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Treasury of Scripture Knowledge - EPHESIANS 1
<< Galatians 6 - Ephesians 2 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE
1 After the salutation,
3 and thanksgiving for the Ephesians,
4 he treats of our election,
6 and adoption by grace;
11 which is the true and proper fountain of man's salvation.
13 And because the height of this mystery cannot be easily
attained unto,
16 he prays that they may come to the full knowledge and
possession thereof in Christ.
- an.
* Ro 1:1 1Co 1:1 Ga 1:1
- to the saints.
* Ro 1:7 1Co 1:2 2Co 1:1
- which.
* Eph 6:21 Nu 12:7 Lu 16:10 Ac 16:15 1Co 4:12,17 Ga 3:9 Col 1:2
* Re 2:10,13; 17:14
- faithful.
* Ac 19:1-38 20:38
- See on
* Ro 1:7 2Co 1:2 Ga 1:3 Tit 1:4
- Blessed.
* Ge 14:20 1Ch 29:20 Ne 9:5 Ps 72:19 Da 4:34 Lu 2:28 2Co 1:3
* 1Pe 1:3 Re 4:9-11; 5:9-14
- God.
* :17 Joh 10:29,30; 20:17 Ro 15:6 2Co 1:3; 11:31 Php 2:11
- who.
* Ge 12:2,3; 22:18 1Ch 4:10 Ps 72:17; 134:3 Isa 61:9 Ga 3:9
- heavenly.
* :20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12 *marg:
* Heb 8:5; 9:23
- places, or, things.
* Eph 6:12
- in Christ.
* :10 Joh 14:20; 15:2-5; 17:21 Ro 12:5 1Co 1:30; 12:12 2Co 5:17,21
- as.
* De 7:6,7 Ps 135:4 Isa 41:8,9; 42:1; 65:8-10 Mt 11:25,26; 24:22,24
* Mt 24:31 Joh 10:16 Ac 13:48; 18:10 Ro 8:28,30,33; 9:23,24; 11:5,6
* 2Th 2:13,14 2Ti 2:10 Tit 1:1,2 Jas 5 2:5 1Pe 1:2; 2:9
- before.
* Mt 25:34 Joh 17:24 Ac 15:18 1Pe 1:20 Re 13:8; 17:8
- that.
* Eph 2:10 Lu 1:74,75 Joh 15:16 Ro 8:28,29 Col 3:12 1Th 4:7 2Ti 1:9
* 2Ti 2:19 Tit 2:11,12 2Pe 1:5-10
- without.
* Eph 5:27 1Co 1:8 Php 2:15 Col 1:22 2Pe 3:14
- love.
* Eph 3:17; 4:2,15,16; 5:2 Ga 5:6,13,22 Col 2:2 1Th 3:12 1Jo 4:16
- predestinated.
* :11 Ro 8:29,30
- unto.
* Jer 3:4,19 Ho 1:10 Joh 1:12; 11:52 Ro 8:14-17,23 2Co 6:18
* Ga 4:5,6 Heb 12:5-9 1Jo 3:1 Re 21:7
- by.
* Joh 20:17 Ga 3:26 Heb 2:10-15
- according.
* :9,11 Da 4:35 Mt 1:25; 11:26 Lu 10:21; 11:32 Ro 9:11-16
* 1Co 1:1,21 Php 2:13 2Th 1:11
- praise.
* :7,8,12,14,18; 2:7; 3:10,11 Pr 16:4 Isa 43:21; 61:3,11 Jer 33:9 Lu 2:14
* Ro 9:23,24 2Co 4:15 Php 1:11; 4:19 2Th 1:8-10 1Ti 1:14-16
* 1Pe 2:9; 4:11
- he.
* Isa 45:24,25 Jer 23:6 Ro 3:22-26; 5:15-19; 8:1 2Co 5:21 Php 3:9
* 1Pe 2:5
- in.
* Ps 22:20; 60:5 Pr 8:30,31 Isa 42:1; 49:1-3 Zec 13:7 Mt 3:17; 17:5
* Joh 3:35; 10:17 Col 1:13
- whom.
* Job 33:24 Ps 130:7 Da 9:24-26 Zec 9:11; 13:1,7 Mt 20:28; 26:28
* Mr 14:24 Ac 20:28 Ro 3:24 1Co 1:30 Col 1:14 1Ti 2:6 Tit 2:14
* Heb 9:12-15,22; 10:4-12 1Pe 1:18,19; 2:24; 3:18 1Jo 2:2; 4:10
* Re 5:9; 14:4
- the forgiveness.
* Ex 34:7 Ps 32:1,2; 86:5; 130:4 Isa 43:25; 55:6,7 Jer 31:34
* Da 9:9,19 Jon 4:2 Mic 7:18 Lu 1:77; 7:40-42,47-50; 24:47
* Joh 20:23 Ac 2:38; 3:19; 10:43; 13:38,39 Ro 4:6-9 Col 2:13
* Heb 10:17,18 1Jo 1:7-9; 2:12
- to. See on ver.
* :6; 2:4,7; 3:8,16 Ro 2:4; 3:24; 9:23 2Co 8:9 Php 4:19 Col 1:27; 2:2
* Tit 3:6 *marg:
- he.
* Ro 5:15,20,21
- in.
* :11; 3:10 Ps 104:24 Pr 8:12 Isa 52:13 Da 2:20,21 Mt 11:19 Ro 11:33
* 1Co 1:19-24; 2:7 Col 2:3 Jude 1:25 Re 5:12
- made.
* :17,18; 3:3-9 Mt 13:11 Ro 16:25-27 1Co 2:10-12 Ga 1:12,16 Col 1:26-28
* 1Ti 3:16
- according. See on ver.
* :5
- purposed.
* :11; 3:11 Job 23:13,14 Ps 33:11 Isa 14:24-27; 46:10,11 Jer 2:29
* La 3:37,38 Ac 2:23; 4:28; 13:48 Ro 8:28 2Ti 1:9
- in the.
* Isa 2:2-4 Da 2:44; 9:24-27 Am 9:11 Mic 4:1,2 Mal 3:1 1Co 10:11
* Ga 4:4 Heb 1:2; 9:10; 11:40 1Pe 1:20
- he.
* :22; 2:15; 3:15 Ge 49:10 Mt 25:32 1Co 3:22,23; 11:3 Php 2:9,10
* Col 1:20; 3:11 Heb 12:22-24 Re 5:9; 7:4-12; 19:4-6
- heaven. Gr. the heavens.
- we.
* :14 Ps 37:18 Ac 20:32; 26:18 Ro 8:17 Ga 3:18 Col 1:12; 3:24
* Tit 3:7 Jas 5 2:5 1Pe 1:4; 3:9
- being. See on ver.
* :5
- according.
* Isa 46:10,11
- the purpose. See on ver.
* :9
- the counsel. See on ver.
* :8 Job 12:13 Pr 8:14 Isa 5:19; 28:29; 40:13,14 Jer 23:18; 32:19
* Zec 6:13 Ac 2:23; 4:28; 20:27 Ro 11:34 Heb 6:17
- be. See on ver.
* :6,14; 2:7; 3:21 2Th 2:13
- who.
* :13 Ps 2:12; 146:3-5 Isa 11:10; 12:2; 32:1,2; 42:1-4; 45:23,25
* Jer 17:5-7; 23:6 Mt 12:18-21 Joh 14:1 Ro 15:12,13 2Ti 1:12
* Jas 1:18 1Pe 1:21
- trusted. or, hoped.
- ye also.
* Eph 2:11,12 Col 1:21-23 1Pe 2:10
- after that ye heard.
* Eph 4:21 Joh 1:17 Ro 6:17; 10:14-17 Col 1:4-6,23 1Th 2:13
- the word.
* Ps 119:43 2Co 6:7 2Ti 2:15 Jas 1:18
- the gospel.
* Mr 16:15,16 Ac 13:26 Ro 1:16 2Ti 3:15 Tit 2:11 Heb 2:3
- ye were.
* Eph 4:30 Joh 6:27 Ro 4:11 2Co 1:22 2Ti 2:19 Re 7:2
- holy.
* Joe 2:28 Lu 11:13; 24:49 Joh 14:16,17,26; 15:26; 16:7-15 Ac 1:4
* Ac 2:16-22,33 Ga 3:14
- the earnest.
* Ro 8:15-17,23 2Co 1:22; 5:5 Ga 4:6
- the redemption.
* Eph 4:30 Le 25:24 *etc:
* Ps 74:2; 78:54 Jer 32:7,8 Lu 21:28 Ac 20:28 Ro 8:23
* 1Pe 2:9 *marg:
- into. See on ver.
* :6,12
- after.
* Col 1:3,4 Phm 5 1:5
- faith.
* Ga 5:6 1Th 1:3 2Th 1:3 1Ti 1:5,14
- love.
* Ps 16:3 Col 1:4 1Th 4:9 Heb 6:10 1Pe 1:22 1Jo 3:17; 4:21
- Cease.
* Ro 1:8,9 1Sa 7:8; 12:23 Php 1:3,4 Col 1:3 1Th 5:17 2Th 1:3
- making.
* Ge 40:14 Isa 62:6 1Th 1:2
- the God. See on ver.
* :3 Joh 20:17
- the Father.
* 1Ch 29:11 Ps 24:7,10; 29:3 Jer 2:11 Mt 6:13 Lu 2:14 Ac 7:2
* 1Co 2:8 Jas 2:1 Re 7:12
- the spirit.
* Ge 41:38,39 Isa 11:2 Da 5:11 Lu 12:12; 21:15 Joh 14:17,26
* Ac 6:10 1Co 12:8; 14:6 Col 1:9; 2:3 Jas 17 3:17,18
- revelation.
* Eph 3:5 Da 2:28-30; 10:1 Mt 11:25; 16:17 1Co 2:10 2Co 12:1
- in the knowledge. or, for the acknowledgement.
* Eph 3:18,19 Pr 2:5 Jer 9:24; 24:7; 31:34 Mt 11:27 Joh 8:54,55; 16:3
* Joh 17:3,25,26 Ro 1:28 Col 1:10; 2:2 2Ti 2:25 Tit 1:1 2Pe 1:3
* 2Pe 3:18 1Jo 2:3,4
- eyes.
* Eph 5:8 Ps 119:18 Isa 6:10; 29:10,18; 32:3; 42:7 Mt 13:15 Lu 24:45
* Ac 16:14; 26:18 2Co 4:4,6 Heb 10:32
- is.
* Eph 2:12; 4:4 Ro 5:4,5; 8:24,25 Ga 5:5 Col 1:5,23 1Th 5:8 2Th 2:16
* Tit 2:13; 3:7 1Pe 1:3 1Jo 3:1-3
- his calling.
* Eph 4:1 Ro 8:28-30 Php 3:14 Col 3:15 1Th 2:12 2Th 1:11 1Ti 6:12
* 1Pe 3:9; 5:10
- the riches. See on ver.
* :7,11; 3:8,16
- exceeding.
* Eph 2:10; 3:7,20 Ps 110:2,3 Isa 53:1 Joh 3:6 Ac 26:18 Ro 1:16
* 2Co 4:7; 5:17 Php 2:13 Col 1:29; 2:12 1Th 1:5 2Th 1:11 Jas 1:18
- his mighty. Gr. the might of his.
- he wrought.
* Eph 2:5,6 Ro 6:5-11 Php 3:10 1Pe 1:3
- when.
* Ps 16:9-11 Joh 10:18,30 Ac 2:24-33; 4:10; 10:40; 26:8 Ro 1:4
* Heb 13:20
- and set.
* Eph 4:8-10 Ps 110:1 Mt 22:43-45; 26:64; 28:18 Mr 14:62; 16:19
* Joh 17:1-5 Ac 2:34-36; 5:31; 7:55,56 Ro 8:34 Col 3:1 Heb 1:3; 2:9
* Heb 10:12 Re 1:17; 5:11-14
- heavenly. See on ver.
* :3
- above.
* Php 2:9,10 Col 2:10 Heb 1:4
- principality.
* Eph 3:10; 6:12 Da 7:27 Ro 8:38,39 Col 1:15,16; 2:15 Heb 4:14
* 1Pe 3:22
- every.
* Mt 28:19 Ac 4:12 Php 2:9-11 Re 19:12,13
- in that.
* Mt 25:31-36; 28:18 Joh 5:25-29 Heb 2:5 Re 20:10-15
- put.
* Ge 3:15 Ps 8:6-8; 91:13 1Co 15:25-27 Heb 2:8
- gave.
* Eph 4:15,16 1Co 11:3 Col 1:8; 2:10,19
- to the.
* Eph 3:21 Mt 16:18 Ac 20:28 1Ti 3:15 Heb 12:22-24
- his.
* Eph 2:16; 4:4,12; 5:23-32 Ro 13:5 1Co 12:12-27 Col 1:18,24; 3:15
- fulness.
* Eph 3:19; 4:10 Joh 1:16 1Co 12:6; 15:28 Col 1:19; 2:9,10; 3:11