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  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge -
    JOB 40

    << Job 39 - Job 41 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  Job humbles himself to God.
     6  God stirs him up to shew his righteousness, power, and
    16  Of the behemoth.
    VERSE 1
       * :6; 38:1
    VERSE 2 
     - Shall.
       * Job 9:3; 33:13 Ec 6:10 Isa 45:9-11; 50:8 1Co 10:22
    - instruct.
       * Isa 40:14 1Co 2:16
    - he that reproveth.
       * Job 3:11,12,20,23; 7:12,19-21; 9:17,18,32-35; 10:3-7,14-17; 13:21-27
       * Job 14:16,17; 16:11-21; 19:6-11; 27:2; 30:21 Eze 18:2 Mt 20:11
       * Ro 9:19-23; 11:34-36
    VERSE 3
    VERSE 4 
     - Behold.
       * Job 42:6 Ge 18:27; 32:10 2Sa 24:10 1Ki 19:4 Ezr 9:6,15 Ne 9:33
       * Ps 51:4,5 Isa 6:5; 53:6; 64:6 Da 9:5,7 Lu 5:8; 15:18,19; 18:13
       * 1Ti 1:15
    - what.
       * Job 9:31-35; 16:21; 23:4-7; 31:37
    - I will.
       * Job 21:5; 29:9 Jud 18:19 Ps 39:9 Pr 30:32 Mic 7:16 Hab 2:20
       * Zec 2:13
    VERSE 5 
     - but I will not.
       * Job 34:31,32 Ro 3:19
    - twice.
       * Job 33:14 2Ki 6:10 Ps 62:11
    - but I will proceed.
       * Jer 31:18,19
    VERSE 6 
     - out.
       * Job 38:1 Ps 50:3,4 Heb 12:18-20 2Pe 3:10-12
    VERSE 7 
     - Gird.
       * Job 13:22; 23:3,4; 38:3
    - I.
       * Job 42:4
    VERSE 8 
     - Wilt.
       * Ps 51:4 Ro 3:4
    - disannul.
       * Isa 14:27; 28:18 Ga 3:15,17 Heb 7:18
    - wilt thou condemn.
       * Job 10:3; 27:2-6; 32:2; 34:5,6; 35:2,3
    VERSE 9 
     - Hast.
       * Job 9:4; 23:6; 33:12,13 Ex 15:6 Ps 89:10,13 Isa 45:9 1Co 10:22
    - canst.
       * Job 37:4,5 Ps 39:3-9
    VERSE 10 
     - Deck.
       * Job 39:19 Ps 93:1; 104:1,2 Isa 59:17
    - majesty.
       * 1Ch 29:11 Ps 21:5; 45:3,4 Mt 6:13 2Pe 1:16,17 Jude 1:24,25
    - glory.
       * Ex 28:2 Ps 50:2; 90:16,17; 149:4 Isa 4:2 *marg:
       * 1Co 15:54
    VERSE 11 
     - Cast.
       * Job 20:23; 27:22 De 32:22 Ps 78:49,50; 144:6 Ro 2:8,9
    - behold.
       * Ex 9:16,17; 15:6; 18:11 Isa 2:11,12,17; 10:12-19 Eze 28:2
       * Da 4:37; 5:20-23 Ob 1:3,4 Mal 4:1 Lu 18:14 Ac 12:22,23 Jas 4:6
       * 1Pe 5:5,6
    VERSE 12 
     - tread.
       * Ps 60:12 Pr 15:25 Isa 10:6 Zec 10:5 Mal 4:3 Ro 16:20
    - in.
       * Job 36:20 Ec 11:3 Ac 1:25
    VERSE 13 
     - Hide.
       * Job 14:13 Ps 49:14 Isa 2:10
    - bind.
       * Job 36:13 Es 7:8 Joh 11:44
    VERSE 14 
     - that.
       * Ps 44:3,6 Isa 40:29 Ro 5:6 Eph 2:4-9
    VERSE 15 
     - behemoth.  or, the elephant, as some think.
      [Beh坢"wth,] is probably the same as the Egyptian {Pehemou,
      Pehemout,} (from P, the article, {ehe,} a bull and {mout,}
      water:  the hippopotamus, or river horse.  It is nearly as
      large as the elephant; its head is enormously large, its mouth
      very wide, the jaws extending upwards of two feet, armed with
      four cutting teeth, each twelve inches long; its hide is so
      tough and so thick as to resist the strokes of a sabre, and is
      thinly covered with hair of lightish color; its legs are
      three feet long; though amphibious, its hoofs, which are
      quadrified, are unconnected; and its tail is naked, about a
      foot in length, but exceedingly thick and strong.  It inhabits
      the rivers of Africa; feeds on grass and other vegetables;
      moves slowly and heavily; swims dexterously; sleeps in reedy
      places; has a tremendous voice between the lowing of the ox
      and the roar of the elephant; and when irritated, will attack
      boats and men with fury.
    - which.
       * Ge 1:24-26
    - he.
       * :20; 39:8 Ps 104:14
    VERSE 16
    VERSE 17 
     - moveth.  or, setteth up.  the.
       * Job 41:23
    VERSE 18
        * Job 7:12 Isa 48:4
    VERSE 19 
     - the chief.
       * Job 26:13 Ps 104:24
    - he that.
       * Ps 7:12 Isa 27:1
    VERSE 20 
     - the mountains.
       * :15 Ps 147:8,9
    - where.
       * Ps 104:14,26
    VERSE 21 
     - the reed.
       * Isa 19:6,7; 35:7
    VERSE 22 
     - the willows.
       * Le 23:40 Isa 15:7 Eze 17:5
    VERSE 23 
     - drinketh.  Heb. oppresseth.
       * Isa 37:25
    - hasteth.
       * Ps 55:8 Isa 28:16
    - Jordan.
       * Ge 13:10 Jos 3:15
    VERSE 24 
     - Or, Will any take him in his sight, or bore his nose with a
       * Job 41:1,2

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