A URANIUM 238 HALOThe picture shows a complete U-238
halo, as found in granite and similar substances:
The diagram shows a uranium 238 grain at the center, with
the many concentric rings a halve made by it and its daughter products. Each halo ring is
identified by its isotope, and its alpha energy level is stated in MeV (million electron
volts). Keep in mind that each of the rings comes only from the eight alpha particles in
the complete chain as they were emitted; the beta particles make no halos. That is why
there are only eight rings. (All eight of the rings may be hard to see, but there are
eight of them there; the second inner ring is actually two rings very close together. In
actual practice, only five rings are generally visible because some alpha energies are
almost identical.)
THE HALF LIFE CLOCKIf all we had accomplished was to
identify halo rings as coming from radioactive elements, it would not be worth writing
this report. But there is a clock hidden in each granite halo! We can actually know
without question how long it takes for the radioactive grain in the center to make each of
those halos! It is all keyed to half-life.
WHAT IS A HALF LIFE?Half-life is the time required
for a radioactive substance to lose one half of its radioactivity. As an atom of U-238
gives off its billions of alpha and beta particles, it gradually decays (loses its
radioactivity). At the end of a half life, one half of its radioactivity will be gone. At
the end of another half life, another one-half will be gone. If that atom of U-238
originally had 1000 particles, it would only have 500 at the end of its first halt life.
After the second half life, it would only have 250 remaining. Half-life and decay rate are
closely related. Each radioactive substance takes a certain amount of time to lose half of
its radioactivity. Isotopes that decay quickly have short half lives; those that decay
more slowly have longer half lives. At the present time, U-238 is decaying very slowly
with a half life of 4.5 billion years.
factor, scientists at first became very interested in these tiny halos in granite. They
assumed that those halos could help determine the age of the earth, and it was thought
that, by studying these halos, they also might be able to learn whether the decay rate of
radioactive substances has always been constant. So they were quite interested in Joly's
discoveries and calculations about rock halos.
HENDERSON STUDIES THE HALOSAbout 10 years after Joly
stopped his halo studies, another researcher began working on a few of them.
Henderson, a physicist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia studied them for
ten years during the 1930s.
Joly had only worked with uranium and thorium halos.
Henderson's research was primarily with uranium and thorium halos, but he also did some
work with four other types of halos which he did not take time to identify. These four he
called the A, B, C, and D halos.
GENTRY BECOMES INTERESTEDTime passed, and then about
20 years after Henderson stopped his research, a young man by the name of Robert V.
Gentry, became interested in them again. It was the clocks found within the halosthe
dating factor hidden in those tiny circlesthat intrigued him. As they do with so
many other students, his teachers at the university had gradually won over young Gentry to
evolution. As an evolutionist, he wanted to find out whether the decay rates had always
been constant. But Gentry was an honest man, and willing to go wherever the evidence led
Near the end of the 1962-1963 school year he asked for
permission to do his doctoral research on the topic of the halos in granite. When asked
why, he said that the studies might reveal something about the age of the earth. In reply,
he was told to change his topic, but he persisted in his request. He was then sternly
refused permission to study the subject, and the comment was made that if he discovered
something which might upset the present datings of earth's prehistory, the university
might get into trouble with the scientific community! And that they did not dare do.
Gentry gave the matter a lot of thought. He would have to
change his topic or drop out of school. Since he was given a year to decide, he spent his
savings on a trip to Nova Scotia to personally examine Henderson's research papers and his
collection of halos, carefully sliced from the biotite (mica) of granite. Some of
Henderson's halo slides and samples were still at the Dalhousie University in Halifax.
Returning later to the States, Gentry again requested
Georgia Tech to let him do the halo research; and for the third time he was refused
permission. So he dropped out of school and began studying the halos on his own.
We will not here detail Gentry's life story, nor all of
his research and the immense controversy that it has since stirred up in the scientific
world. But we will mention here that, after presenting a research paper at the American
Geophysical Union in Washington D.C., Gentry was invited to join the faculty of Columbia
Union College in Tacoma Park, Maryland. Soon he had a well-equipped laboratory to work in.
Later, a scientist replied to one of his scientific papers by suggesting a line of
research he ought to do.
In order to complete it, he obtained permission to work in
the research section at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Moving
there, he was able to use its multi-million dollar facilities for over a decade.
(You can read the entire story of Robert Gentry and his
discoveries for yourself in his excellent book, Creation's Tiny Mystery, available from
Earth Science Associates, Box 12067, Knoxville, TN 37912. You may wish to order a copy for
yourself or a friend. The book is only $12.95, plus $2.00. for shipping and handling.)
In this present study we will briefly summarize some of
the principal discoveries that Gentry made. He brought to light factual information
regarding the foundation stones of our planetthat shakes the foundation stones of
evolution to pieces!
Unfortunately, those who believe that this world has been
here for millions of years inevitably find themselves opposed to Gentry's research. Not
being able to refute his findings, they fervently wish he would pack his evidence and
forever depart.
THE D HALOS FIRSTAs you will recall, although
Henderson in the 1930s focused his work on uranium halos in granite, he also, without
trying to identify them, did some work on what he called the "A, B, C, and D
When Gentry began his halo research, he initially focused
on the D halos, since they had the smallest diameter from the grain to the outermost
Studying the halos in granite, Henderson had found five
types: U-238 halos, and what he called A, B, C, and D halos. In his research papers,
Henderson suggested that the D halo might be radium 226 (Rio-226). Since radium has a half
life of only 1600 years, Henderson thought that the Ra-226 ought to be radioactively
extinct. Carefully examining it, Gentry found that the D halo was not significant. It was
only partially-decayed U-238. Upon careful examination he discovered that the grain of
radium 226 in the center of the D halo was not extinct. It was still emitting radiation.
Later experiments by Gentry revealed that the D halos were caused by incomplete uranium
radioactivity. Then he discovered that the A, B, and C halos were not the result of
uranium decay, that is, not daughter products of a U-238 chain! This was a major
EXTINCTION?When the radioactive grain in the center of the halo stops emitting
radiation, then that particular halo unit is extinct. All of its half lives are finished
and there is no more radiation being emitted. The grain has changed to lead 206 (Pb-206).
Although millions of alpha and beta particles are emitted
by each grain, the grain itself is small enough that it only emits a few at a time. The
number it emits over a given time is in relation to the length of its half life. If it has
a long half life, it will give off radiation more slowly, if it has a short half life, it
will emit its radiation more rapidly.
Auto-radiography was the only technique in the early 1960s
which could test the central grains and their halos for radioactivity. In order to make an
auto-radiograph, a special photographic emulsion had to be poured over the exposed flat
surface of mineral containing the grain and its halo. The grain specimen must be on or
very close to the surface of that split mica section. The specimens that Gentry selected
sometimes had an assortment of uranium, A, B, C, and/or D halos.
Because it would take
several weeks for the emulsion to be properly exposed, the emulsion-covered halos were placed in a refrigerator to insure that the
film was not exposed by light, thus fading out the trails, during that time.
When later
developed, an alpha particle from the grain would show as a small trail across the
emulsion. In the normal course of emitting alpha particles from the central grain, about
half of the alpha particles would go downward into the mica; these would not
be photographed. Another halt would go upward above the sliced section of material; these
would produce marks on the special photographic emulsion as short black trails of ionized
atoms. Later viewed under a microscope, such trails would clearly be seen on
the photograph. If these tell-tale trails did appear, it
would be known that that grain was still radioactive and not extinct.
THE A, B, AND C HALOSIn all his work with the D
halos, Gentry had had no success. Nothing definite had been learned and he might have
given up. But then he turned from the D halo to the A, B, and C halos. At first, he had
not been interested in them for the simple reason that they seemed to have no activity.
Whenever he had taken auto-radiographs of the uranium halos or the D halos, he obtained
clear-cut dark trails made by their alpha particles. But the A, B, and C halos were a
complete dud. They never made any trails. Then he finally recognized the truth of the
situation: the A, B, and C halos were totally extinct! Timewise, they had totally ended
all their half-lives. They had once been radioactive, but had already turned into the end
product, lead (Pb-206).
At this point, Robert Gentry was on the verge of making
the discovery that would topple all the theories of stellar and planetary evolution
proposed by modern evolutionists. But it would take the exhaustive work of many more years
before he would have sewn up every loophole of possible question.
EXTINCT - AND IDENTIFIEDGentry's first discovery was
that the A, B, and C halos were already extinct. They obviously had much shorter half
lives than many radioactive elements. But, if those halos had been formed in isolation
apart from longer half-life elements,the granite they were imbedded in could not
have become rock-hard solid any longer than the time it would take for the A, B, and C
particles to form their halos. This was highly significant. Because all their half lives
were already fully completed, the time required for their host granite to form into
solidity could not be older than the entire decay cycle of those halos! But more: As we
shall learn shortly, because these halos are found by the trillions upon trillions in
granite and related rocks all over the world, the message they bring to us is a very
important one. Granite all over the world may have formed into its present solid form much
quickly than evolution teaches it has.
After careful observations over a period of time, Gentry
identified Henderson's mysterious A, B, and C halos. The A halo was polonium 210 (Po210);
the B halo was polonium 214 (Po-214); the C halo was polonium 218 (Po-218).
Gentry measured the distances from each of the rings to the grain in the middle. Using
known radioactive information, he was able to positively identify each of the three types
of radiohalos. In doing this measuring he had only the alpha emissions to work with, for
beta particles make no rings.
ISOTOPES OF POLONIUMThere are three isotopes of the
element polonium in these granite halos. These are Po-210, Po-214, and Po218. These
isotopes do occur in the uranium decay chain, but this would not mean that they were decay
products of uranium. They might have originated with primordial (original) polonium
itself. This would be a halo that began with polonium, and never had any parent above it,
such as uranium.
WERE THEY PRIMARY HALOS?Checking back on Henderson's
papers, Gentry found that Henderson had also written a tentative conclusion on this.
Seeing that they were extinct, Henderson was at first puzzled, but then decided that these
halos had to be secondary halosjust the result of some uranium that had somehow
gotten into granite,rather than primary halos, that is, made directly by radioactive
polonium grains apart from any uranium.
HENDERSON'S THEORY Henderson assumed that these
halos would have had to be caused by uranium,for if they were not caused by it,
their presence in the granite would topple the entire framework of evolutionary
speculation as to the origins of the earth.
Henderson theorized that these three halo types (A halo -
Po-210, B halo - Po-214, and C halo - Po-218) were caused by a very small flow of uranium
through tiny cracks in the rocks. As the uranium traveled alongand decayed as it
wentit would gradually produce the halos of various daughter products able to make
analyze again the "Uranium 238 Decay Chain" that we printed earlier in this
study. Only those radioactive substances which emit an alpha particle will produce a halo.
Checking that chart, we find that only eight of the fifteen in the chain emit alpha
particles. These eight are as follows: U-238, U-234, Th-230, Ra-226, Rn-222, Po-218,
Po-214, and Po-210.
admitted that he had not had time to carefully check out the A, B, and C halos, but
thought that they must be of secondary origin. He said that the halos were not primary but
secondary; they did not come from the polonium, but from something farther up the chain of
decay. Because that other radioactive substance would have had a much longer half life,
its presence would salvage the evolutionary view of long ages back to the beginning of our
But at the last, Henderson was still not certain. In his
notes he admitted he had not researched out whether or not the polonium halos were primary
or secondary in origin, and he suggested that this secondary origin hypothesis still
needed to be checked out. He intended to do so himself, but, being diverted by a war
production assignment at the onset of the Second World War, he died shortly afterwards.
HENDERSON INCORRECTMeticulous investigation by
Gentry was to reveal that all of the polonium halos (the A, B, and C halos in the rocks)
were primary and not secondary. Fortunately, Gentry was soon to have available to him
certain techniques that were not developed until after Henderson's time. There are
substances which can be placed on the surface of the rock sample, which will make visible
all previous damage trails left by any passing radioactive substance in earlier ages.
These laboratory checks revealed no uranium anywhere near many of these polonium halos.
With the passing of time, it was to be totally established
by Gentry that these polonium halos were not caused by contamination from uranium
solutions leaking through tiny cracks, cleavages or conduits in the mica. They were
primary polonium halos, not secondary ones! Advanced research techniques disclosed that,
although some of the halos were contaminated by uranium or above-polonium decay products,
the larger number stood clear and free of contamination.
In summary, then, careful laboratory examination revealed
that, most of the time, (1) the halos were isolated by themselves, (2) there were no other
uranium halos nearby, (3) there was no evidence of contamination from uranium flows, which
would have left telltale damage trails behind, and (4) the halos were themselves in areas
totally free of tiny cracks, cleavages, or conduits in the mica. As mentioned earlier,
granite is one of the most solid substances in nature, which naturally tends to be freer
from cracks than many other rocks.
halos that were clear and free of contamination were closed-system time clocks, and the
clocks had entirely run down, so that their time span (the time during which their halos
formed) should be able to be known.
But, of the A.B, and C halos, even though the polonium
halos were but rarely caused by flow contamination, there was the possibility that the A
and B halos were not always the products of only Po-210 and Po-214. The reason for this
was that, just above Po-210 and Po-214 on the decay chain, are other isotopes which had
kicked out invisible beta particles. Therefore, Gentry could not be certain that the half
lives of Po-210 and Po-214 were the clocks governing the A and B halos.
PO-218? Once again, let us turn to the chart of the Uranium 238 Decay Chain, which
is to be found earlier in this study.
As you examine it, you will notice this: (1) There are 14
radioactive isotopes, plus a 15th, which is lead 206 (Pb-206). (2) Eight of these isotopes
emit an alpha particle. These eight are U-238, U-234, Th-230, Ra-226, Rn-222, and the A,
B, and C halos: Po-218, Po-214, and Po-210. (3) Only these eight can produce halos. (4)
The other six isotopes only emit beta particles and therefore do not by themselves make
halos. These six are Th-234, Pa-234, Pb-214, Bi-214, Pb-210, and Bi-210. (The last one,
Pb-206 is end-of-the-line lead, which is a stable element. It, of course, produces no
radiation or halos.)
Po-214 and Po-210 each have two beta-emitting isotopes
above them in the chain. Those beta isotopes could invisibly lengthen the clocks found
within the Po214 and Po-210 halos.
beta-emitting isotopes do not make halos, they could affect the time clocks of certain
halos. Only an alpha-emitting isotope in the uranium chain which immediately follows
another alpha-emitting isotopecan have its half life and decay rate clearly
identified. Therefore only the C halo could be used for clock purposes.
more detailed explanation: Looking at the Uranium 238 Decay Chain chart, you will notice
that polonium 210 (Po-210; the A halo) gives off a halo-making alpha particle. Just above
it on the chain is bismuth 210 (BI-21 0) which gives off a non-halo making beta particle.
Just above the Bi-210 is beta-emitting lead 210 (Pb-210). When we see an A halo, it could
have been caused by (1) Po-210, but it could also have been caused by (2) Bi-210 and
Po-210, or it could have been caused by (3) Pb-210, Bi-210, and Po-210. Because the Pb-210
and Bi-210 produce no halos, the grain in the middle may originally have been polonium
210, or it may have been Bismuth 210, or even lead 210. We cannot tell. Only the third of
these, the polonium 210 will make halos, but either of the three isotopes may have been
the original grain. Therefore we cannot with certainty date an extinct Po-210 from our
knowledge of Its halt life, for the half lives of one or both of the other isotopes may be
When we examine the B halo (Po-214), we find the same
problem. There are two beta-emitting isotopes just above it (Bi-214 and Pb-214).
But when we examine the C halo (Po-218), WE FIND WHAT WE
HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR! Polonium 218, the "C halo," is the answer. (1) Like the A
and B halos, it has a very short half life. (2) Like the A and B halos, it is already
extinct. All of its radioactivity is gone, therefore we can know the halo clock has
stopped at a certain time setting. (3) Unlike the A and B halos, it has no beta-producing
isotopes just before it (the Rn-222 that precedes it is an alpha-emitting isotope),
therefore we can mathematically determine the beginning and extent of its clock of half
report there was a diagram of a complete set of uranium 238 halos. It would be well, at
this point, to view the complete set of halo rings for Po-210 (A halo), Po-214 (B halo),
and Po-218 (C halo),and at the same time learn the time clock of their half lives:
On the next two pages will be found illustrations of all
three halos. The first is a Polonium 210 halo, the second is a Polonium 214 halo, and the
third is a Polonium 218 halo.
In the discussion of each of the three halos, given in the
next three paragraphs, you will frequently want to consult those diagrams.
EXPLANATION OF THE PO-210 HALOComparing this diagram
with the diagram of the Uranium 238 Decay Chain, we learn that polonium 210 (Po-210) goes
directly into lead 206, therefore it only makes one ring or halo. The half life of Po-210
is 138.4 days, which is very short! Just above it, in the chain, is bismuth 210 (Bi-210)
and lead 210 (Pb-210). Bismuth 210 has a half life of 5 days, but lead 210, which is the
highest possible factor involved in this halo, has a half life of 22 years, which is also
quite short. Only one halo is produced (that of Po-210), but we cannot know for a
certainty whether this visible halo includes only Po-210, or also BI-210, and possibly
Pb-210 as well.
EXPLANATION OF THE PO-214 HALOPolonium 214 (Po-214)
results in two rings, first the Po-214 ring which is the outer one, then later, after
changing first into Pb-210 and then into Bi-210, it becomes Po-210, which then sends forth
another visible ring, which is the inner one. Having set forth the Po-210 particles, the
final change into Pb-206 occurs, and total decay is achieved. But Po-214 may have started
this halo series, or it may have been Pb-214 or BI-214. Bismuth 214 has a half life of
18.8 minutes, the half life of Pb-214 is 26.8 minutes and the half life of PO-214 is only
164 microseconds!
Pictures from page 126

It is very possible that some of the halos observed in the
granite originate with Po-214. This would mean that that granite was formed in less than
164 microseconds. But there is no way of proving this.
EXPLANATION OF THE PO-218 HALOGentry found Polonium
218 (Po-218) to be the KEY isotope in the entire uranium 238 decay chain! Portrayed in the
diagram below, we see the small grain of Po-218 in the middle, and three outer rings.
These rings are as follows: The first one to be formed is the middle ring, the Po-218
ring. The second halo to be etched on the mica is the outermost ring of Po-214. The third
ring to be marked is the innermost halo, which was etched by Po-210.
The half life of Po-218 is only three minutes!
Involved in this set of halos were four beta particle
radiationsfrom Pb-214, Bi-214, Pb-210, and Bi-210. But they do not in any way affect
the timing of the rings, since they themselves do not produce rings.
POLONIUM 218 THE KEYOnly in polonium 218 can we know
the beginning and ending and thus exact time cycleof a very short radioactive
isotope! Because of this, in every instance in which we can find the polonium 218 halo
system clearly isolated from other higher-chain isotopes, we can point to it and say,
"The rock in which this halo structure is etchedwas brought into existence in
less than three minutes!"
Since the polonium halo is formed within three minutes,
all the polonium in the central grain would have run through its full thirty-minute
lifespan long before the rocks could have hardened!
The granite had to be already solid before that Po-218
halo could form on its surface. And the halo is clearly formed by the end of the first
Po-218 half life, which is three minutes.
Pictures from pages 127-128
LIMIT?Neither traces of uranium 238, nor any of its daughter products above polonium
218, are located near most of those polonium 218 halos found in granite. The original
grain in the center of the Po-218 halo cross section is polonium 218 and only polonium
218. As soon as it began to emit its particles, it shot them out very rapidly. Three
minutes later, it had completed its half life. Within that period of time, one-half of all
the polonium 218 alpha particles had been radiated outward. This amounted to billions and
billions of particle emissions. But one-half of all of them were completed within just
three minutes. Here are three startling facts: (1) During the time of that first half
life, the Po-218 halo was clearly formed,etched in granite. (2) After that first
three minutes, the second half life of three minutes occurred. So in six minutes, three
fourths of all the P-218 alpha particles had been radiated into that Po-218 halo. (3) When
were all those three-minute half lives completed? In about 30 minutes.
It is important to keep in mind that the halo can only be
etched inside a solid rocknever inside a molten rock. No marks of a halo can be made
on magma or lava. The granite would have had to be solid in order for the Po-218 halo to
be etched onto it.
point did the Po-218 change into the next lower isotope on the radioactive chain, which is
lead 214? The changeover occurs gradually. As the grain of
Po-218 sends out an alpha particle of Po-218, the emitting part of the grain became lead
214. As an other particle is shot out, another part of the grain
changes from Po-218 to Pb-214.
CENTER?Looking again at the Po-218 halo diagram, we ask: Why did the Po-218 alpha
particles go out farther than the later Po-210 particles? And why did the Po-214 particles
go the farthest from the grain in the center?
Here is the answer: Look again at the diagram of the
Po-218 cross section. The Po-218 halo is formed by Po-218 alpha particles, each of which
has an energy level of 6.00 MeV (million electron volts). The Po-218 halo
particles (each with 6.00 MeV of energy) were just strong enough that each particle could
travel only a certain distance before stopping and etching itself into the mica. That is
what formed that PO-218 halo. Later, the Po-214 alpha particles shot out with an energy
level of 7.69 MeV, which is higher than 6.00 MeV, 8o they traveled out the farthest before
stopping and marking their halo. Finally the weaker Po-210 grain sent out its 5.30 MeV
alpha particles, and they did not go very far.
CONTAMINATED?Since all of the halosincluding those of Po-218 are to be
found in the uranium 238 cross section, diagrammed earlier in this study, how can we be
certain that it was not uranium 238 or another of the higher-chain isotopes that made
these Po-218 halos? We can know with certainty that neither uranium, nor another isotope
higher in the radioactive chain, made them because no halos above Po-21 8 are to be found
in these special Po-218 halo systems! Only Po-218 and its daughter products (Po-214 and
Po-210) have their halos etched there. So the polonium halos in mica are not of secondary
There is yet another way that secondary halos could be
formed: from passing streams of uranium solutions. But later in this study we will learn
that a technique (alpha-recoil) was used which proved that all of the
polonium halos (Po-218, Po-214, and Po-210) in granite were of primary origin, for they
were free of contaminating secondary origin.
A "secondary polonium halo" would be a halo
caused by a grain of polonium "of secondary origin." Secondary polonium would be
a daughter product of the U-238 chain. We can know that this particular grain of polonium
is secondary because (1) it will have all the parent halos encircling the polonium halos.
These parent halos would be: U-238, U-234, Th-230, Ra-226, and Rn-222; or (2) there will
be obvious evidence that the polonium came from a radioactive flow of materials through a
crack in the rock. But in this case, special tests can identify marks from that
contaminating flow. More on this later in this chapter.
A "primary polonium halo" would be a halo caused
by a grain of polonium "of primary origin." Primary polonium 218 would have been
in that rock when it originally became solid. We can know that this particular grain of
Po-218 is primary because (1) there are no parent halos encircling its halo, and (2) tests
reveal that no contaminating flow of radioactive fluids could have caused that Po-218
Because of the extremely short half life of Po-218, it
could not etch its halo on the rock before the rock was solidbecause no halo marks
would appear on molten rock. Nor could it do it after the rock became solidbecause
the Po-218 was there originally and did not slide into place afterward. This is a tighter
schedule than the "chicken and the egg" problem, for all primary polonium
218and all the rocks they are found inhad to originate at the same time; not
one after the other!
scientists consider it impossible for polonium 218 to be the originator of a halo complex.
They tell us that it violates one of their cherished speculations, which is this: They
theorize that, originally, only uranium existed. Gradually it disintegrated into thorium,
radium, and all the rest, including polonium, and finally ending in lead. The
evolutionists say that billions of years ago, when the earth was a molten mass of liquid
rock, only uranium 238 was present; none of is daughter products.
But if that theory were true, then, because uranium 238
has a half life of 4.5 billion years, throughout the world all of the uranium 238 chain
would be in equilibrium today. Whereas, we find ALL the isotopes in the chain that are not
extinct (uranium 238, Thorium 234, etc.), plus lead.
It is an assumption that ONLY uranium 238 was present in
the beginning. Just an assumption and that is all.
In contrast there IS proof that trillions of grains of
polonium 218, Po-214, and PO-210 in granite rocks did NOT originate with uranium or with
any radioactive substance above that of polonium 218.
First, no halos from any radioactive substance higher in
the chain than polonium 218 is to be found in those halos. The halos themselves speak to
us, telling us their story. Second, a newly-discovered technique (alpha-recoil) was to
prove that those Po-218 radiohalos were primary and not secondary.
IDENTIFICATIONS?Yes we can, because it is just a matter of simple measurement, if
you have the proper equipment with which to measure the halos. The numbers of halos
encircling the central grain, and the distance each one is from the centeridentifies
the originating grain. (But that, of course, must be within the limits that we discussed
earlier. An originating isotope can only be identified with certainty if (1) it emits
alpha particles, and (2) it is immediately preceded by another alpha particle-emitting
isotope, which is the case with Po-218.)
HALF LIFE AND DECAY RATEHalf life and decay rate of
a radioactive isotope are closely related. And they can reveal to us a span of time when
something happened in the distant past. In the above diagrams, we have seen the half lives
of the A, B, and C halos.
The existence of polonium 218 halos reveals that the
granite of our earthwhich is the major foundation rock under all the continents of
our planetall came into existence in a solid form in less than three minutest
because there are trillions upon trillions upon trillions of polonium 218 halos scattered
throughout all the granite of our globe! "Trillions and trillions of them?" Yes,
trillions and trillions of them. Even one original Po-218 halo would be of massive
importance, if a researcher happened to discover it and recognize its implications. But
there are vast quantities of them all about us! Nearly everywhere you go, those halos are
somewhere beneath your feet. For they are in all the granite in the world! They time-date
all that granite!
In two places in his book, Gentry gives a glimpse of the
frequency with which such radioactive halos appear in the basement rocks, such as granite.
Here is the first quotation:
[Speaking of the Po-21 8, Po-214, and Po-21 0 halo
complex:] "Polonium radio-haloes occur widely and not infrequently (total about 1015
to 1020) in Precambrian rocks."Robert Gentry, Creation's Tiny
Mystery, p. 49.
Using the halo counts he had been able to make in many
samples, and then comparing them with known scientific estimates of the amount of basement
granitic rocks in the world, Gentry arrived at a figure of 10 with 15 to 20 zeros after
it. That is one octillion halos! Here it is written out:
Here is the second quotation:
". . Po-218 halo (some of my natural specimens
contain more than 104, of Po halos/cm3): "Creation's Tiny
Mystery, p. 65.
there are great quantities of polonium halos in even a rather small amount of rocks. In
addition, we now know that the granite goes down many miles below us!
Gentry made careful centimetric counts in portions of his
samples, and then extrapolated upward in order to arrive at estimates for those entire
small samples. He found that some of his samples had over 10,000 Po-218 halos in them.
Imagine a sample of granite in your hand, with a total mass about that of a golf ball. And
yet it may have over 10,000 Po-218 halos in it! How many are there in all the granite in
the world?
You can quickly see that these halos are no little matter!
They may be small, but they are found so frequently in the foundation rocks of our planet
that the time-dating they reveal is of the utmost importance.
"This would imply that in some instances only a few
seconds elapsed before the radioactivity responsible for certain anomalous halos became
extinct. Yet if this extinct radioactivity existed for only a few seconds, how did it get
buried in the crustal rocks? This is impossible according to some theories of the origin
of the earth. "Robert Gentry, "Cosmology and Earth's Invisible
in Medical Opinion arid Review, October 1987, pp. 78.
"My challenge to this [evolutionary] view hinges on
the simple fact that I claim the various types of polonium haloes that exist in these
Precambrian granites initiated from primordial rather than secondary Po radioactivity, and
that these primordial Po haloes constitute prima facie evidence of virtually instantaneous
creation of these rocks.
"Likewise, unless the creation of the radioactivity
and rocks were simultaneous there would be no pictureno [polonium] halos. Further,
by virtue of the very short half-life, the radioactivity and the formation of the rocks
must be almost instantaneous."Robert Gentry, Op. cit., p. 65.
AN UNDERLYING PROBLEMA basic reason evolutionary
scientists cannot accept such new light, is because of their devotion to what they call
"the uniformitarian principle." But it is a theory, not a principle. This
concept teaches that everything in the past has happened in the same way at the same rate
as it does today. Yet this is only an assumption.
It is only a hypothesis that present rates of
accumulation, decomposition and erosion have never changed throughout all past time.
Dripstone (stalactites) hang from a tunnel in London which
was not used from 1941 to 1974. In 33 years, those stalactites had started their growth
and were already over 24 inches in length. There they hang in that tunnel like long
pointed swords, but they cannot really be there because the uniformitarian principle
teaches that stalactites just do not form that rapidly. Theory is nice, but it ought to
square with the facts. (More on this in chapter 6, Age of the Earth.)
There is no room in the "uniformitarian
principle" for an instantaneous creation of granite. Therefore the scientists cannot
accept it. Yet, whether they like it or not, the facts are there proving that it happened.
As with the stalactites, the formation time span of the Po-218 halos is known.
Obviously, the polonium 218 halos shatter many other
evolutionary theories as well.
There is no possible way for the universe to have evolved
from an explosion of nothing into everything as the evolutionists now teach, and for all
the long ages of earth's pre-history to have occurred,if all the granite was formed
almost instantly not long ago. The billions of years thought necessary for the earth to
evolve from a nebulous mass simply evaporate when confronted by such evidence.
the Po-218 halos for a time, Robert Gentry recognized that granite did not belong in the
category in which geologists had placed it. They said it was an igneous rock, and that it
had hardened out of hot magmaliquid rock. But if the granite had originated from
molten rock, it could not have formed those polonium halos, and they would not be
thereby the millionsfor us to see today.
Since the polonium halo is formed within three minutes,
all the polonium in the central grain would have run through its full thirty-minute
lifespan long before the rocks could have hardened!
The granite had to be already solid before that Po-218
halo could form on its surface. And the halo is clearly formed by the end of the first
Po-218 half life, which is three minutes.
So Gentry reclassified the granites as "primordial
rocks" or "Genesis rocks. " He had three reasons for doing this: (1)
Granite has large numbers of those polonium 218-halos. (2) Granite is the foundation or
basement rock undergirding all the continents of our globe. (3) Granite is devoid of
Fossils are the remains of the plants and animals that
suddenly died at the time of the Flood that covered the earth. (It is described in
Genesis, chapters 6 to 9.) We find such fossils in sedimentary rock strata, which was made
when wet materials containing pebbles, clay, sand, and gravel were laid down and pressed
Granite stands out as different in several ways. One is
that it is not a sedimentary rock; it was not pressed into shape at the time of the Flood.
Another is that there are no fossils in the granite. Granite has no fossils because it was
SOLID before the Flood occurred. In contrast, the sedimentary rocks have fossils because
they were laid down by that Flood.
(Keep in mind that although the true granites have no
fossils, geologists sometimes use the term "granite" loosely to include certain
non-granitic rocks,and some of them at times have fossils.) The true granites are
coarsely crystalline rocks with an intermingling of the light-colored minerals quartz and
feldspar, plus smaller amounts of biotite (mica) and hornblende. Fossils are never found
in that type of rock.
our terms, by "Genesis rock," we mean a rock that was in solid form at the time
our planet first came into existence. Granite was one of those rocks. But there are
others. The Genesis rocks are the ones which have a coarse crystalline structure: This
would primarily include granite, gabbro, diorite, and granite porphyry.
the continents we find what geologists call the "continental mass of granite."
As a result of the Flood a lot of sedimentary rock was pressed into shape. Beneath the
enormous quantity of light-colored granite which is the foundation rock of our continents,
there is molten rock (called magma). Occasionally some of that molten rock comes to the
surface (through volcanic vents) and then hardens into rock. Sometimes the outflow is
light-colored (from melted granite) and when this lava hardens it becomes
rhyolite, with
tiny crystals, instead of the large, coarse ones found in granite. But most of the time
this magma hardens into very dark rockmuch darker than granite. In fact it is almost
black. Commonly called lava, it is actually basalt. Basalt comes from melted
Like granite, gabbro is also a Genesis rock (a rock which
was made solid and did rot come from molten rock). It also has large crystals, but, unlike
granite, it is almost black. When gabbro is melted into lava and then hardened again into
rockit becomes a different rock. Like other Genesis rocks, once gabbro has been
melted and rehardened, it never reforms itself into the large crystals that it originally
had. Instead, it becomes a different rock with fine (very small) crystals; it becomes
It is an interesting fact that scientists cannot make
Genesis rocks, such as granite and gabbro! When they try to do so, they only produce very
fine (small) grained rocks, such as rhyolite or basalt, which, because they are so
different, also have different names. The molten lavaor magmadown deep in the
earth is a liquid form of the Genesis rock, gabbro, which lies closer to the surface.
something else that man cannot do. All that would be required would be to carefully lay a
grain of polonium 218 on a rock and let it form a halo. And the halo would be formed in
only three minutes time. But no one has been able to do it. The problem is that polonium
is one of the most mobile and unconfinable of the radioactive elements. You cannot put it
in one place and keep it there.
This greatly increases the mystery of those polonium halos
in granite. How did they get into that solid rock? As uranium gradually disintegrates, it
slowly breaks down into daughter products. But polonium halos are often found in granite
by themselves,so how did they get there? There is no possible way that that polonium
could be tied down long enough for a three-minute halo to develop!
Picture from page 132