II Solomon shews, that they who diligently seek wisdom shall find it, ver. 1-9. He shews the advantage of it, that it would preserve them from evil men, ver. 10-15. And evil women, ver. 16-19. And would lead them into, and keep them in the way of good men, ver. 20-22.
Verse 1. Hide - Lay them up in thy heart with care, as men do their choicest treasures.
Verse 3. Criest - To God, the only giver of it.
Verse 4. Seek her - With unwearied diligence and earnest desire and patient expectation.
Verse 8. Path of judgment - Righteous paths, judgment being here put for righteousness. And keeping of paths may be put for keeping them in their paths.
Verse 9. Then - When God in answer to thy desires hath given thee wisdom. Equity - All the parts of thy duty to man, as well as the fear of God.
Verse 10. When - Thou dost truly love wisdom.
Verse 13. Darkness - Of sin.
Verse 15. Crooked - Who swerve from the straight way of God's law, and have windings and turnings, to escape conviction.
Verse 16. Strange woman - From the adulteress or whore.
Verse 17. Forsaketh - Her husband whom she took to be her guide and governor, in her youth. The covenant - The marriage covenant: so called because God is the author of that mutual obligation: and because God is called to be the witness and judge of that solemn promise and covenant.
Verse 18. For - Conversation with her (which was most usual in her own house) is the certain way to death, which it brings many ways, and undoubtedly, without repentance, to God's wrath and the second death.