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    28:1 [] Oi asebeiV feugousin oudenoV diwkontoV× oi de dikaioi ecousi qarroV wV lewn.

    28:2 [] Dia ta amarthmata tou topou polloi einai oi arconteV autou× di' anqrwpou omwV sunetou kai nohmonoV to politeuma autou qelei diarkei.

    28:3 [] PtwcoV anqrwpoV kai dunasteuwn ptwcouV einai wV broch katakluzousa, htiV den didei arton.

    28:4 [] Osoi egkataleipousi ton nomon, egkwmiazousi touV asebeiV× all' oi fulattonteV ton nomon antimacontai eiV autouV.

    28:5 [] Oi kakoi anqrwpoi den qelousi nohsei krisin× all' oi zhtounteV ton Kurion qelousi nohsei ta panta.

    28:6 [] KalhteroV o ptwcoV o peripatwn en th akeraiothti autou, para ton diestrammenon taV odouV autou, kai an hnai plousioV.

    28:7 [] O fulattwn ton nomon einai uioV sunetoV× o de filoV twn aswtwn kataiscunei ton patera autou.

    28:8 [] O auxanwn thn periousian autou dia tokou kai pleonexiaV sunagei authn dia ton eleounta touV ptwcouV.

    28:9 [] Tou ekklinontoV to wtion autou apo tou na akouh ton nomon, kai auth h proseuch autou qelei eisqai bdelugma.

    28:10 [] O apoplanwn touV euqeiV eiV odon kakhn autoV qelei pesei eiV ton idion autou lakkon× all' oi amemptoi qelousi klhronomhsei agaqa.

    28:11 [] O plousioV anqrwpoV nomizei eauton sofon× all' o sunetoV ptwcoV exelegcei auton.

    28:12 [] Otan oi dikaioi qriambeuwsi, megalh einai h doxa× all' otan oi asebeiV uyonwntai, oi anqrwpoi kruptontai.

    28:13 [] O kruptwn taV amartiaV autou den qelei euodwqh× o de exomologoumenoV kai paraitwn autaV qelei elehqh.

    28:14 [] MakarioV o anqrwpoV o foboumenoV pantote× ostiV omwV sklhrunei thn kardian autou, qelei pesei eiV sumforan.

    28:15 [] Lewn brucwmenoV kai arktoV peinwsa einai dioikhthV asebhV epi laon penicron.

    28:16 [] O hgemwn o steroumenoV sunesewV plhqunei taV katadunasteiaV× o de miswn thn arpaghn qelei makrunei taV hmeraV autou.

    28:17 [] O anqrwpoV o enocoV aimatoV anqrwpou qelei speusei eiV ton lakkon× oudeiV qelei krathsei auton.

    28:18 [] O peripatwn en akeraiothti qelei swqh× o de diestrammenoV en taiV odoiV autou qelei pesei dia miaV.

    28:19 [] O ergazomenoV thn ghn autou qelei cortasqh arton× o de akolouqwn touV mataiofronaV qelei emplhsqh ptwceiaV.

    28:20 [] O pistoV anqrwpoV qelei ecei pollhn eulogian× all' ostiV speudei na plouthsh, den qelei meinei atimwrhtoV.

    28:21 [] Na hnai tiV proswpolhpthV, den einai kalon× dioti o toioutoV anqrwpoV di' en kommation artou qelei anomhsei.

    28:22 [] O ecwn ponhron ofqalmon speudei na plouthsh, kai den katalambanei oti h endeia qelei elqei ep' auton.

    28:23 [] O elegcwn anqrwpon usteron qelei eurei perissoteran carin, para ton kolakeuonta dia thV glwsshV.

    28:24 [] O kleptwn ton patera autou h thn mhtera autou, kai legwn, Touto den einai amartia, autoV einai suntrofoV tou lhstou.

    28:25 [] O alazwn thn kardian diegeirei eridaV× o de qarrwn epi Kurion qelei pacunqh.

    28:26 [] O qarrwn epi thn idian autou kardian einai afrwn× all' o peripatwn en sofia, outoV qelei swqh.

    28:27 [] OstiV didei eiV touV ptwcouV, den qelei elqei eiV endeian× all' ostiV apostrefei touV ofqalmouV autou, qelei ecei pollaV kataraV.

    28:28 [] Otan oi asebeiV uyonwntai, oi anqrwpoi kruptontai× all' en th apwleia ekeinwn oi dikaioi plhqunontai.


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