Matthew Henry Commentary
The singers and musicians. --David put those in order who were appointed to be singers an musicians in the temple. To prophesy, in this place, means praising God with great earnestness and devout affections, under the influences of the Holy Spirit. In raising these affections, poetry and music wer employed. If the Spirit of God do not put life and fervour into ou devotions, they will, however ordered, be a lifeless, worthless form __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
להימן 1968 בני 1121 הימן 1968 בקיהו 1232 מתניהו 4983 עזיאל 5816 שׁבואל 7619 וירימות 3406 חנניה 2608 חנני 2607 אליאתה 448 גדלתי 1437 ורממתי עזר 7320 ישׁבקשׁה 3436 מלותי 4413 הותיר 1956 מחזיאות׃ 4238