Encyclopedia Vol. 1
"The theory of evolution suffers from grave defects, which are
more and more apparent as time advances. It can no longer square with
practical scientific knowledge. "—*Albert
"Our theory of evolution has become . . one which cannot be
refuted by any possible observations. Every conceivable observation
can be fitted into it . . No one can think of ways in which to test
it. Ideas, either without basis or based on a few laboratory
experiments carried out in extremely simplified systems, have attained
currency far beyond their validity. They have become part of an
evolutionary dogma accepted by most of us as part of our
training." L. C. Birch and P. Ehrlich,
Nature, April 22, 1967.
"I argue that the ‘theory of evolution' does not take
predictions, so far as ecology is concerned, but is instead a logical
formula which can be used only to classify empiricisms [theories] and
to show the relationships which such a classification implies . .
these theories are actually tautologies and, as such, cannot make
empirically testable predictions. They are not scientific
theories at all. "—*R. H. Peters, "Tautology to Evolution
and Ecology," American Naturalist, (1976) Vol. 110, No. 1, p. 1.
(Emphasis his.]
"Scientists have no proof that life was not the result of an
act of creation." —*Robert
Jastrow, The Enchanted
Loom: Mind In the Universe (1981), p. 19.
Introduction -
Evidence that the earth is quite young
1 - Evidence from the stars
2 - Evidence from the Solar System
3 - Evidence from other planets
4 - Evidence from our moon
5 - Evidence from the atmosphere
6 - Evidence from meteorites
7 - Evidence from the globe
8 - Evidence from beneath the earth's surface
9 - Evidence from on the earth's surface
10 - Evidence from living things
11 - Evidence from civilization
Conclusion -
1 - Ancient historical records
2 - Dating early man
Study and review questions
Related studies:
Chapter 5, Origin of the Earth
Chapter 7, Dating Methods
How old is Planet Earth? This is an important question, for even
though long ages of time are not a proof of evolution, yet without the
long ages evolution could not occur (if it were possible for it to
Actually, there are many evidences that our world is quite young.
Here are some of them:
First we shall consider EVIDENCE FROM THE STARS that the universe
itself is quite young:
I - STAR CLUSTERS—There are many star clusters in the universe.
Each one is a circular ball composed of billions upon billions of stars,
each with its own orbit. Because the orbits are elliptical, they
have a tendency to be interlocking. An extremely large circular star
cluster, with similar stellar orbits within it is found at the center of
each saucer-shaped island universe. Evidence indicates that each of
these giant packs of stars is moving in a certain direction. Science
tells us that some of these clusters—with their stars—are moving
so rapidly that it should be impossible for them to remain together if
the universe were, very old.
2 - LARGE STARS—Some stars are so enormous in diameter that it
is thought that they could not have existed for even a few million
years, otherwise their initial larger mass would have been
impossibly large. These massive stars radiate energy very rapidly—some
as much as 100,000 to 1 million times more rapidly than our own sun. On
the hydrogen basis of stellar energy, they could not have contained
enough hydrogen to radiate at such fast rates for long ages, because
their initial mass would have had to be far too gigantic.
3 - HIGH-ENERGY STARS—Some stars are radiating energy so intensely
that they could not possibly have survived for a long period of time. This
includes the very bright 0 and B class stars, the Wolf-Rayert stars, and
the P Cygni stars. Radiation levels of 100,000 to 1 million times as
much as our own sun is emitted by these stars! Yet, by the standard
solar energy theory, they do not contain enough hydrogen to perpetuate
atomic fusion longer than approximately 50,000 to 300,000 years.
4 - BINARY STARS—Many of the stars in the sky are binaries: two
stars circling one another. But many of these binary systems point us
to a young age for the universe.
"Many such pairs consist of two very different types of stars,
one theoretically very old and the other young. How could this be if
they had to evolve together in order to form a pair? Such problems
have frustrated theorists in their efforts to understand how binary
stars could have evolved. Perhaps the great age of stars is a fiction."
Robert E. Kofahl, Evolution Refuter (1980), p. 128.
5 - HYDROGEN IN UNIVERSE—According to one theory of solar
energy, hydrogen is constantly being converted into helium as stars
shine. But hydrogen cannot be made by converting other elements into
it. *Fred Hoyle, a leading astronomer, maintains that, if the
universe were as old as Big Bang theorists contend, there should be
little hydrogen in it. It would all have been transformed into
helium by now. Yet stellar spectra reveal an abundance of hydrogen in
the stars, therefore the universe must be youthful.
6 - AGE OF THE UNIVERSE—For much more information on this
topic, see the chapter appendix entitled Age of the Universe, at the end
of chapter 3 (Origin of the Solar System).
Next we shall consider EVIDENCE FROM OUR SOLAR SYSTEM that
our solar system is quite young:
7 - SOLAR COLLAPSE—Research studies indicate that our sun is
gradually shrinking at a steady rate of seconds of arc per century.
At its rate of shrinkage, as little as 50,000 years ago the sun would
have been so large that our oceans would boil. But in far less a
time than 50,000 years life here would have ceased to exist, for recent
studies have disclosed that neither the size of the sun, nor our
distance from it, could be much greater or smaller—for life to be
sustained on our planet. (See chapter 2, Origin of the Stars, for more
on this. Also see "The Shrinking Sun" in Creation Research
Society Quarterly, June 1980, pp. 57-59.)
"Since 1836, over one hundred different observers at the Royal
Greenwich Observatory and the U.S. Naval Observatory have made direct,
visual measurements that indicate that the sun's diameter is shrinking
at a rate of about. 1 percent each century or about five feet per
hour! Furthermore, records of solar eclipses indicate that this rapid
shrinking has been going on for at least the past 400 years. Several
indirect techniques also confirm that the sun is shrinking, although
these inferred collapse rates are only about 1/7th as much."—W.
T. Brown, In the Beginning (1989), p 19.
18 - SOLAR NEUTRINOS—In 1968 it was discovered that the sun is
emitting hardly any neutrinos. This evidence points directly to a very
youthful sun. These neutrinos ought to be radiating outward from
the sun in very large amounts, but this is not occurring. This fact,
coupled with research discoveries that the sun is shrinking in size,
point to a recently-created sun. (See solar collapse and antimatter in
chapter 2, Origin of the Stars, for more information on this.)
"The lack of solar neutrinos is almost irrefutable evidence
for a recently created sun . . .
"If the sun had formed as is assumed by most scientists today,
nuclear fusion could never have become is energy source. Evidence from
the solar neutrino experiment, global solar oscillations, and measured
solar shrinkage all are strong evidence against the existence of
nuclear fusion in the sun. Any alternate energy source necessarily
means a shorter maximum lifetime."—Paul M.
"Solar Neutrinos and a Young Sun" in Creation Research
Society Quarterly, June 1980, pp. 60, 64.
9 - COMETS—Comets journey around the sun and are assumed to
have the same age as our world and solar system. But, as *Fred Whipple
has acknowledged, astronomers have no idea where or how comets
originated. Yet we know that they are continually disintegrating. This
is because they are composed of bits of rocky debris held together by
frozen gases and water. Each time a comet circles the sun, some of
the ice is evaporated and some of the gas is boiled away by the sun's
heat. Additional material is lost through gravitational forces, tail
formation, meteor stream production and radiative forces. The most
spectacular part of a comet is its tail, but this consists of material
driven away from its head by solar energy. All the tail material is lost
in space as the comet moves onward.
A number of comets have broken up and dissipated within the period of
human observation. Some of those regularly seen in the nineteenth
century have now vanished. Others have died spectacularly by plunging
into the sun.
Evidently all the comets should self-destruct within a time frame
that is fairly short. Careful study has indicated that the effect of
this dissolution process on short-term comets would have totally
dissipated them within 10,000 years.
There are numerous comets circling our sun, including many short-term
ones, with no source of new comets known to exist. If they were
"millions of years old," the original size of each comet would
have had to be larger than our sun,—in which case our sun would have
been orbiting the comets, and not vice versa! Yet we have hundreds of
comets in our solar system with closed elliptical orbits, proving that
they are locked into our solar system and did not originate outside of
"Each time a comet approaches the sun on the near part of its
orbit, the sun's radiation warms and drives away part of the
gases, dust, and frozen water it contains. Moreover, the strong
gravitational force near the sun partially disrupts the solid chunks
making up the core of the comet. Ultimately, these effects of the sun
cause the comet to disintegrate and disappear, and this has actually
been observed to happen.
"Careful studies of comets by British astronomer
Lyttleton and others have led to the conclusion that all of the
short-term comets should have disappeared in about 10,000 years."—R.E.
Kofahl and ICL Seagraves, The Creation Explanation (1975), p. 144.
Picture from page 155
"Short-term comets" includes all those which return close
to the sun every several centuries or less. According to Lyttleton's
calculations (and he is a confirmed evolutionist), they would have all
been wiped out within 10,000 years. See *R.A. Lyttleton's 1968 book,
Mysteries of the Solar System, for more information on this.
In reply, evolutionists speculate that there is a hypothetical
"Oort cloud" on the edge of the solar system, which is
manufacturing new comets. But there is no scientific evidence that such
a cloud exists.
"Evolutionary theories are totally incapable of accounting for
comets in an old solar system. They cannot explain the formation,
maintenance or return of comets. the chemical composition, behavior,
and orbits of comets are not consistent with large ages and
naturalistic formation. Comets are young objects. And since there is
no natural mechanism which can account for a recent formation of
comets, they must have been created recently in a recently created
solar system."—Paul Steidl, "Comets and Creation"
in Creation Research Society Quarterly, March 1987, p. 159.
"According to Richardson's figures, out of an original family
of 1,000 short-period comets, at the end of 3,000 years only 1 or 2
would be left! Slusher concludes, 'The destruction and the loss of
comets puts a definite upper limit on the age of the solar system.
Instead of 4.5 billion years, it appears at the most to be only a few
to several thousand years old.' "—News note in Creation
Research Society Quarterly, December 1973, p. 174.
10 - COMET WATER—It has only been in recent years that
scientists have discovered that comets are primarily composed of water,
and that so many small comets are continually striking the earth. Yet
each strike adds more water to our planet. Scientific evidence
indicates that, if the earth was billions of years old, our oceans would
be filled several times over with water.
"Photographs, taken from earth-orbiting satellites, seem to show
tiny, ice-filled comets striking the earth's upper atmosphere at a rate
of one every three seconds. As each comet vaporizes, about 100 tons of
water should be added to the earth's atmosphere. If this began when the
evolutionists say the earth started to evolve, the earth and all its
oceans should have several times more water than it now has."—W.
T. Brown, In the Beginning (1989), p 18.
11 - SOLAR WIND—As the sun's radiation flows
outward, it applies an outward force on very, very small particles
orbiting the sun. All of the particles smaller than 100,000th of a
centimeter in diameter should have long ago been "blown out"
of our solar system, if the solar system were billions of years old. Yet
research studies by satellites in space have shown that those small
particles are abundant and still orbiting the sun. Therefore our solar
system is quite young.
12 - SOLAR DRAG—This is a principle known as the "Poynting-Robertson
Effect." A solar drag is exerted by our sun on the small
rocks and particles (micrometeoroids) in our solar system. This causes
these particles to spiral down into the sun and be destroyed. The
sun, acting like a giant vacuum cleaner, sweeps up about 100,000 tons
(90,720 metric tons) of micrometeoroids each day. The actual process by
which this occurs has been analyzed. Each particle absorbs energy from
the sun and then re-radiates it in all directions. This causes a slowing
down of the particle in its orbit and causes it to fall into the sun. At
its present rate, our sun would have cleaned most of the dust and
particles in less than 10,000 years, and all of it within 50,000 years.
Yet there is an abundance of these small pieces of rock, and there is
no known source of replenishment. This is because each solar system
would lock in its own micrometeoroids so they could not escape to
another one, and the gravity on each planet and moon would forbid any of
its gravel to fly out into space.
(In summary: Particles smaller than 100,000th of a centimeter are
hurled out of the solar system by the solar wind effect, and particles
smaller than that are pulled into the sun by the Poynting-Robertson
Effect. The Poynting-Robertson Effect is illustrated by rain which,
falling on a rapidly moving car, tends to slightly slow it. In a similar
manner, solar radiation, striking particles orbiting the sun, lessens
their speed. )
SYSTEM that it is quite young:
the surface of the planet Venus reach 900°F [482°C]. *Emmanuel
Velikovsky predicted that such a high Venusian surface temperature would
be found, and so it turned out. Velikovsky said that this would provide
clear evidence that Venus was only a few thousand years old: Both
this high temperature, as well as other surface features, do indeed
support a young age for that planet. Many large craters up to 100
miles [160.9 km] in diameter pock its surface. Yet scientists cannot
explain how meteors could get through the dense carbon dioxide
atmosphere without burning up. They are also astounded that Venus should
show such minor effects of erosion. The dense atmosphere should long ago
have worn away all the craters if the planet has the age postulated by
evolutionary theory (4 billion years).
14-EROSION AND WATER ON MARS—A similar problem exists in
relation to the planet Mars. When the Mariner satellites orbited Mars,
they sent back detailed photographs of its surface. Large numbers of
craters and volcanoes were seen, as well as a dust storm that lasted for
months. It was obvious that many of the craters had sharp edges,
indicating only a small amount of erosion. Yet more than a few
thousand years of the kind of weather activity regularly occurring on
Mars would have seriously eroded those edges. Long-term erosion should
also have obliterated the strong color differences clearly visible on
the surface of the planet.
A small amount of water has been found on Mars. But powerful
ultraviolet radiation from the sun should long ago have split the
hydrogen and oxygen apart, releasing the oxygen into the atmosphere
while the hydrogen escapes into outer space. There should now be no
water and a sizable amount of oxygen above the surface. But this is not
the case. Considerable amounts of hydrogen are indeed now observed to be
escaping from the planet into outer space, but there is very little
oxygen in the atmosphere,—and the water is still there on the surface.
It is all a great mystery to scientists who, in spite of the evidence,
declare the planet to be billions of years old.
15 - COMPOSITION OF SATURN'S RINGS—*G.P. Kuiper reported in
1967 that the trillions of particles in the rings circling the planet
Saturn are primarily composed of solid ammonia. Since solidified
ammonia has a much higher vapor pressure— than even ice, reputable
scientists recognize that it could not survive long without vaporizing
off into space. This is a strong indicator of a young age for Saturn's
rings. (More on this will be found in an appendix, entitled Age of
the Universe, at the end of chapter 3 (Origin of the Solar
16- BOMBARDMENT OF SATURN'S RINGS—Meteoroids bombarding
Saturn's rings would have destroyed them in far less than 20,000 years.
"The rings that are orbiting Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and
Neptune are being rapidly bombarded by meteoroids. Saturn's rings, for
example, should be pulverized and dispersed in about 10,000 years."—W.T.
Brown, In the Beginning (1989), p 18 [former engineering professor
at MIT, and later chief of Science and Technology Studies, U. S.
Air-War College].
17-MORE RING PROBLEMS—NASA Voyager treks have disclosed that
Jupiter and Uranus also have rings encircling them! (In addition, a 1989
Neptune fly-by revealed that it also has rings—four of them.) These
discoveries have only augmented the problem of the evolutionists, for it
would indicate a young age for those planets also. They try to come up
with a theory that can explain one set of rings—and then more are
discovered elsewhere and their theories are again thrown into confusion.
*Bradford Smith, a Voyager scientist, summarized their quandary in this
"The theory that explained how Saturn's rings could persist
through 4.6 billion years of solar system evolution also explained why
Saturn was the only planet that could have a ring.
"Then those theories had to be revised to account for the
rings of Uranus. The revisions implied that Jupiter would not have a
ring. Now Jupiter has been found to have a ring and we have to invent
a theory to explain it . .
"Dust and grain-sized particles can be ruled out as major
constituents of the ring [of Jupiter]. The intense radiation in
Jupiter's magnetic field would sweep them out. . No theory has yet
been developed that explains how all three of these planets could have
rings for so long."—*Bradford Smith, quoted in Mark Tippetts,
"Voyager Scientists on Dilemma's Horns," in Creation
Research Society Quarterly, December 1979, p. 185.
18-JUPITER'S MOONS—The Voyager I space probe was launched on
September 5, 1977. Aimed at the planet Jupiter, it made its closest
approach to that planet on March 5, 1979. Thousands of pictures and
thousands of measurements were taken of Jupiter and its moons.
Ever since Galileo first saw them, its four largest moons have been
called "Galilean moons." This new data about these four moons
provide us with invaluable information. Io is the innermost of the four,
and was found to have seven active volcanoes) These volcanoes spew
plumes of ejecta from 60 to 160 miles [96.5 to 257 km] above Io's
surface. This is astounding.
"The volcanic plumes shoot forth at speeds up to 2,000 mph
[3,218 km/h], 20 times faster than volcanic eruptions on
Earth."—*J. Schefter, Popular Science, Vol. 215, 1979, pp.
Nothing on our planet can match this continuous stream of material
being shot out by Io's volcanoes at a velocity of 2,000 miles per hour
[3,218 km per hour]. The usual evolutionary model portrays all the
planets and moons as being molten 5 billion years ago. During the next
billion years they are said to have had active volcanoes. Then, 4
billion years ago, the volcanism stopped as they cooled. Io is quite
small, yet it has the most active volcanoes we know of. Obviously, it is
quite young and its internal heat has not had time to cool.
The evolutionist reply to this is that perhaps there might be
radioactive rocks below its surface which are causing those volcanoes!
"What causes such violent volcanic activity? To keep a body
the size of Io in a state of continuous volcanic activity
through geologic time by radiogenic heating would require an
unreasonably large fraction of long-lived radionuclides. "—*Elske
Smith and *Kenneth Jacobs, Introductory Astronomy (1973), p. 962.
Of the five Galilean moons, Ganymede and Callisto have no volcanoes
and a high density of impact craters, Io has volcanoes and no impact
craters, and Europa has no volcanoes and no impact craters. Io has the
most marks, pits, and brightly colored areas of any of the four, but no
impact craters.
If all four moons evolved, they should be essentially alike in
physical characteristics. The theorized millions of years they have
existed should cause them to have the same amount of volcanoes and
impact craters, but this is not so. In contrast, a recent creation would
explain Io's volcanoes and the variety of surface features.
More recent data now indicate that Jupiter's moon, Titan, may also
have volcanoes.
Next we shall consider EVIDENCE FROM OUR OWN MOON that it is quite
19 - MOON DUST—Although most people do not know it, one of the
reasons so much money was spent to send a rocket to the moon was to see
how thick the dust was on its surface)
Evolutionists had long held to the fact (as we do) that the earth and
moon are about the same age. But many scientists think the earth and
its moon are billions of years old. If that were true, the moon would by
now have built up a 20-60 mile 132 to 96.5 km] layer of dust on it! In
the 1950s, * R.A. Lyttleton, a highly-respected astronomer, said this:
"The lunar surface is exposed to direct sunlight, and strong
ultra-violet light and X-rays [from the sun] can destroy the surface
layers of exposed rock and reduce them to dust at the rate of a few
ten-thousandths of an inch per year. But even this minute amount
could, during the age of the moon, be sufficient to form a layer over
it several miles deep."—*R.A.
Lyttleton, quoted in R. Wysong,
Creation-Evolution Controversy, p. 175.
In 5 to 10 billion years, 3 or 4/10,OOOths of an inch per year would
produce 20-60 miles [32 to 96.5 km) of dust. In view of this, our men at
NASA were afraid to send men to the moon. Landing there, they would be
buried in dust and quickly suffocate! So first NASA sent an unmanned
lander to its surface, which made the surprising discovery that there is
not even 20 feet [32 km] of dust on the moon! But in spite of that
discovery, Neil Armstrong was decidedly worried about this dust problem
as his March 1970 flight in Apollo 11 neared. He feared his lunar lander
would sink deeply into it and he and Edwin Aldrin would perish. But
because the moon is young, they had no problem. There is not over 2 or 3
inches [5.08 or 7.62 cm] of dust on its surface! That is the amount
one would expect if the moon were about 6-8,000 years old.
Dr. Lyttleton's facts were correct; solar radiation does indeed turn
the moon rocks into dust. With only a few inches of dust, the moon
cannot be older than a few thousand years.
It is significant that studies on the moon have shown that only 1
/60th of the one- or two-inch dust layer on the moon originated from
outer space. This has been corrobated by still more recent measurements
of the influx rate of dust on the moon, which also do not support an old
There has been a noticeable silence on this matter after the Apollo
landings began. Evolutionary scientists are baffled by this obvious
evidence for a young moon, when all theoretical calculations do, indeed,
support Lyttleton's analysis that if the moon were really old, it would
have a great thickness of moon dust resulting from millions of years of
bombardment by solar energy and by meteorites of all sizes.
Before the first manned landing on the moon, *Isaac Asimov summarized
the problem of thick moon dust produced over the billions of years that
it has existed:
"But what about the Moon? It travels through space with us and
although it is smaller and has a weaker gravity, it, too, should sweep
up a respectable quantity of micro-meteors.
"To be sure, the Moon has no atmosphere to friction the
micro-meteors to dust, but the act of striking the Moon's surface
should develop enough heat to do the job. . On the Moon there are no
oceans to swallow the dust, no winds to disturb it, or life forms to
mess it up generally, one way a another. The dust that forms must just
lie there, and if the Moon gets anything like Earth's supply, it could
be dozens of feet thick. In fact, the dust that strikes crater walls
quite probably rolls downhill and collects at the bottom, forming
drifts that could be 50 feet deep or more. Why not?
"I get a picture, therefore, of the first spaceship [to the
moon], picking out a nice level place for landing purposes, coming
slowly downward tail-first and sinking majestically out of
sight." —*Isaac Asimov, Asimov on Science: A Thirty-Year
Retrospective (1989), pp. xvi-xvii (This was *Asimov's first published
science essay (1958), reprinted in a 1989 book.)
20 - LUNAR SOIL—Analysis of lunar soil negates the possibility
of long ages for the moon's existence. The dirt on the moon does not
reveal the amount of soil mixing that would be expected if the moon were
very old.
21 - LUNAR ISOTOPES—Many wonder what value there has been in
collecting moon rocks. One of the most surprising moon rock discoveries
is seldom mentioned: Short-lived Uranium 236 and Thorium 230 were
found in those stones! Short-term radioactive isotopes do not last long;
they rather quickly turn into their end product, which is lead. If
the moon were even 50,000 years old, these short-life radioisotopes
would long since have decayed into lead. But instead they were
relatively abundant in the moon rocks! The importance of this should
not be underestimated. The moon cannot be older than several thousand
One of the objectives of the moon trips was to find evidence in the
moon rocks that would support evolutionary theories about its origin.
But that proved to be unproductive. It is of interest that the 12 Apollo
astronauts who landed on the moon, from 1969 through 1972 (when the U.S.
lunar landing program ended), brought back to earth a total of 842
pounds [381.9 kg] of lunar rocks and dust. Divided into the total cost
of the Apollo program, which was estimated at $50 billion when the
project ended, the moon samples cost roughly $3 million per ounce [28.35
22 - LUNAR RADIOACTIVE HEAT—Rocks brought by Apollo teams from
the moon have been dated by the various radiometric methods. A variety
of very conflicting dates has resulted from these tests (see chapter 7,
Dating Methods, for a discussion of this). But the factor of
relatively high radioactivity of those rocks indicates a young age for
the moon:
"The content of radioactive elements in the moon rocks is so
high that if the moon were actually millions of years old, the heat
produced by radioactive decomposition would have melted the
moon."—R.E. Kofahl and K.L.
Segraves, The Creation
Explanation (1975), p. 145.
23 - LUNAR GASES—Several inert gases have been found on the surface
of the moon. Scientists believe that these gases came from the sun, in
the form of "solar wind." Mathematical calculation
reveals that, at today's intensity of solar wind, the amount of inert
gases found on the moon would be built up in 1,000 to 10,000
years,—and no longer. These calculations are based on Argon 36 and
Krypton 84 concentrations. Even 20,000 years ago would be far too
lengthy a time. Therefore the moon could not be older than about
6-10,000 years.
24 - LUNAR PHENOMENA—A growing collection of data of
transient lunar activity (moonquakes, lava flows, gas emissions, etc.)
reveals that the moon is not a cold, dead body. It is still adjusting to
inner stresses and is not yet in thermal equilibrium. Yet, all things
considered, if the moon were very old it should not show such thermal
25 - LUNAR RECESSION —Scientists have discovered
two interesting facts: (1) the moon is already far too close to the
earth, and (2) it is gradually moving farther away from us. This is
called recession of the moon. Due to tidal friction, the
moon is slowly spiraling outward away from planet earth! Based on the
rate at which the moon is receding from us, the earth and the moon
cannot be very old. This is an important point and in no way can be
controverted. The present rate of recession clearly indicates a
young age for the earth-moon system. If the moon were older, even 20
to 30,000 years old,—it would at that earlier time have been so close
that it would have fallen into the earth!
"Since 1754, observations of the moon's orbit have
indicated that it is receding from the earth. As tidal friction
gradually slows the earth's spin, the laws of physics require the moon
to recede from the earth. However, the moon should have moved from near
the earth's surface to its present distance in several billion years
less time than the 4.6 billion year age that evolutionists assume for
the earth and moon."—W. T. Brown, In the Beginning
(1989), p 17.
Next we shall consider EVIDENCE FROM THE ATMOSPHERE that the earth is
quite young:
26-ATMOSPHERIC HELIUM—The radioactive decay of either uranium
or thorium produces helium. According to evolutionary theory, these
decay chains have been going on for billions of years, and should
therefore have produced a much larger quantity of helium than is found
in our world. The amount of helium on our planet is far too
small, if our world has existed for long ages.
To fit the evolutionary pattern, our atmosphere would now have to
contain much more than our present 1.4 parts per million of helium. Some
evolutionists have suggested that the helium is escaping out into space,
but no evidence has ever been found to substantiate this. Research has
shown that, although hydrogen can escape from the earth, helium is
not able to reach "escape velocity." In order to do so,
the temperature of the planet would have to be too high to support the
life that evolutionists say has been here for over a billion years.
To make matters worse, not only are we not losing helium to outer
space,—we are getting more of it from there! Cook has shown that
helium, spewed out by the sun's corona, is probably entering our
There is, at the present time, 3.5 x 1015 grams of helium in our
atmosphere, and the rate of helium formation is about 3 x 1011 grams per
year (* M.A. Cook, "Where Is the Earth's Radiogenic
Helium?" in Nature, January 26, 1957, p. 213.) Calculations
based on this information indicates a very youthful age for our planet.
"If the earth was billions of years old, the radioactive
production of helium in the earth's crust should have added a large
quantity of helium to the atmosphere. Current diffusion models all
indicate that helium escapes to space from the atmosphere at a rate
much less than its production rate. The low concentration of helium
actually measured would suggest that the earth's atmosphere must be
quite young."—*L. Vardiman, "The Age of the Earth's
Atmosphere Estimated by its Helium," Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Creationism, Vol. 2, Creation Science
Fellowship, (1986).
"Helium gas being released from radioactive decay is
continually being released into the atmosphere from the earth's crust.
The estimated rate of this release, compared with the total helium now
in the atmosphere, suggests that the atmosphere may be only about
12,000 to 60,000 years old . . [To add to the problem] it may be that
helium from the sun is adding to the earth's atmospheric
helium."—Robert Kofahl, Evolution Refuter (1980), p. 125.
Atmospheric helium is produced from three sources: (1) radioactive
decay of uranium and helium in the earth's crust and oceans; (2) cosmic
helium flowing into our atmosphere from space, but especially from the
sun's corona; (3) nuclear reactions in the earth's crust caused by
cosmic ray bombardment. Since the atmosphere now contains about 4
billion tons (3.63 billion metric tons] of He-4, and assuming that only
uranium and thorium are the sources of it all and that its release rate
has been constant, the age of the earth can be calculated from it: that
point in the past when there was zero He-4 in the atmosphere.
"One prominent scientist has calculated the total annual rate
of helium-4 flow into the atmosphere, not including cosmic helium, to
be 330,000 tons [299,376 metric tons] per year. From this rate
we find that the atmosphere [enveloping our planet] has a maximum age
of 12,000 years."—R.E. Kofahl and K L
Segraves, The Creation
Explanation (1975), p. 186.
After stating the above, Kofahl and Segraves conclude that, using all
three helium sources in the calculation, earth's atmospheric age would
be reduced to 10,000 years. In addition to this, a worldwide
catastrophic event in the past such as the Flood, could for a short time
have unleashed much larger amounts of helium into the atmosphere. Such
an event could significantly reduce the total atmospheric age. Helium
content is a good measure, since there is no known way it can escape
from the atmosphere into outer space.
27 - CARBON 14 DISINTEGRATION—The present world-wide buildup of
radiocarbon in the atmosphere would have produced all the world's
radiocarbon in several thousand years. Yet, ironically, it is Carbon
14 that is used by evolutionary scientists in an attempt to prove that
life has existed on our planet for millions of years!
*Willard Libby won a Nobel Prize for his discovery of radiocarbon
dating. His dating method has several flaws, one of which we will
mention here. He assumed that the C-14 rate of production would equal
its rate of disintegration. But Robert Whitelaw, a nuclear and
engineering expert at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, found that the
production rate is not equal to the disintegration rate. In fact, his
calculations reveal a recent turning on of the C-14 clock,—otherwise
the two factors would be balanced. Whitelaw's research indicates that
the clock was turned on approximately 8,000 years ago.
(Much more information on radiocarbon dating will be found in chapter
7, Dating Methods.)
Next we shall consider EVIDENCE FROM METEORITES that
the earth is quite young:
28 - METEOR DUST—Meteors are continually hurtling into the
atmosphere and landing on our planet. They are then known as meteorites.
But small amounts of meteor dust (called micrometeors and too small to
see) also enter our atmosphere, and gradually settle to earth. The
composition of these materials is iron, nickel, and silicate compounds.
On the average, about 20 million meteors collide with the earth's
atmosphere every 24 hours. It is now known that, because of meteorites
and meteorite dust, the earth increases in weight by about 25 tons [22.7
mt] each day.
We have here another evidence of a young earth, for the amount of
meteorites and meteorite dust earlier accumulated in rock strata, in
relation to the amounts reaching the earth at present, would indicate an
age in thousands of years, not millions.
*Hans Pettersson of the Swedish Oceanographic Institute did careful
study into the subject. Here is a report on his findings by *Isaac
"Pettersson calculated that the total quantity of dusts of
meteor origin in the atmosphere, up to a height of 60 miles [96.5 km]
amounts to 28,600,000 tons [25,945,920 mt] . . half the
total—14,300,000 tons [12,973,000 mt] of such
dust—settles to earth each year, as [another] 14,300,000 tons
[12,973,000 mt] of new dust must enter the atmosphere . . Of
course, this goes on year after year, and the earth has been in
existence as a solid body for a good long time, for perhaps as long as
5 billion years. If, through all that time, meteor dust had settled to
the earth at the same rate it does today, then by now, if it were
undisturbed, it would form a layer 54 feet [164.5 dm] thick over all
the surface of the earth."—*Isaac
Asimov," 14 Million
Tons of Dust per Year" in Science Digest, p. 34
Asimov's article was afterward corroborated by an article by
Pettersson in the February 1960 issue of Scientific American.
Asimov discards the problem by saying that "crustal mixing"
removes the dust. Somehow, he says, all those meteorites have
disappeared. But his "crustal mixing" theory does not explain
the problem. Meteoritic materials are composed of iron, with large
amounts of nickel and other less common minerals. Yet there is not
enough of these elements in the crust (the top layer) of earth's surface
to agree with the idea of an old planet. For example, the average nickel
content of meteorites is 2.5 percent, whereas there is only 0.008
percent nickel in the rocks and soil of earth's crust. Similar
calculations with similar results have been made with iron.
River water carries about 0.75 billion pounds [.3402 billion kg] of
nickel each year to the ocean, and the ocean contains about 7000 billion
pounds [3,175 billion kg]. The amount of nickel in the oceans could
have been carried there from land in 9,000 years (or in half that
time if a fair amount of nickel was in the oceans to begin with). So the
absence of high amounts of nickel on land could not be caused by erosion
into the seas. If the earth were as old as the evolutionists declare it
to be, there would, on the average, be over 600 pounds [272 kg] of
nickel on each square foot of the ocean floor, but it simply is not
Once again, we find that the earth could only be a few thousand years
"If the disintegration of comets [alone] produces 14,300,000
tons [12,972,960 mt] of meteoritic dust each year, and if the earth
were but one billion years old—and most evolutionists consider the
world to be considerably older than that —there should be an 11-foot
[33.5 dm] layer of meteorite dust upon the earth, especially on the
floor of the ocean. Where is it?"—H.R.
Siegler, Evolution or
Degeneration: Which? (1972), pp. 54-55.
29 - METEOR CRATERS—Meteor craters are fairly easy to locate,
especially since we now have such excellent aerial and satellite mapping
systems. For example, the meteor crater near Winslow, Arizona, is 3/4
mile [1.2 km] in diameter and 600 feet [1,829 dm] deep. Efforts have
been made to locate meteor craters in the rock strata, but without
success. They always lie close to or on the surface. This and erosional
evidence indicate that all the meteor craters which have struck the
earth are all only a few thousand years old. No larger meteors
struck the earth prior to that time, for no meteor craters are found
anywhere in the lower rocks.
30-METEOR ROCKS—Meteorites of various types are continually
plunging into earth's atmosphere, and some reach the surface and are
then called "meteorites." Supposedly this has happened for
millions of years—yet all the meteorites discovered are always near
the earth's surface! None are ever found in the deeper
("older") sedimentary strata. If the earth were very
ancient, many should be found farther down. This is an evidence of a
young earth. It is also an indication that the sedimentary strata was
rather quickly laid down not too long in the past.
"No meteorites have ever been found in the geologic column."—*Fred
Whipple, "Comets," in The New Astronomy, p. 207.
"While there are many meteorites buried in the upper few feet
or so of soil, there are few or none lower down, and in particular in
the alleged geological column. Surely this is a strange situation,
from the uniformitarian viewpoint. A Creationist, on the other hand,
will have no trouble in seeing why this is so. For the materials of
the column were not lying there for ages to accumulate meteorites;
they were deposited very quickly."—News note, Creation
Research Society Quarterly, June 1978, p. 88. (See also *K Hindley,
"Fallen Stars by the Ton" in New Scientist, 75(1059:20-22
*Asimov's theory, that "crustal mixing" removed all trace
of the meteorites, was mentioned earlier.
"It has been estimated that at least a million meteors have
hit the Earth's land surface, which is only 25 percent of the planet.
Every last trace of more than 99 percent of the craters thus formed
has vanished, erased by the effects of wind, water, and living
things."— *Isaac Asimov, Asimov's Book of Facts (1979), p.
But the nickel from those meteorites should still be there littering
the earth's surface and to be found beneath it. But this is not the
31 - TEKTITES—Tektites are a special type of glassy meteorite.
Large areas containing them are called "strewn fields."
Although some scientists claim that tektites are of earthly origin,
there is definite evidence that they are actually meteorites. Every so
often, a shower of tektites falls to the earth. The first were found in
1787 in what is now western Czechoslovakia. Those in Australia were
found in 1864. They were given the name tektites, from a Greek word for
"molten," because they appear to have melted in their passage
through the atmosphere. Tektites have also been found in Texas and
several other places. Each shower lies on the surface or in the
topmost layers of soil; they are never found in the sedimentary
fossil-bearing strata. If the earth were 5 billion years old, as
suggested by evolutionists, we should expect to find tektite showers in
all the strata. If the earth is only a few thousand years old, and a
Flood produced all the strata, we would expect to find the tektites only
in the topmost layers of the ground, and not in the deeper strata. And
that is where they are.
The tektites are found on top of, what evolutionary theory calls,
"recent" soil, not beneath it. The evidence is clear that the
tektites did not work their way up from beneath or wash down from older
sediments at a higher elevation. Stream erosion studies in
Czechoslovakia show that glass objects similar to tektite material will
wear down to 1/90th of their original mass within only 40 km [24.84
miles]. In addition, studies made of australites (tektites found in
Australia) revealed a complete lack of etching (scratch marks) on them.
Comparing the data from the Czech and Australian tektites, it is clear
that (1) both were found in their original locations, and (2) neither
have been subjected to terrestrial weathering more than a few thousand
years (see *Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Science, No. 17).
In the 1960s two independent teams of investigators searched for
additional australites in the field and, upon finding them, made
radiocarbon datings of the wood by them and beneath them. Based on a
Carbon 14 age of 7,300 years, these investigators say that the tektites
cannot be older than an adjusted 6,500 years. This would make the
age of the earth very young (see *Journal of the Geological Society of
Australia, 18:409-418, and "Journal of Geophysical Research,
(We recognize that carbon 14 dating tends to yield dates that are too
old, but 6,500 years is far less than the millions that the
evolutionists offer.)
That, in brief, is the story of the tektites, and it is yet another
striking evidence of a young earth.
Next we shall consider EVIDENCE FROM THE GLOBE that the
earth is quite young:
32 - EARTH ROTATION—The spin of the earth—which is now about
1,000 miles [1,609 km] an hour—is gradually slowing down. This is
caused by gravitational drag forces of the sun, moon, and other factors.
If the earth were really billions of years old, as claimed, it would
already have stopped turning on its axis! This is yet another evidence
that our world is not very old.
Using a different calculation, we can extrapolate backwards from our
present spin rate, and 5 billion years ago our planet would have had to
be spinning so fast it would have changed to the shape of a flat
pancake. And we today, would still have the effects of that. Our equator
would now reach 40 miles [64.3 km] up into the sky, and our tropical
areas—and all our oceans—would be at the poles. So, by either
type of calculation, our world cannot be more than a few thousand years
33 – MAGNETIC FIELD DECAY— As you probably know, the earth
has a magnetic field. Without it, we could not use compasses to identify
the direction of magnetic north (which is close to the North Pole). Dr.
Thomas G. Barnes, a physics teacher at the University of Texas, has
authored a widely-used college textbook on electricity and magnetism.
Working with data collected over the past 135 years, he has pointed out
that earth's magnetic field is gradually decaying. Indeed, he has shown
that this magnetic field is decreasing exponentially according to a
decay law similar to the decay of radioactive substances.
"During the past 150 years, the magnetic field has declined in
strength by 10 percent. If the decline continues at this rate, the
field will reach zero in about 1,500 years." "The strength
of today's [geomagnetic] field, for instance, seems to be decreasing
by about seven percent each century."— *Roberta Conlan,
Frontiers of Time (1991), pp. 15, 21.
"It is known that the earth's magnetic field is decaying
faster than any other worldwide geophysical phenomenon. A
comprehensive ESSA Technical Report gives the values of the earth's
magnetic dipole moment (the vector which gives the strength and
direction of the magnet) ever since Karl Gauss made the first
evaluation in 1835. The evaluations have been made about every 10 or
15 years since then. Each evaluation required accurate worldwide
readings over an epoch (a year or so) and special mathematical
reduction to 'wash' out the 'noise.' These reliable data clearly show
this relatively rapid decay. The report stated that on a straight line
basis the earth's magnetic field would be gone in the year 3991 A.D.
But decay is exponential and in this case has a half-life of 1400
"A relatively recent NASA satellite preliminary report shows a
rapid decay in the earth's magnetic field. No knowledgeable scientist
debates the fact of the rapid decrease in the earth's magnetic field,
nor does he question that the associated electric current in the core
of the earth is using up energy. The present rate of loss is seven
billion kilowatt hours per year. The earth is running out of that
original energy it had in its original magnetic field. "—T.G.
Barnes, "Depletion of the Earth's Magnetic Field," in
Creation: the Cutting Edge, p. 155.
In 1835 the German physicist K.F. Gauss made the first measurement of
the earth's magnetic dipole moment, that is, the strength of earth's
internal magnet. Additional evaluations have been carried out every
decade or so since then. Since 1835, global magnetism has decreased 14
On the basis of facts obtained from 1835 to 1965, this magnetic field
appears to have a half-life of 1400 years. On this basis, even 7,000
years ago the earth would have had a magnetic field 32 times stronger
than it now has. Just 20,000 years ago, enough Joule heat would have
been generated to liquefy the earth. One million years back, and the
earth would have greater magnetism than all objects in the universe, and
the earth would have vaporized! It would appear that the earth could not
be over 6,000 or 7,000 years old. (For more data on this, see two
articles by Barnes: Battle for Creation (1976), pp. 230242; Creation:
the Cutting Edge (1982), pp. 154165.)
"As the magnetic field energy decays, it is transformed into
heat. The energy involved in this hypothetical extrapolation less than
30,000 years into the past would be sufficient to heat the entire
earth to 5000°C (9032°F] and completely vaporize it by now. The
earth obviously is not now either melted or vaporized. In the light of
this analysis of the earth's decaying magnetism observed for 130
years, extrapolation of earth history 4.5 billion years into the past
leads to an absurdity. The evidence supports an earth history of not
much more than 10,000 years. "—R. E. Wahl and K.L. Segraves,
The Creation Explanation (1975), p. 194.
This magnetic decay process is not a local process, as one would find
in a uranium mineral, but worldwide; it affects the entire earth. It has
been accurately measured for over 150 years, and is not subject to
environmental changes since it is generated deep in the earth's
"All the recent commotion about the exponential depletion of
our natural resources has singularly failed to mention that we are
also running out of a rather vital, apparently nonrenewable resource,
the Earth's magnetic field, quite rapidly."— *Fredrick B.
Jueneman, "Magnetic Depletion" in Industrial Research and
Development, 20(8):13 (1978).
The data pertaining to this has been carefully evaluated and
"The only dependable historical data on the strength and
direction of the earth's main magnet are the evaluations which were
first made by Gauss in the 1830's and the subsequent evaluations made
through worldwide magnetic observatory collaboration every few decades
thereafter. These data show an exponential decay in the earth's
magnetic field with a half-life of only 1400 years. A solution to
Maxwell's equations for the electric currents and associated magnetic
field of the earth's magnet reveals that there is an electric current
of 6.16 billion amperes flowing in the core of the earth and a power
loss (going into heat) of 813 megawatts at the present time.
"It is obvious that this magnetic decay phenomenon could not
have been going on for more than a few thousand years, as the magnetic
field would have been implausibly large for the earth. This is strong
physical evidence that there must have been a relatively recent origin
of this electromagnet or some unknown catastrophic 'reenergizing'
event. The validity of this theoretical and observational result is
confirmed by means of an independent check, namely an evaluation of
the total magnetic energy in the earth's present field and checking it
against a hypothetical reference magnet of the same strength and
dimensions. The check is excellent, and leaves little doubt that this
physical solution is the most meaningful interpretation of the earth's
magnetic history."—Thomas G. Barnes, S.I.S. Review, 2:42-46
The problem is a serious one.
"If this decay rate persists, the earth's dipole magnet will
vanish in A.D. 3991."—*Keith McDonald and *Robert Gunst,
"An Analysis of the Earth's Magnetic Field from 1835 to
1965," in ESSA Technical Report, IER 46-IES 1(1967), p. 1.
Picture from page 166 and page 167
Additional evidence was obtained from NASA's Magsat satellite which
orbited the earth from October 1979 to June 1980. It was designed
expressly to study earth's magnetic field. The data was analyzed by *
Robert Langel, chief project scientist, who issued the official report.
"A satellite launched by NASA in 1979 has gathered new data on
the earth's decreasing magnetic field. Magsat, as the satellite was
called during its eight-month lifetime, measured the earth's main
magnetic field.
"The overall intensity of the earth's field was found to be
declining at a rate of 26 nanoteslas per year, with a half-life of
just 830 years) Thomas Barnes' results based on earlier data gave a
decay rate of 16 nanoteslas per year and a 1400 year half-life. .
Extrapolation shows that the field strength should reach zero in 1200
years. The earth is younger, and time later, than many think."—Donald
B. Deyoung, "Decrease of Earth's Magnetic Field Confirmed, "
in Creation Research Society Quarterly, December 1980, pp. 187-188.
"If one takes the Langel projection, the earth's magnetic
shield will vanish completely in the year 3180 A.D. If one takes the
projection in a 1967 ESSA technical report, the vanishing data for the
earth's magnetic field is 3991 A.D."—TG. Barnes,
"Satellite Observations Confirm the Decline of the Earth's
Magnetic Field, " in Creation Research Society Quarterly, June
1981, p. 40.
The half life of carbon 14 is approximately 5,700 years. The earth's
magnetic field is decaying about eight times faster than the rate of
decay for C-14. Yet without its magnetic field, the inhabitants of earth
would have no protection against harmful cosmic rays. Normally, most of
them are deflected by our magnetic field. But the few that enter,
produce showers of secondary rays in the atmosphere and then head
downward. They have been found in the bottom of deep lakes. (Since it is
cosmic rays which originate carbon 14 in our atmosphere, this ongoing
change in earth's magnetic field produces changes in carbon 14 rates.
This, in turn, dramatically affects C-14 clock dating results and makes
those dates unreliable.
"If one computes the magnetic field strength back in time 10
thousand years, the earth's magnetic field would have been as strong
as that of some magnetic stars. The reasonable assumption has been
made that the earth never had a magnetic field as strong as a star's
"On the basis of an original magnetic field strength of the
earth that is less than that of a magnetic star, the origin of the
earth's magnet is less than 10 thousand years ago.
"Since there is no power generating plant in the earth, its
origin must have been at the time of creation. This means that the
young magnetic age of the earth's magnet also means a young age for
the earth itself. These conclusions are based upon the decay theory of
the earth's magnet. That is supported by (1) The real-time evaluations
of the earth's magnetic moment [from 1835 to the present]. (2) The
only rigorous theoretical explanation of the present processes in this
electromagnet. (3) Three types of independent confirmational checks on
that theory."—Thomas G. Barnes, "Earth's Young Magnetic
Age Confirmed," in Creation Research Society Quarterly, June
1986, p. 33.
None other than * Isaac Asimov agrees with the basic findings in
regard to the decay of our planet's magnetic core:
"Earth's magnetic field has been weakening. It seems to have
lost 15 percent of its strength since 1687. At the present rate of
decrease, it will reach zero in 2,000 more years. Between the years
3500 and 4500, the magnetic field will not be sufficiently strong to
ward off charged radiation from outer space. "—*Asimov's
Book of Facts (1979), p. 326.
Evolutionists try to defend their long ages theories with radioactive
half lives, but radioactive mineral decay rates are highly unreliable
because they are open systems, and are subject to many forms of
contamination and other factors which can change their clock mechanisms
(see chapter 7, Dating Methods). If any fundamental
planetary process ought to be a reliable indicator of the earth's age,
it should be this earth's magnetic field—and it indicates an upper
limit of decidedly less than 10,000 years for the age of the earth.
"The facts are:
"(1) The earth's dipole magnet is located in the core of the
earth more than a thousand miles from the earth's crust (where the
observable rocks are located).
"(2) It is an electromagnet dissipating almost a billion
joules of energy per second now.
"(3) It is known to be decaying more rapidly than any other
worldwide geophysical phenomenon. If the present decaying process
continues, the magnetic field will have vanished within the extreme
limits of time of 2,000 years to 11,000 years, depending upon whether
one uses an evolutionary or a creationist presupposition.
"(4) There is at present no known source of energy to
re-energize the magnet when its energy runs down to zero. One can
safely say there is no theoretical reason at present to consider
anything other than a single continuing decay process that started in
the not-too-distant past, a creation only thousands of years ago, not
millions or billions of years ago."—Thomas G. Barnes, news
note in Creation Research Society Quarterly, December 1982, p. 196.
Most of the factors described above would apply to the age of the
earth, which appears to be decidedly less than 10,000 years. Most of
the following items of evidence would apply to the length of time
since the Flood, which evidence indicates may have occurred about
4,350 years ago.
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