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Treasury of Scripture Knowledge - 2 CORINTHIANS 6
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1 That he has approved himself a faithful minister of Christ
by his exhortations,
3 and by integrity of life,
4 and by patient enduring all kinds of affliction and disgrace
for the gospel.
10 Of which he speaks the more boldly amongst them because his
heart is open to them,
13 and he expects the like affection from them again;
14 exhorting them to flee the society and pollutions of
idolaters, as being themselves temples of the living God.
- workers.
* 2Co 5:18-20 1Co 3:9
- beseech. See on ch.
* 2Co 5:20; 10:1 Mt 23:37 Ro 12:1 Ga 4:11,12
- ye.
* Jer 8:8 Ga 3:4 Heb 12:15,25
- the.
* 2Co 8:1,2 Ac 14:3 Ga 2:21 Tit 2:11 1Pe 4:10
- a time.
* Isa 49:8; 61:2 Eze 16:8 Lu 4:19; 19:42-44 Heb 3:7,13; 4:7
* 2Co 1:12; 8:20 Mt 17:27; 18:6 Ro 14:13 1Co 8:9-13; 9:12,22
* 1Co 10:23,24,32,33
- in all.
* 2Co 2:17; 7:11 Ac 2:22 Ro 14:18; 16:10 1Co 9:11 1Th 2:3-11 1Ti 2:15
- approving. Gr. commending.
* 2Co 4:2 Ro 5:8
- as.
* 2Co 3:6; 11:23 Isa 61:6 Joe 1:9; 2:17 1Co 3:5; 4:1 1Th 3:2 1Ti 4:6
- in much.
* 2Co 12:12 Lu 21:19 Ro 5:3,4 Col 1:11 1Th 5:14 1Ti 6:11 2Ti 3:10
* Heb 12:1 Jas 7 5:7-10 Re 1:9; 3:10
- afflictions.
* 2Co 4:17 Ac 20:23,24 Col 1:24 1Th 3:3 2Ti 1:8; 3:11,12; 4:5
- necessities.
* 2Co 11:9,27; 12:10 Ac 20:34 1Co 4:11,12 Php 4:11,12
- distresses.
* 2Co 4:8 Ro 8:35,36 1Th 3:7
- stripes.
* 2Co 11:23-25 De 25:3 Isa 53:5 Ac 16:23
- imprisonments.
* 1Ki 22:27 2Ch 16:10 Jer 33:1; 37:15,16; 38:6 Mt 14:3,10 Ac 5:18
* Ac 12:4,5; 16:24; 22:24; 23:35; 24:27; 26:10,29; 28:16,17,30 Eph 3:1
* Php 1:13 2Ti 1:8; 2:9 Heb 11:36; 13:23 Re 2:10
- in tumults. or, in tossings to and fro.
* 2Co 1:8-10 Ac 14:19; 17:5; 18:12-17; 19:23-34; 21:27-35; 22:23; 23:10
- labors.
* 2Co 11:23 1Co 15:10 1Th 2:9 1Ti 4:10
- watchings.
* 2Co 11:27 Eze 3:17 Mr 13:34-37 Ac 20:31 2Ti 4:5 Heb 13:17
- fastings.
* Mt 9:15 Ac 13:3; 14:23 1Co 7:5
- pureness.
* 2Co 7:2 1Th 2:10 1Ti 4:12; 5:2 Tit 2:7
- knowledge.
* 2Co 4:6; 11:6 1Co 2:1,2,16 Eph 3:4 Col 1:9,10,27; 2:3
- long suffering.
* 1Co 13:4 Ga 5:22 Eph 4:2,32 Col 1:11; 3:12 2Ti 3:10; 4:2
- by the.
* 2Co 3:3; 11:4 Ro 15:19 1Co 2:4 Ga 3:2,5 1Th 1:5,6 1Pe 1:12
- love.
* 2Co 2:4; 11:11; 12:15 Jud 16:15 Eze 33:31 Ro 12:9 1Pe 1:22 1Jo 3:18
- the word.
* 2Co 1:18-20; 4:2; 7:14 Ps 119:43 Eph 1:13; 4:21 Col 1:5 2Ti 2:15
* Jas 1:18
- the power.
* 2Co 10:4,5; 13:4 Mr 16:20 Ac 11:21 1Co 1:24; 2:4,5 Eph 1:19,20; 3:20
* Heb 2:4
- the armor.
* Isa 11:5; 59:17 Ro 13:12,13 Eph 6:11,13,14 *etc:
* 1Th 5:8 2Ti 4:7
- on the right.
* Ex 14:22 Pr 3:16
- honor.
* Ac 4:21; 5:13,40,41; 14:11-20; 16:20-22,39; 28:4-10 1Co 4:10-13
- evil.
* Mt 5:11,12; 10:25 Ac 6:3; 10:22; 22:12; 24:5; 28:22 Ro 3:8 1Ti 3:7
* 1Ti 4:10 Heb 13:13 1Pe 4:14 3Jo 1:12 Re 3:9
- as.
* Mt 27:63 Joh 7:12,17
- true.
* Mt 22:16 Mr 12:14 Joh 7:18
- unknown.
* Ac 17:18; 21:37,38; 25:14,15,19,26 1Co 4:9
- well.
* 2Co 4:2; 5:11; 11:6 Ac 19:26 Ro 15:19 Ga 1:22-24
- behold.
* 2Co 1:8-10; 4:10,11 Ro 8:36 1Co 4:9; 15:31
- as chastened.
* Ps 118:17,18 1Co 11:32
- sorrowful.
* 2Co 2:4; 7:3-10 Mt 5:4,12 Lu 6:21 Joh 16:22 Ac 5:41; 16:25 Ro 5:2,3
* Ro 9:2; 12:15; 15:13 Php 4:4 1Th 3:7-10; 5:16 Heb 10:34 Jas 1:2-4
* 1Pe 1:6-8; 4:13
- poor. See on.
* :4
- making.
* 2Co 4:7; 8:9 Ro 11:12 Eph 3:8,16 Col 3:16 1Ti 6:18 Jas 5 2:5 Re 2:9
- and.
* 2Co 4:15 Ps 84:11 Pr 16:16 Mt 6:19,20 Lu 16:11,12 1Co 3:21-23
* 1Ti 4:8 Re 21:7
- ye.
* Ga 3:1 Php 4:15
- our mouth.
* 2Co 7:3,4 1Sa 2:1 Job 32:20; 33:2,3 Ps 51:15
- our heart.
* 2Co 2:4; 12:15 Ps 119:32 Hab 2:5 Eph 6:8 Php 1:8 Re 22:12
- are not.
* Ec 6:9 *marg:
* Job 36:16 Pr 4:12 Mic 2:7
- in your.
* Php 1:8 1Jo 3:17
- I speak.
* 1Co 4:14,15 Ga 4:19 1Th 2:11 Heb 12:5,6 1Jo 2:1,12-14; 3:7,18
* 3Jo 1:4
- be.
* 2Ki 13:14-19 Ps 81:10 Mt 9:28,29; 17:19-21 Mr 6:4-6; 11:24
* Jas 1:6,7 1Jo 5:14,15
- unequally.
* Ex 34:16 Le 19:19 De 7:2,3; 22:9-11 Ezr 9:1,2,11,12; 10:19
* Ne 13:1-3,23-26 Ps 106:35 Pr 22:24 Mal 2:11,15 1Co 5:9; 7:39
* 1Co 15:33 Jas 4 4:4
- for.
* 1Sa 5:2,3 1Ki 18:21 2Ch 19:2 Ps 16:3; 26:4,5,9,10; 44:20,21
* Ps 101:3-5; 119:63; 139:21,22 Pr 29:27 Joh 7:7; 15:18,19 Ac 4:23
* 1Co 10:21 Eph 5:6-11 1Jo 3:12-14
- and what.
* Pr 8:18,19 Ro 13:12-14 Eph 4:17-20; 5:8-14 Php 2:15 1Th 5:4-8
* 1Pe 2:9,10; 4:2-4 1Jo 1:5-7
- what concord.
* 1Sa 5:2-4 1Ki 18:21 1Co 10:20,21
- or.
* Ezr 4:3 Mr 16:16 Ac 8:20 1Jo 5:11-13
- an.
* 1Ti 5:8
- what.
* Ex 20:3; 23:13; 34:14 De 4:23,24; 5:7; 6:14,15 Jos 24:14-24
* 1Sa 7:3,4 1Ki 18:21 2Ki 17:33,34; 21:4,5; 23:5-7 2Ch 33:4,5
* Eze 36:25 Ho 14:8 Zep 1:5 Mt 6:24 1Jo 5:20,21
- ye are.
* 1Co 3:16,17; 6:19 Eph 2:20 Heb 3:6 1Pe 2:5
- I will dwell.
* Ex 29:45 Le 26:12 Ps 90:1 Eze 43:7,9 Zec 2:10,11 Joh 6:56
* Ro 8:9,11 Eph 3:17 2Ti 1:14 1Jo 4:12,15 Re 21:3
- I will be.
* Ge 17:7,8 Jer 24:7; 31:33; 32:38 Eze 11:20; 36:28; 37:26,27
* Ho 2:23 Zec 8:8; 13:9 Ro 9:26 Heb 8:10 Re 21:7
- come.
* 2Co 7:1 Nu 16:21,26,45 Ezr 6:21; 10:11 Ps 1:1-3 Pr 9:6 Isa 52:11
* Jer 51:6 Ac 2:40 Re 18:4
- and I.
* Joh 6:37,38 Ro 15:7
- a Father.
* Ps 22:30 Jer 3:19; 31:1,9 Ho 1:9,10 Joh 1:12 Ro 8:14-17,29
* Ga 3:26; 4:5-7 Eph 1:5 1Jo 3:1,2 Re 21:7
- the Lord.
* Ge 17:1; 48:3 Re 1:8; 21:22