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  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge -
    LUKE 15

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      1  The parable of the lost sheep;
     8  of the piece of silver;
    11  of the prodigal son.
    VERSE 1
       * Lu 5:29-32; 7:29; 13:30 Eze 18:27 Mt 9:10-13; 21:28-31 Ro 5:20
       * 1Ti 1:15
    VERSE 2
        * :29,30; 5:30; 7:34,39; 19:7 Mt 9:11 Ac 11:3 1Co 5:9-11 Ga 2:12
    VERSE 3
    VERSE 4 
     - man.
       * Lu 13:15 Mt 12:11; 18:12 Ro 2:1
    - having.
       * Ps 176 119:176 Isa 53:6 Jer 50:6 Eze 34:8,11,12,16,31 Mt 18:12,13
       * Joh 10:15,16,26-28 1Pe 2:25
    VERSE 5 
     - when.
       * Lu 19:9; 23:43 Isa 62:12 Joh 4:34,35 Ac 9:1-16 Ro 10:20,21
       * Eph 2:3-6 Tit 3:3-7
    - he layeth.
       * Isa 40:10,11; 46:3,4; 63:9 Mic 5:4 Eph 1:19,20; 2:10; 3:7 1Th 1:5
       * 2Ti 2:26 1Pe 1:5
    - rejoicing.
       * :23,24,32 Isa 53:10,11; 62:5 Jer 32:41,42 Eze 18:23; 33:11
       * Mic 7:18 Zep 3:17 Joh 15:11 Heb 12:2
    VERSE 6 
     - his.
       * :7,10,24; 2:13,14 Isa 66:10,11 Joh 3:29; 15:14 Ac 11:23; 15:3
       * Php 1:4; 2:17; 4:1 1Th 2:19; 3:7-9
    - for.
       * Ps 176 119:176 1Pe 2:10,25
    VERSE 7 
     - joy.
       * :32; 5:32 Mt 18:13
    - which.
       * :29; 16:15; 18:9-11 Pr 30:12 Ro 7:9 Php 3:6,7
    VERSE 8 
     - pieces.
      'Drachma, here translated a piece of silver, is the eighth
       part of an ounce, which cometh to 7削., and is equal to the
       Roman penny.  Mat. 28 18:28.'
    - and seek.
       * Lu 19:10 Eze 34:12 Joh 10:16; 11:52 Eph 2:17
    VERSE 9 
     - Rejoice.
       * :6,7
    VERSE 10 
     - there.
       * Lu 2:1-14 Eze 18:23,32; 33:11 Mt 18:10,11; 28:5-7 Ac 5:19; 10:3-5
       * Heb 1:14 Re 5:11-14
    - one.
       * Lu 7:47; 13:5 2Ch 33:13-19 Mt 18:14 Ac 11:18 2Co 7:10 Phm 15 1:15
    VERSE 11
        * Mt 21:23-31
    VERSE 12 
     - give.
       * De 21:16,17 Ps 16:5,6; 17:14
    - And he.
       * Mr 12:44
    VERSE 13 
     - and took.
       * 2Ch 33:1-10 Job 21:13-15; 22:17,18 Ps 10:4-6; 73:27 Pr 27:8
       * Isa 1:4; 30:11 Jer 2:5,13,17-19,31 Mic 6:3 Eph 2:13,17
    - wasted.
       * :30; 16:1,19 Pr 5:8-14; 6:26; 18:9; 21:17,20; 23:19-22; 28:7; 29:3
       * Ec 11:9,10 Isa 22:13; 56:12 Am 6:3-7 Ro 13:13,14 1Pe 4:3,4
       * 2Pe 2:13
    VERSE 14 
     - arose.
       * 2Ch 33:11 Eze 16:27 Ho 2:9-14 Am 8:9-12
    VERSE 15 
     - he went.
       * :13 Ex 10:3 2Ch 28:22 Isa 1:5,9,10-13; 57:17 Jer 5:3; 8:4-6
       * Jer 31:18,19 2Ti 2:25,26 Re 2:21,22
    - to feed.
       * Lu 8:32-34 Eze 16:52,63 Na 3:6 Mal 2:9 Ro 1:24-26; 6:22 1Co 6:9-11
       * Eph 2:2,3; 4:17-19; 5:11,12 Col 3:5-7 Tit 3:3
    VERSE 16 
     - he would.
       * Isa 44:20; 55:2 La 4:5 Ho 12:1 Ro 6:19-21
    - that.
       * Ps 73:22
    - no.
       * Ps 142:4 Isa 57:3 Jon 2:2-8
    VERSE 17 
     - when.
       * Lu 8:35; 16:23 Ps 73:20 Ec 9:3 Jer 31:19 Eze 18:28 Ac 2:37; 16:29
       * Ac 16:30; 26:11-19 Eph 2:4,5; 5:14 Tit 3:4-6 Jas 16 1:16-18
    - How.
       * :18,19 La 1:7
    VERSE 18 
     - will arise.
       * 1Ki 20:30,31 2Ki 7:3,4 2Ch 33:12,13,19 Ps 32:5; 116:3-7
       * Jer 31:6-9; 50:4,5 La 3:18-22,29,40 Ho 2:6,7; 14:1-3 Jon 2:4; 3:9
    - Father.
       * Lu 11:2 Isa 63:16 Jer 3:19; 31:20 Mt 6:9,14; 7:11
    - I have.
       * Lu 18:13 Le 26:40,41 1Ki 8:47,48 Job 33:27,28; 36:8-10 Ps 25:11
       * Ps 32:3-5; 51:3-5 Pr 23:13 Mt 3:6 1Jo 1:8-10
    - against.
       * :21 Da 4:26
    VERSE 19 
     - no.
       * Lu 5:8; 7:6,7 Ge 32:10 Job 42:6 1Co 15:9 1Ti 1:13-16
    - make.
       * Jos 9:24,25 Ps 84:10 Mt 15:26,27 Jas 8 4:8-10 1Pe 5:6
    VERSE 20 
     - But.
       * De 30:2-4 Job 33:27,28 Ps 86:5,15; 103:10-13 Isa 49:15; 55:6-9
       * Isa 57:18 Jer 31:20 Eze 16:6-8 Ho 11:8 Mic 7:18,19 Ac 2:39
       * Eph 2:13,17
    - and fell.
       * Ge 33:4; 45:14; 46:29 Ac 20:37
    VERSE 21 
     - Father.
       * :18,19 Jer 3:13 Eze 16:63 Ro 2:4
    - against.
       * Ps 51:4; 143:2 1Co 8:12
    VERSE 22 
     - the best.
       * Ps 45:13; 132:9,16 Isa 61:10 Eze 16:9-13 Zec 3:3-5 Mt 22:11,12
       * Ro 3:22; 13:14 Ga 3:27 Eph 4:22-24 Re 3:4,5,18; 6:11; 7:9,13,14
       * Re 19:8
    - a ring.
       * Ge 41:42 Es 3:10; 8:2 Ro 8:15 Ga 4:5,6 Eph 1:13,14 Re 2:17
    - and shoes.
       * De 33:25 Ps 18:33 So 7:1 Eze 16:10 Eph 6:15
    VERSE 23 
     - the fatted.
       * Ge 18:7 Ps 63:5 Pr 9:2 Isa 25:6; 65:13,14 Mt 22:2 *etc:
    VERSE 24 
     - this.
       * :32 Mr 8:22 Joh 5:21,24,25; 11:25 Ro 6:11,13; 8:2 2Co 5:14,15
       * Eph 2:1,5; 5:14 Col 2:13 1Ti 5:6 Jude 1:12 Re 3:1
    - he.
       * :4,8; 19:10 Ge 45:28 Jer 31:15-17 Eze 34:4,16 Mt 18:11-13
    - they.
       * :7,9; 10:19 Isa 35:10; 66:11 Jer 31:12-14 Ro 12:15 1Co 12:26
    VERSE 25 
     - his.
       * :11,12
    - he.
       * Lu 7:32 Ex 15:20 2Sa 6:14 Ps 30:11; 126:1; 149:3; 150:4 Ec 3:4
       * Jer 31:4
    VERSE 26
    VERSE 27 
     - Thy brother.
       * :30 Ac 9:17; 22:13 Phm 16 1:16
    - and thy.
       * :23
    VERSE 28 
     - he.
       * :2; 5:30; 7:39 1Sa 17:28; 18:8 Isa 65:5; 66:5 Jon 4:1-3 Mt 20:11
       * Ac 13:45,50; 14:2,19; 22:21,22 Ro 10:19 1Th 2:16
    - therefore.
       * Lu 13:34; 24:47 Ge 4:5-7 Jon 4:4,9 2Co 5:20
    VERSE 29 
     - Lo.
       * Lu 17:10; 18:9,11,12,20,21 1Sa 15:13,14 Isa 58:2,3; 65:5 Zec 7:3
       * Mt 20:12 Ro 3:20,27; 7:9; 10:3 Php 3:4-6 1Jo 1:8-10 Re 3:17
    - yet.
       * :7; 19:21 Mal 1:12,13; 3:14 Re 2:17
    VERSE 30 
     - this.
       * :32; 18:11 Ex 32:7,11
    - devoured.
       * :13,22,23
    VERSE 31
        * Lu 19:22,23 Mt 20:13-16 Mr 7:27,28 Ro 9:4; 11:1,35
    VERSE 32 
     - was meet.
       * Lu 7:34 Ps 51:8 Isa 35:10 Ho 14:9 Jon 4:10,11 Ro 3:4,19; 15:9-13
    - for.
       * :24 Eph 2:1-10

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