SEV Biblia, Chapter 46:29
Y José unció su carro y vino a recibir a Israel su padre a Gosén; y se manifestó a él, y se echó sobre su cuello, y lloró sobre su cuello bastante.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Genesis 46:29
Verse 29. And Joseph made ready his chariot] wtbkrm mercabto. In chap. xli. 43, we have the first mention of a chariot, and if the translation be correct, it is a proof that the arts were not in a rude state in Egypt even at this early time. When we find wagons used to transport goods from place to place, we need not wonder that these suggested the idea of forming chariots for carrying persons, and especially those of high rank and authority. Necessity produces arts, and arts and science produce not only an increase of the conveniences but also of the refinements and luxuries of life. It has been supposed that a chariot is not intended here; for as the word hbkrm mercabah, which we and most of the ancient versions translate chariot, comes from bkr rachab, he rode, saddling his horse may be all that is intended. But it is more likely to signify a chariot, as the verb rsa asar, which signifies to bind, tie, or yoke, is used; and not bj chabash, which signifies to saddle.Fell on his neck] See chap. xlv. 14.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 28-34 - It was justice to Pharaoh to let him know that such a family was com to settle in his dominions. If others put confidence in us, we must no be so base as to abuse it by imposing upon them. But how shall Josep dispose of his brethren? Time was, when they were contriving to be ri of him; now he is contriving to settle them to their advantage; this is rendering good for evil. He would have them live by themselves, in the land of Goshen, which lay nearest to Canaan. Shepherds were a abomination to the Egyptians. Yet Joseph would have them not ashamed to own this as their occupation before Pharaoh. He might have procure places for them at court or in the army. But such preferments woul have exposed them to the envy of the Egyptians, and might have tempte them to forget Canaan and the promise made unto their fathers. A honest calling is no disgrace, nor ought we to account it so, but rather reckon it a shame to be idle, or to have nothing to do. It is generally best for people to abide in the callings they have been bre to and used to. Whatever employment and condition God in his providenc has allotted for us, let us suit ourselves to it, satisfy ourselve with it, and not mind high things. It is better to be the credit of mean post, than the shame of a high one. If we wish to destroy ou souls, or the souls of our children, then let us seek for ourselves and for them, great things; but if not, it becomes us, having food an raiment, therewith to be content __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
ויאסר 631 יוסף 3130 מרכבתו 4818 ויעל 5927 לקראת 7125 ישׂראל 3478 אביו 1 גשׁנה 1657 וירא 7200 אליו 413 ויפל 5307 על 5921 צואריו 6677 ויבך 1058 על 5921 צואריו 6677 עוד׃ 5750