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  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge -
    PSALMS 59

    << Psalms 58 - Psalms 60 >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE    

      1  David prays to be delivered from his enemies.
     6  He complains of their cruelty.
     8  He trusts in God.
    11  He prays against them.
    16  He praises God.
    VERSE 1
    - A.M. 2942.  B.C. 1062.  (Title.)  {Al-tas-chith.}  or,
      destroy not.  A golden Psalm.
       * Ps 57:1; 58:1 *titles
    - Michtam.
      The seven poems of the celebrated Arabian poets who flourished
      before the time of Mohammed, called {Mo惍lakat,} from being
      suspended on the walls of the temple of Mecca, were also
      called {Modhabat,} "golden," because they were written in
      letters of gold on the papyrus; and probably this is another
      reason why the six poems of David were called golden.
    - when.
       * Jud 16:2,3 1Sa 19:11-24 2Co 11:32,33
    - Deliver.
       * Ps 7:1,2; 18:48; 71:4; 143:12 Lu 1:74,75 2Ti 4:17,18
    - defend me.  Heb. set me on high.
       * Ps 12:5; 91:14 Isa 33:16
    VERSE 2 
     - save.
       * Ps 26:9; 27:2; 55:23; 139:19
    VERSE 3 
     - they.
       * Ps 10:9,10; 37:32,33; 38:12; 56:6 1Sa 19:1 Pr 12:6 Mic 7:2 Ac 23:21
    - the mighty.
       * Ps 2:2 Ac 4:26,27
    - not.
       * Ps 7:3-6; 69:4 1Sa 24:11,17; 26:18 Joh 15:25
    VERSE 4 
     - run.
       * 1Sa 19:12-24 Pr 1:16 Isa 59:7 Ac 23:15 Ro 3:15
    - awake.
       * Ps 5:6; 35:23; 44:23 Isa 51:9
    - help me.  Heb. meet me.
    VERSE 5 
     - the God.
       * Ge 33:20 Ex 3:15
    - visit.
       * Ex 20:5
    - the heathen.
       * Ps 9:15; 54:3 Isa 1:10 Am 9:7 Ro 2:28,29; 9:6
    - be not.
       * Ps 7:12,13; 55:15 Isa 27:11 Eze 18:27,28 Jas 13 2:13
    VERSE 6
        * :14 1Sa 19:11
    VERSE 7 
     - belch.
       * Pr 15:2 *marg:
       * Mt 12:34
    - swords.
       * Ps 55:21; 57:4; 64:3-5; 109:2,3 Pr 12:18
    - who.
       * Ps 10:11,13; 73:11; 94:7-9 Job 22:12,13 Jer 33:24
    VERSE 8 
     - Thou.
       * Ps 2:4; 37:13 1Sa 19:15,16 Pr 1:26
    - heathen.
       * :5 Mt 18:17
    VERSE 9 
     - his strength.
      Instead of {-zzo,} "his strength," fourteen MSS., read
      {-zzee,} "my strength."  "O my strength, I will wait upon
       * Ps 18:1,1,2; 27:1,14; 46:1; 62:5,6,11 Isa 12:2; 26:3,4; 40:31 Mt 6:13
    - God.
       * :17; 62:2
    - defence.   Heb. high place.
       * Ps 9:9; 20:1; 46:7 *marg:
       * Isa 58:14 Hab 3:19
    VERSE 10 
     - The God.
       * :17 2Co 1:3 Eph 2:4,5 1Pe 5:10
    - prevent.
       * Ps 21:3; 79:8 Isa 65:24 1Th 4:15
    - let.
       * Ps 54:7; 91:8; 92:11; 112:8 1Sa 26:10 2Sa 1:11,12,17 Jer 17:16
       * Lu 19:41-44 Ro 10:2,3
    - enemies.  Heb. observers.
       * Ps 5:8; 54:5 *marg:
       * Ps 56:2,6
    VERSE 11 
     - Slay.
       * Ge 4:12-15 Jud 1:6,7 Ec 9:5 Eze 12:15,16; 14:22,23 Re 9:6
    - scatter.
       * Ps 44:11; 52:5 Le 26:33 De 4:27; 28:64; 30:3,4 Eze 12:15 Lu 1:51,52
       * Lu 21:21
    - bring.
       * Job 40:12
    - our shield.
       * Ps 3:3; 84:11
    VERSE 12 
     - For the.
       * Ps 64:7,8; 79:12; 120:3,4; 140:9,10 Pr 12:13; 18:7 Mt 12:36,37
       * Mt 27:25,63
    - taken.
       * Ps 10:2 Pr 6:2; 11:6
    - cursing.
       * :17 109:17,18 Ho 4:2 Lu 23:5
    VERSE 13 
     - Consume.
       * :11; 7:9 Nu 14:34,35; 32:13 De 2:14-16; 7:22,23
    - and let.
       * Ps 46:10,11; 83:18; 135:5,6 1Sa 17:46,47 1Ki 18:36,37 2Ki 19:19
       * Isa 54:5 Eze 38:23; 39:7 Da 4:25
    VERSE 14 
     - at evening.
       * :6; 22:16
    VERSE 15 
     - wander.
       * :10 109:10 Job 15:23; 30:1-7 Isa 8:21
    - for meat.  Heb. to eat.
       * De 28:48,53-58 2Ki 6:25-29 La 4:4,5,9,10; 5:9 Mt 24:7,8
    - grudge, etc.  or, if they be not satisfied, then they will
      stay all night.  if.
       * Isa 56:11 Mic 3:5
    VERSE 16 
     - But.
       * :9,10; 21:13; 106:8; 145:11 Ex 15:6 Job 37:23
    - sing aloud.
       * Ps 31:7; 36:5; 86:13; 89:1; 101:1 Ro 15:9 Eph 1:6,7
    - morning.
       * Ps 5:3; 30:5; 143:8 1Sa 19:11,12
    - for thou.
       * Ps 4:1; 61:2,3 1Sa 17:37 2Co 1:10 Eph 3:20
    - day.
       * :2 77:2 11 16:1-5 7 138:7 Jer 30:7 Heb 5:7
    VERSE 17 
     - O my.
       * Ps 18:1; 46:1
    - for.
       * :9,10

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