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    6:1 [] En ekeinh th nukti o upnoV efugen apo tou basilewV× kai prosetaxe na ferwsi to biblion twn upomnhmatwn twn cronikwn× kai aneginwskonto enwpion tou basilewV.

    6:2 Kai eureqh gegrammenon oti o MarodocaioV aphggeile peri tou Bicqan kai QereV, duo ek twn eunoucwn tou basilewV, qurwrwn, oitineV ezhthsan na epibalwsi ceira epi ton basilea Assouhrhn.

    6:3 Kai eipen o basileuV, Poia timh kai axioprepeia egeinen eiV ton Marodocaion dia touto; Kai eipon oi douloi tou basilewV oi uphretounteV auton, Den egeinen ouden eiV auton.

    6:4 [] Kai eipen o basileuV, TiV einai en th aulh; eice de elqei o Aman eiV thn exwteran aulhn tou basilikou oikou, dia na eiph proV ton basilea na kremash ton Marodocaion eiV to xulon to opoion htoimase di' auton.

    6:5 Kai eipon proV auton oi douloi tou basilewV, Idou, o Aman istatai en th aulh. Kai eipen o basileuV, AV eiselqh.

    6:6 Kai ote eishlqen o Aman, eipe proV auton o basileuV, Ti prepei na geinh eiV ton anqrwpon, ton opoion euaresteitai o basileuV na timhsh; O de Aman estocasqh en th kardia autou, eiV poion allon o basileuV hqelen euaresthqh na kamh timhn, para eiV eme;

    6:7 Apekriqh loipon o Aman proV ton basilea, Peri tou anqrwpou, ton opoion o basileuV euaresteitai na timhsh,

    6:8 aV ferwsi thn basilikhn stolhn, thn opoian o basileuV enduetai, kai ton ippon epi tou opoiou o basileuV ippeuei, kai na teqh to basilikon diadhma epi thV kefalhV autou×

    6:9 kai h stolh auth kai o ippoV aV doqwsin eiV thn ceira tinoV ek twn megalhterwn arcontwn tou basilewV, dia na stolish ton anqrwpon ton opoion o basileuV euaresteitai na timhsh× kai ferwn auton efippon dia twn odwn thV polewV aV khrutth emprosqen autou, outw qelei ginesqai eiV ton anqrwpon, ton opoion o basileuV euaresteitai na timhsh.

    6:10 Kai eipen o basileuV proV ton Aman, Speuson, labe thn stolhn kai ton ippon, wV eipaV, kai kame outwV eiV ton Marodocaion ton Ioudaion ton kaqhmenon en th basilikh pulh× aV mh leiyh mhden ek pantwn osa eipaV.

    6:11 Kai elaben o Aman thn stolhn kai ton ippon, kai estolise ton Marodocaion kai eferen auton efippon dia twn odwn thV polewV, khruttwn emprosqen autou, outw qelei ginesqai eiV ton anqrwpon, ton opoion o basileuV euaresteitai na timhsh.

    6:12 [] Kai epanhlqen o MarodocaioV eiV thn pulhn tou basilewV× o de Aman espeuse proV ton oikon autou perilupoV kai ecwn thn kefalhn autou kekalummenhn.

    6:13 Kai dihghqh o Aman proV ZereV thn gunaika autou kai proV pantaV touV filouV autou pan o, ti sunebh eiV auton. Kai eipon proV auton oi sofoi autou kai ZereV h gunh autou, Ean o MarodocaioV, emprosqen tou opoiou hrcisaV na ekpipthV, hnai ek tou spermatoV twn Ioudaiwn, den qeleiV katiscusei enantion autou, all' exapantoV qeleiV pesei emprosqen autou.

    6:14 Enw elaloun eti met' autou, efqasan oi eunoucoi tou basilewV kai espeusan na ferwsi ton Aman eiV to sumposion, to opoion htoimasen h Esqhr.


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