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    2:1 [] Teknia mou, tauta saV grafw dia na mh amarthshte. Kai ean tiV amarthsh, ecomen paraklhton proV ton Patera, ton Ihsoun Criston ton dikaion×

    2:2 kai autoV einai ilasmoV peri twn amartiwn hmwn, kai ouci monon peri twn hmeterwn, alla kai peri olou tou kosmou.

    2:3 [] Kai en toutw gnwrizomen oti egnwrisamen auton, ean taV entolaV autou fulattwmen.

    2:4 OstiV legei, Egnwrisa auton, kai taV entolaV autou den fulattei, yeusthV einai, kai en toutw h alhqeia den uparcei×

    2:5 ostiV omwV fulatth ton logon autou, alhqwV en toutw h agaph tou Qeou einai teteleiwmenh. En toutw gnwrizomen oti eimeqa en autw.

    2:6 OstiV legei oti menei en autw crewstei, kaqwV ekeinoV periepathse, kai autoV outw na peripath.

    2:7 [] Adelfoi, den saV grafw entolhn nean, all' entolhn palaian, thn opoian eicete ap' archV× h entolh h palaia einai o logoV, ton opoion hkousate ap' archV.

    2:8 Palin entolhn nean saV grafw, to opoion einai alhqeV eiV auton kai eiV esaV, dioti to skotoV parercetai kai to fwV to alhqinon hdh feggei.

    2:9 OstiV legei oti einai en tw fwti kai misei ton adelfon autou, en tw skotei einai ewV twra.

    2:10 OstiV agapa ton adelfon autou en tw fwti menei, kai skandalon en autw den einai×

    2:11 ostiV omwV misei ton adelfon autou en tw skotei einai kai en tw skotei peripatei kai den exeurei pou upagei, dioti to skotoV etuflwse touV ofqalmouV autou.

    2:12 [] Grafw proV esaV, teknia, dioti sunecwrhqhsan ai amartiai saV dia to onoma autou.

    2:13 Grafw proV esaV, patereV, dioti egnwrisate ton ap' archV. Grafw proV esaV, neaniskoi, dioti enikhsate ton ponhron. Grafw proV esaV, paidia, dioti egnwrisate ton Patera.

    2:14 Egraya proV esaV, patereV, dioti egnwrisate ton ap' archV. Egraya proV esaV, neaniskoi, dioti eisqe iscuroi kai o logoV tou Qeou menei en umin kai enikhsate ton ponhron.

    2:15 Mh agapate ton kosmon mhde ta en tw kosmw. Ean tiV agapa ton kosmon, h agaph tou PatroV den einai en autw×

    2:16 dioti pan to en tw kosmw, h epiqumia thV sarkoV kai h epiqumia twn ofqalmwn kai h alazoneia tou biou den einai ek tou PatroV, all' einai ek tou kosmou.

    2:17 Kai o kosmoV parercetai kai h epiqumia autou× ostiV omwV prattei to qelhma tou Qeou menei eiV ton aiwna.

    2:18 [] Paidia, escath wra einai, kai kaqwV hkousate oti o anticristoV ercetai, kai twra polloi anticristoi uparcousin× oqen gnwrizomen oti einai escath wra.

    2:19 Ex hmwn exhlqon, alla den hsan ex hmwn× dioti ean hsan ex hmwn, hqelon menei meq' umwn× alla exhlqon dia na fanerwqwsin oti den einai panteV ex hmwn.

    2:20 [] Kai seiV ecete crisma apo tou Agiou kai gnwrizete panta.

    2:21 Den saV egraya dioti den exeurete thn alhqeian, alla dioti exeurete authn, kai dioti pan yeudoV ek thV alhqeiaV den einai.

    2:22 TiV einai o yeusthV, eimh o arnoumenoV oti o IhsouV den einai o CristoV; outoV einai o anticristoV, o arnoumenoV ton Patera kai ton Uion.

    2:23 PaV o arnoumenoV ton Uion den ecei oude ton Patera. OstiV omologei ton Uion ecei kai ton Patera.

    2:24 Ekeino loipon to opoion umeiV hkousate ap' archV, aV menh en umin. Ean menh en umin ekeino to opoion hkousate ap' archV, kai umeiV qelete menei en tw Uiw kai en tw Patri.

    2:25 Kai auth einai h uposcesiV, thn opoian autoV upesceqh proV hmaV, h zwh h aiwnioV.

    2:26 Tauta saV egraya peri ekeinwn, oitineV saV planwsi.

    2:27 Kai to crisma, to opoion umeiV elabete ap' autou, en umin menei, kai den ecete creian na saV didaskh tiV× alla kaqwV saV didaskei to auto crisma peri pantwn, outw kai alhqeV einai kai den einai yeudoV× kai kaqwV saV edidaxe, qelete menei en autw.

    2:28 [] Kai twra, teknia, menete en autw, ina otan fanerwqh, ecwmen parrhsian kai mh aiscunqwmen ap' autou en th parousia autou.

    2:29 Ean exeurhte oti einai dikaioV, gnwrizete oti paV o prattwn thn dikaiosunhn ex autou egennhqh.


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