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    27:1 [] <> O KurioV einai fwV mou kai swthria mou× tina qelw fobhqh; o KurioV einai dunamiV thV zwhV mou× apo tinoV qelw deiliasei;

    27:2 Ote eplhsiasan ep' eme oi ponhreuomenoi, dia na katafagwsi thn sarka mou, oi antidikoi kai oi ecqroi mou, autoi prosekrousan kai epeson.

    27:3 Kai an paratacqh enantion mou strateuma, h kardia mou den qelei fobhqh× kai an polemoV shkwqh ep' eme, kai tote qelw elpizei.

    27:4 En ezhthsa para tou Kuriou, touto qelw ekzhtei× to na katoikw en tw oikw tou Kuriou pasaV taV hmeraV thV zwhV mou, na qewrw to kalloV tou Kuriou kai na episkeptwmai ton naon autou.

    27:5 Dioti en hmera sumforaV qelei me kruyei en th skhnh autou× Qelei me kruyei en tw apokrufw thV skhnhV autou× qelei me uywsei epi bracon×

    27:6 kai hdh h kefalh mou qelei uywqh uperanw twn ecqrwn mou twn perikuklountwn me× kai qelw qusiasei en th skhnh autou qusiaV alalagmou× qelw umnei kai qelw yalmwdei eiV ton Kurion.

    27:7 [] Akouson, Kurie, thV fwnhV mou, otan krazw× kai elehson me kai eisakouson mou.

    27:8 Zhthsate to proswpon mou, eipe peri sou h kardia mou. To proswpon sou, Kurie, qelw zhthsei.

    27:9 Mh kruyhV ap' emou to proswpon sou× mh aporriyhV en orgh ton doulon sou× su estaqhV bohqeia mou× mh me afhshV kai mh me egkataleiyhV, Qee thV swthriaV mou.

    27:10 Kai an o pathr mou kai h mhthr mou me egkataleiywsin, o KurioV omwV qelei me prosdecqh.

    27:11 Didaxon me, Kurie, thn odon sou kai odhghson me en odw euqeia eneken twn ecqrwn mou.

    27:12 Mh me paradwshV eiV thn epiqumian twn ecqrwn mou× dioti hgerqhsan kat' emou martureV yeudeiV kai pneonteV adikian.

    27:13 Ouai ean den episteuon na idw ta agaqa tou Kuriou en gh zwntwn.

    27:14 Prosmene ton Kurion× andrizou, kai aV krataiwqh h kardia sou× kai prosmene ton Kurion.


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