Compare verses 1-5 with Matt. xxvii. 1, 2, 11-14.
7. Them that had made insurrection with him (sustasiastwn).
Fellow-rioters. But the better texts read stasiastwn, rioters, omitting the sun with (fellow): and the Rev. accordingly omits with him.
Who (oitinev). Denoting a class of criminals.
The insurrection. Note the article: the insurrection for which Barabbas and his fellows had been imprisoned.
8. Crying aloud (anabohsav). But the best texts read ajnabav, having gone up. So Rev., went up.
Ever (aei). Omitted by the best texts.
11. Moved (aneseisan). A feeble translation. Seiw is to shake. Hence seismov, an earthquake. See on Matt. xiii. 8. Better as Rev., stirred up. Wyc., The bishops stirred the company of people.
15. To content (to ikanon poihsai). Lit., to do the sufficient thing. Compare the popular phrase, Do the right thing. A Latinism, and used by Mark only. Wyc., to do enough to the people.
16. Into the hall called Pretorium. Mark, as usual, amplifies. Matthew has simply the Pretorium. The courtyard, surrounded by the buildings of the Pretorium, so that the people passing through the vestibule into this quadrangle found themselves in the Pretorium.
Band (speiran). Originally anything wound or wrapped round; as a ball, the coils of a snake, a knot or curl in wood. Hence a body of men-at-arms. The same idea is at the bottom of the Latin manipulus, which is sometimes (as by Josephus) used to translate speira. Manipulus was originally a bundle or handful. The ancient Romans adopted a pole with a handful of hay or straw twisted about it as the standard of a company of soldiers; hence a certain number or body of soldiers under one standard was called manipulus.
17. Purple. See on Matt. xxvii. 28. Matthew adds the word for soldier's cloak. Mark has simply purple.
21. Compel. Better impress, as Rev. in margin. See on Matt. v. 41. Note the accuracy in designating Simon.
22. Golgotha. See on Matt. xxvii. 33.
23. They gave (edidoun). The imperfect tense is used in the same sense as in Matt. iii. 14 (Rev.), "John would have hindered." They were for giving; attempted to give. So Rev., excellently, offered.
Wine mingled with myrrh (esmurnismenon oinon). Lit., myrrhed wine. See on Matt. xxvii. 34.
24. What each should take (tiv ti arh). Lit., who should take what. An addition of Mark.
26. The superscription of his accusation. Matthew, simply accusation; Luke, superscription; John, title. See on Matt. xxvii. 37.
27. Thieves. Rev., robbers. See on Matt. xxvii. 38.
29. Ah! (oua). The Latin vah!
Destroyest. The same word as at xiii. 2.
32. The Christ. See on Matt. ii. 1. Referring to the confession before the high-priest (xiv. 62).
King of Israel. Referring to the confession before Pilate (xv. 2).
36. Vinegar. See on Matt. xxvii. 48.
38. The veil. See on Matt. xxvii. 51.
39. Son of God. Not the Son of God, which Rev. has retained, but a son of God. To the centurion Christ was a hero or demigod. See on Matthew xxvii. 54.
40. Magdalene. See on Matt. xxvii. 56.
41. Followed - ministered (hkolouqoundihkonoun). Both imperfects: were in the habit, accustomed to.
42. Even. See on Matt. xxvii. 57.
The day before the Sabbath (prosabbaton). The fore Sabbath. Peculiar to Mark, and only here.
43. Joseph of Arimathaea ( Iwshf o apo Arimaqaiav). Lit., Joseph, he from Arimathaea: the article indicating a man well known.
Honorable (euschmwn). Compounded of eu, well, and schma, form, shape, figure. On the latter word, see on Matt. xvii. 2. In its earlier use this adjective would, therefore, emphasize the dignified external appearance and deportment. So Plato, noble bearing ("Republic," 413). Later, it came to be used in the sense of noble; honorable in rank. See Acts xiii. 50; xvii. 12.
Counsellor. A member of the Sanhedrim, as appears from Luke xxiii. 51. Went in boldly (tolmhsav eishlqen). Lit., having dared went in. Daring all possible consequences.
44. Wondered. This query and the asking the centurion are peculiar to Mark.
45. Body (ptwma). Better, Rev., corpse; as the word is used only of a dead body. See on Matt. xxiv. 28.
46. Stone. See on Matt. xxvii. 60.
47. Beheld (eqewroun). Imperfect tense. Were looking on meanwhile. The verb also implies steady and careful contemplation. They took careful note.