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  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge -
    EZEKIEL 45

    << Ezekiel 44 - Ezekiel 46 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  The portion of land for the sanctuary;
     6  for the city;
     7  and for the prince.
     9  Ordinances for the prince.
    VERSE 1
    - shall divide by lot.  Heb. cause the land to fall by lot.
       * Eze 47:21; 48:29 Nu 34:13 Jos 13:6; 14:2 Ps 16:5,6
    - ye shall offer.
       * :2-7; 48:8-23 Le 25:23 Pr 3:9
    - an holy portion.  Heb. holiness.
       * Zec 14:20,21
    - the length.
      That our translators rightly added the word reeds, is evident
      from the length and breadth of the sanctuary being exactly
      the same as before, (comp. ver. 2, with ch. 16 42:16-19.)
      Estimating the reed at 3« yards, this holy oblation would
      constitute a square of nearly fifty miles on every side.
      From the north side a portion of nearly twenty miles in
      width, and nearly fifty in length, was appointed for the
      priests; and in the midst of this portion, the area of the
      sanctuary, about a mile square, to be enclosed by a wall,
      (ver. 1, 2.)  Next to this, on the south, was the Levites'
      portion, of the same dimensions as that of the priests',
      (ver. 5;) and south of this was the portion for the city, of
      the same length as those of the priests and Levites, but only
      half the width, (ver. 6.)  These three formed the square of
      25,000 reeds, or nearly fifty miles; and that set apart for
      the prince, the breadth of which is not mentioned, extended
      in length from north to south, along the east and west sides
      of the square.  As Canaan would not admit of so large a
      portion for the sanctuary, etc., this was no doubt intended
      to intimate the large extent of the church in the glorious
      times predicted.
    VERSE 2 
     - five hundred in length.
       * Eze 42:16-20
    - suburbs.  or, void places.
    VERSE 3 
     - and in it.
       * Eze 48:10
    VERSE 4 
     - holy portion.
       * :1; 44:28; 48:11
    - which.
       * Eze 40:45; 43:19; 44:13,14 Nu 16:5
    VERSE 5 
     - the five.
       * Eze 48:10,13,20
    - the ministers.
       * 1Co 9:13,14
    - for a possession.
       * Eze 40:17 1Ch 9:26-33 Ne 10:38,39
    VERSE 6 
     - the city.
       * Eze 48:15-18,30-35
    VERSE 7
        * Eze 34:24; 37:24; 46:16-18; 48:21 Ps 2:8,9 Isa 9:5,6 Lu 1:32,33
    VERSE 8 
     - and my princes.
      In the predicted period, not only shall the ministers and
      worshippers of God be liberally provided for, but the princes
      will be both able and willing to defray the expenses of
      government, without oppressing their subjects, and will rule
      over them with equity and clemency, as the vicegerents of
      God; while the people will submit to them conscientiously,
      and live in peace, prosperity, and holiness.  These things
      seem to be represented in language taken from the customs of
      the times in which the prophet wrote.  Tithes are not
      mentioned in part of the vision, which shows that the ritual
      Mosaic law will not be in force.
       * Eze 19:3,7; 22:27; 46:18 Pr 28:16 Isa 11:3-5; 32:1,2; 60:17,18
       * Jer 22:17; 23:5 Mic 3:1-4 Zep 3:13 Jas 2:6; 5:1-6 Re 19:11-16
    - according.
       * Jos 11:23
    VERSE 9 
     - Let it.
       * Eze 44:6 1Pe 4:3
    - remove.
       * Ne 5:10 Ps 82:2-5 Isa 1:17 Jer 22:3 Zec 8:16 Lu 3:14
    - execute.
       * Eze 43:14-16
    - take away.
       * Ne 5:1-13 1Co 6:7,8
    - exactions.  Heb. expulsions.
       * Job 20:19; 22:9; 24:2-12 Mic 2:1,2,9
    VERSE 10
        * Le 19:35,36 Pr 11:1; 16:11; 20:10; 21:3 Am 8:4-6 Mic 6:10,11
    VERSE 11 
     - ephah.
      The {ephah} was a dry measure, and the {bath} a liquid
      measure, containing about seven gallons, four pints, or three
      pecks, three pints; and the {homer} about seventy-five
      gallons, five pints.
       * Isa 5:10
    VERSE 12 
     - the shekel.
       * Ex 30:13 Le 27:25 Nu 3:47
    - twenty shekels.
      That is, 20 + 25 + 15 = 60; for the {maneh} as a weight was
      equal to sixty shekels, though as a coin it was only equal to
      fifty, weighing about 2 lb. 6 oz.; and reckoning the shekel
      at 2s. 6d. being in value 6ś. 5s.
    VERSE 13 
     - the oblation.
       * Eze 44:30
    - give the sixth.
       * Eze 39:2
    VERSE 14 
     - the tenth.
       * :11
    VERSE 15 
     - lamb.  or, kid.  out of the fat.
       * Pr 3:9,10 Mal 1:8,14
    - peace offerings.  or, thank offerings.
       * :17
    - to make.
       * Le 1:4; 6:30 Da 9:24 Ro 5:10 2Co 5:19-21 Eph 2:16 Col 1:21
       * Heb 2:17; 9:22,23
    VERSE 16 
     - the people.
       * Ex 30:14,15
    - shall give this.  Heb. shall be for.  for.  or, with.
       * Isa 16:1
    VERSE 17 
     - the prince's.
      The prince is never mentioned in the ritual appointments of
      Moses, but here he is required to provide the oblations; and
      the variations in the Mosaic law, in the number of the
      several sacrifices, and the proportion of the meat offering
      to each, being ten times as much as the law prescribed, with
      several other circumstances, seem more like enacting a new
      law, than enforcing that of Moses.  These variations may
      intimate a change in the external constitution of the church;
      and it is probable that they are to be understood
       * Eze 46:4-12 2Sa 6:19 1Ki 8:63,64 1Ch 16:2,3; 29:3-9 2Ch 5:6; 7:4,5
       * 2Ch 8:12,13; 30:24; 31:3; 35:7,8 Ezr 1:5; 6:8,9 Ps 68:18 Joh 1:16
       * Ro 11:35,36 Eph 5:2
    - in the feasts.
       * Le 23:1-44 Nu 28:1-40 29:40 Isa 66:23
    - he shall prepare.
       * Ps 22:15-26,29 Joh 6:51-57 1Co 5:7,8 Heb 13:10 1Pe 2:24; 3:18
    - peace offerings.  or, thank offerings.
       * Eze 43:27 Col 3:17 Heb 13:15
    VERSE 18 
     - In the first month.
      This seems to enjoin, not a mere dedication, but an annual
      purification of the sanctuary; of which there is nothing said
      in the Mosaic law.
       * Ex 12:2 Nu 28:11-15 Mt 6:33
    - without blemish.
       * Le 22:20 Heb 7:26; 9:14 1Pe 1:19
    - and cleanse.
       * Eze 43:22,26 Le 16:16,33 Heb 9:22-25; 10:3,4,19-22
    VERSE 19 
     - and upon the four corners.
       * Eze 43:14,20 Le 16:18-20
    VERSE 20 
     - every one.
       * Le 4:27-35 Ps 19:12 Ro 16:18,19 Heb 5:2
    - that is simple.
      Who wants understanding to conduct himself properly.
    - so shall.
       * :15,18 Le 16:20
    VERSE 21 
     - ye shall.
       * Ex 12:1-51 Le 23:5-8 Nu 9:2-14; 28:16-25 De 16:1-8 1Co 5:7,8
    VERSE 22 
     - the prince.
       * Mt 20:28; 26:26-28
    - bullock.
       * Le 4:14 2Co 5:21
    VERSE 23 
     - seven days.
       * Le 23:8
    - a burnt.
       * Nu 28:15-31; 29:5,11-38
    - seven bullocks.
       * Nu 23:1,2 Job 42:8 Heb 10:8-12
    VERSE 24
        * Eze 46:5-7 Nu 28:12-15
    VERSE 25 
     - In the seventh.
      The prince shall do at the feast of tabernacles the same
      thing he was desired to do on the passover.
       * Le 23:33-43 Nu 29:12-38 De 16:13-15 2Ch 5:3; 7:8-10 Ne 8:14-18
       * Zec 14:16-19 Joh 7:2,37-39

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