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  • TSK - PSALMS 115


      1  Because God is truly glorious,
     4  and idols are vanity,
     9  he exhorts to confidence in God.
    12  God is to be blessed for his blessings.
    VERSE 1
    - A.M. 3108.  B.C. 896.  (Title.)
      This seems to be an [              ,] or triumphal song, in
      which the victory is wholly ascribed to Jehovah; and to none
      can it be referred with more propriety than to that of
      Jehoshaphat over the confederated forces of his enemies, 2 Ch
    - unto us.
       * :22 74:22; 79:9,10 Jos 7:9 Isa 48:11 Eze 20:14; 36:32 Da 9:19
       * Eph 1:6 Re 4:10,11
    - for thy mercy.
       * Ps 61:7; 89:1,2 Mic 7:20 Joh 1:17 Ro 15:8,9
    VERSE 2
        * Ps 42:3,10; 79:10 Ex 32:12 Nu 14:15,16 De 32:26,27 2Ki 19:10-19
       * Joe 2:17
    VERSE 3 
     - But our.
       * Ps 2:4; 68:4; 123:1 1Ch 16:25 Mt 6:9
    - he hath.
       * :6 135:6 Isa 46:10 Da 4:35 Ro 9:19 Eph 1:11
    VERSE 4 
     - Their idols.
      They are metal, stone, and wood; and though generally made in
      the form of man, they can neither see, hear, smell, feel,
      walk, nor speak!  Even the wiser heathen made them the objects
      of their jests.
       * :7 97:7 115 35:15-17 De 4:28 Isa 40:19,20; 42:17; 46:1,2,6,7
       * Jer 10:3-5 Ho 8:6 Hab 2:18-20 Ac 19:26,35 1Co 10:19,20
    VERSE 5 
     - they speak not.
       * Isa 46:7 Jer 10:5 Hab 2:18,19
    - see not.
       * :16 135:16
    VERSE 6 
     - They have ears.
       * :17 135:17
    - smell not.
       * 1Co 10:19
    VERSE 7 
     - hands.
       * :4; 8:6; 10:12; 17:14
    - handle not.
       * 1Sa 5:4
    - feet.
       * Ps 8:6; 18:9; 22:16; 25:15
    - walk.
       * Ps 55:14; 81:13; 85:13; 86:11 1Sa 5:3 Isa 46:7 Ac 17:29
    - neither speak.
       * Hab 2:18
    VERSE 8
        * :18 135:18 Isa 44:9-20 Jer 10:8 Jon 2:8 Hab 2:18,19
    VERSE 9 
     - Israel.
       * :2 118:2-4; 135:19,20 Ex 19:5
    - trust.
       * Ps 62:8; 125:1; 130:7; 146:5,6 Jer 17:17,18 Eph 1:12
    - their help.
       * Ps 33:20,21; 84:11 De 33:29 Pr 30:5
    VERSE 10
        * Ex 28:1 Nu 16:5,40; 18:7
    VERSE 11
        * Ps 33:18; 118:4; 147:11 Pr 14:26; 30:5 Ac 10:35 Re 19:5
    VERSE 12 
     - hath.
       * Ps 25:7; 136:23 Ge 8:1 Ex 2:24,25 Isa 44:21; 49:14-16 Ac 10:4
    - the house of Israel.
       * :7 67:7 Ge 12:2,3; 2:17,18 Ac 3:26 Ga 3:14,29 Eph 1:3
    VERSE 13 
     - He will bless.
       * Ps 29:11; 112:1; 128:1,4,5 Mal 3:16,17; 4:2 Lu 1:50 Ac 13:26
       * Col 3:11
    - both small.
       * Ac 26:22 Re 11:18; 19:5; 20:12
    - and.  Heb. with.
    VERSE 14 
     - Lord.
       * Ge 13:16 2Sa 24:3 Isa 2:2,3; 27:6; 19:20,21; 56:8; 60:4-22
       * Jer 30:19; 33:22 Ho 1:10 Zec 8:20-23; 10:8 Re 7:4,9
    - you.
       * Ge 17:7 Jer 32:38,39 Ac 2:39; 3:25
    VERSE 15 
     - blessed.
       * Ps 3:8 Ge 14:19; 32:26-29 Eph 1:3,4 1Pe 3:9
    - made.
       * :5 96:5 15 46:5,6 Ge 1:1
    VERSE 16 
     - heaven.
       * :11 89:11; 145 4:5 4 148:4 Isa 66:1 La 3:66 Joh 14:2
    - but the earth.
       * Ge 1:28-30; 9:1-3 De 32:8 Jer 27:5,6
    VERSE 17 
     - dead.
       * Ps 6:5; 30:9; 88:10-12 Isa 38:18,19
    - go down.
       * Ps 31:17 1Sa 2:9
    VERSE 18
        * :2 113:2; 118:17-19; 145:2,21 Da 2:20 Re 5:13

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