Encyclopedia Vol. 3

"Unfortunately, in the field of evolution most explanations
are not good. As a matter of fact, they hardly qualify as explanations
at all; they are suggestions, hunches, pipe dreams, hardly worthy of
being called hypotheses." —*Norman
Macbeth, Darwin Retried
(1971), p. 147.
"No one has ever found an organism that is known not to have
parents, or a parent. This is the strongest evidence on behalf of
evolution." —*Tom Bethell, "Agnostic
Evolutionists," Harper's, February 1985, p. 61
"As by this theory, innumerable transitional forms must have
existed. Why do we not find them embedded in the crust of the earth?
Why is not all nature in confusion instead of being, as we see them,
well defined species?" —*Charles Darwin, quoted in H. Enoch,
Evolution or Creation, (1966), p. 139.
"Where are we when presented with the mystery of life? We find
ourselves facing a granite wall which we have not even chipped . . We
know virtually nothing of growth, nothing of life." —*W.
Kaempffert, "The Greatest Mystery of All: the Secret of
Life," New York Times.
"I think, however, that we must go further than this and admit
that the only acceptable explanation is creation. I know that this is
anathema to physicists, as indeed it is to me, but we must not reject
a theory that we do not like if the experimental evidence supports
it." —*H. Lipson, "A Physicist Looks at
Evolution," Physics Bulletin 31 (1980), p. 138.
"I am not satisfied that Darwin proved his point or that his
influence in scientific and public thinking has been beneficial . .
the success of Darwinism was accomplished by a decline in scientific
integrity." —*W. R. Thompson, Introduction to *Charles
Darwin, Origin of the Species.
"'The Darwinian theory of descent has not a single fact to
confirm it in the realm of nature. It is not the result of scientific
research, but purely the product of imagination." —*Dr.
Fleischman, quoted in F. Moldau, Why We Believe in Creation, Not
Evolution, p. 10.
"The hold of the evolutionary paradigm is so powerful that an
idea which is more like a principle of medieval astrology than a
serious twentieth century scientific theory has become a reality for
evolutionary biologists." —*Michael Denton, Evolution: A
Theory in Crisis (1986), p.306.
"[Darwin could] summon up enough general, vague and
conjectural reasons to account for this fact, and if these were not
taken seriously, he could come up with a different, but equally
general, vague and conjectural set of reasons." —*Gertrude
Himmelfarb, Darwin and Darwinian Revolution (1968), p. 319.
"The particular truth is simply that we have no reliable
evidence as to the evolutionary sequence . . One can find qualified,
professional arguments for any group being the descendant of almost
any other." —*J. Bonner, "Book Review," American
Scientist 49:1961, p. 240.
"It was because Darwinian theory broke man's link with God and
set him adrift in a cosmos without purpose or end that its impact was
so fundamental. No other intellectual revolution in modern times.. so
profoundly affected the way men viewed themselves and their place in
the universe." —*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in
Crisis (1985), p. 67. [Australian molecular biologist.]
Evolution Disproved Series - Book 3
Table of Contents
Section 6 - Present Evidences of Evolution
Chapter 21 - Similarities
Chapter 22 - Vestiges and Recapitulation
Chapter 23 - Evolutionary Showcase
Section 7 - Additional Scientific Evidence
Chapter 25 - The Laws of Nature
Chapter 26 - Paleomagnetism
Chapter 27 - Geographic Distribution
Section 8 - Additional Historical Evidence
Chapter 29 - History of Evolutionary Theory
Chapter 30 - The Scopes Trial
Chapter 31 - Scientists Speak
Section 9 - Additional Social Evidence
Chapter 33 - Evolution and Society
Chapter 34 - Evolution and Education
Chapter 35 - Archaeological Dating
10 - Additional Logical Evidence
Chapter 37 - Philosophy of Evolution
Chapter 38 - Fallacies of Evolution
Chapter 39 - Chronology of the Ancient Near East
Special Appendix
Book Appendix: DNA and Sub-species Change
11 - Resources
Creation Classics
Creationist Books (Scientific aspects)
Evolutionists write against Evolution
Creationist Books (Biblical aspects)
Evolutionist Periodical Articles
Special Collections
Creationist Periodicals
Creation-Science Organizations
"The greatest tragedy that ever befell man's
thinking, was when the beautiful and wonderful and mysterious world fell
into the hands of theorists who captured the minds, first of the thinkers
and then even of the thoughtless. For what they showed them was not nature
as it is but a horrible caricature of nature as it would have to be to
make their theories work."— V. Barclay, Darwin is not
for Children (1950), p. 74.
Volume 3 — Additional topics needed to be
considered, including other evidences for and against evolution, as well
as historical information. Statements made by scientists about evolution
as a whole have been collected and placed in chapter 31. Chapter 35 does
not directly discuss evolution, but is crucial and dovetails into the
whole. And that whole is this: All the facts indicate that evolutionary
theory in all its aspects is incorrect, unworkable, and highly imaginary.
Who wrote the quotations found in this set of books; what
was their bias? Those are significant questions; here are the answers: (1)
Creation scientists or creation-science organizations wrote 164 of the
quotations cited in these books, (2) non-creationist scientists,
evolutionists and their organizations wrote 1,323 of the quotations. That
totals 4,168 quotations, nearly all of which were written by evolutionists
a non-creationists.
Whenever possible, primary (not secondary) sources were
given for each quotation.
ASTERISKS—A large number of
quotations are included in this set of books, and a majority of them were
written by non-creationists. It seemed well to try to identify creationist
writers, when referred to or quoted in these volumes. For this purpose an
asterisk ( * ) has been used. An asterisk preceding a name indicates that
that individual is not known by the present writer to be a creationist.
This asterisk identification is not used for some individuals who lived
prior to the 20th century. It frequently is not used after the first
mention of a person in a paragraph or connected section of text. It is not
used for persons named within a quotation, but is used in references at
the end of quotations. Since evolution is not the subject of those
chapters, asterisks are not used in chapters 35 and 39.
BIBLIOGRAPHY—A sizeable quantity of
additional resource material dealing with the creation-evolution
controversy is listed at the end of the third volume. It includes a list
of outstanding creationist books, journal articles, as well as creationist
organizations worldwide.
A BOOK YOU CAN USE—Because of its simple
approach, wide coverage, and helpful quotations, this set of books is
excellent for several purposes, including: (1) Personal study; (2) sermon,
prayer meeting, and lecture source material; (3) background material for
your own magazine articles, booklets, books, and other media
presentations. The truth should be shared in every way possible. We will
not be concerned if you quote from this set of books extensively. The book
was not written merely to keep it to ourselves.
LIMITED COPYING—We hereby give permission to
make copies of part or all of a single chapter at a time, for (1) lecture
notes to simplify presentation of these topics, and (2) hand-out sheets to
share with others singly, or in classroom, lecture hall, church or other
group meetings.
It is time we get serious about this—and educate as many
as possible on the issues involved! If we do not instruct the people about
true scientific principles, others will later instruct them in
errors—with devastating results.
three books, used alone or together, can be purchased to provide
worthwhile texts for use in schools, colleges, and graduate work. They
also are excellent for mid-week prayer meetings, local-church study
groups, cottage meetings, conventions, special institutes, campmeetings,
and seminars.
CONCLUSION—Writers of textbooks, children's
books, and various media presentations, depict evolution glowingly as
though it were a proven tact, in spite of the ever-increasing scientific
evidence against it. The situation would be humorous if it were not so
All this talk about "scientific
evolution" is wishful thinking in action. People emotionally
want the assurance that they do not have to be responsible for their
actions, so they cling to cobwebs instead of solid facts. Having only been
confronted with the assurances of the evolutionists, it is difficult for
the man on the street to realize the total lack of evidence that exists
for evolutionary theory. Yet the information is available, and you will
find large amounts of it in this present set of books. Learning even part
of that evidence will place you on vantage ground when you discuss these
issues with others.
The obvious solution to this crisis is to
educate the uncommitted about the facts. You can help do
that. Read, learn, and then share with others! Interest others in the
subject. Tell them what you have discovered. Hold meetings. It is the
earnest desire of the present writer that this material will help you help
many others.
"The doctrine of [evolutionary] continuity has
always necessitated a retreat from pure empiricism [actual facts and
scientific testing], and contrary to what is widely assumed by
evolutionary biologists today, it has always been the antievolutionists,
not the evolutionists, in the scientific community who have stuck
rigidly to the facts and adhered to a more strictly empirical
approach." —*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
(1985), p. 353.
CORRECTIONS REQUESTED—Although these books
were proofed several times, we would deeply appreciate learning of
typographical or other inaccuracies. Careful attention will be given to
each suggestion, so that suitable corrections may be made in forthcoming
printings of these books. Thank you for your help.
The similarities argument is shallow and inadequate
1 - Similar structures
2 - Different structures
3 - Convergence
4 - Divergence
5 - Other aspects
Similarities which clearly disprove the similarities argument
1 - Aortic arch
2 - Other similarities
3 - Blood protein comparisons
4 - Serum comparisons
5 - Chromosome comparisons
6 - Chromosome count/size comparisons
7 - DNA count/size comparisons
1 - Similarities an inadequate theory
Related studies:
Chapter 22, Vestiges and Recapitulation
Chapter 23, Evolutionary Showcase
"The fact of evolution is the backbone of biology, and biology
is thus in the peculiar position of being a science founded on an
unproved theory—is it then a science or faith?" —*L. H.
Matthews, "Introduction" to *Charles Darwin, Origin of
Species, p. x xi (1971 edition).
"So now we can see the full extent of the doubts. The
transformed cladists claim that evolution is totally unnecessary
for good taxonomy; at the same time they are unconvinced by the
Darwinian explanation of how new species arise. To them, therefore, the
history of life is still fiction rather than fact and the Darwinian
penchant for explaining evolution in terms of adaptation and selection
is largely empty rhetoric
"For all its acceptance in the scientific world as the great
unifying principle of biology. Darwinism, after a century and a quarter,
is in a surprising amount of trouble." —*Francis Hitching, The
Neck of the Giraffe (1982), p. 12.
"I think, however, that we must go further than this and admit
that the only acceptable explanation is creation. I know that this is
anathema to physicists, as indeed it is to me, but we must not reject a
theory that we do not like if the experimental evidence supports
it." —*H. Lipson, "A Physicist Looks at Evolution,"
Physics Bulletin 31 (1980), p. 138.
The study of similarities is the study of
likenesses between various types of creatures. For example, both man and a
number of other animals have livers, intestines, and appendixes.
Therefore, according to the evolutionary theory of similarities, they all
descended from a common ancestor. Evolutionists use the term
"homology" to describe these similar structures, and consider
them to be an important evidence of evolution.
If you compare a human arm with the front leg of an
alligator or horse, or the flipper of a whale or a bat's skin-covered wing
—-you will find they ail have a similar arrangement and number of bones.
Although similarities are considered by Darwinists to be
an important evidence of evolution, in this chapter we will find that the
subject really proves nothing at all.
SIMILAR STRUCTURES—The proof that Darwinists really
need is evolutionary change, not similarity of structure or function.
Lacking evidence of actual evolving of species from one type into another,
the attempt to prove the point by appearance is shallow at best. The
problem is that evolution is not occurring now, and the fossil record
reveals it has not occurred in the past.
Yet there are many similarities common to different kinds
of plants, and various animals which are alike in a number of ways. Since
these similarities do exist, let us consider them briefly.
Such physical similarities can have two possible meanings:
(1) They either indicate that those creatures which are
similar are closely related, or (2) they show that creatures with
similarities were made by a single Designer that had immense intelligence,
power, and ability.
Here is how an evolutionist explains similarities, also
called homologies:
"Homo means 'the same.' The seven bones in the
human neck correspond with the same seven, much larger, neckbones in the
giraffe: They are homologues. The number of cervical vertebrae is a
trait [evolutionists believe are] shared by creatures descended from a
common ancestor. Related species share corresponding structures, though
they may be modified in various ways." —*R. Milner,
Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990). P- 218.
Stepping into a kitchen, you will find forks, knives, and spoons. Close
examination will reveal that there are big spoons, little spoons, and even
serving ladles, as well as five or six types of knives. Does this prove
that the large spoons descended from the little spoons, or does it show
that someone intelligent made them all? The spoons were made to hold
liquids, and the knives were made to cut solids. Someone designed each of
them to do a special work. They are the result of a planner and maker.

The above illustration focuses our attention on purposeful
design, and on an intelligent designer. (1) There are similarities in the
structure the outward appearance—of the spoons, because of the purpose
they must fulfill. (2) The spoons did not make themselves by accident, nor
are they the result of s chance arrangement of molecules. They were
designed by someone intelligent, and then made by someone intelligent.
Even if they were made by machinery, that machinery was also produced by
someone very intelligent.
Whether it be similarities of spoons, similarities of
eyes, or similarities of arms,—the answer is creation according to a
common design. That is why Datsons and Volvos are more alike than Datsons
and yachts. Automobiles have many features in common because they were all
designed to roll down highways, powered by engines. Sailboats are also
very similar to one another because they were designed to travel by wind
power over the surface of the water.
Turning our attention from man-made things to living
organisms, it is equally obvious that similarity of structure follows
purposeful design here also. Neither haphazard random activity nor
accidents can produce useful organs.
DIFFERENT STRUCTURES—Not only do different
animals have certain similar structures—they have different ones also!
If they did not, they would all look alike! So there are differences as
well as similarities. For example, consider dogs and cats: There are a
number of similarities between the cat and dog family. But look at all the
differences! There are so many of them.
As we consider those differences, the idea of s common
ancestry fades out—especially when there is no evidence in the past or
present that one animal and plant type ever changes into another.
So then the differences emphasize the factor of a common
Designer, just as the similarities do.
Examining these differences more closely, we find that
each species, or basic type of plant or animal, has unique qualities that
the others do not have. Yet even those differences were purposively
designed. The world is filled with species having unusual and unique
structures that exactly help them, each in a special way. Intelligent
research is required merely to uncover these design factors; think of the
intelligence and power it took to make them. Everywhere we turn, no
structure is useless, none are purposeless. Studying natural history, we
find one intricately planned characteristic after another.
There are even amazing functional structures in non-living
things. For example, consider the exact specifications found in the
orbiting of nuclear particles in the various elements. View the exquisite
formations that various chemicals make as they crystallize. Each chemical
always crystallizes in just a certain way.
SHOWING DESCENT?— But let us now return to
the similarities. All kinds of diverse creatures share similarities.
According to the evolutionists, the similarities prove they are descended
from one another, yet closer examination reveals they are not.
Here are some examples of similarities which disprove
1- Lysozyme. Lysozyme is the enzyme in tears
that bites holes in the cell walls of bacteria so that they explode. This
same enzyme is also in egg white, and protects baby chicks from infection.
Neither human eyes nor baby chicks become infected easily. But does this
mean that man is descended from baby chicks? Does it mean they are closely
One researcher, *Richard E. Dickerson, wanted to locate
the exact point at which humans branched off the family tree. He decided,
after comparing lysozyme and lactalbumin, that we are the direct
descendants of chickens, for in this one respect, people are more closely
related to chickens than they are to any living creature.
2 - Eye of the Octopus. The octopus has an
eye which is very similar to the one that humans have. In contrast the
eyes of fish are totally different than the eyes of an octopus. Are we
then descended from the octopus? I thought Dickerson said we were the
offspring of baby chicks?
3 - Specific Gravity of Blood. When certain
specific gravity tests were run on the blood of various land animals, it
was found that snakes and frogs are more closely related to people, than
people are to apes and monkeys. So certain evolutionists would say that
our grandpa, somewhere in the not too distant past, was a snake, not a
4 - Rat Disease. The plague
(Pasteurella pestis) which killed millions in Europe in the Dark Ages, only attacks
people and Norway rats. Does this prove that we are descended from rats?
5 – Calcium/phosphorus Ratios. One
scientist, trying to figure out who we were descended from, did a test on
various calcium/phosphorus ratios in bone structures. He discovered that
we are directly related to turtles and elephants. But you need not be
discouraged over this news: he also found that the monkey came from the
goose (or vita versa), and the dog was related not to the cat but to the
8 - Brain Weights. The situation looks still
worse when we compare brain weights. The weight of the brain in proportion
to the body is greater in the dwarf monkey (the cottontop and golden
marmoset) of South America, than in you and me. One scientist suggested
that this made us their ancestors!
7 - Cytochrome C. Brilliant research was
done in comparing people with animals on the basis of the amino acid
sequence in Cytochrome C, a coenzyme found in most organisms. It was
discovered that man is more closely related to turtles, than turtles are
to rattlesnakes. But the researcher also decided that people are more
closely related to bread mold than sunflowers are.
The scientists say that these close relationships reveal
our origins. In reality, the similarities only reveal that we all have the
same Originator.
CONVERGENCE —Then there is convergence.
"Convergence" occurs when different creatures have similar
organs. For example, the woody plants generally have a growing edge
(cambium) between the inner part (xylem) of the plant and its outer part
(phloem). But this similarity arises because it is the best way for that
general type of plant to grow, so the Designer used this basic pattern for
nearly all trees—even though most are totally unlike each other in many
other ways. It is foolish to suggest that plants had the intelligence to
make the decision themselves, for they have no brains. They do it because
they were designed that way.
We already mentioned the close similarity of the human eye
to the eye of the octopus. How can a person have an eye that is so similar
to that eight-Legged creature—and yet be entirely different in every
other way?
Convergence disproves Evolution, but reveals an
intelligent Designer that made us all.
Evolutionists theorize that the whale descended from a
land animal who decided to crawl into the water and make itself flippers.
That land animal, in turn, is supposed to have come from a water animal
who thought it best to crawl out of the water and manufacture its own legs
and feet. That water animal originated from a bacteria on land who was
born in an ancient rainstorm, grew up a little bit, and then crawled into
the water and became a fish.
Surely, now, is that not a complicated way to explain the
origin of life?
Evolutionists also explain that the wing was independently
invented by animals four times, as, over the centuries, they invented
their various body parts. One day an insect decided to grow wings and fly
about. That was supposed to have been the first invention of flying. As we
already learned in earlier chapters, that lowly insect had to design the
complete wing in one generation to make it work, and in the process he had
to retool his entire DNA code! It surely was an intelligent insect.
Millennia later, a reptile (now extinct) kept falling over cliffs and
decided that wings would be the solution. Ages later, a reptile turned its
scales into feathers and reshaped its arms. Later on, while other small
creatures were crawling around a cave eating worms or whatever they could
find, one did it up right! He got tired of the grubby life of his
nocturnal brothers —so the little thing grew wings and became a bat!
But, outside in the dark, he quickly found that he needed more than
eyes—so he restructured his mouth and ears and developed a radar (sonar)
Each of the above four, according to evolution, came from
a non-winged ancestor, and developed their wings totally
independently of any inheritance or outside help.
Did you ever study a wing? It is one of the most
complicated of structures. It combines astounding folding and unfolding
structures, with special aeronautical principles that provide the needed
What about the eye? Evolutionists cannot figure out hour
eyes evolved, or how creatures with one kind of eye could possibly have
descended from creatures with another kind of eye. So to solve the
problem, they just came up with a new name. They called it
"convergent evolution," as though that would solve the problem
of how it could possibly happen! But calling an impossibility
"evolution," does not change it into a possibility. Similarities
in such different creatures, that could not have descended from one
another, continue to be a nagging puzzle to the evolutionists.
At the same time the Darwinists had to live with the
opposite problem, so they tried to solve it by classifying it as another
type of "evolution!"
DIVERGENCE— "Divergences" occurs
when there arc very different—diverse—features in plants or animals
which ought to be very "closely related." Evolutionists call
this "divergent evolution, " but it causes just as many problems
for them, for it means wide differences in creatures that should be
closely related.
Have you ever looked into the face of a fly? On each side
is a compound eye; which means that each one consists of thousands of
separate eyes. The result is multiple images on the retina of each eye,
instead of one image as we have. But there are other insects which have
compound-eyes structured in totally different ways! These various eyes
could not possibly have evolved from one another. They are simply too
complex and too perfect.
Deep in the ocean there are some little shrimp-like
creatures with very complicated compound eyes. Their
thousands-of-eyes-within-an-eye all come to a focus at one point, just
as ours do! Well, the scientist that discovered that mystery did a little
further study and came up with even more astounding facts: (1) He found
that some of those deep-sea shrimp have "lens cylinders" which
bend the light smoothly (because of smoothly-varied refractive surfaces)
to focus on that one point! (2) And then he discovered that others use a
"mirror system"! This includes a double-comer bounce which is
complicated in the extreme!
And a shrimp is supposed to have figured that out? With
abilities such as that, NASA ought to hire some of them to help design
better telemetry systems in moon rockets.
We have here the work of a Designer who used complicated
mathematics to figure out the angles, and then designed the structure,
using equally-complicated physics and chemistry.
How did those eyes evolve? Until they worked perfectly,
they would not work at all. That is a basic fact that is worth thinking
about awhile. Did the shrimp design its own eyes? Until it developed them
fully and perfectly, it could not see and would be caught by all its
enemies. So it is another one-generation situation again. A proof is
needed for that statement? We will cite that cardinal point of Darwin:
"survival of the fittest." Blind shrimp bumping into their
enemies are not fit enough to survive very long.
MIMICRY—Then there is what the scientists
call Mimicry. This is the scientific name for the theory that one
almost-mindless creature carefully watches another awhile-and then invents
structures in his own body which are similar to those which his neighbor
For example, the Monarch butterfly is poisonous, so birds
avoid it. But the Viceroy looks just like it, so birds tend to leave it
alone for that reason. Evolutionists say that the Viceroy
"copied" the markings of the Monarch in order to protect itself!
Some people would like darker hair on their heads; others
would like hair on their heads! Some would like to be taller, others
thinner, still others would like blue eyes instead of brown. Some would
like perpetually sun-tanned skin, while others would prefer whiter skin.
But no one knows how to orchestrate the necessary genetic changes.
If you and I do not have the brains to redesign our
bodies, how can we expect a butterfly to do it!
Thousands of other examples of so-called
"mimicry" could be given. They are examples, not of almost
mindless creatures copying other almost mindless ones, but of a Creator of
high-tech intelligence providing for the needs of His creatures.
Evolutionary theory is mired in real problems, for it
teaches that everything made itself by purest chance. It cannot even
explain the design factors in butterflies. Yet if both of those
butterflies had the same Master Designer who created them, then there is
no problem.
Could it be that there is a super-intelligent and powerful
Creator who made everything? Just look at DNA! Since all living creatures
have it; the same One made them all. It was all designed by the same
Being! Yes, the similarities do point to similarity of origin: God made us
PROTEIN SIMILARITIES—One researcher finally
hit on an excellent way to tell which creatures were descended from which:
He decided to analyze the similarities and differences in their blood
protein. That was a shrewd decision, for if one animal is descended from
another, it ought to have similar blood.
Carefully investigating this, he discovered that hemoglobin
(red blood cells), for instance, is found among vertebrates,—and is
also scattered, some here and some there, among a variety of animals
without backbones!
No definite pattern was found that could explain which
creatures were descended from—or even related to—which. Hemoglobin is
in the blood of most backboned animals, but it is scattered among some
worms, starfish, clams, and insects,—while not in others. It was even
found in some bacteria!
"When it comes to comparing similarities among
amino acids in alpha hemoglobin sequences, crocodiles have much more in
common with chickens; (17.59b) than with vipers (5.69b), their
fellow reptiles. Myoglobin sequences do show one reptile/reptile pair
(lizard/crocodile) with greater similarity (10.59b to 8.5%) than
the reptile/bird (crocodile/chicken) pair, but it also puts the lizard
as close to the chicken (10.59b) as to its fellow reptile . . The
greatest similarity is between the crocodiles and chickens." —Henry
M. Morris and Gary Parker, What is Creation Science? (1987), pp. 59-80.
Research studies to identify protein similarities,
produced these comments:
"The difference between turtle and rattlesnake of
21 amino add residues per 100 codons is notably larger than many
differences between representatives of widely separated classes, for
example, 17 between chicken and lamprey, or 16 between horse and
dogfish, or even 15 between dog and screw worm fly in two different
phyla." —*T Jukes and *R. Holmquist, "Evolutionary Clock:
Nonconsistency of Rate in Different Species," in Science 177
(1972), p. 530.
"It is hard to see a common line of descent snaking
in so unsystematic a way through so many different phyla."— *Richard
E. Dickerson and *Irving Geis, The Structure and Action of Proteins,
"There is simply no way of explaining how a uniform
rate of evolution could have occurred in any family of homologous
proteins by either chance or selection; and even ff we could advance an
explanation for one particular protein family, we would still be left
with the mystifying problem of explaining why other protein families
should have evolved at different rates." —*Michael Denton,
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p. 305.
"The difficulties associated with attempting to
explain how a family of homologous proteins could have evolved at
constant rates has created chess in evolutionary thought. . [As a
result] the credibility of the molecular clock hypothesis is severely
strained and with it the whole paradigm of evolution itself is
endangered." —*Op. cit, p. 308.
"This new era of comparative biology illustrates
just how erroneous is the assumption that advances in biological
knowledge are continually confirming the traditional evolutionary story.
There is no avoiding the serious nature of the
challenge to the whole evolutionary framework implicit
in these findings." —*Op. Cit., p. 291.

To *Schwabe, the situation appears hopeless.
"One might ask why the neo-Darwinian paradigm does
not weaken or disappear if it is at odds with critical factual
information." —*C. Schwabe, "On the Validity of Molecular
Evolution, " Trends in Biochemical Sciences (1986), p. 280.
DEFINITIONS AND HOPES— Lacking evidence of
evolution in every aspect of nature, whether it be ancient fossils or
modern wildlife, the evolutionists have pinned great hopes on indirect
factors, such as "similarities." In order to make this supposed
"evidence of evolution" sound more scientific, evolutionists
have given a special name to these similarities; they call them
"homologies. " Here is one definition of homologies, by the man
who coined the term:
"[A homology is a] correspondence of a part or
organ determined by its relative position and connections with a part a
organ in a different animal, the determination of which homology
indicates that such animals are constructed on a common type."
—*Sir Richard Owen, "Report on the Archtype and Homologies of the
Vertebrate Skeleton, in Reports of the British Association for the
advancement of Science (1846), pp. 169-340.
Evolutionists have consistently given the term an
evolutionary flavor:
"By definition, this similarity is due to an
inheritance from a common ancestor." —*C.A. Ville, et. al.,
General Zoology (1978).
"Similarity [is] due to common ancestry."
Patterson, Evolution (1978), p. 189.
"[These are] characters that resemble each other
because they are descended from a common ancestor." —*F.J.
Ayala, and *J.W. Valentine, Evolving: the Theory and Process of Organic
Evolution (1979).
*Darwin maintained that similar structures could only show
ancestry and nothing else. He had something of a pathologic fear of the
thought of intelligent design in plants and animals. To admit that, would
be to admit a super-intelligent and powerful Designer.
"On any other view the similarity of pattern . . is
utterly inexplicable." —*Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man in
Relation to Sex, Vol. 1(1871).
A learned entomology journal comments on the circularity
of the argument from similarities.
"When Professor Simpson says that homology is
determined by ancestry and concludes that homology is evidence of
ancestry, he is using the circular argument so characteristic of
evolutionary reasoning. When he adds that evolutionary developments can
be described without paleontological evidence, he is attempting to
revive the facile and irresponsible speculation which through so many
years, under the influence of the Darwinian mythology, has impeded the
advance of biology." —*"Evolution and Taxonomy,"
Studia Entomologica, Vol. 5, October 1962, p. 567.
*Blackwalder, a leading scientist, recognized the lack of
a logical or scientific basis for the evolutionary claims made for
similarities. He was at a loss to explain it otherwise. He tacitly
recognized that if similarities do not imply ancestry—then they must
provide evidence of a Creator who made everything.
"Taxonomists [those who classify plants and animals
according to their appearance] have never had an objective basis for
homology. . they cannon at present give it any objective basis, even
though it is a logical necessity in the evolution of animals."
—*R.E. Blackwalder, Taxonomy: A Text and Reference Book (1967).
similarity pointed to by evolutionists is called the "pentadactyl
limb." This is the "five-boned" arm and leg found on
all land vertebrates. (there are actually more bones than that, but the
pattern is simplified to upper arm, two-boned lower arm, wrist
"bone," and hand "bone.") Why would all vertebrate
arms and legs be composed of five principal sections of bones?
Consider your arm for a moment.
Bone 1: Swing your upper arm; it can go around in a wide
circle. Without that upper arm (the humerus bone) attached by a
ball-and-socket joint to the shoulder (the clavicle), you could not have
such a large range of motion. The length of the upper arm enables you to
reach out a distance, and its connection by a hinge joint to the upper arm
enables you to bend your elbow in the only direction you need: forward.
Bone 2 and 3: Feel your forearm; it is composed of two
bones (the radius and the ulna below it). Without moving your wrist, turn
your hand in a circle. It can be done because the radius moves per the
ulna. Excellent craftsmanship! The length of the forearm gives you more
"reach-out" ability.
"Bone" 4: You have 8 bones in your wrist. They
enable you to bend your hand not only down but sideways as well.
"Bone" 5: You have 19 bones in your hand.
Keeping your wrist stiff, wiggle your hand and fingers around. It is truly
astounding what you can do with your hand!
Including the shoulder blade (scapula) and collar bone
(clavicle), you have 64 bones in both upper limbs. Another 62 are in your
lower limbs. —That totals more than half of the 206 bones in your body!
Seriously now, what does your arm and hand tell you? It
proclaims loudly that you were created by God! Random molecules surely did
not make it. What about the fact that all other vertebrates have the very
same basic "pentadactyl limb" pattern—even the flippers
of whales and seals? It tells you that (1) there is no better way to
design a simpler limb with such a wide range of movement, and (2) the same
Master Craftsman made them also.
The fact that all land animals with backbones have the
basic pattern of "five-boned" arms and legs is considered a most
marvelous evidence of evolutionary theory. But this surely is not much in
the way of evidence. Each species is different from each other species in
thousands of different ways, and all those differences exquisitely fit its
peculiar needs.
We could also say that all land vertebrates have a common
origin because they all have two eyes. But what kind of evidence would
that be? It actually is a far more powerful evidence that a Creator of
highest intelligence, not only made those marvelously functioning eyes,
but that He also knew that without two of them those creatures could not
have binocular vision—and be able to differentiate distance.

Actually, that which taxonomists (the men who classify
plants and animals) do, is to look for such similarities and then use them
to classify life forms in groups with one another. For example, all
creatures with wings and feathers are called birds; other animals with
certain features in common are called rodents. All creatures which nurse
their young are placed with the mammals. But these similarities do not
indicate common descent. Often the creatures in a certain category have
very little in common. Whales, rats, giraffes, platypuses, kangaroos, and
man all nurse their young, but that does not mean they have a lot else in
common. Pigeons and certain fish nurse their young with milk secretions
Man tries to simplify things so his mind can grasp the
topic, and he ends up oversimplifying. Because whales, zebras, and mice
all have the "pentadactyl limb," they are said to come from a
common ancestor. Never mind the impossibilities imposed by the DNA
barrier; just ignore that. The "pentadactyl limb" proves all;
they "evolved".
The truth is that evolutionary theory is based on the
shallow scientific knowledge of the mid19th century. About all they had
back then was arms and legs to examine. Now they have a vast number of
additional biological discoveries and research techniques. But the
evolutionists cling to arms and legs as a primary evidence of evolution,
because 20th century science has provided no additional evidence that is
any better.
"A great darkness had settled on the majority of
British zoologists in the early decades of this century." —*G.P.
Wells, quoted in Perspectives in Experimental Biology (1976).
One of the supposed best evidences of evolution is
the fact that the bones in your arm and hand are similar to those of other
Well, for a moment, let us examine the bones in the arm
and hand of the bat. Look at the illustration closely. Do the bones in the
bat look similar to those in your own arm and hand?

THE AORTIC ARCH—Although evolutionists point to the
arm and leg as evidence of ancestry, they avoid mentioning the aortic
arch. This is the arrangement of the blood-vessel tubing as it takes
blood out of the heart. The aorta is the largest artery in the body.
(Arteries carry blood away from the heart; veins return the blood to the
heart.) The aorta arises out of the top of the heart, turns to the right
(when you look at a diagram of it, but to the left within your body), and
then curves downward—forming an "arch." At one, two, or three
places in the top of this arch (according to the animal it is in),
arteries lead out of it carrying blood upward. One of those five aortic
arch patterns is found in all vertebrates and certain other creatures.
Just for a moment, look at the aortic arch diagram study
it. This diagram, and its accompanying explanation, will help explain the
five basic types of mammalian aortic arches.
With hardly an exception. all mammals have one of five
different aortic arch arrangements. The chart below illustrates each of
these five patterns.
(11 Each arrangement !s actually strikingly
different than all the others, there is no possibility that one could
have evolved from another type. Imagine trying to tinker with your house
plumbing and change its arrangement while the water pressure is on! You
would flood your house! How could an animal change the shape of its aortic
arch from one of these five patterns to another—all the while its blood
was still flowing under pressure from the heart? It simply could not be
(21 Each arrangement has certain remarkable
similarities to the others; random selection (which is all that
"natural selection" is) would never have produced an arch over
each one. It was the hand of the Creator which produced that thoughtful
pattern. Thoughtful? in what way? Indeed, why is there a need for
an arch?
It is supple enough: If you have ever seen a living heart
in action, you will understand. It shakes back and forth wildly. If the
aorta did not go out from it in a semicircle, that pounding action would
quickly wear through the side of the aorta! Yet the descending
aorta must go down past the heart, it was designed to first go out in a
wide arch and then separate into two branches, one going upward and the
other downward.
As usual, perfect planning by the Master Designer.

Now, if evolution be true, it is clear that all animals in
each of those five basic aortic arch types would have to be closely
related to one another. Indeed, that fact is loudly proclaimed by the
"The only postulate the evolutionist needs is no
more a less than [this] . . The degree of structural resemblance runs
essentially parallel with closeness of relationship. Most biologists
would say that this is not merely a postulate, but one of the best
established laws of life . . If we cannot rely upon this postulate . .
we can make no sure progress in any attempt to establish the validity of
the principle of evolution." —*Horatio Hockett Newman,
Evolution, Genetics, and Eugenics (1932), p. 53
That last sentence says this: If we are denied making the
homology assumption (that similarity of structure evidences common
ancestry), then we are NOT able to make other assumptions which
"establish the validity" of evolution. Thus, evolutionary theory
is built solely on assumptions, which in turn are built on other
assumptions. The eminent *Thomas Hunt Morgan repeated the same fear about
losing evolution's wobbly foundations:
"If, then, it can be established beyond dispute
that similarity a even identity of the same character in different
species is not always to be interpreted to mean that both have arisen
from a common ancestor, the while argument from comparative anatomy
seems to tumble in ruins." —*Thomas Hunt Morgan, "The
Bearing of Mendelism on the Origin of the Species," in Scientific
Monthly 18(3):237 (1923).
So then it is clear that, if evolutionary theory be true,
all life forms sharing the same type of aortic arch evolved from a common
creature which bequeathed to its descendants their various features:
"The most important kind of evidence is that based
on a comparative study of the structure and development of various
groups. The use of such evidence is based on the assumption that the
more closely the body plans of two phyla [taxa) resemble each other, the
closer their relationship and the more recent their common
ancestor." —*Ralph Buchsbaum, Animals without Backbones
(1948), p. 335.
That is simple enough: the closer the structural
similarity, the closer the relationship, according to the evolutionist.
Now, on the basis of similarities, let us consider our
ancestors. Here is a sampling of the five groups:
Those animals which share the FIRST type of aortic
arch are these: horses, goats, donkeys, zebras, cows, sheep, pigs, and
Those animals which share the SECOND type of aortic
arch are these: whales, moles, shrews, porpoises, and hedgehogs.
Those animals which share the THIRD type of aortic
arch are these: skunks, bears, kangaroos, rats, raccoons, dogs,
opossums, squirrels, beavers, wombats, mice, porcupines, cats, and
Those animals which share the FOURTH type of aortic
arch are these: dugongs, some bats, sea cows, duck-billed platypus,
echidna, and human beings.
Those animals which share the FIFTH type of aortic
arch are these: walruses and African elephants.
Study the diagram above. It is truly incredible. All the
blood which flows OUT from the heart first enters the aortic arch. From
there some of it flows upward through ascending arteries, while the rest
flows downward through the aorta, the largest artery in the body. The
blood flowing upward branches off into one of four major arteries: the right
carotid (RC), left carotid ILCJ, right subclavian (RS), and left
subclavian as). It is the way those four arteries branch off that
produce five different aortic arch patterns. There is no way one pattern
could evolve from one into another—while the animal was alive. And dead
animals—with the blood pump turned off—do not evolve into anything!
Does all that make sense? No it does not. Any number of
other structural, chemical or other comparisons could be cited (several
are in this chapter) which would yield totally different groupings. But
the simple fact, that each such grouping of similarities is always vastly
different than all the other similarity groupings, falsifies the
usefulness of similarities as an evidence favoring evolution.
But there is more to the story: Note that there are only
five types of aortic arches. This points us to a single Planner; a
highly-intelligent Being who made all those various living creatures. He
gave each of them an aortic arch because they needed them, but only five
variant arrangements were needed.
THE GENE BARRIER—In spite of efforts to see
similarities in structures of various animals, the DNA barrier continues
to defy the evolutionists. Even the genes themselves are totally different
in mankind than in other animals, each of which has unique gene
"It is now clear that the pride with which it was
assumed that the inheritance of homologous structures from a
common ancestor explained homology was misplaced; for such inheritance
cannot be ascribed to identity of genes. The attempt to find
'homologous' genes, except in closely related species, has been given up
as hopeless." —*Sir Gavin De Beer, Homology, an Unsolved
Problem, (1971).
*De Beer then asks a penetrating question:
"But if it is true that through the genetic code,
genes code for enzymes that synthesize proteins which are responsible
(in a manner still unknown in embryology) for the differentiation of the
various parts in their normal manner,—what mechanism can it be that
results in the production of homologous organs, the same 'patterns,' in
spite of their not being controlled by the same genes? I asked that
question in 1938, and it has not yet been answered." —*Op.
cit., p. 18.
Thus, according to 'De Beer, since it is the genes that
control structure, function, and appearance —how can different animal
types have similar appearance when they have different genes?
This point is extremely important!
The entire matter is a great mystery which evolutionists
cannot fathom. How can there be similarities among life forms with
different genes—different DNA codes? In desperation, *S.C. Harland, in
Biological Reviews (11:8311936), suggests an answer from fantasyland: As
an example, he discussed the eye. Harland says that, yes, it is true that
genes are different for each creature, but for some mysterious reason many
of their eyes are still very much alike! The solution is obvious, he
explains: When each species evolved into new species, its genes changed
but its eye structures did not change! It has eyes that are different than
what its genes say they should be!
Harland is here theorizing that genes do not control the
inheritance of characteristics! The science of genetics began when Gregor
Menders 1866 research was discovered in 1900. By 1907, Columbia University
scientists had established that the genes controlled heredity. Yet, after
decades of fruit fly and other genetic experiments, Harland says it cannot
be true—for if it were, it would destroy evolutionary theory! With every
speculation they offer, evolutionists get themselves more deeply into
trouble. Thus it has been for over a hundred years. But, fortunately,
there are open-minded scientists who are willing to face the facts:
"The older text-books on evolution make much of the
idea of homology, pointing out the obvious resemblances between the
skeletons of the limbs of different animals. Thus the ‘pentadactyl’
[five bone] limb pattern is found in the arm of a man, the wing of a
bird, and the flipper of a whale, and this is held to indicate their
common origin.
"Now if these various structures were transmitted
by the same gene-complex, varied from time to time by mutations and
acted upon by environmental selection, the theory would make good sense.
Unfortunately this is not the case. Homologous organs are now known to
be produced by totally different gene complexes in the different
species. The concept of homology in terms of similar genes handed on
from a common ancestor has broken down." —*Randall, quoted in
*William Fix, The Bone Peddlers, p. 189.
PERFECT DIVERSITY— *Michael Denton's 1985
book, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis is a powerful attack on
evolutionary theory. You will find the previously-mentioned studies
comparing Cytochrome C, hemoglobin, etc., in the chapter, "A
Biological Echo of Typology," in Denton's book. At one point he
says this:
"There is not a trace at a molecular level of the
traditional evolutionary series: fish to amphibian to reptile to mammal.
Incredibly, man is closer to lamprey [in his hemoglobin] than are
fish!" —*Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985).
Everything in nature is organized —but it is organized
in the midst of intertwined diversity! One chemical test will fit one
sequence, and another will fit another. Everywhere in nature is to be
found carefully arranged DIVERSITY! Everything is different, but
perfectly so. Denton concludes the chapter with the following scathing
"Despite the fact that no convincing explanation of
how random evolutionary processes could have resulted in such an ordered
pattern of diversity, the [totally opposite] idea of uniform rates of
evolution is presented in the literature as if it were an empirical
discovery. The hold of the evolutionary paradigm is so powerful that an
idea which is more like a principle of medieval astrology than a serious
twentieth-century scientific theory has become a reality for
evolutionary biologists . . Yet in the face of this extraordinary
discovery [of structures so totally diverse], the biological community
seems content to offer explanations which are no more than apologetic
tautologies." —*Ibid.

Homologies (similarities) are desperately
needed by evolutionists, since they have little else on which to base
species evolution. But homologies are just not scientific! Here is a frank
admission by a well-known British scientist:
"The concept of homology is fundamental to what
we are talking about when we speak of evolution, yet in truth we
cannot explain it at all in terms of present-day biological theory."
—*Sir A. Hardy, The Living Stream (1985), p. 211.
are additional similarities which disprove evolutionary theory:
The anatomy of the EYE
— Man and OCTOPUS are very similar
The anatomy of the HEART
— Man and PIG are very similar
The pronator quadratus MUSCLE
— Man and Japanese SALAMANDER are very similar
The black PLAGUE
— Man and Norway RAT are very similar
The aoetylcholine-histamine
— Man and PLANTS are very similar
The concentration of RED BLOOD cells
— Man and FISH are very similar
The specific gravity of BLOOD
— Man and FROG are very similar
The structure of HEMOGLOBIN
— Man and ROOT NODULES are very similar
— Man and TURTLE are very similar — But dog
and cat are very DISsimilar
The cytochrome C in the CELL
— Man and SUNFLOWER are very similar — But mold and
sunflower are very DISsimilar
The cytochrome C in the CELL
— Man and BULLFROG are very similar —
But rattlesnake and frog are very DISsimilar
MOLECULAR SIMILARITIES—Major advances have been made
in molecular biology. Some of the most devastating new scientific
information falsifying evolutionary theory comes from this field. In his
1985 book, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, *Michael Denton presents several
points. Some have been mentioned earlier in this chapter. Here are more:
From the founding of biology in the 1700s until the 1960s,
the only way biologists could compare and classify organisms was at the
gross morphological level; that is, shape and structure. But in the 19509,
DNA and amino acid discoveries were made. DNA sequences were compared. RNA
was discovered. A host of new insights about the cell were uncovered.
Evolutionists had hoped that discoveries in molecular
biology would provide homologies (similarities) that would vindicate
evolutionary theory. But this hope was soon shattered.
"However, as more protein sequences began to
accumulate during the 1960s, it became increasingly apparent that the
molecules were not going to provide any evidence of sequential
arrangements in nature [from amoeba through its "descendants"
on to man] but were going to reaffirm the view that the system of nature
conforms fundamentally to a highly ordered hierarchic scheme from
which all direct evidence of evolution is emphatically absent Moreover,
the divisions turned out to be more mathematically perfect than even
most die-hard typologists would have predicted." —*M. Denton,
Evolution. A Theory in Crisis (1985), chapter entitled, "A
Biochemical Echo of Typology."
(Taxonomists, also called Typologists, are the scientists
who classify plants and animals by grouping them into genus and species on
the basis of their more obvious structural similarities and differences.
Cladists are the taxonomists who maintain that the true species are
totally unrelated to each other, and did not descend from one another; in
other words, they have given up on evolution. Their studies into plant and
animal species provide no indication of evolutionary relationships or
descent. Each species is distinctly different from the others.)
Such topics as Cytochrome C research (mentioned earlier in
this chapter) have been intensively analyzed. Summarizing the data, Denton
says that it annihilates traditional evolutionary theory:
"Every sequence can be unambiguously assigned to a
particular subclass. No sequence or group of sequences can be designated
as intermediate with respect to other groups. All the sequences of each
subclass are equally isolated from members of another group.
Transitional or intermediate losses are completely absent from the
matrix."— 'Ibid.
those sequences. You will note that there is simply no way to say that any
two species are closely related to another species. It is all just one big
According to evolutionary theory, bacteria should be
closely related to yeast, silk moth, tuna, pigeon, and horse, in that
order. Comparing Cytochrome C differences, a bacterium is closest to the
following species, in this sequence of closeness of relationships: horse,
pigeon, tuna, silk moth, wheat, yeast. —That would mean that bacteria
are more closely related to horses than they are to yeast! Commenting on
this discovery, Denton says:
"Considering the enormous variation of eucariotic
spades [those containing a cell nucleus] from unicelled organisms like
yeasts to multicellular organisms, such as mammals, . . this must be
considered one of the most astonishing findings of modem science!" —*Ibid.
The jawless fishes are supposed to be very ancient and the
earliest vertebrates. Evolutionary theory would dictate that it would be
the closest to carp, frogs, chicken and kangaroo, and humans, in that
approximate order. How does the jawless lamprey compare with those
vertebrates? It is closest in hemoglobin similarities to humans, carp,
kangaroo, frog, and chicken. Figure that one out. We quoted *Denton's
comment on this earlier:
"There is not a trace at a molecular level of the
traditional evolutionary series: fish to amphibian to reptile to mammal.
incredibly man is closer to lamprey than are fish!" —Ibid.
Next we will compare fish with terrestrial vertebrates.
The carp should, according to evolutionists, be closest to bullfrog,
turtle, chicken and rabbit, horse, in that approximate order. Cytochrome C
differences places the carp as equally related to horse, rabbit, turtle,
and bullfrog, and less closely related to the chicken.
"One of the moat remarkable features of these new
biochemical discoveries is undoubtedly the way in which the pattern of
molecular diversity seems to correspond with the predictions of
typology. With very few exceptions the members of each defined taxa are
always equally divergent whenever an outgroup comparison is made." —*Ibid.
SERUM COMPARISONS—You may recall how, in
chapter 7, Dating Methods, and chapter 17, Fossils and Strata, it
was disclosed that, out of hundreds of thousands of radio-dating tests on
rock strata, only three were found to be in agreement with the 19th
century dating theory of rock strata which continues to dominate the
fields of geology and paleontology. In regard to confirming classical
stratigraphy and fossil dating, the three were retained and the hundreds
of thousands of other uranium and thorium tests were thrown out. It was
then stated in textbooks that "radio-dating substantiates geological
column dating."
Well, evolutionary scientists are doing the same with the
new molecular discoveries as they relate to similarities. One type of test
appears to agree with evolutionary theory, so that ONE is trumpeted in the
textbooks and the others are ignored. This is the serum test for
antibodies. Serological tests made with non-human blood serum give varying
percentages of precipitation: Tests run on a wide variety of animals
reveal that a few provide an ascending stepladder up to man. At the bottom
is the kangaroo, 0.0 percent; at the top is man with 100 percent. That
sounds great for evolution, but what does it actually prove when one stops
to think about it? According to this evolutionary "proof," man
descended from apes, which descended from sheep, which descended from
deer, which descended from horses, which descended from kangaroos, which
descended from nothing. (There is nothing below kangaroos in the line of
descent, since it registers 0.0 percent).
But the findings from large numbers of other molecular
tests are totally ignored. The public is not told about them.
earlier, homology is the name given to the effort of science to prove
evolutionary theory on the basis of shallow physical similarities between
various creatures. ("Shallow," that is, because "five
bones" in the arm and hand are emphasized, while crucial factors,
such as chromosome counts, are ignored.)
But the creatures thought to be more closely related have
been found, in fact, to be totally different in a number of ways, when
exacting 20th century molecular comparisons have been made. We have
already considered several examples of that.
If you wanted to really KNOW which species were the
closest to each other, what method would you use? If you stop to think
about it, the very best way would be to compare chromosome counts. What
genetic factor could be more basic than chromosomes and its DNA?
Each species has a specific number of chromosomes in each
cell in its body. Human beings, for example, have 46 chromosomes in each
body cell, while in their reproductive cells (the egg and the sperm) there
are only half that number (23). In this way, when the sperm and egg unite,
the full number of 46 will be made up again.
Is there any factor more basic to a species than its
chromosome count? Knowledgeable scientists seriously doubt it.
Several chromosome count lists are available in scientific
books. A comparison of them would provide us with the very best
"similarities" analysis that we could possibly hove!
Let us now consider this matter of chromosome count
"similarities." John N. Moore has done a great service for us
all. He took chromosome counts for various species, and then placed them
into a "family tree" arrangement, such as evolutionists like to
display in school textbooks. (John N. Moore, "On Chromosomes,
Mutations, and Phylogeny," Creation Research Society Quarterly,
December 1972, pp. 159-171.)
The result is not numerical similarities in each
"family branch," —but rather something of a confusion of
numbers on all leveisl Keeping in mind that one of the most important
factors in any given species is its chromosome court, this lack of
numerical similarity is highly revealing. It is clear that there cannot
possibly be any relationship between the various species—even those
supposed to be "closely related."
To say it again: Chromosomes contain the genes which
themselves are the DNA spirals. It would be impossible to change the
chromosome count of a species, or an individual in that species, without
totally destroying that species or that individual No respectable
biologist would suggest that by removing one or several chromosomes, a new
species would be produced. That could not be, for the gene factors
containing the millions of DNA codes are to be found all along those
chromosome strings. To remove even one chromosome would be to remove
millions of vital body factors.
"Chromosome number is probably more constant,
however, than any other single morphological characteristic that is
available for species identification." —*Eldon J. Gardner,
Principles of Genetics (1968), p. 211.
Because the genes determine all body parts and functions,
we would expect that the smaller life forms would have fewer chromosomes,
and there is a tendency in this direction, but even in this there are
striking exceptions as will be seen below. (The Cosmarium, a simple algae,
can have as many as 140 chromosomes, and Radiolaria, a simple protozoa,
has over 800, whereas human beings only have 46.)
Here is part of Moore's findings. (In all the following,
the duplex or double chromosome count [2n [found in most body cells is
given; exceptions will be marked "n = "[1 n].) When several
different numbers are listed, each is for a separate species.
First, we will look at the chromosome counts of several
branches of the PLANT KINGDOM:
At the bottom of the evolutionary plant tree are the
ALGAE: What similarity do you find in any of these numbers? Chlamydomonas,
16 / Chords, 56 / Cladophora, 22,24 / Closterium, (n =194) l Cosmarium,
40,120-1401 Cystophyllum, 32-48 / Laminaria, 62 / Nitella, (n = 9,18) l
Spirogyra, (n =16,32,50).
Just up the trunk from the algae, we come to the FUNGI:
Bacillus, 1 / Clavaria, (n=8) l Escherichia, 1 l Neurospora, (n =7) I
Phytophthora, 8-10 / Saccaromyoes, 30.45,60.
Further up the plant kingdom trunk we go out onto the
branch marked PTERIDOPHYTES: Adiantum, 60,120,116 / Diphasium, 46 /
Diplazium, 82,123 / Dryopteris, 82,123 / Elaphoglossum, 82 / Isoetes,
33,4.4 / Ophioglossum. 960.1100 / PoHpoafum, 72,111,148 / Aolystichum,
82,164 / Paimtum, 208 / Lycopodium, 46,340,528 / Pteris, 58,76.87,115 /
Selaginella, 20,36 l Thelypteris, (n = 29,36,62,72).
At the top of the imaginary tree of plant evolution are
the DICOTYLEDONS: Brassica, 18,20 / Chrysanthemum, 18,36,56,138,198 /
Clematis, 16 / Helianthus, 34 l Phaseolus, 22 / Primula, 16,22,36 /
Ranunculus, 16,32,48 / Rumex, 20,40,60 / Salix, 40,63 / Sodium,
20,44,54,68 / Petunia, 14 / Raphanus, 16,18,20,38.
Now we go to the second of the two trees: It is called the
ANIMAL KINGDOM. Moving upward from bottom to top, here are the
chromosome counts of a few of its branches:
PROTOZOA: Euglena, 45 / Radiolaria, (over 800) /Amoeba,
NEMATHELMINTHES: Ascaris, 2,4,22,48-50 /
EchinOlIIynCUB, 8.
PORIFERA: Grantia, 8,26 / Sycandra, 16.
ARACHNIDA: Argas, 26 / Agalena, 44 / Heptaihela,
e0 / Eu90opi63, 70-64 / 711yus, 6,10,20.
CRUSTACEA: Anemia, 84 / Daphnia, 8,20 / Cambarus, 208 /
Cypris, 24 / Notodromas, 16.
INSECTA: Acrida, 23 / Aphid, 5,6,8,12 / Musca, 12 /
Lethooerus, 8.30 / Cimex, 29-24 / Lysandra, 380 / Bombyx, 50-71 I
Cicindela, 20•24 / Calliphora, 12 / Drosophila, 8-12 / MetapooVus,
PICES: Salmo, 80-96 / Coregonus, 80 / Mollienisia, 36-48 /
Lepidosiren, 360 / Nioorhynchus, 74 / Betta, 42 / Cyprinus, 99.
AMPHIBIA: Rang, 16,24,26,39 / Salamandra, 24 /
Cryptobranchus, 56,62 / Bolo, 22 / Triton, 18-24.
REPTILA: Elaphe, 36 / Hemidactylus, 46 / Alligator, 32 /
Chamaeleon, 24 / Lacena, 36,38 / Emys, 50 / Anguis, 36,44.
AVES: Rhea, 42-68 / Passer, 40-48,54-60 / Melopstittacus,
50-60 / Gallus, 12-44 / Anal, 43-49,80 / Columba, 50,31-62 / Lams, 60.
MAMMALIA: Omlthorhynchus, 70 / Didelphys, 1722 /
Erinaceus, 48 I Sorex, 23 / Lepus, 36-46 / Peromyms, 48,52 / Microtus,
42.46.50 / Apoafemus, 46,48.50 l Mus. 40,44 / Ratus, 46,62 / Cams,
50,64,73 / Fells, 35,38 / Boa, 16,20,60 / Capra, 60 / Ovis, 33,48,54.60 /
Sus, 18,38,40 / Equus, 60,66 / Rhesus, 42,48 / Homo, 46.
that each branch of the ancestral trees is but a jumbled maze of
chromosome numbers, having little mutual correspondence. What about size
of organism, from small to large? We already referred to the fact that
even here we do not find a clear-cut pattern. The smallest life form ought
to have the fewest chromosomes, and the largest ought to have the largest.
That would be a fact which would encourage the evolutionists, but consider
the following list:
Aulacantha (protozoa): 16W / garden pea: 14 /
maize: 20 / alfalfa: 40 / Barley: 14 / oats: 42 / trillium: 10 / 1!0mato:
24 / mouse: 40 / copepods-crab: 6 / man: 46 / deer mouse: 48 / striped
skunk: 50 / mink: 30 / dog: 78 / fox: 34 / pig: 38 / donkey: 62 / small
monkey (Maraca rhesus): 42 / cow: 60 / gorilla: 48 / Gypsy moth: 62.
That list may have some relation to size, but actually not
very much. Thus, analyzing the number of chromosomes a creature has, in
relation to the size of that creature, provides no tangible help in
ascertaining evolutionary descent. Just below, we will learn that DNA
count in relation to size is equally meaningless, as far as helping to
establish evolutionary theory.
concluding this section, let us consider estimated DNA counts for various
creatures. As you know, it is the DNA within the cell which contains all
the codes needed for all structures and functions within each organism.
"It might reasonably be thought that the amount of
DNA in the genome would increase pretty steadily as we advance up the
evolutionary scale. But in fact measurements of total DNA content are
quite contusing. While the mammalian cell seems to have about 800 times
more DNA than a bacterium, toads (to take an example) have very much
more than mammals, including man, while the organism with most DNA (of
those so far studied) is the lily, which can have from 10,000 to 100,000
times as much DNA as a bacterium!" —*G.R. Taylor, Great
Evolution Mystery (1983), p. 174.
The following sample listing will begin with those
creatures having the smallest amount of DNA, and will progressively move
on up to those with the most. You will note that man is only about 2/3s up
the list, yet he should be at the top!
baccerophage-0X174: 0.000,003,6 / bacteriophage1'2:
0.000,2 / colon bacteria: 0.004,7 / yeast: 0.07 / snail: 0.67 / sea
urchin: 0.90 / chicken: 1.3 / duck: 1.3 / carp: 1.6 / green turtle: 2.6 /
cattle: 2.8 / man: 3.2 / toad: 3.7 / frog: 7.5 / protapterus: 50 /
amphiuma: 84.
Here is what *Dobzhansky had to say about that table!
"More complex organisms generally have more DNA per
cell than do simpler ones, but this rule has conspicuous exceptions. Man
is far from the top of the list, being exceeded by Amphiuma Ian epode
amphibian], Propterus [a lungfish], and even ordinary frogs and toads.
Why this should be so has long been a puzzle." —*Theodosius
Dobraransky, Genefts of the Evolutionary Process (1970), p. 17-18.
It appears that the Designer of everything arranged
matters so that, on not one single point, could man say, "I am smart
enough to be able to fully understand and explain it."
senior paleontologist at the British Museum. He is an expert in fossil
species, and has spent most of his lifetime comparing them with living
species. Throughout all those years of research, he has tried to figure
out this imaginary evolutionary "family tree" of
who-was-descended-from-whom. In an address given at the American Museum of
Natural History on November 5, 1981, he expressed regret that he had been
asked to speak on the topic, "Creation and Evolution," for,
he said, he had become so puzzled over his findings that he was ready to
give up evolution. He said that after 20 years of evolutionary research,
he was unable to come up with even one thing that proved evolutionary
theory. When he had asked other leading evolutionists for solutions, they
glibly told him, "Oh, its just convergence; convergence is
everywhere," as if that answered the evolutionary problem: Different
creatures, totally unrelated to one another, having features in
common—which it should be impossible for them to have! The problem is
then solved by calling it "merely another form of evolution,"
and a disproof is magically changed into a proof.
Patterson concluded his talk by saying that evolution was
an "anti-theory" that produced "antiknowledge. "
He elaborated on this by saying that evolution is full of special words
that explain nothing, yet give the impression that they explain
everything. Something that produces "anti-knowledge," really
produces ignorance. And surely we do not want that!
You have just
Chapter 21 Similarities