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    17:1 [] Kai eshkwqh pasa h sunagwgh twn uiwn Israhl ek thV erhmou Sin, akolouqounteV taV odoiporeiaV autwn kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou, kai estratopedeusan en Rafidein× opou den hto udwr dia na pih o laoV.

    17:2 Kai eloidorei o laoV kata tou MwusewV, legonteV, DoV eiV hmaV udwr dia na piwmen. Kai eipe proV autouV o MwushV, Dia ti loidoreite kat' emou; dia ti peirazete ton Kurion;

    17:3 Kai ediyhsen o laoV ekei dia udwr× kai egogguzen o laoV kata tou MwusewV, legonteV, Dia ti touto; anebibasaV hmaV ex Aiguptou, dia na qanatwshV hmaV kai ta tekna hmwn kai ta kthnh hmwn me thn diyan;

    17:4 Kai ebohsen o MwushV proV ton Kurion, legwn, Ti na kamw eiV touton ton laon; oligon leipei na me liqobolhswsi.

    17:5 Kai eipe KurioV proV ton Mwushn, Diaba emprosqen tou laou, kai labe meta seautou ek twn presbuterwn tou Israhl× kai thn rabdon, sou, me thn opoian ektuphsaV ton potamon, labe en th ceiri sou kai upage×

    17:6 idou, egw qelw staqh ekei emprosqen sou epi thV petraV en Cwrhb, kai qeleiV ktuphsei thn petran kai qelei exelqei udwr ex authV dia na pih o laoV. Kai ekamen outwV o MwushV enwpion twn presbuterwn tou Israhl.

    17:7 Kai ekalese to onoma tou topou Massa, kai Meriba, dia thn loidorian twn uiwn Iarahl, kai dioti epeirasan ton Kurion, legonteV, Einai o KurioV metaxu hmwn h ouci;

    17:8 [] Tote hlqen o Amalhk kai epolemhse me ton Israhl en Rafidein.

    17:9 Kai eipen o MwushV proV ton Ihsoun, Eklexon eiV hmaV andraV kai exelqwn polemhson me ton Amalhk× aurion egw qelw staqh epi thV korufhV tou bounou, kratwn en th ceiri mou thn rabdon tou Qeou.

    17:10 Kai ekamen o IhsouV kaqwV eipe proV auton o MwushV kai epolemhse me ton Amalhk× o de MwushV, o Aarwn kai o Wr anebhsan epi thn korufhn tou bounou.

    17:11 Kai opote o MwushV uyone thn ceira autou, enika o Israhl× opote de katebibaze thn ceira autou, enika o Amalhk.

    17:12 Ai ceireV de tou MwusewV hsan bebarhmenai× oqen labonteV liqon, eqesan upokatw autou kai ekaqisen ep' autou× o de Aarwn kai o Wr, eiV ek tou enoV merouV kai eiV ek tou allou, upesthrizon taV ceiraV autou× kai ai ceireV autou emenon esthrigmenai mecri dusewV hliou.

    17:13 Kai katestreyen o IhsouV ton Amalhk kai ton laon autou, en stomati macairaV.

    17:14 Kai eipe KurioV proV ton Mwushn, Grayon touto en bibliw proV mnhmosunon, kai paradoV eiV ta wta tou Ihsou× oti qelw exaleiyei exapantoV thn mnhmhn tou Amalhk ek thV upo ton ouranon.

    17:15 Kai wkodomhsen ekei o MwushV qusiasthrion kai ekalese to onoma autou Ieoba-Nissi×

    17:16 kai eipen, Epeidh ceir uywqh kata tou qronou tou Kuriou, qelei eisqai polemoV tou Kuriou proV ton Amalhk apo geneaV eiV genean.


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