Encyclopedia Vol. 3

"I have always been slightly suspicious of the theory of
evolution because of its ability to account for any property of living
beings (the long neck of the giraffe, for example). I have therefore
tried to see whether biological discoveries over the last thirty years
or so fit in with Darwin's theory. I do not think that they do.
"To my mind, the theory does not stand up at all."
—*H. Lipson, "A Physicist Looks at Evolution, " Physics
Bulletin 31 (1980), p. 138.
"When the most learned evolutionists can give neither the how
nor the why, the marvels seem to show that adaptation is inexplicable.
This is a strange situation, only partly ascribable to the rather
unscientific conviction that evidence will be found in the future. It
is due to a psychological quirk." —*Norman Macbeth, Darwin
Retried (1971), p. 77.
"Evolution is baseless and quite incredible." —*Ambrose
Flemming, President British Association for Advancement of Science, in
The Unleashing of Evolutionary Thought.
"Unfortunately, in the field of evolution most explanations
are not good. As a matter of fact, they hardly qualify as explanations
at all; they are suggestions, hunches, pipe dreams, hardly worthy of
being called hypotheses." —*Norman Macbeth, Darwin Retried
(1971), p. 147.
"Nobody can imagine how nothing could turn into something.
Nobody can get an inch nearer to it by explaining how something could
turn into something else." —*G. K. Chesterton (1925).
The best evidences of evolution are no evidences at all
1 - The horse series
2 - Archaeopteryx
3 - Other "proofs"
4 - Textbook "proofs"
1 - The peppered moth
2 - The horse series
3 - Archaeopteryx
4 - Other series
Related studies:
Chapter 13, Natural Selection
Chapter 14, Mutations
Chapter 17, fossils and Strata
Chapter 21, Similarities
Chapter 22, Vestiges and Recapitulation
Throughout this set of books we have been surprised at
the paucity of evidence that evolutionary theory has to offer. We begin
to wonder just how evolutionists are able to maintain such a lock grip
on the modern world.
In later chapters we will learn that their secret of success is
actually their control of hiring and firing in the scientific world, the
colleges and universities, research centers, scientific organizations,
as well as their connections with the public media and the major book
publishing houses. No large book company would dare print the book you
are now reading. It is the fear of reprisal that keeps evolutionary
theory at the top.
But, to the public, evolution presents its showcase, assured that
they will be ignorant enough of natural history and scientific
discoveries to gullibly absorb enough of it to keep them puzzled and
Let us for a moment consider two of the best evolutionary pieces in
this showcase—"proofs" of evolution which we have mentioned
elsewhere in this set of books.
In all the other "evidences of evolution" which we have
examined in this set of books, we have found not one indication of any
transition across species.
But, the evolutionists tell us that, in the fossil record there are
TWO times when one species evolved into another. These are considered
very important, and have been widely publicized, so we shall now discuss
each one in some detail:
30 DIFFERENT HORSES—In the 1870s, *Othniel C. Marsh claimed
to have found 30 different kinds of horse fossils in Wyoming and
Nebraska. He reconstructed and arranged these fossils in an evolutionary
series, and they were then put on display at Yale University. Copies of
this "horse series" are to be found in many museums in the
United States and overseas. Visually, it looks convincing.
"Horses are among the best-documented examples of evolutionary
development." —*World Book Encyclopedia (1982 ed.), p. 333.
"The development of the horse is allegedly one of the most
concrete examples of evolution. The changes in size, type of teeth,
shape of head, number of toes, etc., are frequently illustrated in
books and museums as an undeniable evidence of the evolution of living
things." —Harold G. Coffin, Creation: Accident or Design?
(1969), p. 193.
FIFTEEN FLAWS IN THE SERIES—In more closely analyzing the
horse series, we come upon 15 distinct problems which negate the
possibility that we have here a genuine series of evolved horses.
Reading through them, we realize that the evolutionists have merely
selected a variety of different size animals, arranged them from small
to large—and then called it all "a horse series. "
1- Different animals in each series. In that
exhibit we see a small, three-toed animal that grows larger and becomes
our single-toed horse. But the sequence varies from museum to museum
(according to which non-horse smaller creatures have been selected to
portray "early horses").
2 - Imaginary, not real. The sequence from small
many-toed forms to large one-toed forms is completely absent in the
fossil record. Some smaller creatures have one or two toes; some larger
ones have two or three.
3- Number of rib bones. The number of rib bones does
not agree with the sequence. The four toed Hyracothedum has 18
pairs of ribs, the next creature has 19, there is a jump to 15, and
finally back to 18 for Equus, the modem horse.
4 - No transitional teeth. The teeth of the
"horse" animals are either grazing or browsing types. There
are no transitional types of teeth between these two basic types.
5 - Not from in-order strata.
The "horse"
creatures do not come from the "proper" lower-to-upper rock
strata sequence. (Sometimes the smallest "horse" is found in
the highest strata.)
6 - Calling a badger a horse. The first of the
horses has been called "Eohippus" (dawn horse), but
experts frequently prefer to call it Hyracotherium, since it is
like our modern Hyrax, or rock badger. Some museums exclude
Eohippus entirely because it is identical to the rabbit-like
hyrax (daman) now living in Africa. (Those experts which cling to their
"Eohippus" theory have to admit that it climbed trees!) The
four-toed Hyracotherium does not look the least bit like a horse
"The first animal in the series, Hyracotherium (Eohippus)
is so different from the modern horse and so different from the
next one in the series that there is a big question concerning its
right to a place in the series . . [It has] a slender face with the
eyes midway along the side, the presence of canine teeth, and not much
of a diastema (space between front teeth and back teeth), arched back
and long tail." —H.G. Coffin, Creation: Accident or Design?
(1969), pp. 194195.
7 - No two bone exhibits alike. There are over 20
different fossil horse series exhibits—with no two exactly alike!
The experts select from bones of smaller animals and place them to the
left of bones of modern horses, and, presto! another horse series!
Here is that impressive horse leg and foot series which makes such an
impression on visitors to the many museums where replicas of it are on
display. But the 15 evidences contradicting that claim are not mentioned
by the museums.

8 - Horse series exists only in museums. A
complete series of horse fossils in the correct
evolutionary order has not been found anywhere in the world. The
fossil-bone horse series starts in North America (or Africa; there is
dispute about this), jumps to Europe, and then back again to North
America. When they are found on the same continent (as at the John Day
formation in Oregon), the three-toed and one-toed are found in the same
geological horizon (stratum). Yet, according to evolutionary theory, it
required millions of years for one species to make the change to
9 - Each one distinct from others. There are no
transitional forms between each of these "horses." As with all
the other fossils, each suddenly appears in the fossil record.
10 - Bottom found at the top. Fossils of Eohippus
have been found in the top-most strata, alongside of fossils of two
modern horses: Equus nevadensis and Equus accidentalis.
11- Gaps below as well as above.
Eohippus, the earliest of
these "horses," is completely unconnected by any supposed link
to its presumed ancestors, the condylarths.
12 - Recent ones below earlier ones. In South America, the
one-toed ("more recent") is even found below the three-toed
("more ancient") creature.
13 - Never found in consecutive strata. Nowhere
in the world are the fossils of the horse series found in successive
14 - Heavily keyed to size. The series shown in
museum displays generally depict an increase in size, and yet the range
in size of living horses today, from the tiny American miniature ponies
to the enormous shires of England, is as great as that found in the
fossil record. However, the modern ones are all solidly horses.
15 - Bones an inadequate basis. In reality, one
cannot go by skeletal remains. Living horses and donkeys are obviously
different species, but a collection of their bones would place them all
Eohippus is supposed to have been the earliest "horse," but
scientists have found it quite alive in Africa. This rodentlike animal
has nothing to do with the ancestry of the horse. Shown below is this
shy, fox-sized creature called the daman.

A STUDY IN CONFUSION—In view of all the evidence
against the horse series as a valid line
of upward-evolving creatures (changing ribs, continental, and strata
locations), Britannica provides us with an understatement:
"The evolution of the horse was never in a straight
line." —*Encyclopedia Britannica (1976 ad.), Vol. 7, p. 13.
Scientists protest such foolishness:
"The ancestral family tree of the horse is not what scientists
have thought it to be. Prof. T. S. Wescott, Durham University
geologist, told the British Association for the Advancement of Science
at Edinburgh that the early classical evolutionary tree of the horse,
beginning in the small dog-sized Eohippus and tracing directly to our
present day Equinus, was all wrong." —*Science News Letter,
August 25, 1951, p. 118.
"There was a time when the existing fossils of the horses
seemed to indicate a straight-lined evolution from small to large,
from dog-like to horse-like, from animals with simple grinding teeth
to animals with complicated cusps of modern horses.. As more fossils
were uncovered, the chain splayed out into the usual phylogenetic net,
and it was all too apparent that evolution had not been in a straight
line at all. Unfortunately, before the picture was completely dear, an
exhibit of horses as an example. . had been set up at the American
Museum of Natural History [in New York City], photographed, and much
reproduced in elementary textbooks." —*Garrett Hardin,
Nature anal Man's Fate (1960), pp. 225-226. (Those pictures are still
being used in those textbooks.)
FEAR TO SPEAK—Even though scientists may personally doubt
evolutionary theory and the evidence for it, yet publicly they fear to
tell the facts, lest it recoil on their own salaried positions. One
fossil expert, when cornered publicly, hedged by saying the horse series
"was the best available example of a transitional sequence."
We agree that it is the best available example. But it is a devastating
fact that the best available example is a carefully fabricated fake.
"Dr. Eldredge [curator of the Department of Invertebrates of
the American Museum of Natural History in New York City] called the
textbook characterization of the horse series 'lamentable.'
"When scientists speak in their offices or behind dosed doors,
they frequently make candid statements that sharply conflict with
statements they make for public consumption before the media. For
example, after Dr. Eldredge made the statement [in 1979] about the
horse series being the best example of a lamentable imaginary story
being presented as though it were literal truth, he then contradicted
". . [On February 14,1981] In California he was on a network
television program. The host asked liven to comment on the creationist
claim that there were no examples of transitional forms to be found in
the fossil record. Dr. Eldredge turned to the horse series display at
the American Museum and stated that it was the best available example
of a transitional sequence." —L. D. Sunderland, Darwin's
Enigma (1988), p. 82.
little to say in favor of this foremost model of evolutionary
"Once portrayed as simple and direct, it is now so complicated
that accepting one version rather than another is more a matter of
faith than rational choice. Eohippus, supposedly the earliest
horse, and said by experts to be long extinct and known to us only
through fossils, may in fact be alive and well and not a horse at
all—a shy, fox-sized animal called a daman that darts about in the
African bush." —*Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe
(1982), p. 31.
NOT A HORSE AT ALL—Actually the experts tell us that Eohippus
has nothing to do with horses.
"In the first place, it is not clear that Hyracotherium was
the ancestral horse." —*G.A. Kerkut, Implications of
Evolution (1969), p. 149.
"The supposed pedigree of the horse is a deceitful delusion,
which . . in no way enlightens us as to the paleontological origins of
the horse." —*Charles Deperef, Transformations of the Animal
World, p. 105. [French paleontologist.]
"In some ways it looks as if the pattern of horse evolution
might be even as chaotic as that proposed by Osborn for the evolution
of the Proboscidea [the elephant], where 'in almost no instance is any
known form considered to be a descendant from any other known form;
every subordinate grouping is assumed to have sprung, quite separately
and usually without any known intermediate stage, from hypothetical
common ancestors in the early Eocene or Late Cretaceous.' " —*G.A.
KerlaA, Implications of Evolution (1960), p. 149.
OUGHT TO DISCARD IT—*David Raup, formerly Curator of
Geology at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, and now
Professor of Geology at the University of Chicago, is a foremost expert
in fossil study. He made this statement:
"Well, we are now about 120 years after Darwin and the
knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded. We now have
a quarter of a million fossil species but the situation hasn't changed
much. the record of evolution is still surprisingly jerky and,
ironically, we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition
than we had in Darwin's time.
"By this I mean that some of the classic cases of Darwinian
change in the fossil record, such as the evolution of the horse in
North America, have had to be discarded or modified as a result of
more detailed information—what appeared to be a nice, simple
progression when relatively few data were available now appears to be
much more complex and much less gradualistic. So Darwin's problem
[with the fossil record] has not been alleviated." —*David
M. Raup, in Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin 50 (1979), p. 29.
"It was widely assumed that [Eohippus] had slowly but
persistently turned into a more fully equine animal . . [but] the
fossil species of Eohippus show little evidence of evolutionary
modification . . [The fossil record] fails to document the full
history of the horse family." —*The New Evolutionary
Timetable, pp. 4, 96.
NEVER HAPPENED IN NATURE—A leading 20th century evolutionist
writer, *George Gaylord Simpson, gave this epitaph to the burial of the
horse series:
"The uniform continuous transformation of Hyracotherium into
Equus, so dear to the hearts of generations of textbook writers, never
happened in nature." —*G.G. Simpson, Life of the Past
(1953), p. 119.
Earlier, Simpson said this:
"Horse phylogeny is thus far from being the simple
monophyletic, so-called orthogenetic, sequence that appears to be in
most texts and popularizations." —*George G. Simpson,
"The Principles of Classification and a Classification of
Mammals" in Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
SAME GAPS APPLY TO ALL OTHERS—The same gap problem
would apply to all the other species. After stating that nowhere in the
world is there any trace of a fossil that would close the considerable
gap between Hyracotherium (Eohippus) and its supposed ancestral
order Condylarthra, *Simpson then gives the startling admission:
"This is true of all the thirty-two orders of mammals . . The
earliest and most primitive known members of every order already have
the basic ordinal characters, and in no case is an approximately
continuous sequence from one order to another known. In most cases the
break is so sharp and the gap so large that the origin of the
order is speculative and much disputed." —*G.G. Simpson,
Tempo and Mode in Evolution (1944), p. 105.
OTHER SERIES—In addition to the Horse (Equus) Series,
there are five other primary series which have been worked out by
dedicated evolutionists, all of which are much less well known or
These are the Elephant (Proboscidean) Series,
the Titanotheres
Series, the Ceratopsian dinosaur Series, the Foramlnifera Series,
and the Bivalve Series.
When one views the charts and pictures of the Horse Series, a
common element is noted: Various animals are placed together in the
paintings. The common feature is that they all have five characteristics
in common: longer than average legs, long body, long neck, long tail,
and an elongated head. Placing pictures of several creatures with these
five characteristics together—and then adding a short imaginary mane
to each—gives the impression that they are all "horse-like."
All but one is available for examination only in fossil form.
Then we turn to the Elephant Series, and find that the animals
all have a heavy torso with corresponding stouter legs, a drawn-out
pig-like or elephant-like nose, and possibly tusks. All but one of the
eleven is represented only in fossil imprints or bones.
The Ceratopsian Series is composed of three dinosaurs with
bony armor on the back of the head, while two of them have horns in
different locations.
The last two, the Foraminifera Series and the Fossil Bivalve (clam)
Series, are simply variously-shaped shells which look very much
alike in size and general appearance.
On one hand, it appears that some of these series are simply
different animals with similar appearance tossed together. On the other,
the possibility of genetic variation within a species could apply to a
number of them. We could get the best series of all out of dogs. There
is a far greater number and variety of body shapes among dogs than among
any of the above series. Yet we know that the dogs are all simply dogs.
ARCHAEOPTERYX—This is a big name for a little bird, and is
pronounced "Archee-0P-ter-iks." It means "early
wing." If you have a hard time with it, just call the little fellow
"Archee." He won't mind.
There are high-quality limestone deposits in Solnhofen, Germany (near
Eichstatt), which have been mined for over a century. From time to time,
fossils have been found in them, and the sale of these has provided
extra income for the owners of the Dorr quarry.
Here is that famous fossil imprint from the Jurassic
Solnhofen limestone in Germany. Many scientists now consider it to be
nothing more than a genuine bird; others consider it to be a carefully
contrived fake. There is evidence supporting both positions.

In 1861, a feather was found and it sold for a surprisingly
good price. This was due to the fact that it had purportedly come from
late Jurassic strata. Soon after, in the same quarry, a fossil bird was
found with the head and neck missing. The name Archaeopteryx had
been given to the feather and so the same name was given to the bird.
The Jurassic specimen was sold for a high price to the British Museum.
Finding unusual specimens was becoming an excellent way to bring in good
profit. In 1877, a second specimen was said to have been discovered
close to the first,—but this one had a neck and head. In that head
were 13 teeth in each jaw; the head itself had the elongated rounded
shape of a lizard head. This latest find made an absolute sensation, and
was sure to sell for a great amount of money. And it surely did—going
this time to the Humboldt Museum in Berlin as the highest bidder.
Including that feather, there are six specimens of Archaeopteryx in
the world. All six came from that same German limestone area. In
addition to the feather and the first two, three others are quite faint
and difficult to use. It is almost impossible to tell what they are.
Aside from the feather, the others are located at London, Berlin,
Maxburg, Teyler, and Eichstatt—all in Germany. They all came from the
same general area.
Only the first fossilized skeleton (the "London specimen")
and the second one (the "Berlin specimen" are well-enough
defined to be usable. Evolutionists declare them to be prime examples of
a transitio nal species. If so, we would have here the only definite
cross-species transitions ever found anywhere in the world.
"Evolutionists can produce only a single creature—one single
fossil creature—for which it is possible to produce even a semblance
of an argument. That creature is, of course, Archaeopteryx, of which
about five fossil specimens have been found in Upper Jurassic rocks
(assumed by evolutionary geologists to be about 150 million years in
age). All have been found in the Solnhofen Plattenkalk of Franconia
(West Germany)." —Duane Gish, Evolution: the Challenge of
the Fossil Record (1985), p. 110.
The evolutionists consider Archaeopteryx to be a transition between
reptile and bird. But there are two other possibilities. Some favor the
first, others (including the present writer) prefer the second. Here are
both; take your pick:
If the Archaeopteryx specimens are genuine, here are several reasons
why Archaeopteryx can be considered to be a bird, and not a reptile:
If the Archaeopteryx specimens are genuine, here are several reasons
why Archaeopteryx can be considered to be a bird, and not a reptile:
1- Scientists say it is a bird. It is significant that a special
scientific meeting was held in 1982, a year before the furor over the
Hoyle-Watkins declarations that Archaeopteryx was a hoax (which we will
discuss shortly). The International Archaeopteryx Conference was
held in Eichstatt, Germany, not far from the limestone deposits where
all the specimens were originally found. At this meeting, it was decided
that Archaeopteryx is a "bird" and not a reptile, or
half-bird/half-reptile. It was also decided that Archaeopteryx was not
necessarily the ancestor of modern birds.
Therefore, the scientific community now officially declares
Archaeopteryx to be, not a transitional species, but only a bird.
2 - How could scales turn into feathers? Although zealous
evolutionists have always claimed that this creature is a descendant of
the reptiles and the ancestor of the birds, yet they do not explain how
the scales on a reptile can change into feathers.
3 - Bones like a bird. Archaeopteryx is said to have thin,
hollow wing and leg bones—such as a bird has.
4 - Not earlier than birds. Archaeopteryx does not predate
birds, because fossils of other birds have been found in rocks of the
same period (the Jurassic) in which Archaeopteryx was found.
5 - It has modern bird feathers. The feathers on Archaeopteryx
appear identical to modern feathers.
"But in Archaeopteryx, it is to be noted, the feathers differ
in no way from the most perfectly developed feathers known to
us." —*A. Feduccia and *H.B. Tordoff, in Science 203 (1979),
p. 1020.
6 - No intermediate feathers ever found. Transition
from scales to feathers would require many intermediate steps, but none
have ever been found.
7 - Well-developed wings. The wings of
Archaeopteryx were well developed, and the bird probably could fly well.
8 - Wings designed for flight. The feathers Archaeopteryx are
asymmetrical, that is the shaft does not have the same amount of feather
on both sides. This is the way feathers on flying birds are designed. In
contrast, feathers on ostriches, rheas, and other flightless birds, or
poor flyers (such as chickens) have fairly symmetrical feathers.
"The significance of asymmetrical features is that they
indicate the capability of flying; nonflying birds such as the ostrich
and emu have symmetrical [feathered] wings." —*E. Olson and
*A. Feduccia, "Flight Capability and the Pectoral Girdle of
Archaeopteryx," Nature (1979), p. 248.
9 - No prior transitions. There ought to be transitional
species from reptile to Archaeopteryx, but this is not the case. It
cannot be a connecting link between reptile and bird, for there are no
transitions to bridge the immense gap leading from it to the reptile. It
has fully-developed bird wing-bones and flight feathers.
10 - Bird-like in most respects. Archaeopteryx gives evidence
of being a regular bird in every way, except that it differs in certain
features: (1) the lack of a sternum, (2) three digits on its wings, and
(3) a reptile-like head, but there are explanations for all three
[a] - Lack of a sternum. Archaeopteryx had no sternum, but
although the wings of some birds today attach to the sternum, others
attach to the furcula (wishbone). Archaeopteryx had a large furcula, so
this would be no problem.
"It is obvious that Archaeopteryx was very much a bird,
equipped with a bird-like skull, perching feet, wings, feathers, and a
furcula, wish-bone. No other animal except birds possess feathers and
a furcula." —Duane Gish, Evolution: the Challenge of the
Fossil Record (1985), p. 112.
[b] - Digits on its wings: Archaeopteryx had three
digits on its "wings." Other dinosaurs have this also, but so
do a few modern birds. This includes the hoatzin (Opisthocomus
hoatzin), a South American bird, which has two wing claws in its
juvenile stage. In addition, it is a poor flyer, with an amazingly small
sternum—such as Archaeopteryx had. The touraco (Touraco corythaix),
an African bird, has claws and the adult is also a poor flyer. The
ostrich has three claws on each wing. Their claws appear even more
reptilian than those of Archaeopteryx.
[c] - The shape of its skull. It has been said that the
skull of Archaeopteryx appears more like a reptile than a bird, but
investigation by Benton says it is shaped more like a bird.
"It has been claimed that the skull of Archaeopteryx was
reptile-like, rather than bird-like. Recently, however, the cranium of
the 'London' specimen has been removed from its limestone slab by
Whetstone. Studies have shown that the skull is much broader and more
bird-like than previously thought. This has led Benton to state that
'Details of the braincase and associated bones at the back of the
skull seem to suggest that Archaeopteryx is not the ancestral bird.' "
—Duane Gish, Evolution: the Challenge of the Fossil Record (1985),
pp. 112-3.
"Most authorities have admitted that Archaeopteryx was a bird
because of the clear imprint of feathers in the fossil remains. The
zoological definition of a bird is: 'A vertebrate with feathers.'
Recently, Dr. James Jenson, paleontologist at Brigham Young
University, discovered in western Colorado the fossil remains of a
bird thought to be as old as Archaeopteryx but much more modern in
form. This would seem to give the death-knell to any possible use of
Archaeopteryx by evolutionists as a transitional form."
—Marvin Lubenow, "Report on the Racine Debate, " in Decade
of Creation (1981), p. 65.
11 - Ornithologist agrees. *F.E. Beddard,
in his important scientific book on birds, maintained that Archaeopteryx
was a bird, and, as such, it presented the same problem as all other
birds: how could it have evolved from reptiles since there is such a big
gap (the wing and feather gap) between the two.
"So emphatically were all these creatures birds that the
actual origin of Aves is barely hinted at in the structure of these
remarkable remains." —*F.E.
Beddard, The Structure and
Classification of Birds (1898), p.. 160.
12 - Other birds had teeth. It may seem unusual
for Archaeopteryx to have had teeth, but there are several other extinct
birds which also had them.
"However, other extinct ancient birds had teeth, and every
other category of vertebrates contains some organisms with teeth, and
some without (amphibians, reptiles, extinct birds, mammals,
etc.)." —*P. Moody, Introduction to Evolution (1970), p.
13 - Could be a unique bird. Archaeopteryx could
well be a unique creature, just as the duckbilled platypus is unique.
The Archaeopteryx has wings like a bird and a head similar to a lizard,
but with teeth. There are a number of unique plants and animals in the
world which, in several ways, are totally unlike anything else.
The platypus is an animal with a bill like a duck; has fur but lays
eggs; in spite of is egg-laying, it is a mammal and nurses its young
with milk; chews its food with plates instead of with teeth; the male
has a hollow claw on its hind foot that it uses to scratch and poison
its enemies; it has claws like a mole, but like a duck it has webs
between its toes; it uses sonar underwater.
There is no doubt but that the platypus is far stranger than the
Archaeopteryx, yet, like the Archaeopteryx, there are no transitional
half-platypus creatures linking it to any other species.
14 - Totally unique. Regarding the Archaeopteryx, Romer,
the well-known paleontologist said this:
"This Jurassic bird [Archaeopteryx] stands in splendid
isolation; we know no more of is presumed theoodont ancestry nor of
its relation to later 'proper' birds than before." —*A.S
Romer, Notes end Comments on Vertebrate Paleontology (19M), p. 144.
From his own study, *Swinton, an expert on birds and a confirmed
evolutionist, has concluded:
"The origin of birds is largely a matter of deduction. There
is no fossil evidence of the sues through which the remarkable change
from reptile to bird was achieved." —*W.E. Swinton, Biology
and Comparative Physiology of Birds, Vol. 1 (1980), P. 1.
Other scientists agree. Here is an important statement by *Ostrom:
"It is obvious that we must now look for the ancestors of
flying birds in a period of time much older than that in which
Archaeopteryx lived." —*J. Ostrom, Science News 112 (1977),
p. 198.
"Unfortunately, the greater part of the fundamental types in
the animal realm are disconnected [from each other] from a
paleontological point of view. In spite of the fact that it is
undeniably related to the two classes of reptiles and birds (a
relation which the anatomy and physiology of actually living specimens
demonstrates), we are not even authorized to consider the exceptional
case of the Araliaeopteryx as a true link. By link, we mean a
necessary stage of transition between classes such as reptiles and
birds, or between smaller groups. An animal displaying characters
belonging to two different groups cannot be treated as a true link as
long as the intermediate stapes have not been found, and as long as
the mechanisms of transition remain unknown." —*L du Nay,
Human Destiny (1947), p. 58.
15 - Modern birds in same strata. Bones of modern birds
have been found in the same type of rock strata—the Jurassic—in
which archaeopteryx was found. (They have been found in eastern
Colorado.) According to evolutionary theory, this cannot be, for
millions of years ought to be required for Archaeopteryx to change into
a regular bird. If it was alive at the same time as modern birds, how
can it be their ancient ancestor? Birds have also been found in the
Jurassic limestone beds of Utah.
16 - Modern birds below it! Not only do we find modern
birds in the same strata with Archaeopteryx,—but we also find them
below it!
"Perhaps the final argument against Archaeopteryx as a
transitional form has come from a rock quarry in Texas. Here
scientists from Texas Tech University found bird bones encased in rock
layers farther down the geologic column than Archaeopteryx
fossils." —Richard Bliss, Origins: Creation or Evolution?
(1988), p. 46.
No bird bones of any type have been found below the late Jurassic,
but within the Jurassic, they have been found in strata with
Archaeopteryx, and now below it: Two crow-sized birds were discovered in
the Triassic Dockum Formation in Texas. Because of the strata they were
located in, those birds would, according to evolutionary theory, be 75
million years older than Archaeopteryx) More information on this Texas
discovery can be found in *Nature, 322 (1986), p. 677.
Now we come to a totally opposite position: Archaeopteryx is not an
extinct bird, but rather a planned hoax. At the same time that mounting
evidence was beginning to indicate it to be a carefully-contrived fake,
confirmed evolutionists are moving toward the position that
Archaeopteryx was only an ancient bird, and not a
half-reptile/half-bird. By calling it a "bird," they avoid the
crisis that struck the scientific world—and the major museums—when
Piltdown Man was exposed as a hoax in 1953.
THREE INITIAL PROBLEMS—Before considering the
*Hoyle/*Watkins expose, let us first look at some other facets of this
overall problem.
You will observe in the following discussion that there are some
observational differences between this and the preceding approach to the
problem. For example, while some experts consider Archaeopteryx to have
had a body like a bird, those who consider it a fake believe the
fossilized body to be that of a reptile. Somebody took a reptile
fossil—and carefully added wings to it!
"Like the later Piltdown man, Archaeopteryx seemed a perfect
intermediate form. . There are, however, disturbing analogies between
Piltdown man and Archaeopteryx that have come to light with careful
study. Both are hodgepodges of traits found in the forms they are
supposed to link,—with each trait present in essentially fully developed
form rather than in an intermediate state! Allowing for alterations,
Piltdown's jaw was that of an orangutan; Archaeopteryx's skull was a
dinosaur skull. Moreover, Piltdown man's cranium was a Homo sapiens
skull; Archaeopteryx's feathers were ordinary feathers, differing in
no significant way from those of a strong flying bird such as a falcon
. . The lack of proper and sufficient bony attachments for powerful
flight muscles is enough to rule out the possibility that
Archaeopteryx could even fly, feathers notwithstanding." —W.
Frair and P. Davis, Case for Creation (1983), p. 58-60.
1- A profitable business. There are those who
believe that Archaeopteryx was a carefully contrived fake. It would
have been be relatively easy to do. The nature of the hard limestone
would make it easy to carefully engrave something on it. Since the
first Archaeopteryx sold for such an exorbitant price to the highest
bidder (the British Museum), the second produced 16 years later, had a
reptile-like head—and sold for a tremendous amount to the museum in
Berlin. The owner of that quarry made a small fortune on the sale of
each of those two specimens.
2 - Feathers added to a fossil? In these
specimens we find powerful flight feathers on strong wings, shown as
faint streaks radiating out from what appears to be a small reptile
body. The head and body of Archaeopteryx is similar to that of a small
coelurosaurian dinosaur, Compsognathus; the flight feathers are
exactly like those of modern birds. If they were removed, the creature
would appear to be only a small dinosaur. If you carefully examine a
photograph of the "London specimen," you will note that the
flight feathers consist only of carefully-drawn lines!
It would be relatively easy for someone to take a genuine fossil of a
Compsognathus—and carefully scratch those lines onto the surface of
the smooth, durable limestone. All that would be needed would be a
second fossil of a bird as a pattern to copy the markings from,—and
then inscribe its wing pattern onto the reptile specimen. That is all
that would be required, and the result would be a fabulous amount of
income. And both specimens did produce just that!
3 - All specimens came from the same place. Keep
in mind that all six of those specimens were found in the Solnhofen
Plattenkalk of Franconia, Germany, near the city of Eichstatt. Nowhere
else—anywhere in the world—have any Archaeopteryx specimens ever
been discovered!
Living in Germany, at the same time that these six specimens were
found, was *Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919). He would have been in the prime
of life at the time those specimens were brought forth. Haeckel was the
most rabid Darwinist advocate on the continent, and it is well known
that he was very active at the time the finds were made, and was
continually seeking for new "proofs" of evolution so he could
use them in his lecture circuit meetings. He loved verbal and visual
illustrations, and it is now known that he spent time on the side
enthusiastically inventing them!
It is also known that Haeckel had unusual artistic ability and he put
it to work fraudulently touching up and redrawing charts of ape
skeletons and embryos so that they would appear to prove evolutionary
theory. He had both the ability and the mind set for the task. You will
find more information on his fraudulent artistry in chapter 22, Recapitulations.
There is no doubt that Haeckel had the daring, the skill, the time, and
the energy to forge those Archaeopteryx specimens. In those years, he
always seemed to have the money to set aside time for anything he wanted
to do in the way of lecturing or drawing charts. He even supported a
mistress for a number of years. Perhaps some of that money came from
engraving bird feathers onto reptile fossils, and then splitting the
profits of Archaeopteryx sales with the quarry owners.
About 35 years ago, the present writer had opportunity to work for
several weeks with two of the best 19th century art materials: copper
engraving and stone lithography. Both were\used in the 19th century in
printing and both were able to reproduce the most delicate of marks.
This is because both copper and high-quality limestone have such a
close-grained, smooth surface. Bavarian and Franconian limestone
quarries produced the best lithographic blocks. ("Lithos" and
"graphos" means "stone writing.") Our present
lithographic process, which uses thin metal plates, is a descendant of
the limestone block method (which utilized printing from a flat surface
because oily ink in the markings would not mix with the water on the
smooth surface between the markings). The other primary method, that of
copper engraving, used the Intaglio method of fine tracery marks cut
into a smooth surface. There is no doubt but that any good engraver
could easily superimpose the marks of outward radiating flight feathers
over an actual small dinosaur fossil.
"The feathers of Archaeopteryx suggest that the creature was a
skillful flyer or glider, at the same time that its skeleton suggests
otherwise. Archaeopteryx is a mosaic of characteristics almost
impossible to interpret, let alone to base evolutionary theories
on!" —W. Frair and P. Davis, Case for Creation (1983), p.
THE *HOYLE/*WATSON EXPOSE—It was not until
the 1980s that the most formidable opposition to these Solnhofen
limestone specimens developed, Here is the story of what took place:
1- Background of the Investigations. In 1983, * M.
Trop, wrote an article questioning the authenticity of the specimen.
("Is Archaeopteryx a Fake?" in Creation Research
Society Quarterly, Vol. 20, pp. 121-122.) Two years later, a series of
four articles appeared in the British Journal of Photography (March-June
1985 issues) declaring Archaeopteryx to be a carefully-contrived hoax.
These articles were authored by some of the leading scientists in
England: *Fred Hoyle, *R.S. Watkins, *N.C. Wickramasinghe, *J. Watkins,
* R. Rabilizirov, and *L.M. Spetner, and this brought the controversy to
the attention of the scientific world.
Keep in mind as we discuss these specimens that, of all six, only the
London and Berlin specimens are usable; the rest are hardly recognizable
as anything. So all the evidence pro and con must come from one or the
other of those two specimens.
This crisis over the specimens began in 1983 when six leading British
scientists, led by *Fred Hoyle and *R.S. Watkins, declared in print that
Archaeopteryx was a definite hoax, just as much as Piltdown man had been
a hoax. These researchers went to the London Museum and carefully
studied and photographed the specimen. That specimen is contained in a
slab and a counterslab—thus giving a front and back view of it. Here
is what these well-known scientists discovered:
2 - Slab mismatch. The two slabs do not appear to match. If
the specimen was genuine, the front and back slabs should be mirror
images of one another.
A comparison of the present specimen with an 1863 drawing indicates
an alteration was later made to the left wing of the specimen. The 1863
left wing was totally mismatched on the two slabs; the later alteration
brought the match closer together.
3 - Artificial feathers.
*Hoyle, *Watkins, and the others
decided that the body skeleton and arms were genuine, but that the
feather markings (those shallow lines radiating outward from the
forelimbs) were carefully imprinted on the fossil by an unknown hand.
4 - Cement blobs. They also found additional
evidence of the forgery: cement blobs used during the etching process:
"They suggested the following procedure for creating the
feather impressions: 1) the forgers removed rock from around the tail
and 'wing' (forelimb) regions, 2) they then applied a thin layer of
cement, probably made from limestone of the Solnhofen quarries, to the
excavated areas, and 3) they impressed feathers on the cement and held
them in place by adhesive material (referred to as 'chewing gum'
blobs). Attempts to remove the blobs from the rock were obvious—the
slabs were scraped, brushed, and chipped. However, an oversight
remained in the cleaning process: one 'chewing gum' blob and fragments
of others were left behind." —*Venus E. Clausen,
"Recent Debate over Archaeopteryx"
5 - Museum withdraws specimen. After their
initial examination of the London specimen, they requested permission
for a neutral testing center to further examine the blob areas,
utilizing electron microscope, carbon 14 dating and spectrophotometry.
Three months later, museum officials sent word that the specimen was
being withdrawn from further examination.

6 - History of forgeries. *Hoyle, *Watkins, and
the others then checked into historical sources, and declared that they
had discovered that, dating back to the early 18th century, the
Solnhofen limestone area was notorious for its fossil forgeries. Genuine
fossils, taken from the limestone quarries, had been altered and then
sold to museums. These fossils brought good money because they appeared
to be strange new species.
7 - Discoveries follow prediction. . *Thomas
H. Huxley, Darwin's British champion, whom he called his
"bulldog," had predicted that fossils of strange new species
would be found. *Hoyle, et. al, believe that, thus encouraged, the
forgers went to work to produce them.
8 - The Meyer connection. Of the six
Archaeopteryx fossils, only three specimens show the obvious feather
impressions. These three specimens were sent to *Hermann von Meyer in
Germany, who, within a 20-year period, analyzed and described them.
*Hoyle and company suggest that they came in as reptiles and left with
wings! It just so happens that Meyer worked closely with the *Haberlein
family, and they acquired his two best feathered reptile fossils—and
then sold them to the museums. It was the *Haberlein family that made
the profit—not the quarry owners. It would be relatively easy for them
to split some of it with Meyer.
You can find all of the above material in four issues of the *British
Journal of Photography (March-June 1985). Also see *W.J. Broad,
"Authenticity of Bird Fossil Is Challenged" in New York
Times, May 7, 1985, pp. C1, C14; *T. Nield, "Feathers Fly Over
Fossil `Fraud' " in New Scientist 1467:49-50; *G. Vines, "Strange
Case of Archaeopteryx 'Fraud"' in New Scientist
9 - Aftermath. As might be expected, a torrent of
wrath arose from the evolutionary community as a result of these four
articles. Defenders of evolutionary theory went into an absolute rage,
but the six scientists held to their position.
This brought still further uproar. It had been the same British
Museum which had been duped into the Piltdown Man hoax
("found" from 1908 to 1912 only a few miles from Darwin's old
home, publicly announced that same year, and shown to be a hoax in
For a time, the British Museum refused to relent, but the pressure
was too great, so the museum arranged for a special committee, composed
of a select variety of scientists, to review the matter. They examined
the slabs, and in 1986 reported that, in their opinion, Archaeopteryx
had no blobs. With this, the British Museum announced that the case was
closed and the slabs will be unavailable for further examination.
Is Archaeopteryx a flying reptile, just another a bird,
or a fraud—a reptile with wings added?
Take your pick; either way it is definitely not a transitional
species, and has no transitions leading to or from it.
In addition to the horse series and Archaeopteryx, there are several
other special "proofs" in favor of evolution, which we have
discussed in some detail elsewhere. These include:
1 - The peppered moth ("industrial
melanism") is discussed in detail in chapter 13, Natural
2 - Darwin's Finches are
discussed in chapter W 13, Natural Selection.
3 - Trilobites are discussed in
chapter 17, Fossils.
4 - Mutated bacteria and sickle-cell
anemia are discussed in chapter 14, Mutations.
5 – Radio-dating and radiocarbon dating
are discussed in chapter 7, Dating Methods.
6 - The dates attributed to the rock strata are
discussed in chapter 17, Fossils.
7 - The existence of dinosaurs in the past is discussed in
chapter 17, Fossils.
8 - The existence of cave men and the
discovery of "hominid bones" is discussed in
chapter 18, Ancient Man.
9 - Subspecies changes ("microevolution")
is discussed in chapter 13, Natural Selection.
10 - Changes in genes by mutations
is discussed in chapter 17, Fossils.
11 - Similarities of body parts and chemistry are
discussed in chapter 21, Similarities.
12 - "Useless organs"
is discussed in chapter 22, Vestiges and Recapitulations.
13 - Embryonic similarities are
discussed in chapter 22, Vestiges and Recapitulations.
14 - The concept that evolutionary theory is not under natural
laws which would invalidate it is discussed in chapter
25, Laws of Nature.
15 - Sea-floor spreading, continental
drift, plate tectonics, and magnetic core changes are
discussed in chapter 26, Paleomagnetism.
16 - Geographic distribution of plants
and animals is discussed in chapter 27, Geographic
17 - The "overwhelming support"
given by scientists to evolutionary theory is discussed
throughout this book, but especially in chapters 29 and 31, History
of Evolutionary Theory, and Scientists Speak
18 - The belief that only evolution should be taught in schools
is discussed in chapter 34, Evolution and Education.
19 - The concept that evolution is
nonrefutable and outside the realm of falsification and denial
is discussed in chapter 37, Philosophy of Evolution.
20 - The idea that evolution is any kind of help to humanity or
society in general is discussed in chapter 33, Evolution and
In addition, other "evidences" and
"proofs" of evolution are discussed elsewhere in this set of
books. The only evolutionary evidences we have not discussed are some
which are of such minuscule importance, that it is difficult for most
people to even grasp what is being discussed. Such evolutionary
arguments do exist!
Keep in mind that there are definite scientific facts which totally
refute the evolution of matter, stars, planetoids, plants, or animals.
These powerful refutations stand as a strong rock in the midst of angry
waves beating upon them. Learn the most powerful of these proofs and
tell them to others! Keep in mind the story of the attorney who appeared
in court before the judge and said: "There are ten reasons why my
client cannot be here today. The first is that he is dead." The
judge replied, "That one is good enough; I do not need to hear the
ORIGINS—Three of these powerful proofs in regard to the origin of
matters, stars, planets, or moons would be: (1) The impossibility of
nothing making itself into something (chapter 1). (2) The impossibility
of gaseous matter (hydrogen gas clouds) sticking together and forming
itself by gravity or otherwise into stars or planetoids (chapters 1-3).
(3) The impossibility of random actions of any kind in producing the
intricate, interrelated, and complicated orbits of moons, planets,
stars, galaxies, and galactic clusters (chapters 1-3).
ORIGIN OF LIFE—Two of the most powerful proofs in regard to the
origin of life would be these: (1) The impossibility of random formation
of the DNA molecule, amino acids, proteins, or the cell (chapters
10-11). (2) The impossibility of non-life producing life (chapter 9).
EVOLUTION OF LIFE—Seven of the most powerful proofs in regard to
the evolution of life would be these: (1) The total lack of past
evidence of trans-species changes, as shown in the fossil evidence
(chapter 17). (2) The total lack of present evidence of change from one
species to another (chapters 13-15). (3) The impossibility of random,
accidental gene reshuffling ("natural selection") to produce
new species (chapter 13). (4) The impossibility of mutations, either
singly or in clusters, to produce new species (chapter 14). (5) The fact
that there is no other mechanism, other than natural selection or
mutations, which could possibly produce trans-species changes (chapters
13-14). (6) The fact that changes within species, are not evolution
(chapter 15). (7) The beauty shown in the things of nature. An example
of this would be the beauty of the flowers. Random changes would not
produce such attractive forms and colors. (8) The marvelous purposive
designs of the things of nature (chapters 4, 8, 12-13, 16, 20, 24, 28,
32, 36, 40).
EVOLUTION—The two most powerful proofs negating both inorganic and
organic evolution, either in origin or development, would be the First
and Second Law of Thermodynamics (chapter 25).
We have elsewhere discussed in detail all of
the above proofs of Creation.
The textbooks generally have a trite
one-two-three set of evolutionary "evidences, " which
generally consist of the fact that there once were dinosaurs and cave
men, and scientific facts and discoveries include "ape man"
bones, fossils and strata dates, mutations, similarities, vestiges, and
In this section the present writer has taken a single wide-ranging
book of evolutionary evidences, isolated the various
"evidences" for evolution given in it, and briefly summarized
them below.
The book is Evolution, by *F.H.T. Rhodes (1974). Looking
through these "evidences," we find that 3/4s of them consist
of neutral biological, geological, or chemical facts (which provide no
actual evidence in favor of evolution), plus a variety of suggestive
possibilities. As a rule, the strongest "evidences" for the
theory center around variations within species.
Here is a brief view of the well-presented material in the *Rhodes
book. You will notice chat none of the following constitutes any
real evidence in favor of evolution:
Many different species exist. Aristotle taught evolution. Spontaneous
generation could not be a cause of the origin of life. Ray and Linnaeus'
developed plant and animal classification systems. Lamarck's theory of
inheritable changes was an error. History of evolutionary thought for
past 200 years. Darwin's finding of various creatures on the Galapagos
islands. Wallace and Malthus' search for a mechanism whereby evolution
could occur, and Darwin's idea of "natural selection."
Darwin's influential book.
Darwin's theory revised by later discovery of mutations. Mendel's law
of genetics. De Vries discovers mutations, and Morgan and Sutton study
fruit flies. Surely, mutations must be the cause of all evolutionary
change. General information on chromosomes. Variations in fruit flies.
Species always appear to reproduce their own kind. Aging changes in
the lifetime of an individual is a proof of evolution. All living things
have cells, protoplasm, metabolism, reproduction, and growth, therefore
they must all have come from a common source. All living things are
interdependent, so this shows evolution.
Different birds have similarities, therefore they must have a common
ancestor. Embryos are alike, so they must have evolved from a common
source. Organic degeneration and "useless organs" (vestiges)
are strong evidences of evolution. Biochemical similarities indicate
common ancestry. Woodpeckers punch holes in trees, so they must have
evolved this ability. Geographic distribution indicates evolution. Men
can selectively breed new types of dogs, therefore random mutations can
develop new species.
Evolution must be implied in the fact that although some birds breed
in northern climates, others breed in warmer areas (Population
evolution). Drugs given to bacteria have caused mutations which damaged
them. Peppered moths come in two types, dark and light, and birds like
to eat them. There are different species of extinct fossils. There may
be a "fossil series" [like the horse series] among ceratopsian
dinosaurs. The horse series. Archaeopteryx. The platypus. The
"earliest" organisms in the sedimentary rock strata were
smaller and slower, and the later ones were faster and larger. A larger
number of species are found in the later strata than in the earlier
Facts about the genes, chromosomes, cell division, Mendelian
inheritance patterns, and laws of inheritance. Probabilities of
accomplishing changes within species (via Mendelian genetics). Coin
tossing. XC and XY mechanisms in reproduction. Genes control
reproduction. DNA is the key to inheritance. Protein manufacture.
Population genetics: variations exist among people (eye color, height,
etc.). Gene reshuffling through recombination and crossing-over to
produce changes within species.
Mutations produce new characteristics. Genetic drift and geographic
isolation also produces changes within species. Migration of populations
into new areas may cause evolution also. Evolution can occur through
natural selection (mating preferences, predatory killing, etc.). Owls
eat the white mice first. Ocean currents brought creatures from South
America rather than Central and North America to Galapagos Islands.
Birds eating peppered moths is natural selection in action. Growth
differences in fossil bears must be because they hibernated in
different caves. Teeth become smaller with age. Different sub-species of
the same bird have different length bills. Flowers, insects, etc.,
copycat one another's shape, color, etc. (mimicry). Sexual preferences
of animals might make changes within species. Sickle-cell anemia proves
that natural selection occurs within mankind.
A Devonian fish probably climbed out of the water and became an
amphibian, but, unfortunately, we do not have the missing link when this
happened. Transitional fossil forms prove evolution, and we have one:
the reptile-bird, Archaeopteryx.
Given enough time, evolution can occur. Rock strata time charts prove
long ages. Evolution is occurring now in the Solomon Islands, as the
Golden Whistler (bird) makes new subspecies (all of which look just
about alike). Minks change color in winter, and this surely must have
been caused by mutations at some time in the past.
Hydrogen must have clumped together to form stars. Perhaps it only
happened in the past [at the Big Bang], but perhaps it is happening now.
A cloud came together and formed the earth. All the planets have six of
the elements, so this is an important proof of something.
Miller and Urey took complicated lab equipment and produced some dead
amino acids.
There are many fossils outlines, impressions, casts, tracks, etc.
Stone artifacts [arrowheads, etc.] are the most common remains of
prehistoric man. The "oldest" fossils are about 2.7 billion
years old. Most fossil animals suddenly appeared about 600 million years
ago. Fossilized marine invertebrates. The "oldest" vertebrates
(bony fish). Insects, land animals, and plants. The reptiles and
dinosaurs. The mammals.
Apes and monkeys. Reconstructed "ape-men." Suggested
evolution of man from monkey. Stone tools. Cave paintings.
"Evolution" of human societies. Evolutionary theory, although
intrinsically separate from morality, is still not bad for society. The
"future evolution" of man in regard to pollution control,
dwindling resources, overpopulation.
That summarizes the evidence for evolution in an entire,
recent, excellent book devoted to the subject. Throughout it all, did
you find even one clear-cut evidence for evolution?
You have just completed