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    2 KINGS 5

    << 2 Kings 4 - 2 Kings 6 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  Naaman, by the report of a captive maid, is sent to Samaria
        to be cured of his leprosy.
     8  Elisha, sending him to Jordan cures him.
    15  He refusing Naaman's gifts grants him some of the earth.
    20  Gehazi, abusing his master's name unto Naaman, is smitten
        with leprosy.
    VERSE 1
    - A.M. 3110.  B.C. 894.  Naaman.
       * Lu 4:27
    - a great.
       * 2Ki 4:8 Ex 11:3 Es 9:4; 10:3
    - with.  Heb. before.  honorable.  or, gracious.  Heb. lifted
      up, or accepted in countenance.  by him.
       * Pr 21:31 Isa 10:5,6 Jer 27:5,6 De 2:37 Joh 19:11 Ro 15:18
    - deliverance.  or, victory.  a leper.
       * :27; 7:3 Le 13:2,3,44-46 Nu 12:10-12 2Sa 3:29 2Ch 26:19-23
       * 2Co 12:7
    VERSE 2 
     - by companies.
       * 2Ki 6:23; 13:20 Jud 9:34 1Sa 13:17,18
    - waited on.  Heb. was before.
       * Ps 123:2
    VERSE 3 
     - Would God.
       * Nu 11:29 Ac 26:29 1Co 4:8
    - with.  Heb. before.  he would.
       * :8 Mt 8:2,3; 11:5 Lu 17:12-14
    - recover him of.  Heb. gather in.
    VERSE 4 
     - and told his lord.
       * 2Ki 7:9-11 Mr 5:19; 16:9,10 Joh 1:42-46; 4:28,29 1Co 1:26,27
    VERSE 5 
     - Go to, go.
       * Ge 11:3,7 Ec 2:1 Isa 5:5 Jas 13 4:13; 5:1
    - and took.
       * 2Ki 8:8,9 Nu 22:7,17,18; 24:11-13 1Sa 9:8 1Ki 13:7; 22:3
       * Ac 8:18-20
    - with him.  Heb. in his hand.  ten talents of silver.
      This, at 353œ. 11s. 10«d. the talent, would amount to 3,535œ.
      18s. 9d.
    - six thousand.
      If shekels are meant, as the Arabic reads, then this, at 1œ.
      16s. 5d. each, will amount to 10,925œ.; and the whole to
      14,464œ. 18s. 9d.:  besides the value of the ten changes of
    - ten changes.
       * Ge 45:22 Jud 14:12 Jas 5:2,3
    VERSE 6
    VERSE 7 
     - that he rent.
       * 2Ki 11:14; 18:37; 19:1 Nu 14:6 Jer 36:24 Mt 26:65 Ac 14:14
    - Am I God.
       * Ge 30:2 De 32:29 1Sa 2:6 Da 2:11 Ho 6:1
    - see how.
       * 1Ki 20:7 Lu 11:54
    VERSE 8 
     - rent his clothes.
       * :7 2Sa 3:31
    - let him come.
       * :3,15; 1:6 1Ki 17:24; 18:36,37
    - and he shall.
       * Ex 11:8 Ro 11:13 Eze 2:5 Ho 12:13
    VERSE 9
        * 2Ki 3:12; 6:32 Isa 60:14 Ac 16:29,30,37-39
    VERSE 10 
     - sent a messenger.
       * Mt 15:23-26
    - wash.
       * 2Ki 2:21; 3:16; 4:41 Joh 9:7 1Co 6:11
    - seven times.
       * Le 14:7,16,51; 16:14,19 Nu 19:4,19 Jos 6:4,13-16
    - thy flesh.
       * :14 Ex 4:6,7
    VERSE 11 
     - Naaman.
       * Pr 13:10 Mt 8:8; 15:27 Lu 14:11
    - went away.
       * Pr 1:32 Mt 19:22 Joh 6:66-69; 13:20 Heb 12:25
    - Behold.
       * Pr 3:7 Isa 55:8,9 Joh 4:48 1Co 1:21-25; 2:14-16; 3:18-20
    - I thought, etc.  Heb. I said, etc.  or, I said with myself,
      He will surely come out, etc.  strike.  Heb. move up and
    VERSE 12 
     - Abana and Pharpar.  or, Amana.
      This river is evidently the Barrada, or Barda, as the Arabic
      renders, the Chrysorrhoas of the Greeks, which taking its rise
      in Antilibanus, runs eastward towards Damascus, where it is
      divided into three streams, one of which passes through the
      city, and the other two through the gardens; which reuniting
      at the east of the city, forms a lake about five or six
      leagues to the south-east, called Behairat el Marj, or, Lake
      of the Meadow.  Pharpar was probably one of the branches.
    - better.
       * :17; 2:8,14 Jos 3:15-17 Eze 47:1-8 Zec 13:1; 14:8 Mr 1:9
    VERSE 13 
     - his servants.
       * :3 1Sa 25:14-17 1Ki 20:23,31 Job 32:8,9 Jer 38:7-10
    - My father.
       * 2Ki 2:12; 6:21; 13:14 Ge 41:43 Mal 1:6 Mt 23:9 1Co 4:15
    - how much rather.
       * 1Co 1:21,27
    - Wash.  See on ver.
       * :10 Ps 51:2,7 Isa 1:16 Joh 13:8 Ac 22:16 Eph 5:26,27 Tit 3:5
       * Heb 10:22 1Pe 3:21 Re 7:14
    VERSE 14 
     - went he down.
       * Job 31:13 Pr 9:9; 25:11,12 Eze 47:1-9 Zec 13:1; 14:8
    - according to.
       * 2Ch 20:20 Joh 2:5 Heb 11:7,8
    - his flesh.
       * :10 Job 33:25
    - and he was clean.
       * Lu 4:27; 5:13 Tit 2:14
    VERSE 15 
     - he returned.
       * Lu 17:15-18
    - now I know.
       * :8 Jos 2:9-11; 9:9,24 1Sa 17:46,47 1Ki 18:36 Isa 43:10,11
       * Isa 44:6,8; 45:6 Jer 10:10,11; 16:19-21 Da 2:47; 3:29; 4:34
       * Da 6:26,27 Ro 10:10
    - a blessing.
       * Ge 33:11 1Sa 25:27 2Co 9:5
    VERSE 16 
     - As the Lord.  See on ch.
       * 2Ki 3:14 1Ki 17:1; 18:15
    - I will receive.
       * :20,26 Ge 14:22,23 1Ki 13:8 Da 5:17 Mt 10:8 Ac 8:18-20
       * Ac 20:33-35 1Co 6:12; 10:32,33 2Co 11:9,10; 12:14
    VERSE 17 
     - of earth.
       * :12 Ro 14:1
    - will henceforth.
       * Ac 26:18 1Th 1:9 1Pe 4:3
    VERSE 18 
     - and he leaneth.
      This verse should probably, as many learned men have supposed,
      be read in the past, and not in the future tense:  "In this
      thing the Lord pardon thy servant, that when my master went
      into the house of Rimmon to worship there, and he leaned on my
      hand, and I worshipped in the house of Rimmon; in that I have
      worshipped in the house of Rimmon, the Lord pardon thy servant
      in this thing."  Rimmon is supposed by Selden to the same with
      Elion, a god of the Phoenicians, borrowed undoubtedly from the
      Elyon of the Hebrews, one of the names of God.
       * 2Ki 7:2,17
    - and I bow.
       * 2Ki 17:35 Ex 20:5 1Ki 19:18
    - the Lord pardon.
       * 2Ch 30:18,19 Jer 50:20
    VERSE 19 
     - he said.
       * Mt 9:16,17 Joh 16:12 1Co 3:2 Heb 5:13,14
    - Go in peace.
       * Ex 4:18 1Sa 1:17; 25:35 Mr 5:34 Lu 7:50; 8:48
    - little way.  Heb. a little piece of ground.
       * Ge 35:16 *marg:
    VERSE 20 
     - Gehazi.
       * 2Ki 4:12,31,36 Mt 10:4 Joh 6:70; 12:6; 13:2 Ac 8:18,19
    - my master.
       * Pr 26:16 Lu 16:8 Joh 12:5,6 Ac 5:2
    - as the Lord liveth.
       * 2Ki 6:31 Ex 20:7 1Sa 14:39
    - and take.
       * Ex 20:17 Ps 10:3 Jer 22:17 Hab 2:9 Lu 12:15 1Ti 6:9-11
       * 2Ti 4:10 Tit 1:7 1Pe 5:2 2Pe 2:14,15
    VERSE 21 
     - he lighted.
       * Lu 7:6,7 Ac 8:31; 10:25,26
    - Is all well.  Heb. Is there peace?
       * 2Ki 4:26; 9:17-22
    VERSE 22 
     - My master.
       * 1Ki 13:18 Isa 59:3 Jer 9:3,5 Joh 8:44 Ac 5:3,4 Re 21:8
    - the sons.  See on ch.
       * 2Ki 2:3 1Ki 20:35
    - give them.
       * 2Co 12:16-18
    - a talent.  See on ver.
       * :5 Ex 38:24-28 1Ki 20:39
    VERSE 23 
     - Be content.
       * 1Ki 20:7 Lu 11:54
    - And he urged him.
       * :16; 2:17
    - bound.
       * 2Ki 12:10 *marg:
    - and they bare.
       * Isa 30:6
    VERSE 24 
     - tower.  or, secret place.  and bestowed.
       * Jos 7:1,11,12,21 1Ki 21:16 Isa 29:15 Hab 2:6 Zec 5:3,4
    VERSE 25 
     - stood before.
       * Pr 30:20 Eze 33:31 Mt 26:15,16,21-15 Joh 13:2,26-30
    - Whence.
       * 2Ki 20:14 Ge 3:8,9; 4:9; 16:8
    - Thy servant.
       * :22 Ac 5:3,4
    - no whither.  Heb. not hither or thither.
    VERSE 26 
     - he said.
       * Ps 63:11 Pr 12:19,22 Ac 5:9
    - Went.
       * 2Ki 6:12 1Co 5:3 Col 2:5
    - Is it a time.
       * :16 Ge 14:23 Ec 3:1-8 Mt 10:8 Ac 20:33,35 1Co 9:11,12
       * 2Co 11:8-12 2Th 3:8,9
    VERSE 27 
     - leprosy.  See on ver.
       * :1 Jos 7:25 Isa 59:2,3 Ho 10:13 Mal 2:3,4,8,9 Mt 27:3-5
       * Ac 5:5,10; 8:20 1Ti 6:10 2Pe 2:3
    - unto thy seed.
       * 1Sa 2:30-36 2Sa 3:29
    - a leper.
       * 2Ki 15:5 Ex 4:6 Nu 12:10

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