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 Kensun HID Xenon Conversion Kit All Bulb Sizes and Colors inch with Slim inch Digital Ballasts - H1 - 8000k

Kensun HID Xenon Conversion Kit All Bulb Sizes and Colors inch with Slim inch Digital Ballasts - H1 - 8000k: Automotive - TitanicImports.com

Retail: 269.99

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Kensun HID Xenon Conversion Kit All Bulb Sizes and Colors inch with Slim inch Digital Ballasts - H1 - 8000k: Automotive. Here is a rough guide to Color Temperatures for our HID bulbs. HID lights have a glass chamber of gas that replaces the filament of traditional halogen light bulbs. The gas is ignited with an approximately 23,000 volt charge and stays illuminated by a constant 12v source that is provided by a ballast which is connected directly to your battery. Remarkably, HID lights are able to provide greater light output with much less power consumption. Studies show that a 35 watt HID lamp produces 3 times as much light compared to a 55 watt halogen bulb. Moreover, the 55 watt halogen bulb uses a continuous power draw of 10-15 amps, while the HID system uses 20 amps for starting up, but then drops down to a mere 3 amps during operation (that is up to 80% less power during use!). In addition to high output and low power usage, the HID headlight provides longer service life. With no filament �to vibrate and fatigue, under normal driving conditions, HID bulbs last roughly 10 times longer than halogen bulbs. What is the HID Color Temperature? Color Temperature is a measurement in Degrees Kelvin that indicates the hue of a light source, in this case the HID bulb. Color temperature is a characteristic of light that is sometimes misunderstood as brightness, when it's more closely related to cool and warm color tones of light. While cool and warm are words used to describe a light's temperature, this may be a bit misleading. The term color temperature actually refers to the color that is associated with the amount of heat needed to produce a color in from an ideal black body. It is hard to describe HID colors accurately because different people tend to perceive colors slightly differently.

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