Encyclopedia Vol. 3

Introduction - page 1003
Evolutionary theory has had a destructive effect on modern civilization -
page 1003
1 - Impact on Western Civilization - page 1003
2 - Laying the foundations - page 1009
3 - Warfare - page 1012
Socialism - page 1015
5 - Evolutionary collectivism - page 5
6 - Psychology - page 1017
8 - Literature - page 1017
9 - Communism - page 1019
10 - Racism - page 1021
11 - Other aspects - page 1023
12 - Christianity - page 1023
13 - Crime - page 1031
Christianity and Creationism - page 1031
1 - Basic principles of Creationism - page 1031
2 - Evidences of the Flood and Creation - page 1033:
3 - Why Western culture surged ahead - page 1037
Appendices - page 1039
1 - Evolution vs. helping one another - page 1039
2 - Genetic engineering --page 1040
3 - Comparing Creation and evolution - page 1042
Study and review questions - page 1044
Related studies:
Chapter 30, Scopes Trial
Chapter 31, Scientists Speak
Chapter 34, Evolution and Education
Chapter 37, Philosophy of Evolution
Chapter 38, Fallacies of Evolution
Chapter 33 –
"Biologists have indeed built their advances in evolutionary
theory on the Darwinian foundation, not realizing that the foundation is
about to topple because of Darwin's three mistakes.
"George Bernard Shaw wisecracked once that Darwin had the luck to
please everybody who had an axe to grind. Well, I also have an axe to
grind, but I am not pleased. We have suffered through two world wars and
are threatened by an Armageddon. We have had enough of the Darwinian
fallacy." -*Kenneth Hsu, ..Reply, Geology 15 (1987), p. 177.
"The next great task for science is to create a religion for
humanity." -*John Morley (18381923), quoted in *Asimov's Book of
Science and Nature Quotations, p. 277.
"Most enlightened persons now accept as a fact that everything in
the cosmos-from heavenly bodies to human beings-has developed and
continues to develop through evolutionary processes. The great religions
of the West have come to accept a historical view of creation.
Evolutionary concepts are applied also to social institutions and to the
arts. Indeed, most political parties, as well as schools of theology,
sociology, history, or arts, teach these concepts and make them the basis
of their doctrines. Thus, theoretical biology now pervades all of Western
culture indirectly through the concept of progressive historical
change." -*R. Dubos, "Humanistic Biology, " in American
Scientist, (March, 1965), Vol. 53, p. 6.
Darwinism has had a devastating impact on society. Its ramifications
reach into the deepest aspects of social life and culture. In this chapter
we will but provide you with a brief overview of some of the effects of
evolutionary thinking on our modern world.
A significant reason for this tremendous impact is the fact that
evolution is nihilistic in regard to morals. The clear implication is that
people are just animals, so there is no right or wrong. It teaches that all
evolutionary progress has been made by some at the expense of others.
Highest success comes to those who will step on, grind down and, if
necessary, destroy others. This brings about "fitness" and
"survival qualities."
Another devastating quality of evolutionary theory is the fact that it is
but a variant form of atheism. Its advocates militantly attack religion in
general and Christianity in particular. Christianity is declared to be
superstition and the Bible a book of myths. Evolutionary teaching and
Christianity are total opposites. They are entirely incompatible. No one can
believe both teachings or try to combine parts of the two. For anyone to
attempt to do so is but to fool oneself. Among professed Christians there
are church leaders, religion teachers, science teachers, and scientists who
attempt to combine part of evolutionary theory with Biblical beliefs. But
they just do not mix. For example, some will claim to believe the Bible, yet
will maintain that there were long ages of developing life forms into human
beings before the Six Day Creation of Genesis 1. If such be true, then the
Fall of Man, as given in Genesis 3 is incorrect. And if man did not fall
into sin, then the promise of Genesis 3:15 is not needed, Christ is not
needed, Calvary is not needed, no atonement for sin is needed, salvation
from sin is not needed.
EVOLUTION AND WESTERN CULTURE-Evolutionary theory has had a most
terrible impact on Western Civilization in the 20th century. Facts
outlined in this chapter will seem hard to believe, so we will back them
as fully as possible with quotations.
"The twentieth century would be incomprehensible without the
Darwinian revolution. The social and political currents which have swept
the world in the past eighty years would have been impossible without its
intellectual sanction. It is ironic to recall that it was the increasingly
secular outlook in the nineteenth century which initially eased the way
for the acceptance of evolution, while today it is perhaps the Darwinian
view of nature more than any other that is responsible for the agnostic
and skeptical outlook of the twentieth century. What was once a deduction
from materialism has today become its foundation." -*Michael
Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1988), p. 358.
Gradually, an attempt was made to extend evolutionary theory into every
other field of study. It is remarkable that a theory founded on confused
speculations and non-existent scientific facts would be made the basis of a
single, unified structure of knowledge.
"The concept of evolution was soon extended into other than
biological fields. Inorganic subjects such as the life-histories of stars
and the formation of chemical elements on the one hand, and on the other
hand subjects like linguistics, social anthropology, and comparative law and
religion, began to be studied from an evolutionary angle, until today we are
enabled to see evolution as a universal, all-pervading process." -*Julian
Huxley, "Evolution and Genetics," in V. R. Newman (ad.), What is
Science? (1955), p. 272.
We have now come to a time when the man who resists the
barrage of atheistic ideas thrown at him under the name of
"evolution" is treated as an outcast--or worse.
"[He who does not honor Darwin] inevitably attracts the
speculative psychiatric eye to himself."- *Garret Hardin, Nature
and Man's Fate (1961).
*Littel briefly summarizes the sinister teaching underlying this theory:
"He [Darwin] proposed that natural selection governs the evolution
of forms of life; with the fittest surviving. The latter proposition
became the basis of several schools of politics and social philosophy,
including both laissez-faire economics and Nazism. The former displaced
the view of man as a fallen angel, and replaced it with man
conceived as risen animal." -*F.H. Littel, The Macmillan Atlas
History of Christianity (1976), p. 104.
EARLY WARNINGS-Over a century and a half ago, *Goethe made an profound
"Science has been seriously retarded by the study of what is not
worth knowing." -*Johann von Goethe (1749-1832), quoted in Asimov's
Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 257.
It would have been well if *Charles Darwin and his disciples had heeded
such counsel. All humanity in the 20th century has been seriously injured by
the theoretical devisings of Darwin and his followers.
Shortly after the 1859 publication of *Charles Darwin's book, Origin of
the Species, men of integrity sought to warn the world-and Darwin
himself-against the terrible consequences that would result if such a theory
were to become widely accepted.
"Never in the history of man has so terrific a calamity befallen
the race as that which all who look may now behold advancing as a deluge,
black with destruction, resistless in might, uprooting our most cherished
hopes, engulfing our most
precious creed, and burying our highest life in mindless desolation . .
The flood-gates of infidelity are open, and Atheism overwhelming is upon
us." -*George Romanes, A Candid Examination of Theism (1878). [A
personal friend of Charles Darwin.].
Soon after Darwin's book came off the press, Sedgwick, a
contemporary biologist, wrote him. Noting the ridiculous non-scientific
"facts" and hypotheses in the book, Sedgewick warned Darwin that
his book was about to open Pandora's box:
"Adam Sedgwick, author of the famous Student's Text Book of Zoology,
after reading the book, The Origin of Species, expressed his opinion to
Darwin in the following words: 'I have read your book with more pain than
pleasure. Parts of it I admired greatly, parts I laughed till my sides were
almost sore: other parts I read with absolute sorrow because I think them
utterly false and grievously mischievous.'
"As feared by this great man of science, the evolutionary idea of
civilization, has grown into a practical method of thought and code of
conduct, affecting the reasoning and actions of every part of the human
race. Human conduct is modeled on the philosophy that finds current
acceptance." -H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1986), pp. 144-145.
"Our own generation has lived to see the inevitable result of
evolutionary teaching-the result that Sedgwick foresaw as soon as he had
read the Origin. Mussolini's attitude was completely dominated by evolution.
In public utterances, he repeatedly used the Darwinian catchwords while he
mocked at perpetual peace, lest it hinder the evolutionary process. In
Germany, it was the same. Adolf Hitler's mind was captivated by evolutionary
teaching-probably since the time he was a boy. Evolutionary ideas-quite
undisguised-lie at the basis of all that is worst in Mein Kampf-and
in his public speeches." -R.E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After
(1948), p. 115.
on society, morals, and culture in the 20th century has been immense. The
words of scientists are treated as though infallible, when, in reality,
human error exists in all scientific endeavor. A veritable blizzard of
scientific papers, meetings, and pronouncements continually pours forth from
the halls of scientific endeavor. So much so that few, even among the
scientists, can grasp what is taking place.
"The Library of Congress receives 55,000 scientific periodicals,
and it estimates that there are at least 15,000 more. Each year there are
over one million different science articles published worldwide. One must
read an article every three seconds, non-stop, to keep up!" -Don
Deyoung, Creation Research Society Quarterly, September 1989, p. 41.
In the 20th century, "science" has become the
font of knowledge instructing the populace on how to do almost everything.
"'Science says,' will generally be found to settle any argument in a
social gathering or sell any article from tooth-paste to
refrigerators." -*The Nation magazine (1928).
Yet it is a two-way street: scientific concepts are influenced by
personal views, just as personal views are influenced by scientific beliefs.
Because of this, a few influential science spokesmen mold the thinking of
large masses of people.
"A concept of nature must be compatible with the way people behave
within a given cultural milieu if it is to be acceptable. When we penetrate
to the core of our scientific beliefs . . , we find they are as much
influenced by the culture as our other belief systems." -*Jeremy
Rifkin, Algeny (1984), p. 32.
As a result, scientific theory can change the cultural mores of
"Who can doubt that the leaven of science, working in the
individual, leavens in some slight degree the whole social fabric?" -Sir
William Osler (1849-1919), quoted in Asimov's Book of Science and Nature
Quotations, p. 282
In order to gain the vaunted power that scientific progress offers, men
are willing to submit their way of life and even their belief systems to
scientific theorists.
"Science promises man power. . But, as so often happens when people
are seduced by promises of power, the price is servitude and
impotence." -*D. Joseph Weizenbaum, Statement made 1976, quoted in
Asimov's Book of Science and Nature Quotations, p. 283.
Even *Khrushchev recognized the inherent danger in placing scientists in
the lead of Western Civilization.
"What the scientists have in their briefcases is terrifying."
Sergeevich Khrushchev, Statement made c. 1960, quoted in Asimov's Book of
Science and Nature Quotations, p. 283.
*Jastrow, referring to many scientists of our time, says they are too
much aware of their power over men's lives.
"Their materialism is so deeply imbued.. and scientists like to
think they have a unique handle on reality. And they're very arrogant about
that." -*Robert Jastrow, quoted in B. Durbin, "A Scientist
Caught between Two Faiths: An Interview with Robert Jastrow, " in
Christianity Today 26(13):15 (1982).
This lock-grip over human thinking has the power to transform science
into something of an organized religious system, complete with a set of
beliefs, priests, and ritual. Because of its terrific impact on morality,
Darwinism automatically gains the central seat of worship in what becomes a
great atheistic temple.
"It is a religion of science that Darwinism chiefly held, and holds
over men's minds [today]." -*Encounter, November 1959, p. 48.
The new system sets standards, dispenses gifts to the
populace, and becomes the great source of guidance and truth.
"The scientist is regarded as a genuine authority, an expert in
esoteric matters that are quite unintelligible to the lay person. Further,
the scientist is regarded as expert in matters of 'hard fact.' To the
scientists knowledge is seen as demonstrably correct, else how could polio
have been eliminated and men have been landed on the moon? Thus, the
scientist, speaking as a scientist, can be a powerful authority on any
topic." -*David Conway, "Jastrow and Genesis," in Free
Inquiry, 2(1):32.
Yet we need to realize that scientists are only men; frail, fallible men
just like the rest of us.
"There are also some cases, not too many though increasing in
number, which show scientists cheating with their data. The pressure to come
up with novel results, the pressure of having another paper published, is
too great; to yield to that pressure, the pressure of opportunity, is all
too human.
"Some prominent medical schools and research institutes indeed
suffered very bad publicity in recent years because they failed to prevent
such misdeeds, or to detect them soon enough. Science can indeed become very
much man's science in a very bad sense." -*Stanley L Jaki, "God
and Man's Science: A View of Creation, "in Lynne Morris (ed.), The
Christian Vision: Man in Society (1984), pp. 36-37.
Not only at their entrance into the halls of science, but in those halls
as well, scientists are like any other tradesmen: skilled mechanics who
personally and professionally continually err and jostle for high positions.
"Science is a very human enterprise. Among other things, science
is mercilessly competitive. Science does have its tough entrepreneurs no
less than does any branch of business. Stories, such as the story of the
[discovery of the DNA] double helix, have amply revealed the fierce
pursuit of prizes which go only to the very first and never to the best
second, let alone to the second best.
"Enough is also reported through the newspapers about the keen
competition for research grants, for the funding of new equipment, for new
laboratories and institutions-a competition which at times mobilizes the
public opinion of entire states and even wider regions. Teams of
anthropologists take out claims for [hominid bones in] elusive distant
valleys with no less rush and jealousy than was the case a hundred years
ago with homesteaders and somewhat earlier with gold diggers in
California." -*Stanley L Jaki, "God and Man's Science: A View
of Creation," in Lynne Morris (ed.), The Christian Vision: Man in
Society (1984), pp. 36.
ETHICS AND MORALITY-It becomes extremely dangerous when materialistic
men are set in positions of power to dictate that which the masses will
believe in regard to human morality. Hardened evolutionists are determined
not to merely let men choose for themselves the type of morality they will
follow. Evolution is foisted upon people, from kindergarten to the grave.
Evolutionary zealots are dedicated to wiping out every religion but their
own. Atheism and only atheism is their creed and their objective. Darwinism
inherently teaches the most vicious set of moral principles. Declaring that
man is but an animal, instruction is then given that the most successful
animals are those that are the first to attack and destroy. The collected
views men are taught, determine their system of morals and their way of
"Every ethic is founded in a philosophy of man, and every
philosophy of man points toward ethical behavior." -*J. Drane,
"A Philosophy of Man and Higher Education, " in Main Currents in
Modern Thought, 29, (1927) p. 98.
Darwinism declares that man is no better than an animal.
"In the world of Darwin man has no special status other than his
definition as a distinct species of animal. He is in the fullest sense a
part of nature and not apart from it. He is akin, not figuratively but
literally, to every living thing, be it an ameba, a tapeworm, a flea, a
seaweed, an oak tree, or a monkey-even though the degrees of relationship
are different and we may feel less empathy for forty-second cousins like the
tapeworms than for, comparatively speaking, brothers like the monkeys."
-*George Gaylord Simpson, "The World into Which Darwin Led Us,"
Science 131 (1960), p. 970.
Darwinism unleashed a moral holocaust upon the world, one which deepens
with each passing decade.
"It was because Darwinian theory broke man's link with God and set
him adrift in a cosmos without purpose or end that its impact was so
fundamental. No other intellectual revolution in modern times . . so
profoundly affected the way men viewed themselves and their place in the
universe." -*Michael Demon, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), p.
67. [Australian molecular biologist.]
We are taught to accept ourselves as merely vicious animals. Tell the
people often enough that they are only animals, and they will begin
believing it.
"The first point is that selfishness and violence are inherent in
us, inherited from our remotest animal ancestors. . Violence is, then,
natural to man; a product of evolution." -*P.J. Darlington,
Evolution for Naturalists (1980), pp. 243-244.
Evolutionary theory presents humanity with no uplifting standards, codes,
norms, or values.
"Evolution favors reproductive strategies that produce the most
offspring, without regard for human values of justice or fair play."
"Nature provides no moral guide to human behavior."
"We don't even know what is 'natural' for our own species. every few
years a new theory emerges on what is our 'natural' diet, our 'natural' life
span, our 'natural' sexual practices, our 'natural' social system or our
'natural' relationship with nature. Nature is endlessly fascinating, but
offers no 'natural' way of life for humans to copy. Even in evolution, there
is no 'natural' tendency toward 'progress,’ ‘perfection,' or 'ascent.'
Most of the time, we don't even know what is going on in nature." -*R.
Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), pp. 79, 124, 317.
*Darlington says, "Violence is. . a product of evolution." It
is Darwinism that is brutalizing mankind today.
"Darwinism helped to further brutalize mankind through providing
scientific sanction for bloodthirsty and selfish desires." -Robert
T. Clark and James D. Bales, Why Scientists Accept Evolution (1966), p. 64.
Evolutionary theory has entered every sphere of behavior, business,
science, and government. Animalize the people was the goal.
"[Darwinism] has quite certainly molded the thought of our political
and biological elite.. this manner of thought. . was adopted and applied to
politics and to morals." -A. E. Wilder-Smith, The Natural Sciences
Know Nothing of Evolution (1981), p. 148.
A leading scientist of our century well described our great danger:
"I am haunted by a conviction that the nihilistic philosophy which
so-called educated opinion chose to adopt following the publication of the
Origin of Species committed mankind to a course of automatic self
destruction. A doomsday was then set ticking." -*Sir Fred Hoyle, The
Intelligent Universe (1983), p. 9. [Hoyle is a renowned British
The man who helped produce Piltdown Man, declared that even the most
terrible wars of mankind only constitutes normal living, and cannot be
avoided. (We shall learn later in this chapter that the worst wars of
our century came about as a result of accepting Darwinian theory, not
because of the savagery of inherent evolutionary "advancement.")
"The law of evolution, as formulated by Darwin, provides an
explanation of war between nations, the only reasonable explanation known
to us." -*Arthur Keith, Evolution and Ethics (1947), p. 149.
According to evolutionary theory, whatever you are is good and whatever
you do is right; there are no norms, no absolutes, no standards you must
live up to.
"Thus, human 'goodness' and behavior considered ethical by human
societies probably are evolutionary acquisitions of man and require
fostering-[because] an ethical system that bases its premises on absolute
pronouncements will not usually be acceptable to those who view human
nature by evolutionary criteria." -*Arno G. Motulaky, "Brave
New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 654.
In the 19th century they called themselves the American Association of
Atheists. In the 20th, they now call themselves "humanists. " Here
is their battle cry:
"No deity will save us; we must save ourselves."
Manifesto of American Humanist Association.
The objective of the humanists goes beyond that of merely letting you
live your own life; they are determined to reshape your morals, your body,
and your descendents. And it is to be done according to their set of
standards. They intend to do it by "science:"
"Man's unique characteristic among animals is his ability to direct
and control his own evolution, and science is his most powerful tool for
doing this." -*Hudson Hoagland, "Science and the New Humanism,
" Silence, Vol. 143, January 10, 1984, p. 111
They intend to do it by "manipulating genes."
"We no longer need be subject to blind external forces but can
manipulate the environment and eventually may be able to manipulate our
genes." -*Arno G. Motulaky, "Brave New World?" Science,
Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 853.
They intend to do it by "naturalistic, scientific
"The foregoing conclusions represent, I believe, an outgrowth of the
thesis of modern humanism, as well as of the study of evolution, that the
primary job for man is to promote his own welfare and advancement. Both that
of his members considered individually and that of the all-inclusive group
is due awareness of the world as it is, and [especially) on the basis of a
naturalistic, scientific ethics." -*H.J. Miler, "Human Values
in Relation to Evolution," Science, Vol. 127, March 21, 1958, p. 829.
Always the teaching is that our ultimate goals and
highest success will be achieved when we realize that we are only animals,
and need only act like animals.
"While many details remain unknown, the grand design of biologic
structure and function in plants and animals, including man, admits to no
other explanation than that of evolution. Man therefore is another link in
a chain which unites all life on this planet." -*A.G. Motulaky,
"Brave New World?" Science, Vol. 185, August 23, 1974, p. 853.
The problem stems from different views of life and the world.
"An atheist believes that evolution is the result of chance.
Theistic evolutionism believe God, having created the universe, let
purposeless chance evolve life. A creationist, dismissing this hybrid view
as absurd, contends that an intelligent creator creates complex machinery,
such as a living body, deliberately." -Michael Pitman, Adam and
Evolution (1984), p. 22.
*Muller, a leading mid-century evolutionist, predicted
that the new scientific outlook-keyed to evolutionary theory-could become
the basis for "enhancing our own values." Shall we place our
lives in the hands of atheists, in the vain hope that they will improve our
"Through the unprecedented faculty of long-range foresight,
jointly serviced and exercised by us, we can, in securing and advancing
our position, increasingly avoid the missteps of blind nature, circumvent
its cruelties, reform our own natures, and enhance our own values." -*H.J.
Muller, "Human Values in Relation to Evolution, " in Science,
March 21, 1958, p. 829.
*Hoagland says that thinking we are but animals will now
help us improve ourselves socially.
"Man's unique characteristic among animals is his ability to direct
and control his own evolution, and science is his most powerful tool for
doing this. We are a product of two kinds of evolution, biological and
cultural. We are here as a result of the same processes of natural selection
that have produced all the other plants and animals. A second kind of
evolution is psychosocial or cultural evolution. This is unique to man. Its
history is very rent; it started roughly a million years ago with our
hominid tool-making ancestors." -*Hudson Hoagland, "Science and
the New Humanism," in Science, January 10, 1984, p. 111.
Education is seen as the key to the changeover. In
order to make atheists of everyone, the schools must be controlled by
"It is essential for evolution to become the central core of any
educational system, because it is evolution, in the broad sense, that links
inorganic nature with life, and the stars with the earth, and matter with
mind, and animals with man. Human history is a continuation of biological
evolution in a different form." -*Sir Julian Huxley, quoted in *Sol
Tax and *Charles Callender (eds.), Evolution After Darwin, 3 vols. (1980).
(See chapter 34, Evolution and Education, for much more on this.)
Happily for the Darwinists, they feel they are winning
out in the churches and in church beliefs also. (More on this later in this
"Beyond its impact on traditional science, Darwinism was
devastating to conventional theology." -*D. Nelkin, Science
Textbook Controversies and the Politics of Equal Time (1977), p. 11.
In one of his books, Asimov quotes this quaint little
poem, so reflective of the heart of Darwinian morality:
"When you were a tadpole and "I was a fish in
Palaeozoic time
"And side by side in the sluggish tide, "we
sprawled in the ooze and slime."
-*Langdon Smith, American journalist (1858-1908)
But the fact remains that evolutionary theory is one of the most
insidious, most dangerous theories ever unleashed upon mankind.
"Anything that has evolved by natural selection should be
selfish." -*Life: How Did it Get Here? (1985), p. 177.
In a chapter entitled, "Evolution," in one of his books,
*Asimov quotes the following statement describing so well the inner thinking
of Darwinism. What evolutionists do not realize is that the mutual
destruction, which they believe is the basis of evolutionary progress in the
past-is doomed to fall upon all mankind in the future if that theory be
permitted to control men's minds and dictate their actions.
"Mankind's struggle upwards, in which millions are trampled to
death, that thousands may mount on their bodies." -*Clara Lucas
Balfour (1808-1878), quoted in Asimov's Book of Science and Nature
Quotations, p. 88 [chapter on "Evolution"].
Even the light of that terrible truth penetrated the gloom of *Darwin's
mind at times.
"With me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of
man's mind, which has been developed from the minds of the lower animals,
are of any value or at all trustworthy. Would anyone trust in the
convictions of a monkey's mind, if there are any convictions in such a
mind?" -*Charles Darwin, quoted in Francis Darwin (ed.), Life and
Letters of Charles Darwin (1903; 1971 reprint), Volume 1, p. 285.
According to evolution, neither mankind nor any other creature or
substance in the universe was planned; it was all only an
"accident" of random motions of atoms.
"An atheist is a man who believes himself an accident."
Thompson, quoted in Peter's Book of Quotations (1977), p. 449.
But the "accident theory" will destroy us if we adhere to it.
And prior to that mutual destruction will come ever-increasing hopelessness
and aimless confusion.
"We do not solve social problems but rather create social monsters,
when man is treated first as an accident and then the particular man is
denied his participation in his own being on the grounds that he is only an
unfortunate accident of nature.
"It takes no doctor of logic to conclude that if man is such a
random being, it can be only a random force that man himself uses upon his
fellows, even if the user is dignified by degree as a sociologist or
psychiatrist. If the determinist's premise is correct, then social or
psychic manipulations may establish only a random order. Thus determinism
entangles mind hopelessly in contradiction." -*Marion Montgomery,
"Imagination and the Violent Assault upon Virtue, Modern Age: A
Quarterly Review, 27.124-125.
Holmes, a science teacher agrees.
"Few people who accept the Darwinian theory of evolution realize its
far-reaching import especially in Social Science. . Of the many evils that
have resulted from the teaching of evolution, we mention only a few. ."
-Professor Holmes, Science (August 14, 1939), p. 117.
Darwinism is the law of the jungle.
"Darwinism consistently applied would measure goodness in terms of
survival value. This is the law of the jungle where 'might is right' and the
fittest survive. Whether cunning or cruelty, cowardice or deceit, whatever
will enable the individual to survive is good and right for that individual
or that society." -H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1968), p. 145.
As we shall learn later in this chapter, Darwin's biological evolution
theory quickly became the basis for a social theory which brought on
intensified war and immorality.
"In turn, biological evolutionism exerted ever-widening influences
on the natural and social sciences, and its repercussions were neither sound
or commendable. Suffice it to mention the so-called Social Darwinism, which
often sought to justify the inhumanity of man to man, and the biological
racism which furnished a fraudulent scientific sanction for the atrocities
committed in Hitler's Germany and elsewhere." -*Theodosius
Dobzhansky, "Evolution at Work " Science, Vol. 127, May 9, 1958,
p. 1091.
The teaching that man is but a beast, and not accountable for any of his
actions-is the heart of Darwin's teaching, and it unleashes the worst in
"No wonder that Brig. General F.D. Frost stated in the Fundamentalist,
January, 1950, p. 21:'There is no doubt about it that the doctrine of
evolution is the greatest curse in our educational system.' 'Whether we read
Ward's Dynamic Sociology, or Russell's Code of Morals, or
Briffalt's Immoralism or some other book written by the Behaviorist
School-they all seem to endeavour to justify and base their conclusions on
the bestial nature of man. This philosophy seeks to determine the morale,
the principles and practice of virtuous conduct and to reduce man to the
level of animal nature. The surging unrest, the broken homes, the frustrated
lives, the increasing divorce cases, the multiplied number of criminals are
but the inevitable outcome of the acceptance and practice of this
evolutionary doctrine." -H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1966) p.
*Darwin had started something that was to spread throughout the world and
bring anguish to millions.
"Darwin's books were quickly translated into all the earth's main
languages, and the political leaders of the various nations began using the
Darwinian catchwords to justify their expansionist ambitions. The influence
in Germany was especially profound. There, the atheistic biologist Ernst
Haeckel embarked on a popularization campaign fully comparable to that of
Huxley in England. The philosopher Nietzsche, with his doctrine of the
'super-man,' was also greatly influenced by Darwin, though he thought Darwin
did not go far enough in promoting the militaristic and racist implications
of his theories. Darwinistic imperialism had great impact on the policies of
Bismarck and even more so on those of Adolph Hitler." -H.M. Morris,
History of Modern Christianity (1984), p. 47.
20th CENTURY CORNERSTONE-A brief history of the flaws of
evolutionary theory, and the disputes of its advocates and antagonists, will
be found in chapter 29, History of Evolutionary Theory. But in this
present chapter you will survey part of the history of some principle
effects that that theory has had on Western Civilization from Darwin's time
The impact of modern evolutionary thought on our modern culture has been
terrific: *Marx and *Keynes in economics and social studies; *Dewey in
modern education; *Fosdick and 'higher' biblical critics in modern theology;
*Nietzsche, *James, and *Positivists in modern philosophy; *Beard in
American history; *Frankfurter in modern law; *London and *Shaw in novels; *Camus,
*Sartre, and *Heidegger in existential thought; *White in sociology;
*Simpson and *Dobzhansky in paleontology and modern genetics; * Huxley and
*P. Teilhard de Chardin in humanism.
In 1960, a Hollywood film was released lauding the "victory" of
evolution in a movie about the Scopes Trial (see chapter 30 for a detailed
analysis of that trial). The motion picture was entitled Inherit the
Wind. That would be an excellent title for a documentary, not on the
Scopes Trial, but on what Social Darwinism has done to our modern world!
KARL MARX- *Charles Darwin, *Karl Marx, *Sigmund Freud, *Ernst
Haeckel, and *Friedrich Nietzche laid the foundations for 20th century
culture. We will view the lives of four of those men, and some others that
followed. Millions of lives have been lost—morally and
physically—because of
the insidious views of Charles Darwin.
"Darwin, Marx, and Freud helped shape the modern mind into
conformity with the world view of Mechanistic Materialism." -*E.A.
Opitz, "The Use of Reason in Religion, " in Imprimis 7(2):4
That which *Darwin did to biology, *Marx, with the help of others, did to
"Just as Darwin discovered the law of evolution in organic nature,
so Marx discovered the law of evolution in human history." -*Otto
Ruhle, Karl Marx, (1948), p. 366. Marxism is closely linked to Darwinism.
"The idea that evolution is a history of competitive strife fit well
with his [Marx's] ideology of 'class struggle.' " -*R. Milner,
Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 412.
"Darwin's mechanistic approach found an immediate response in Karl
Marx (1818-83), the German-Jewish philosopher-in-exile, whose self-appointed
task in London was to rewrite history in communist terms and prepare the
world for revolution. Marx had already designed a political and economic
system for an atheist world before Darwin's major work made its mark. He was
not slow to recognize that Darwinism contained much that was pertinent to
his own philosophy:
"'This is the book,' he wrote to his disciple Engles in 1866, 'which
contains the basis in natural history for our view', and he would gladly
have dedicated his own major work, Das Kapital, to the author of The
Origin of Species if Darwin had let him.
"At Marx's funeral Engels declaimed that, as Darwin had discovered
the law of organic evolution in natural history, so Marx had discovered the
law of evolution in human history. With its denigration of non-material
aspects of human life, and its mission to uproot tradition and destroy
creationist concepts in men's minds, communism remains one of Darwin's
strongest adherents . . After 1949 when the communists took control of
China, the first new text introduced to all schools was neither Marxist nor
Leninist, but Darwinian." -Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution
(1984), p. 24.
All of the worst political philosophies of the 20th century emerged from
the dark cave of Darwinism.
"Marxism, socialism, and communism, no less than Nazism, are
squarely based on evolutionism. Relatively speaking, there is more emphasis
on the effect of environment and culture than on genetics and heredity, and
the competing evolutionary units are social classes (at least in human and
cultural evolution) rather than individuals." -Henry Morris, Long
War Against God (1989), pp. 82-83.
Not only animals must savagely fight in order to survive, but society
must do the same, according to the Darwin/Marx viewpoint.
"Like Darwin, Marx thought he had discovered the law of
development. He saw history in stages, as the Darwinists saw geological
strata and successive forms of life . . But there are even finer points of
comparison. In keeping with the feelings of the age, both Marx and Darwin
made struggle the means of development. Again, the measure of value in
Darwin is survival with reproduction-an absolute fact occurring in time
and which wholly disregards the moral or ethetic quality of the product.
In Marx the measure of value is expended labor-an absolute fact occurring
in time, which also disregards the utility of the product [and also the
workman]" -*J. Barzun, Darwin, Marx, Wagner, (1958), p. 8.
Marx considered his ideas to have sprung directly from Darwin's writings.
"Marx recommended rather different methods, which he believed to be
somehow deducible from Darwin's discoveries. He proposed to acknowledge his
indebtedness by dedicating Das Capital to Darwin-an honor which
Darwin politely
declined." -*Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Evolution at
Work," in Science, Vol. 127, May 9, 1958, p.1091.
*Engels, Marx's disciple, was the first to discover Darwin's book.
Fredrich Engels, one of the founders of Communism, wrote to Karl Marx,
December 12,1859, "Darwin, whom I am just now reading, is
splendid." -*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social
Scene, (1959), p. 85.
*Marx read it and wrote back:
Karl Marx wrote to Friedrich Engels, December 19, 1860, "Although
it is developed in the crude English style, this is the book which
contains the basis in natural history for our views." -*C. Zirkle,
Evolution, Marxian Biology, and the Social Scene, (1959), p. 88.
Within a month, *Marx knew he had found what he was searching for: a
"scientific" basis for his theory of "social progress."
"Again, Marx wrote to Engels, January 16, 1861, "Darwin's
book is very important and serves me as a basis in natural selection for
the class struggle in history. . not only is a death blow dealt here for
the first time to 'teleology' in the natural sciences but their rational
meaning is emphatically explained." -*C. Zirkle, Evolution, Marxan
Biology, and the Social Science (1959), p. 88.
It is well-known among socialists, historians, and many scientists that
Marxism is but an offshoot of Darwinism.
"Defending Darwin is nothing new for socialists. The socialist
movement recognized Darwinism as an important element in its general world
outlook right from the start. When Darwin published his Origin of the
Species in 1859, Karl Marx wrote a letter to Frederick Engels in which he
said: '. . this is the book which contains the basis in natural history
for our view . .' By defending Darwinism, working people strengthen their
defenses against the attacks of thee reactionary outfits, and prepare the
way for the transformation of the social order." -*Cliff Conner,
"Evolution vs. Creationism: In Defense of Scientific Thinking,"
International Socialist Review, November 1980.
By "reactionary outfits," this communist magazine was referring
to creation-science and religious organizations.
"It is a commonplace fact that Marx felt his own work to be the
exact parallel of Darwin's. He even wished to dedicate a portion of Das
Kapital to the author of The Origin of Species." -*J. Barzun,
Darwin, Marx and Wagner, (1958), p. 348.
For this reason, evolutionary theory became a foundation principle
undergirding all modern communism.
"Marx and Engels were doctrinaire evolutionists, and so have all
Communists been ever since. Since atheism is a basic tenet of Marxism in
general, and Soviet Communism in particular, it is obvious that evolution
must be the number one tenet of communism. Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin
were all atheistic evolutionists, and so are today's Communist leaders. In
fact, they have to be in order ever to get to be Communist leaders!"
-Henry Morris, Long War Against God (1989), pp. 85.
Evolution's "most successful" offspring is said to have been
communism. (But we shall learn in this chapter that it has sired a variety
of other "successful" children also.)
"In spite of its scientific deficiencies, evolution's alleged
scientific character has been used, as we have seen, to justify all kinds
of ungodly systems and practices. The most successful of all of these,
thus far, seems to be communism, and its adherents all over the world have
been deluded into thinking that communism must be true because it is based
on the science of evolution.
"An historian can hardly fail to agree that Marx's claim to give
scientific guidance to those who would transform society has been one of
the chief reasons for his doctrine's enormous influence." –David
Jorafsky, Soviet Marxism and Natural Science (1981), p. 4.
JOSEPH STALIN-*Lenin was an ardent evolutionist and so was *Stalin. In
fact, it was the message he read in *Darwin's book that turned Stalin into
the beastial creature he became.
"At a very early age, while still a pupil in the ecclesiastical
school, Comrade Stalin developed a critical mind and revolutionary
sentiments. He began to read Darwin and became an atheist." -*E.
Yaroslavsky, Landmarks in the Life of Stalin (1940), pp. 8-9. [Written and
published in Moscow by a close associate of Stalin, while Stalin was
We will return to Marxism later In this chapter. But first, we must
consider another offshoot of Darwinism: Intensified militancy and warfare.
ERNST HAECKEL-*Ernst Haeckel, professor at the University in Jena, was
the pioneer promoter of Darwinism on the European continent, just as *Thomas
Huxley was Darwin's "bulldog" in England. In chapter 22 (Vestiges
and Recapitulation) and chapter 29 (History of Evolutionary Theory)
we detail * Haeckel's fraudulent activities to promote Darwinism by
dishonest methods.
Along with *Nietzsche, *Haeckel also helped lay the foundations for the
German militarism which produced World War I and II.
"Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) was an avid, self-appointed spokesman
for Darwinism in Germany . . Haeckel professed a mystical belief in the
forces of nature and a literal transfer of the laws of biology to the
social realm. The movement he founded in Germany was proto-Nazi in
character; romantic Volkism and the Monist League (established 1906),
along with evolution and science, laid the ideological foundations of
[German] National Socialism.
" . . English Darwinism interlinked two main themes, natural
selection and the struggle for existence. Social Darwinism is an
attempt to explain human society in terms of evolution, but Haeckel's
[proto-Nazi] interpretation was quite different from that of capitalist
Herbert Spencer or of communist Marx. For him a major component was the
ethic of inherent struggle between higher and lower cultures,-between
races of men." -Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution (1984), p. 48.
Inspired by the writings of *Darwin, *Haeckel became the great forerunner
of Nazi violence, which killed millions and littered Europe with its
"Along with his social Darwinist followers, [Haeckel] set about to
demonstrate the 'aristocratic' and non-democratic aspect of the laws of
nature. . Up to his death in 1919, Haeckel contributed to that special
variety of German thought which served as the seed-bed for National
Socialism. He became one of Germany's main ideologists for racism,
nationalism, and imperialism." -*Daniel Gasman, Scientific Origins
of National Socialism: Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German
Monist League (1971), p. xvi.
Darwinism was taken to its logical extreme: kill the gentle and the
"German Darwinism was shaped by Ernst Haeckel, who combined it with
anticlericalism, militaristic patriotism and visions of German racial
purity. He encouraged the destruction of the established church in Germany,
with its sermons about 'the meek shall inherit the earth' and compassion for
unfortunates. Such a 'superstitious' doctrine would lead to 'racial
suicide.' " -*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (199o), p. 119.
("Monism" is the theory that all reality consists only of matter,
and this teaching is an important basis of atheism.)
"Of all the forerunners of Hitler in Germany-Hegel, Comte,
Nietzsche, Bernhardt and others-the most significant was certainly Ernest
Haeckel, the atheistic founder of the Monist League and the most
vigorous promoter of both biological Darwinism and social Darwinism in
continental Europe in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth
centuries." -H. M. Morris, Long War Against God (1989), pp. 78-77.
"Only the fittest should survive."
"He convinced masses of his countrymen they must accept their
evolutionary destiny as a 'master race' and 'out-compete' inferior peoples,
since it was right and natural that only the 'fittest' should survive. His
version of Darwinism was incorporated in Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf (1925),
which means 'My Struggle,' taken from Haeckel's translation of Darwin's
phrase, 'the struggle for existence.' " -*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of
Evolution (1990), p. 207 (also 312, 312-313).
"In 1918, Darwin apostle Ernst Haeckel became a member of the Thule
Gesellschaft, a secret, radically right-wing Organization that played a key
role in the establishment of the Nazi movement. Rudolf Hess and Hitler
attended the meeting as guests (Phelps. 1963)" -Ian Taylor, In the
Minds of Men (1987), p.466.
FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE-Another despicable lover of Darwinian theory was *
Friedrich Nietzsche. Darwin's teachings had a way of corrupting the beliefs
of all who submitted to it.
"Despite the optimistic spirit inherent in the thought of the
English utilitarians; certain philosophers on the continent, had a
decidedly pessimistic outlook on life. One of these was Friedrich
Nietzsche (1844-1900). This neurotic thinker, whose attacks on
Christianity were made with savage scorn, had extraordinary influence upon
contemporary thought. He advanced the concept of the will to power. To
Nietzsche the only type of person fit to exist is he who has the power to
attain authority, no matter how ruthless the means. The man who could rule
is the superman, whose virtues consist, of bravery, strength, egoism,
arrogance, ruthlessness.
"War is praised as the theater where such virtues manifest
themselves, Nietzsche challenged the world with 'You say, "A good
cause sanctifies even war," but I say,', "A good war sanctifies
every cause." ' Nietzsche thought of Christianity with contempt,
because he looked upon gentleness as a weakness and humanitarianism as the
protection of the unfit and spineless. Democracy and socialism were
likewise considered to be weak and hindering the strong from succeeding.
" . . It is significant to note that Nietzsche profoundly
influenced Wagner and that his views became a cornerstone in National
Socialism of Hitlerian Germany." -*Walter Wallbank and *Alastair
M. Taylor, Civilization Past and Present, Vol. 2 (1949 ed.), p. 27
Darwinism transformed *Nietzsche into a maniacal lover of war and
bloodshed. Declaring that his theory was "scientific" because it
was but a social aspect of Darwin's theory, he urged his ideas on the German
"The great German exponent of Militarism, Nietzsche, extended the
Darwinian principle of the survival of the fittest in order to inspire his
countrymen to fight. According to him, 'The supreme standard of life is
purely materialistic vitality and power to survive.' The 1914-18 war was
thus the calculated climax of a policy nourished on the diabolical ideas of
Nietzsche for the subjugation of the world. General von Bernhardi in his
book, The Next War, shows the connection between war and biology.
According to him, 'War is a biological necessity the first importance, a
regulative element in the life of mankind that cannot be dispensed with. War
increases vitality, and promotes human progress.' The summuim bonum of life
according to Nietzsche's own words is ‘Man shall be trained for war and
woman for the recreation of the warrior; all else is folly.' (Oscar Levy, Complete
Works of Nietzsche, 1930, Vol. 2, p. 75). Adolph Hitler
reiterated the same philosophy of life derived from the theory of evolution
when he said, 'The whole of nature is a continuous struggle between strength
and weakness, and eternal victory of the strong over the weak.' "
-H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1966) p. 147-148.
It is of the greatest irony that *Clarence Darrow, defender of John
Scopes at the 1925 Dayton Evolution Trial (see chapter 30)-and one year
prior to that trial-declared in court that the murderous thinking of two
young men was caused by their having learned *Nietzsche's vicious
Darwinism in the public schools!
"In defending two young men, Loeb and Leopold, for cruelly murdering
a fourteen year old boy, by name of Bobby Franks, the celebrated criminal
lawyer of the day, Clarence Darrow, traced their crime back to what they had
learned in the university. He argued, 'is there any blame attached because
somebody took Nietzsche's philosophy seriously?' His appeal to the judge
was, 'Your honour, it is hardly fair to hang a nineteen year old boy for the
philosophy that was taught him at the university.' " -W Brigans
(ed.), Classified Speeches, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation,
(1966) p. 146.
WARFARE-Darwinism led to class struggle and warfare through
Communism; It also led to extreme nationalism, racism, and warfare through
Nazism and Fascism. The "second point" in the next quotation
provided the justification for both class and national aggression.
"There are three main points in the Darwinian hypothesis of
evolution. First, all existing vegetable and animal species are descended
from earlier and, generally speaking, more rudimentary types. [Progressive
change of one species into another.]
"Secondly, evolution involves 'natural selection.' Every species
produces more young than will grow to maturity. In the struggle to
survive, the fittest will win out at the expense of their rivals. They
will be the most capable of adapting themselves to their environment. This
fitness will be transmitted to subsequent generations. Here we see the
influence of Malthus' population theory and Lamarck's theory of the
inheritance of acquired characteristics.
"Thirdly, the Darwinian hypothesis contended that differentiation
among the species was also brought about by sexual selection. But this
point was soon discarded by scientists as of little or no worth." -*T.
W. Wallbank and *A.M. Taylor, Civilization Past and Present (1949), p.
The Franco-Prussian War of 1870 was the first large conflict in which
both sides used Darwinism as an excuse for their attempts to murder one
another in organized warfare.
*Nordau says it well:
"The greatest authority of all the advocates of war is Darwin.
Since the theory of evolution has been promulgated, they can cover their
natural barbarism with the name of Darwin and proclaim the sanguinary
instincts of their inmost hearts as the last word of science."
-*Max Nordau, "The Philosophy and Morals of War, " in North
American Review 169 (1889), p. 794.
Barzun, a history teacher at Columbia University, wrote an epic book,
Darwin, Marx, Wagner, in which he clearly showed that Darwinism inflamed
militarism and warfare wherever it went.
"War became the symbol, the image, the inducement, the reason, and
the language of all human doings on the planet. No one who has not waded
through some sizable part of the literature of the period 1870-1914 has any
conception of the extent to which it is one long call for blood, nor of the
variety of parties, classes, nations, and races whose blood was separately
and contradictorily clamored for by the enlightened citizens of the ancient
civilization of Europe.
" . . The militarists of the second half of the century poeticized
war and luxuriated in the prospect of it. With relative impunity for
themselves, they took it for granted that all struggles in life must be
struggles for life, and the death of the loser its 'natural' goal . .
"In every European country between 1870 and 1914 there was a war
party demanding armaments, an individualist party demanding ruthless
competition, an imperialist party demanding a free hand over backward
peoples, a socialist party demanding the conquest of power, and a racialist
party demanding internal purges against aliens-all of them, when appeals to
greed and glory failed, or even before, invoked Spencer and Darwin, which
was to say, science incarnate. . Race was biological, it was sociological;
it was Darwinian." -*Jacques Barzun, Darwin, Marx, Wagner (1958),
pp. 92-95.
"It must be admitted that evolution is the basic principle on which
Militarism is founded." -H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1966),
pp. 146147.
WORLD WAR I-The first World War (at that time called the "Great
War") was, according to both analysts and historians, the inevitable
result of Darwinist teachings.
"Darwin, Nietzsche, and Haeckel laid the foundations for the
intense German militarism that eventually led to the Great War of 1914-18.
There were others who participated in the development, of course,
including many of the German generals and political leaders, all very much
under the spell of the German variety of social Darwinism. General
Friedrich won Bernhardi said: 'War gives biologically just decisions,
since its decisions rest on the very nature of things . . It is not only a
biological law, but a moral obligation, and, as such, an indispensable
factor in civilization!'" -H.M. Morris, Long War Against God
(1989), p. 74 x.
Frederich won Bernhardi was a German military officer who, upon retiring
in 1909, wrote a book based on evolutionary theory, extolling war and
appealing to Germany to start another one! His book was entitled Germany
and the Next War. His statement, quoted above, was on page 197 of
that book.
"'War,' declared Bernhardi,' is a biological necessity'; it 'is as
necessary as the struggle of the elements of nature'; it 'gives a
biologically just decision, since its decisions rest on the very nature of
things.’ ‘The whole idea of arbitration represents a presumptuous
encroachment on the natural laws of development,' for 'what is right is
decided by the arbitration of war.'
"In proof thereof such notions of Darwin's as ‘The Struggle
for Existence.’ ‘Natural Selection,' and the 'Survival of the
Fittest' are invoked with sententiousness quite military both in logic
and in sense. According to Bernhardi, it is plainly evident to anyone who
makes a study of plant and animal life that 'war is a universal law of
nature.' This declaration and fortification of Germany's will to war-had
the highest official sanction and approval-and was published in 1911.
Three years later the greatest holocaust the world had ever known was
launched." -*M.F. Ashley-Montagu, Man in Process (1981), pp.
"This widely quoted assertion [of von Bernhardi] was used to help
stimulate America's entry into the war against Germany. In all directions,
the Germans saw proof that they were the Chosen People. They interpreted
the doctrine of evolution so as to draw from it a warrant for their
aspirations. Evolution taught that the 'fittest survived.' The champions
of super-mania lean heavily on biology to support their creed." -*William
Roscoe Thayer, Germany versus Civilization (1918), pp. 197-198.
*Heinrich von Treitsche was a Prussian militarist who loudly called for
war by Germany, in order to fulfill is "evolutionary destiny." von
Treitsche translated Darwinian thinking into such statements as this one:
"The grandeur of war lies in the utter annihilation of puny man in
the great conception of the State, and it brings out the full significance
of the sacrifice of fellow-countrymen for one another. In war the chaff is
winnowed from the wheat." -*Heinrich G. von Treitsche, Politics,
Vol. 1, pp. 88-87. (from the Dugdale and de Bille English translation.]
Natural selection was the all-powerful law impelling them to bloody
"During World War I, German intellectuals believed natural selection
was irresistibly all-powerful (Allmacht), a law of nature impelling
them to bloody struggle for domination. Their political and military
textbooks promoted Darwin's theories as the 'scientific' basis of a quest
for world conquest, with the full backing of German scientists and
professors of biology." -*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution
(1990), p. 59.
*Walbank and *Taylor were masters of historical perspective.
In their well-known two-volume textbook, they explained the underlying cause
of World War 1.
"The latter part of the nineteenth century saw Europe being
transformed into an armed camp. From 1870 to 1910 about one billion
dollars was spent yearly on arms. In 1913 the figure reached nearly two
billion dollars.
"With the growth of these huge national armies, augmented by the
most scientific equipment, war became a science. Trained specialists were
needed by the thousands, a complex system of mobilization had be worked
out, and intricate plans had to be laid for conquest or against invasion.
This condition gave rise, more than ever before, to a powerful class of
professional soldiers or militarists. Some thinkers in Europe, influenced
by the concept of the survival of the fittest, developed a kind of
neo-Darwinian theory in which they saw war as the instrument for weeding
out the decadent and exalting the strong nations." -*T.W. Walbank
and -*A.M. Taylor, Civilization Past and Present Vol. 2 (1949), p. 389.
HITLER AND MUSSOLINI -*Nietzsche’s Influence reached down to
Hitler and Mussolini. Both carefully studied Nietzsche's writings as well as
* Darwin's.
"He [Nietzsche] ridiculed democracy and socialism for protecting
the worthless and weak and hindering the strong. Social Darwinism and the
antidemocratic cult of naked power, as preached by advocates like
Nietzsche, were laying the foundations of fascism which would one day
plunge the world into the most terrible convulsion in its history." -*T.
Walbank and *A.M. Taylor, Civilization Past and Present, (198 1), Vol. 2,
p. 383
*Adolf Hitler's famous Mein Kampf was based on evolutionary
theory. The very title of his book was copied from a Darwin expression; it
means "My Struggle" [to survive and overcome].
"One need not read far in Hitler's Mein Kampf to find that
evolution likewise influenced him and his views on the master race,
genocide, human breeding experiments, etc." -Robert Clark, Darwin:
Before and After (1 048), p. 115
"[The position in Germany was that] Man must 'conform' to nature's
processes, no matter how ruthless. The 'fittest' must never stand in the way
of the law of evolutionary progress. In its extreme form, that social view
was used in Nazi Germany to justify sterilization and mass murder of the
'unfit,' 'incompetent' and 'inferior races.' " -*R. Milner,
Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p. 412.
* Keith-a Britisher was no friend of Hitler's, but as an avid
evolutionist (who earlier helped bring forth the Piltdown Man fraud) he
admired Hitler for fulfilling Darwinian aspirations:
"To see evolutionary measures and tribal morality being applied
rigorously to the affairs of a great modern nation, we must turn again to
Germany of 1942. We see Hitler devoutly convinced that evolution produces
the only real basis for a national policy.
"The German Fuhrer, as I have consistently maintained, is an
evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practices of Germany
conform to the theory of evolution." -*Sir Arthur Keith, Evolution
And Ethics (1947), p. 28,
The undesirables had to be eliminated.
"During the 1930s, Adolf Hitler believed he was carrying Darwinism
forward with his doctrine that undesirable individuals (and inferior races)
must be eliminated in the creation of the New Order dominated by Germany's
'Master Race.' " -*R. Milner, Encyclopedia of Evolution (1990), p.
Several writers have noted that historians of Hitler and World War II
have been careful to avoid identifying Hitler's preoccupation with
Darwinism, or *Nietzsche's Darwinian background.
"Likewise, Adolph Hitler in Germany based his fascism on
evolutionary theory. This is evident from his speeches and his book Mein
Kampf. R.E.D. Clark has pointed out that in the larger number of books,
which have appeared describing every phase of the Hitler regime, there is
hardly a mention of the evolution of Charles Darwin. He interprets this to
mean that the authors refrain from mentioning evolution in this context
because they fear they might be considered to be anti-evolutionary." -Bolton
Davidheiser, in W.E. Lammerts (Ed.), Scientific Studies in Special Creation
(1971), p. 341 (referring to R. E. D. Clark, Darwin Before and After,
(1958), p.117).
Specialists in Hitlerian studies note that *Hitler hated Christianity as
fiercely as he loved Darwin's theory. But that is understandable, for the
two are as different as day and night.
"[Hitler] stressed and singled out the idea of biological evolution
as the most forceful weapon against traditional religion and he repeatedly
condemned Christianity for its opposition to the teaching of evolution . .
For Hitler, evolution was the hallmark of modern science and culture, and he
defended its veracity as tenaciously as Haeckel." -*Daniel Gasmar,
Scientific Origins of Modern Socialism: Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel
and the German Monist League (1971), p. 188.
*Hitler said this:
"I regard Christianity as the most fatal, seductive lie that has
ever existed." -*Adolf Hitler, quoted in Larry Azar, Twentieth
Century in Crisis (1990), p. 155.
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