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    3:1 [] Idete opoian agaphn edwken eiV hmaV o Pathr, wste na onomasqwmen tekna Qeou. Dia touto o kosmoV den gnwrizei hmaV, dioti den egnwrisen auton.

    3:2 Agaphtoi, twra eimeqa tekna Qeou, kai eti den efanerwqh ti qelomen eisqai× exeuromen omwV oti otan fanerwqh, qelomen eisqai omoioi me auton, dioti qelomen idei auton kaqwV einai.

    3:3 Kai paV ostiV ecei thn elpida tauthn ep' auton kaqarizei eauton, kaqwV ekeinoV einai kaqaroV.

    3:4 [] PaV ostiV prattei thn amartian prattei kai thn anomian, dioti h amartia einai h anomia.

    3:5 Kai exeurete oti ekeinoV efanerwqh dia na shkwsh taV amartiaV hmwn, kai amartia en autw den uparcei.

    3:6 PaV ostiV menei en autw den amartanei× paV o amartanwn den eiden auton oude egnwrisen auton.

    3:7 Teknia, aV mh saV plana mhdeiV× ostiV prattei thn dikaiosunhn einai dikaioV, kaqwV ekeinoV einai dikaioV×

    3:8 ostiV prattei thn amartian einai ek tou diabolou, dioti ap' archV o diaboloV amartanei. Dia touto efanerwqh o UioV tou Qeou, dia na katastreyh ta erga tou diabolou.

    3:9 PaV ostiV egennhqh ek tou Qeou amartian den prattei, dioti sperma autou menei en autw× kai den dunatai na amartanh, dioti egennhqh ek tou Qeou.

    3:10 En toutw gnwrizontai ta tekna tou Qeou kai ta tekna tou diabolou. PaV ostiV den prattei dikaiosunhn den einai ek tou Qeou, oude ostiV den agapa ton adelfon autou.

    3:11 [] Dioti auth einai h paraggelia, thn opoian hkousate ap' archV, na agapwmen allhlouV×

    3:12 ouci kaqwV o Kain hto ek tou ponhrou kai esfaxe ton adelfon autou× kai dia ti esfaxen auton; dioti ta erga autou hsan ponhra, ta de tou adelfou autou dikaia.

    3:13 Mh qaumazete, adelfoi mou, an o kosmoV saV mish.

    3:14 [] hmeiV exeuromen oti metebhmen ek tou qanatou eiV thn zwhn, dioti agapwmen touV adelfouV× ostiV den agapa ton adelfon menei en tw qanatw.

    3:15 PaV ostiV misei ton adelfon autou einai anqrwpoktonoV× kai exeurete oti paV anqrwpoktonoV den ecei zwhn aiwnion menousan en eautw.

    3:16 Ek toutou gnwrizomen thn agaphn, oti ekeinoV uper hmwn thn yuchn autou ebale× kai hmeiV crewstoumen uper twn adelfwn na ballwmen taV yucaV hmwn.

    3:17 OstiV omwV ech ton bion tou kosmou kai qewrh ton adelfon autou oti ecei creian kai kleish ta splagcna autou ap' autou, pwV h agaph tou Qeou menei en autw;

    3:18 Teknia mou, mh agapwmen me logon mhde me glwssan, alla me ergon kai alhqeian.

    3:19 Kai ek toutou gnwrizomen oti eimeqa ek thV alhqeiaV, kai qelomen plhroforhsei taV kardiaV hmwn emprosqen autou,

    3:20 [] dioti ean maV katakrinh h kardia, bebaiwV o QeoV einai megalhteroV thV kardiaV hmwn kai gnwrizei ta panta.

    3:21 Agaphtoi, ean h kardia hmwn den maV katakrinh, ecomen parrhsian proV ton Qeon,

    3:22 kai o, ti an zhtwmen lambanomen par' autou, dioti fulattomen taV entolaV autou kai prattomen ta aresta enwpion autou.

    3:23 [] Kai auth einai h entolh autou, to na pisteuswmen eiV to onoma tou Uiou autou Ihsou Cristou kai na agapwmen allhlouV kaqwV edwken entolhn eiV hmaV.

    3:24 Kai ostiV fulattei taV entolaV autou menei en autw, kai autoV en ekeinw. Kai ek toutou gnwrizomen oti menei en hmin, ek tou PneumatoV to opoion edwken eiV hmaV.


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