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    1:1 [] Sumewn PetroV, douloV kai apostoloV tou Ihsou Cristou, proV touV osoi elacon isotimon me hmaV pistin eiV thn dikaiosunhn tou Qeou hmwn kai SwthroV Ihsou Cristou×

    1:2 cariV kai eirhnh plhqunqeih eiV esaV dia thV epignwsewV tou Qeou kai tou Ihsou tou Kuriou hmwn.

    1:3 KaqwV h qeia dunamiV autou ecarisen eiV hmaV panta ta proV zwhn kai eusebeian dia thV epignwsewV tou kalesantoV hmaV dia thV doxhV autou kai arethV,

    1:4 dia twn opoiwn edwrhqhsan eiV hmaV ai megistai kai timiai epaggeliai, ina dia toutwn geinhte koinwnoi qeiaV fusewV, apofugonteV thn en tw kosmw uparcousan dia thV epiqumiaV diafqoran.

    1:5 [] Kai di' auto de touto katabalonteV pasan spoudhn, prosqesate eiV thn pistin saV thn arethn, eiV de thn arethn thn gnwsin,

    1:6 eiV de thn gnwsin thn egkrateian, eiV de thn egkrateian thn upomonhn, eiV de thn upomonhn thn eusebeian,

    1:7 eiV de thn eusebeian thn filadelfian, eiV de thn filadelfian thn agaphn.

    1:8 Dioti, ean tauta uparcwsin eiV esaV kai perisseuwsi, saV kaqistwsin ouci argouV oude akarpouV eiV thn epignwsin tou Kuriou hmwn Ihsou Cristou×

    1:9 epeidh eiV ontina den uparcousi tauta, tufloV einai, muwpazei kai elhsmonhse ton kaqarismon twn palaiwn autou amartiwn.

    1:10 Dia touto, adelfoi, epimelhqhte perissoteron na kamhte bebaian thn klhsin kai thn ekloghn saV× dioti tauta kamnonteV den qelete ptaisei pote.

    1:11 Dioti outw qelei saV doqh plousiwV h eisodoV eiV thn aiwnion basileian tou Kuriou hmwn kai SwthroV Ihsou Cristou.

    1:12 [] Oqen den qelw amelhsei na saV upenqumizw pantote peri toutwn, kaitoi eidotaV kai esthrigmenouV eiV thn parousan alhqeian.

    1:13 Stocazomai omwV dikaion, ef' oson eimai en toutw tw skhnwmati, na saV diegeirw dia thV upenqumisewV,

    1:14 epeidh exeurw oti entoV oligon qelw apoqesei to skhnwma mou, kaqwV kai o KurioV hmwn IhsouV CristoV moi efanerwse.

    1:15 Qelw omwV epimelhqh, wste seiV kai meta thn apobiwsin mou na dunasqe pantote na enqumhsqe auta.

    1:16 [] Dioti saV egnwstopoihsamen thn dunamin kai parousian tou Kuriou hmwn Ihsou Cristou, ouci muqouV sofistikouV akolouqhsanteV, all' autoptai genomenoi thV ekeinou megaleiothtoV.

    1:17 Dioti elabe para Qeou PatroV timhn kai doxan, ote hlqen eiV auton toiauth fwnh upo thV megaloprepouV doxhV, OutoV einai o UioV mou o agaphtoV, eiV ton opoion egw euhresthqhn×

    1:18 kai tauthn thn fwnhn hmeiV hkousamen ex ouranou elqousan, onteV met' autou en tw orei tw agiw.

    1:19 [] Kai ecomen bebaioteron ton profhtikon logon, eiV ton opoion kamnete kala na prosechte wV eiV lucnon feggonta en skoteinw topw, ewsou elqh h augh thV hmeraV kai o fwsforoV anateilh en taiV kardiaiV umwn×

    1:20 touto prwton exeuronteV, oti oudemia profhteia thV grafhV ginetai ex idiaV tou profhteuontoV diasafhsewV×

    1:21 dioti den hlqe pote profhteia ek qelhmatoV anqrwpou, all' upo tou PneumatoV tou Agiou kinoumenoi elalhsan oi agioi anqrwpoi tou Qeou.


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