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    25:1 [] Kai emeinen o Israhl en Sitteim× kai hrcisen o laoV na porneuh meta twn qugaterwn Mwab×

    25:2 aitineV prosekalesan ton laon eiV taV qusiaV twn qewn autwn× kai efagen o laoV kai prosekunhse touV qeouV autwn.

    25:3 Kai prosekollhqh o Israhl eiV ton Beel-fegwr× kai exhfqh h orgh tou Kuriou kata tou Israhl.

    25:4 Kai eipe KurioV proV ton Mwushn, Labe pantaV touV archgouV tou laou kai kremason autouV enwpion tou Kuriou katenanti tou hliou× dia na shkwqh apo tou Israhl h flogera orgh tou Kuriou.

    25:5 Kai eipen o MwushV proV touV kritaV tou Israhl, Foneusate ekastoV touV anqrwpouV autou, touV osoi prosekollhqhsan eiV ton Beel-fegwr.

    25:6 [] Kai idou, eiV ek twn uiwn Israhl hlqe ferwn eiV touV adelfouV autou gunaika Madianitin, enwpion tou MwusewV kai enwpion pashV thV sunagwghV twn uiwn Israhl, enw eklaion en th qura thV skhnhV tou marturiou.

    25:7 Kai idwn FineeV, o uioV tou Eleazar, uiou tou Aarwn tou ierewV, eshkwqh ek meson thV sunagwghV, kai labwn eiV thn ceira autou doration,

    25:8 uphge katopin tou anqrwpou tou Israhlitou eiV thn skhnhn kai dieperasen amfoterouV, ton te anqrwpon ton Israhlithn kai thn gunaika dia thV koiliaV authV. Kai epausen h plhgh apo twn uiwn Israhl.

    25:9 Hsan de oi apoqanonteV en th plhgh eikositessareV ciliadeV.

    25:10 Kai elalhse KurioV proV ton Mwushn legwn,

    25:11 O FineeV, o uioV tou Eleazar, uiou Aarwn tou ierewV, apestreye ton qumon mou apo twn uiwn Israhl, deixaV zhlon uper emou metaxu autwn, oqen den exwloqreusa touV uiouV Israhl en th zhlotupia mou×

    25:12 dia touto eipe, Idou, egw didw eiV auton thn diaqhkhn mou thV eirhnhV×

    25:13 kai qelei eisqai eiV auton kai eiV to sperma autou met' auton diaqhkh ierateiaV aiwniou× dioti estaqh zhlwthV uper tou Qeou autou, kai ekamen exilewsin uper twn uiwn Israhl.

    25:14 To de onoma tou Israhlitou tou qanatwqentoV ekeinou, ostiV eqanatwqh meta thV gunaikoV thV MadianitidoV, hto Zimbri, uioV Salou, arcontoV oikogeneiaV epishmou metaxu twn Sumewnitwn.

    25:15 Kai to onoma thV gunaikoV thV MadianitidoV thV qanatwqeishV hto Casbi, qugathr tou Sour, archgou laou, ex epishmou oikogeneiaV en Madiam.

    25:16 [] Kai elalhse KurioV proV ton Mwushn legwn,

    25:17 Polemeite touV MadianitaV kai pataxate autouV×

    25:18 dioti autoi saV polemousi me taV doliothtaV autwn, me taV opoiaV saV edolieuqhsan eiV thn upoqesin tou Fegwr kai eiV thn upoqesin thV Casbi qugatroV tou arcontoV Madianitou, thV adelfhV autwn, htiV eqanatwqh en th hmera thV plhghV dia thn upoqesin tou Fegwr.


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