ch 26:14,15; 32:5 2Sa 13:19,22
    - having Judah.  See on ver.
       * :1
    VERSE 13 
     - A.M. 3030.  B.C. 974.  resorted to him.  Heb. presented
      themselves to him.
       * :13
    VERSE 14 
     - suburbs.   * Nu 35:2-5 Jos 21:20-42 1Ch 6:66-81
    - their possession.
       * Le 27:30-34 Nu 18:21-28
    - Jeroboam.
       * 2Ch 13:9 1Ki 12:28-33; 13:33
    VERSE 15 
     - for the devils.
      The word, {seč„šim} literally signifies hairy ones, or goats:
      see Note on Le 17:7.
       * De 32:17 1Co 10:20,21 1Ti 4:1 Re 16:14
    - for the calves.
       * Ex 32:4-8,31 1Ki 12:28; 14:9 Ps 106:19,20 Ho 8:5,6; 13:2
    VERSE 16 
     - And after.
       * 2Ch 15:9; 30:11,18,19 Jos 22:19 Ps 84:5-7
    - set.
       * Ex 9:21 *marg:
       * De 32:46 1Sa 7:3,4 1Ch 22:19 Job 34:14 Ps 62:10; 108:1 Da 6:14
       * Ho 4:8 Hag 1:5 *marg:
       * Ac 11:23
    - to sacrifice.
       * De 12:5,6,11,13,14 1Ch 16:29; 22:1
    VERSE 17 
     - A.M. 3029-3032.  B.C. 975-972.  strengthened.
       * 2Ch 12:1
    - three years.
       * 2Ch 1:1-12; 7:17-19; 8:13-16 Ho 6:4 Mt 13:20,21
    VERSE 18 
     - A.M. 3029-3046.  B.C. 975-958.  daughter.
      Eliab was David's eldest brother; and more than eighty years
      had elapsed since David, at the age of thirty, began to reign:
      Abigail must therefore have been grand-daughter to Eliab; and
      this shows the latitude in which the words son and daughter
      are used in Scripture.
    - Eliab.
       * 1Sa 16:6; 17:13,28 1Ch 2:13; 27:18
    - Elihu.
    VERSE 19 
     - Jeush.  i.e., he hastens.
       * Ge 36:5
    - Shamariah.  i.e., preserved or guarded of Jah.  <\\S#8114h\\>.
    - Zaham.  i.e., loathing, disgust; fat.  <\\S#2093h\\>.
    VERSE 20 
     - Maachah.
       * :21; 13:2
    - Michaiah the daughter of Uriel.  Absalom.
       * 1Ki 15:2
    - Abishalom.  Abijah.
       * 2Ch 12:16 1Ki 15:1
    - Abijam.
       * Mt 1:7
    - Abia.
    VERSE 21 
     - eighteen wives.
       * :23 De 17:17 Jud 8:30 2Sa 3:2-5; 5:13 1Ki 11:3 1Ch 3:1-9
       * So 6:8,9
    VERSE 22 
     - made Abijah.
       * De 21:15-17 1Ch 5:1,2; 29:1
    VERSE 23 
     - he dealt.
       * 2Ch 10:8-15 Lu 16:8
    - dispersed.
       * 2Ch 21:3 Ge 25:6 1Ki 1:5,6
    - every fenced city.
       * :11
    - many wives.  Heb. a multitude of wives.  See on ver.
       * :21

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