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Treasury of Scripture Knowledge - EPHESIANS 4
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1 He exhorts to unity;
7 and declares that God therefore gives divers gifts unto men;
11 that his church might be edified,
16 and grow up in Christ.
18 He calls them from the impurity of the Gentiles;
24 to put on the new man;
25 to cast off lying;
29 and corrupt communication.
- prisoner. See on ch.
* Eph 3:1
- of the Lord. or, in the Lord. beseech.
* Jer 38:20 Ro 12:1 1Co 4:16 2Co 5:20; 6:1; 10:1 Ga 4:12 Phm 9 1:9,10
* 1Pe 2:11 2Jo 1:5
- walk.
* :17; 5:2 Ge 5:24; 17:1 Ac 9:31 Php 1:27; 3:17,18 Col 1:10; 4:12
* 1Th 2:12; 4:1,2 Tit 2:10 Heb 13:21
- vocation.
* :4 Ro 8:28-30 Php 3:14 2Th 1:11 2Ti 1:9 Heb 3:1 1Pe 3:9; 5:10
* 2Pe 1:3
- lowliness.
* Nu 12:3 Ps 45:4; 138:6 Pr 3:34; 16:19 Isa 57:15; 61:1-3 Zep 2:3
* Zec 9:9 Mt 5:3-5; 11:29 Ac 20:19 1Co 13:4,5 Ga 5:22,23
* Col 3:12,13 1Ti 6:11 2Ti 2:25 Jas 21 1:21; 3:15-18 1Pe 3:15
- forbearing.
* Mr 9:19 Ro 15:1 1Co 13:7 Ga 6:2
* :4 Joh 13:34; 17:21-23 Ro 14:17-19 1Co 1:10; 12:12,13 2Co 13:11
* Col 3:13-15 1Th 5:13 Heb 12:14 Jas 17 3:17,18
- one body.
* Eph 2:16; 5:30 Ro 12:4,5 1Co 10:17; 12:12,13,20 Col 3:15
- one Spirit.
* Eph 2:18,22 Mt 28:19 1Co 12:4-11 2Co 11:4
- as. See on ver.
* :1; 1:18 Jer 14:8; 17:7 Ac 15:11 Col 1:5 2Th 2:16 1Ti 1:1 Tit 1:2
* Tit 2:13; 3:7 Heb 6:18,19 1Pe 1:3,4,21 1Jo 3:3
- One Lord.
* Ac 2:36; 10:36 Ro 14:8,9 1Co 1:2,13; 8:6; 12:5 Php 2:11; 3:8
- one faith.
* :13 Ro 3:30 2Co 11:4 Ga 1:6,7; 5:6 Tit 1:1,4 Heb 13:7 Jas 2:18
* 2Pe 1:1 Jude 1:3,20
- one baptism.
* Mt 28:19 Ro 6:3,4 1Co 12:13 Ga 3:26-28 Heb 6:6 1Pe 3:21
- God.
* Eph 6:23 Nu 16:22 Isa 63:16 Mal 2:10 Mt 6:9 Joh 20:17 1Co 8:6; 12:6
* Ga 3:26-28; 4:3-7 1Jo 3:1-3
- who.
* Eph 1:21 Ge 14:19 1Ch 29:11,12 Ps 95:3 Isa 40:11-17,21-23
* Jer 10:10-13 Da 4:34,35; 5:18-23 Mt 6:13 Ro 11:36 Re 4:8-11
- and in.
* Eph 2:22; 3:17 Joh 14:23; 17:26 2Co 6:16 1Jo 3:24; 4:12-15
- unto.
* :8-14 Mt 25:15 Ro 12:6-8 1Co 12:8-11,28-30
- grace.
* Eph 3:8 2Co 6:1 1Pe 4:10
- the measure.
* Eph 3:2 Joh 3:34 Ro 12:3 2Co 10:13-15
- When. See on
* Ps 68:18
- he led.
* Jud 5:12 Col 2:15
- captivity. or, a multitude of captives. and.
* 1Sa 30:26 Es 2:18
- he ascended.
* Pr 30:4 Joh 3:13; 6:33,62; 20:17 Ac 2:34-36
- he also.
* Ge 11:5 Ex 19:20 Joh 6:33,38,41,51,58; 8:14; 16:27,28
- the lower.
* Ps 8:5; 63:9; 139:15 Mt 12:40 Heb 2:7,9
- ascended. See on ch.
* Eph 1:20-23 Ac 1:9,11 1Ti 3:16 Heb 4:14; 7:26; 8:1; 9:23,24
- that he.
* Eph 3:19 Joh 1:16 Ac 2:33 Col 1:19; 2:9
- fill. or, fulfil.
* Mt 24:34 Lu 24:44 Joh 19:24,28,36 *Gr:
* Ac 3:18; 13:32,33 Ro 9:25-30; 15:9-13; 16:25,26
- he.
* :8; 2:20; 3:5 Ro 10:14,15 1Co 12:28 Jude 1:17 Re 18:20; 21:14
- evangelists.
* Ac 21:8 2Ti 4:5
- pastors.
* 2Ch 15:3 Jer 3:15 Mt 28:20 Ac 13:1 Ro 12:7 1Co 12:29 Heb 5:12
* 1Pe 5:1-3
- perfection.
* Lu 22:32 Joh 21:15-17 Ac 9:31; 11:23; 14:22,23; 20:28 Ro 15:14,29
* 1Co 12:7 2Co 7:1 Php 1:25,26; 3:12-18 Col 1:28 1Th 5:11-14
* Heb 6:1; 13:17
- the work.
* Ac 1:17,25; 20:24 Ro 12:7 1Co 4:1,2 2Co 3:8; 4:1; 5:18; 6:3
* Col 4:17 1Ti 1:12 2Ti 4:5,11
- the edifying.
* :16,29 Ro 14:19; 15:2 1Co 14:4,5,12,14,26 2Co 12:19 1Th 5:11
- the body.
* :4; 1:23 Col 1:24
- we all. See on ver.
* :3,5 Jer 32:38,39 Eze 37:21,22 Zep 3:9 Zec 14:9 Joh 17:21
* Ac 4:32 1Co 1:10 Php 2:1-3
- in the unity. or, into the unity. the knowledge.
* Isa 53:11 Mt 11:27 Joh 16:3; 17:3,25,26 2Co 4:6 Php 3:8 Col 2:2
* 2Pe 1:1-3; 3:18 1Jo 5:20
- unto a.
* :12; 2:15 1Co 14:20 Col 1:28
- stature. or, age. fulness. See on ch.
* Eph 1:23
- no more.
* Isa 28:9 Mt 18:3,4 1Co 3:1,2; 14:20 Heb 5:12-14
- tossed.
* Ac 20:30,31 Ro 16:17,18 2Co 11:3,4 Ga 1:6,7; 3:1 Col 2:4-8
* 2Th 2:2-5 1Ti 3:6; 4:6,7 2Ti 1:15; 2:17,18; 3:6-9,13; 4:3 Heb 13:9
* 2Pe 2:1-3 1Jo 2:19,26; 4:1
- carried.
* Mt 11:7 1Co 12:2 Jas 1:6; 3:4
- by the.
* Mt 24:11,24 2Co 2:17; 4:2; 11:13-15 2Th 2:9,10 2Pe 2:18
* Re 13:11-14; 19:20
- lie.
* Ps 10:9; 59:3 Mic 7:2 Ac 23:21
- But.
* :25 Zec 8:16 2Co 4:2; 8:8
- speaking the truth. or, being sincere.
* Jud 16:15 Ps 32:2 Joh 1:47 Ro 12:9 Jas 15 2:15,16 1Pe 1:22
* 1Jo 3:18
- may.
* Eph 2:21 Ho 14:5-7 Mal 4:2 1Pe 2:2 2Pe 3:18
- which.
* Eph 1:22; 5:23 Col 1:18,19
- whom. See on ver.
* :12 Joh 15:5
- fitly.
* Job 10:10,11 Ps 139:15,16 1Co 12:12-28 Col 2:19
- the effectual.
* Eph 3:7 1Th 2:13
- edifying.
* :15; 1:4; 3:17 1Co 8:1; 13:4-9,13; 14:1 Ga 5:6,13,14,22 Php 1:9
* Col 2:2 1Th 1:3; 3:12; 4:9,10 2Th 1:3 1Ti 1:5 1Pe 1:22 1Jo 4:16
- I say.
* 1Co 1:12; 15:50 2Co 9:6 Ga 3:17 Col 2:4
- testify.
* Ne 9:29,30; 13:15 Jer 42:19 Ac 2:40; 18:5; 20:21 Ga 5:3 1Th 4:6
- in the.
* 1Th 4:1,2 1Ti 5:21; 6:13 2Ti 4:1
- that ye.
* Eph 1:22; 2:1-3; 5:3-8 Ro 1:23-32 1Co 6:9-11 Ga 5:19-21 Col 3:5-8
* 1Pe 4:3,4
- in the.
* Ps 94:8-11 Ac 14:15
- the understanding.
* Ps 74:20; 115:4-8 Isa 44:18-20; 46:5-8 Ac 17:30; 26:17,18
* Ro 1:21-23,28 1Co 1:21 2Co 4:4 Ga 4:8 1Th 4:5
- alienated.
* Eph 2:12 Ro 8:7,8 Ga 4:8 Col 1:21 1Th 4:5 Jas 4 4:4
- because.
* Ro 1:21; 2:19 1Jo 2:11
- blindness. or, hardness.
* Da 5:20 Mt 13:15 Joh 12:40 Ro 11:25 *marg:
- past.
* 1Ti 4:2
- given.
* :17 Ro 1:24-26 1Pe 4:3
- with.
* Job 15:16 Isa 56:11 2Pe 2:12-14,22 Jude 1:11 Re 17:1-6; 18:3
* Lu 24:47 Joh 6:45 Ro 6:1,2 2Co 5:14,15 Tit 2:11-14 1Jo 2:27
- heard.
* Mt 17:5 Lu 10:16 Joh 10:27 Ac 3:22,23 Heb 3:7,8
- as.
* Eph 1:13 Ps 45:4; 85:10,11 Joh 1:17; 14:6,17 2Co 1:20; 11:10
* 1Jo 5:10-12,20
- ye.
* :25 1Sa 1:14 Job 22:23 Eze 18:30-32 Col 2:11; 3:8,9 Heb 12:1
* Jas 21 1:21 1Pe 2:1,2
- former.
* :17; 2:3 Ga 1:13 Col 3:7 1Pe 1:18; 4:3 2Pe 2:7
- the old.
* Ro 6:6 Col 3:9
- deceitful.
* Pr 11:18 Jer 49:16 Ob 1:3 Ro 7:11 Tit 3:3 Heb 3:13 Jas 1:26
* 2Pe 2:13
- be.
* Eph 2:10 Ps 51:10 Eze 11:19; 18:31; 36:26 Ro 12:2 Col 3:10 Tit 3:5
- spirit.
* Ro 8:6 1Pe 1:13
- put.
* Eph 6:11 Job 29:14 Isa 52:1; 59:17 Ro 13:12,14 1Co 15:53 Ga 3:27
* Col 3:10-14
- new.
* Eph 2:15 Ro 6:4 2Co 4:16; 5:17 1Pe 2:2
- after.
* Ge 1:26,27 2Co 3:18 Col 3:10 1Jo 3:2
- created. See on ch.
* Eph 2:10 Ga 6:15
- righteousness.
* Ps 45:6,7 Ro 8:29 Tit 2:14 Heb 1:8; 12:14 1Jo 3:3
- true holiness. or, holiness of truth.
* Joh 17:17
- putting.
* Le 19:11 1Ki 13:18 Ps 52:3; 119:29 Pr 6:17; 12:19,22; 21:6
* Isa 9:15; 59:3,4; 63:8 Jer 9:3-5 Ho 4:2 Joh 8:44 Ac 5:3,4
* Col 3:9 1Ti 1:10; 4:2 Tit 1:2,12 Re 21:8; 22:15
- speak.
* :15 Pr 8:7; 12:17 Zec 8:16,19 2Co 7:14 Col 3:9
- for.
* Eph 5:30 Ro 12:5 1Co 10:17; 12:12-27
- ye.
* :31,32 Ex 11:8; 32:21,22 Nu 20:10-13,24; 25:7-11 Ne 5:6-13
* Ps 4:4; 37:8; 106:30-33 Pr 14:29; 19:11; 25:23 Ec 7:9 Mt 5:22
* Mr 3:5; 10:14 Ro 12:19-21 Jas 19 1:19
- let.
* De 24:15
* Eph 6:11,16 Ac 5:3 2Co 2:10,11 Jas 7 4:7 1Pe 5:8
- him that.
* Ex 20:15,17; 21:16 Pr 30:9 Jer 7:9 Ho 4:2 Zec 5:3 Joh 12:6
* 1Co 6:10,11
- steal no more.
* Job 34:32 Pr 28:13 Lu 3:8,10-14; 19:8
- labor.
* Pr 13:11; 14:23 Ac 20:34,35 1Th 4:11,12 2Th 3:6-8,11,12
- that he.
* Lu 3:11; 21:1-4 Joh 13:29 2Co 8:2,12
- give. or, distribute.
* Ro 12:13 2Co 9:12-15 1Ti 6:18
- no.
* Eph 5:3,4 Ps 5:9; 52:2; 73:7-9 Mt 12:34-37 Ro 3:13,14 1Co 15:32,33
* Col 3:8,9; 4:6 Jas 3:2-8 2Pe 2:18 Jude 1:13-16 Re 13:5,6
- that which.
* De 6:6-9 Ps 37:30,31; 45:2; 71:17,18,24; 78:4,5 Pr 10:31,32; 12:13
* Pr 15:2-4,7,23; 16:21; 25:11,12 Isa 50:4 Mal 3:16-18 Lu 4:22
* 1Co 14:19 Col 3:16,17; 4:6 1Th 5:11
- to the use of edifying. or, to edify profitably. See on ver.
* :12,16
- minister.
* Mt 5:16 1Pe 2:12; 3:1
- grieve.
* Ge 6:3,6 Jud 10:16 Ps 78:40; 95:10 Isa 7:13; 43:24; 63:10
* Eze 16:43 Mr 3:5 Ac 7:51 1Th 5:19 Heb 3:10,17
- whereby. See on ch.
* Eph 1:13
- the day.
* Eph 1:14 Ho 13:14 Lu 21:28 Ro 8:11,23 1Co 1:30; 15:54
- bitterness.
* Ps 64:3 Ro 3:14 Col 3:8,19 Jas 3:14,15
- wrath.
* :26 Pr 14:17; 19:12 Ec 7:9 2Co 12:20 Ga 5:20 Col 3:8 2Ti 2:23
* Tit 1:7 Jas 19 1:19; 3:14-18; 4:1,2
- clamor.
* 2Sa 19:43; 20:1,2 Pr 29:9,22 Ac 19:28,29; 21:30; 22:22,23 1Ti 3:3
* 1Ti 6:4,5
- evil speaking.
* Le 19:16 2Sa 19:27 Ps 15:3; 50:20; 101:5; 140:11 Pr 6:19; 10:18
* Pr 18:8; 25:23; 26:20 Jer 6:28; 9:4 Ro 1:29,30 1Ti 3:11; 5:13
* 2Ti 3:3 Tit 2:3; 3:2 Jas 11 4:11 1Pe 2:1 2Pe 2:10,11 Jude 1:8-10
* Re 12:10
- with.
* Ge 4:8; 27:41; 37:4,21 Le 19:17,18 2Sa 13:22 Pr 10:12; 26:24,25
* Ec 7:9 Ro 1:29 1Co 5:8; 14:20 Col 3:8 Tit 3:3 1Jo 3:12,15
- kind.
* Ru 2:20 Ps 112:4,5,9 Pr 19:22 Isa 57:1 *marg:
* Lu 6:35 Ac 28:2 Ro 12:10 1Co 13:4 2Co 2:10; 6:6 Col 3:12,13
* 2Pe 1:7
- tender-hearted.
* Ps 145:9 Pr 12:10 Lu 1:78 Jas 11 5:11
- forgiving.
* Eph 5:1 Ge 50:17,18 Mt 6:12,14,15; 18:21-35 Mr 11:25,26 Lu 6:37
* Lu 11:4; 17:4 Ro 12:20,21 2Co 2:7,10 Col 3:12,13 1Pe 3:8,9
* 1Jo 1:9; 2:12