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    9:1 [] Kai elalhse KurioV proV ton Mwushn en th erhmw Sina, ton prwton mhna tou deuterou etouV afou exhlqon ek ghV Aiguptou, legwn,

    9:2 AV kamnwsin oi uioi Israhl to pasca en tw kairw autou×

    9:3 thn dekathn tetarthn hmeran toutou tou mhnoV proV esperan qelete kamei auto, kata ton kairon autou× kata panta ta nomima autou kai kata pasaV taV teletaV autou qelete kamei auto.

    9:4 Kai elalhsen o MwushV proV touV uiouV Israhl dia na kamwsi to pasca.

    9:5 Kai ekamon to pasca thn dekathn tetarthn tou prwtou mhnoV proV esperan en th erhmw Sina× kata panta osa prosetaxe KurioV eiV ton Mwushn, outwV ekamon oi uioi Israhl.

    9:6 Kai euriskonto tineV, oitineV hsan akaqartoi apo nekrou swmatoV anqrwpou kai den hdunanto na kamwsi to pasca ekeinhn thn hmeran× kai hlqon emprosqen tou MwusewV kai emprosqen tou Aarwn thn hmeran ekeinhn.

    9:7 Kai eipon oi andreV ekeinoi proV auton, HmeiV eimeqa akaqartoi apo nekrou swmatoV anqrwpou× dia ti empodizomeqa na prosferwmen to dwron tou Kuriou en tw kairw autou metaxu twn uiwn Israhl;

    9:8 Kai eipe proV autouV o MwushV, Sthte autou kai qelw akousei ti qelei prostaxei o KurioV dia saV.

    9:9 Kai elalhse KurioV proV ton Mwushn, legwn,

    9:10 Eipe proV touV uiouV Israhl legwn, Ean tiV anqrwpoV ex umwn h ek twn genewn umwn geinh akaqartoV apo nekrou swmatoV, h hnai eiV odon makran, qelei kamei to pasca eiV ton Kurion×

    9:11 thn dekathn tou deuterou mhnoV proV esperan qelousi kamei auto kai meta azumwn kai pikralidwn qelousi fagei auto.

    9:12 Den qelousin afhsei ex autou mecri prwiaV oude qelousi suntriyei ostoun ex autou× kata panta ta nomima tou pasca qelousi kamei auto.

    9:13 Kai o anqrwpoV ostiV kaqaroV wn, kai mh euriskomenoV eiV odon, leiyh apo tou na kamh to pasca, qelei exoloqreuqh h yuch ekeinh ek tou laou authV× epeidh den prosefere to dwron tou Kuriou en tw kairw autou, o anqrwpoV ekeinoV qelei bastasei thn amartian autou.

    9:14 Ean de paroikh xenoV metaxu saV kai kamh to pasca eiV ton Kurion kata ta nomima tou pasca kai kata taV teletaV autou, outw qelei kamei auto× ton auton nomon qelete ecei kai dia ton xenon kai dia ton autocqona.

    9:15 [] Kai thn hmeran kaq' hn esthqh h skhnh, ekaluyen h nefelh thn skhnhn, ton oikon tou marturiou× kai apo esperaV ewV prwi hto epi thV skhnhV wV eidoV puroV.

    9:16 OutwV egineto pantote× h nefelh ekalupten authn thn hmeran kai eidoV puroV thn nukta.

    9:17 Kai ote anebainen h nefelh apo thV skhnhV, tote eshkononto oi uioi Israhl× kai en tw topw, opou istato h nefelh, ekei estratopedeuon oi uioi Israhl.

    9:18 Kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou eshkononto oi uioi Israhl kai kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou estratopedeuon× pasaV taV hmeraV kaq' aV h nefelh ekeito epi thV skhnhV, emenon estratopedeumenoi.

    9:19 Kai ote h nefelh diemenen epi thV skhnhV pollaV hmeraV, tote oi uioi Israhl efulatton taV fulakaV tou Kuriou kai den eshkononto.

    9:20 Kai opote men h nefelh istato epi thV skhnhV osasdhpote hmeraV, kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou emenon estratopedeumenoi kai kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou eshkononto.

    9:21 Opote de h nefelh istato apo esperaV ewV prwi, to de prwi anebainen h nefelh, tote autoi eshkononto× eite thn hmeran eite thn nukta anebainen h nefelh, tote autoi eshkononto.

    9:22 Duo hmeraV h ena mhna h en etoV ean diemenen h nefelh epi thV skhnhV, istamenh ep' authV, emenon estratopedeumenoi oi uioi Israhl kai den eshkononto× ote de auth anebainen, eshkononto.

    9:23 Kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou estratopedeuon kai kata thn prostaghn tou Kuriou eshkononto× efulatton taV fulakaV tou Kuriou, kaqwV prosetaxen o KurioV dia ceiroV tou MwusewV.


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