FOOTNOTESPREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() ft1. The soul of the world. ft2. The all-informing soul, Which spreads through the vast mass, and moves the whole. ft3. My friends, I have lost a day. ft4. The following is Dr. Mason Good’s translation of this quotation from Lucretius, and of the lines connected with it: — “Them long the tyrant power Of SUPERSTITION sway’d, uplifting proud Her head to heaven, and with horrific limb Brooding o’er earth.” — EDIT. ft5. At Epworth, in Lincolnshire. ft6. The author of a tract just published at Newcastle, entitled, “The Notions of the Methodists fully disproved, in a Letter to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley,” much insists upon this objection. I have read, and believe it quite needless to take any further notice of, this performance; the writer being so utterly unacquainted with the merits of the cause; and showing himself so perfectly a stranger, both to my life, preaching, and writing, and to the word of God, and to the Articles and Homilies of the Church of England. ft7. Evidence, or conviction. ft8. The (then) Archbisop of York. ft9. I will love thee from my inmost bowels. ft10. I take it for granted, that the citation of texts in the margin, which is totally wrong, is a blunder of the printer’s. ft11. An unknown proposition by one that is less known. —EDIT. ft12. According to (the will of) God. —EDIT. ft13. To excite ill-will. —EDIT. ft14. Thinkest thou that God is mocked? ft15. Jove spake, and nodded with his sable brow, And huge Olympus to his center shook. ft16. This quotation from Horace is thus translated by Francis: — “Britons of inhospitable strain.” — EDIT. ft17. You say you do testify against it in the congregation. Against what? “Against gay and gaudy apparel.” I grant it. But this is not the thing I speak of. You quite mistake my mark. Do you testify against the costliness of their apparel, however plain and grave it may be? against the price of the velvet, the linen, the silk, or raiment of whatever kind? If you do this frequently and explicitly, you are clear. If not, own and amend the fault. It is easy to discern how your people fell into this snare of the devil. You were at first a poor, despised, afflicted people. Then what some of you had to spare was little enough to relieve the needy members of your own society. In a few years you increased in goods, and were able to relieve more than your own poor. But you did not bestow all that you had to spare from them on the poor belonging to other societies. It remained either to lay it up, or to expend it in superfluities. Some chose one way, and some the other. Lay this deeply to heart, ye who are now a poor, despised, afflicted people. Hitherto ye are not able to relieve your own poor. But if ever your substance increase, see that ye be not straitened in your own bowels, that ye fall not into the same snare of the devil. Before any of you either lay up treasures on earth, or indulge needless expense of any kind, I pray the Lord God to scatter you to the corners of the earth, aud blot out your name from under heaven! ft18. Frets at the narrow limits of the world, As in a prison pent. ft19. They are surfeited with the dull repetition. ft20. Some to the piercing winds are stretch’d abroad; Some plunged beneath the watery gulf: The fire In some burns out the deep-imprinted stain, Till the long course of slowly-rolling years Has purged out every spot, and pure remains The’ ethereal spirit, and simple heavenly fire. ft21. This quotation from Cicero is thus translated by Addison: — “If virtue could be made the object of sight, she would (as Plato says) excite in us a wonderful love” — EDIT. ft22. So much mischief this religion does! ft23. How old must a book be before it is good for anything? ft24. In the year 1772 . —EDIT. ft25. “A cure of souls.” —EDIT. ft26. Creeping silent through the sylvan shades, Exploring what is wise and good in man. ft27. See the Rules of the United Societies. ft28. The Leaders now do this. ft29. This has been since dropped for want of support. ft30. This also has been dropped for some time. 1772 . ft31. We now (1772) lend any sum not exceeding five pounds. ft32. This tract, which is usually denominated, “The Large Minutes,” contains the plan of discipline as practiced in the Methodist Connection during the life of Mr. Wesley. As its title intimates, it underwent several alterations and enlargements from the year 1744 to 1789, when the last revision took place. It is here reprinted from a copy which bears the date of 1791, — the year in which Mr. Wesley died, — collated with the edition of 1789 . —EDIT. ft33. I have not been able to ascertain the precise time at which this tract was written. It notices the separation of Maxfield in 1763; and the second edition of it bears the date of 1765 . It appears therefore to have been first published sometime about 1764; and was probably intended to screen Mr. Wesley and his friends from the reproach attached to the conduct of those who separated from him. —EDIT. ft34. Thus translated by Francis: — “To the instruction of a humble friend, Who would himself be better taught, attend.” — EDIT ft35. “Mr. Charles Wesley,” the note says, “was not persuaded of the truth of the Moravian faith, till some time after his brother’s return from Germany.” There is a great mistake in this. I returned not from Germany till Saturday, September 16 Whereas my brother was fully persuaded of the truth of the Moravian faith (so called) on Wednesday, May 3, preceding. The note adds, “This,” that is, justifying faith, “he received but very lately.” This also is a mistake. What he believed to be justifying faith, he received May 21, 1738 . (VOL. I.) ft36. The next note runs thus: “Mr. Wesley has such a peculiar turn and tendency towards inconsistencies in his principles, that in his Preface to Haliburton’s Life, (wrote February 9, 1738-9, just after his return from Germany,) he contradicts all that he has said elsewhere for this sinless perfection; viz., ‘But it may be said, the gospel covenant does not promise entire freedom from sin. What do you mean by the word sin? the infection of nature, or those numberless weaknesses and follies, sometimes (improperly) termed sins of infirmity? If you mean only this, you say most true. We shall not put off these, but with our bodies. But if you mean, it does not promise entire freedom from sin, in its proper sense, or from committing sin; this is by no means true, unless the Scriptures be false. For thus it is written, Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin , unless he lose the Spirit of adoption, if not finally, yet for a while, as did this child of God: For his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God . He cannot sin, so long as he keepeth himself; for then the wicked one toucheth him not.’” The question is not, whether this be right or wrong; but whether it contradict any thing I have said elsewhere. Thrice I have spoken expressly on this subject, — in a sermon, and in two prefaces. If in any of these I have contradicted what I said before, I will own the former assertion as a mistake. ft37. These are the words of the Fourth Journal, Vol. I. ft38. The Band society in London began May 1, some time before I set out for Germany. ft39. See this glaring misprint of one of the earliest editions corrected by Mr. Wesley himself in a subsequent part of this volume. —EDIT. ft40. Vol. I., of the Present Edition. —EDIT. ft41. For the purpose of exciting ill-will. —EDIT. ft42. Remarks, p. ft43. Beware whom you commend, lest you should be blamed for the faults of another man. ft44. In the Preface to the Answer to Mr. Tucker. ft45. Vol. I., of the present Edition. —EDIT. ft46. Vol. I. of the present Edition. —EDIT. ft47. I continued this about two years. ft48. Give me a point on which to stand, and I will move the world. —\parEDIT. ft49. He is not a Physician who effects no cures. —EDIT. ft50. In “A Letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London.” ft51. Mr. Wesley seems in this instance, as in several others, to have been purposely inaccurate in his quotation, to avoid the malediction couched in the original words of Terence: — I in malam rem hinc cum istac magnificentia Fugitive (Phormio. Act. v. sc. 6, v. 37) which Dr. Patrick has rather broadly translated: “Go, be hanged, you rascal with your vain rodomontades!” Mr. Wesley’s accommodated quotation of it may be thus rendered: — “Away with this your grandiloquent verbiage!” — EDIT. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - WORKS OF WESLEY INDEX & SEARCH
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