OF THE LORD THE REDEEMER.PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER >> - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() “The Lord received his soul from Jehovah, and the divinity of the Father was the Lord’s soul.” “The humanity whereby God sent himself into the world was the Son of God.” “The passion of the cross was the final temptation which the Lord endured as the grand Prophet; and it was the means of the glorification of His humanity; that is, of its union with the divinity of the Father.” No. There is not a word in all the Bible concerning any such union of the humanity of Christ with the divinity of the Father. He was then glorified, when He was received again into the glory which He had before the world began. 13. What then is redemption? “Bringing the hells under subjection, and reducing the heavens into order. God’s omnipotence in accomplishing this work was an effect of His humanity.” Strange indeed! “It is now believed, that His passion on the cross was the very act of His redemption. No: The act of His redemption consisted in this, that He accomplished the last judgment which was executed in the spiritual world, and then separated the sheep from the goats, and drove out of heaven those that were united to the dragon. He then formed a new heaven of such as were found worthy, and a new hell of such as were found unworthy, and by degrees reduced all things in each place to order. By these acts He united Himself to the Father, and the Father Himself to Him.” “The Lord is now accomplishing redemption; that is, subduing the hells, and bringing the heavens into order; which was begun in the year 1757, together with the last judgment, executed at the same time.” What heaps of absurdity are here! only fit to have a place in Orlando Furioso. Redemption is, “bringing the hells into subjection.” When were they not in subjection to the Almighty? “And reducing the heavens into order.” When was heaven, the abode of angels, out of order? “God’s omnipotence was an effect of his humanity.” Blasphemy, joined with consummate nonsense. “He by degrees reduced them to order.” “By degrees?” No: A word, a nod from Jehovah was sufficient. “By these acts He united Himself to the Father.” Blasphemous nonsense again. “The last judgment was executed in the year 1757.” This is the top of all the Baron’s discourses! “It was once granted me to speak to the mother Mary. She appeared in heaven just over my head, and said, she was the mother of the Lord, as He was born of her; but that when He was made God, He put off all the humanity He had from her. And therefore she is unwilling any should call Him her son, because in Him all is divine.” In all this jumble of dissonant notions, there is not one that is supported by any scripture, taken in its plain, obvious meaning. And most of them are as contrary to Scripture as to common sense. 14. But here follows as curious an assertion as any: “Christ redeemed the angels as well as men. The angels could not have stood” (mark the proof!) “unless the Lord had wrought this redemption, because the whole angelic heaven with the church on earth is as a single man, whose internal is the angelic heaven, and whose external is the church. To be more particular: The highest heaven is the head; the second and lowest heaven are the beast and middle region of the body. The church on earth is the loins and the feet; the Lord is the soul of the whole man. Wherefore, unless the Lord had effected redemption, this whole man must have been destroyed; the feet and loins must have perished by the defection of the lowest heaven; the region of the breast, by the defection of the second heaven; and then the head, being left without a body, must of necessity have fallen to decay.” Surely such an argument has not often been seen! But it is full as good as the conclusion drawn from it; which is utterly inconsistent with the declaration of St. Paul, “He took not upon Himself the nature of angels” in order to redeem them; but only that of man, in order to redeem lost mankind. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - WORKS OF WESLEY INDEX & SEARCH
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