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TSK - LEVITICUS 8PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP1 Moses consecrates Aaron and his sons. 14 Their sin offering. 18 Their burnt offering. 22 The ram of consecration. 31 The place and time of their consecration. VERSE 1 * :1 VERSE 2 - Aaron. * Ex 29:1-4 - garments. * Ex 28:2-4,40-43; 39:1-31,41 - anointing. * Ex 30:23-37; 40:12-15 - bullock. * Ex 29:1,2 Heb 7:27 VERSE 3 * Nu 20:8; 21:16 1Ch 13:5; 15:3 2Ch 5:2,6; 30:2,13,25 Ne 8:1 * Ps 22:25 Ac 2:1 VERSE 4 * :9,13,17,29,35 Ex 39:1,5,7,21,26,29,31,32,42,43 De 12:32 * Mt 28:20 1Co 11:23; 15:3 VERSE 5 - Lord commanded to be done. * Ex 29:4-37 VERSE 6 - washed. * Ex 29:4; 40:12 Ps 51:2,7 Isa 1:16 Eze 36:25 Zec 13:1 * Joh 13:8-10 1Co 6:11 Eph 5:26 Heb 9:10; 10:22 Re 1:5,6; 7:14 VERSE 7 - he put. See on * Ex 28:4; 29:5; 39:1-7 Isa 61:3,10 Ro 3:22; 13:14 Ga 3:27 - the ephod. The {ephod} seems to have been a garment worn by persons of distinction of various characters (2 Sa 4 6:4); the description of which in the book of Exodus (ch. 6 28:6, etc.) relates only to its materials. As to its shape, the LXX. calls it [ ,] which signifies that it was worn on the shoulders. So also Josephus, who says it was a cubit long. St. Jerome compares it with the Roman {caracalla,} which was a sort of short cloak, only that it had a head or hood, which the ephod had not. VERSE 8 - the breast plate. * Ex 28:15-29; 39:8-21 So 8:6 Isa 59:17 Eph 6:14 1Th 5:8 - the Urim. * Ex 28:30 Ezr 2:63 VERSE 9 * Ex 28:4,36-38; 29:6; 39:28-30 Zec 3:5; 6:11-14 Php 2:9-11 VERSE 10 * Ex 30:23-29; 40:9-11 VERSE 11 * Ex 4:6,17; 16:14,19 Isa 52:15 Eze 36:25 Tit 3:6 VERSE 12 * Le 4:3; 21:10,11,12 Ex 28:41; 29:7; 30:30 Ps 133:2 VERSE 13 - Moses. * Ex 28:40,41; 29:8,9; 40:14,15 Ps 132:9 Isa 61:6,10 1Pe 2:5,9 * Re 1:6; 5:10 - coats. The {kethoneth,} or coat, was made of linen; but the form of it is no where described in Scripture, except in the visionary appearance of Christ to St. John, in the form and habit of a priest (Re 1:13); where he is said to be [ ,] "clothed with a garment down to the feet," which perfectly agrees with the description the Jewish writers give of it; who also say, that it had sleeves which came down to the wrist, and was tied about the neck; so that it was not unlike a long shirt. It was common to all the priests; but the tunic of the high priest was made of finer linen, or wove in a more curious manner. (Ex 28:4.) - put. Heb. bound. bonnets. The {migba"th}, or bonnets, are described by Josephus as being like helmets of linen, one wreath being plaited and folded over another and a thin cap, suited to its shape, put over all, to prevent its unfolding. VERSE 14 - he brought. * :2; 4:3-12; 16:6 Ex 29:10-14 Isa 53:10 Eze 43:19 Ro 8:3 2Co 5:21 * Heb 7:26-28 1Pe 3:18 - laid. * Le 1:4; 4:4; 16:21 VERSE 15 - he slew it. * Le 1:5,11; 3:2,8 Ex 29:10,11 - Moses. * Le 4:7,17,18,30 Ex 29:12,36,37 Eze 43:19-27 Heb 9:18-23 - to make. * Le 6:30; 16:20 2Ch 29:24 Eze 45:20 Da 9:24 Ro 5:10 2Co 5:18-21 * Eph 2:16 Col 1:21,22 Heb 2:17 The beginning of this verse may be rendered, "And Moses slew it, and took the blood," etc. We find it expressly said in Exodus, that Moses slew the sacrifices. * Ex 29:11 Yet, in general, the offerer seems to have killed his own sacrifice. VERSE 16 * Le 3:3-5; 4:8,9 Ex 29:13 VERSE 17 * Le 4:11,12,21; 6:30; 16:27 Ex 29:14 Ga 3:13 Heb 13:11-13 VERSE 18 - See on ch. * Le 1:4-13 Ex 29:15-18 VERSE 19 * :19 VERSE 20 VERSE 21 - a sweet savor. * Le 1:17; 2:9 Ge 8:21 Ex 29:18 Eph 5:2 VERSE 22 - the ram of consecration. * :2,29; 7:37 Ex 29:19-31 Joh 17:19 1Co 1:30 2Co 5:21 * Eph 5:25,27 Re 1:5,6 "The ram of consecration" was evidently a sacrifice of peace offering though presented on a particular occasion. Part of the blood was applied, not as that of the sin offering, to the horns of the altar, but to Aaron and his sons; to the tips of their right ears, the thumbs of their right hands, and the great toes of their right feet: implying their obligation to hearken diligently to the word of God--to do his work in the best manner which they could, and to walk in his ways with steady perseverance; and also, that they could not do these things acceptably except through the atoning blood, received and applied by faith. Then part of the blood reserved upon the altar, probably in a basin for that purpose, was mingled with the holy anointing oil, and sprinkled on the garments both of Aaron and his sons, to hallow them to the Lord. "This may be looked upon as a lively representation of our purification by the blood of jesus Christ, through his Holy Spirit."--Bp. Patrick VERSE 23 - Moses took. * Le 14:14,17,28 Ex 29:20 Ro 6:13,19; 12:1 1Co 1:2,30; 6:20 * 1Th 5:22 Php 1:20; 2:17 Heb 2:10; 5:8 VERSE 24 - Moses sprinkled. * Heb 9:22 VERSE 25 - See on ch. * Le 3:3-5,9 Ex 29:22-25 Pr 23:26 Isa 53:10 VERSE 26 * Ex 29:23 Joh 1:14 Ac 5:12 1Ti 2:5 VERSE 27 - upon Aaron's. * Ex 29:24-37 Jer 30:21 Heb 9:14 - and waved. See on ch. * Le 7:30,31 VERSE 28 - Moses. * Ex 29:25 Ps 22:13,14 Zec 13:7 Heb 10:14-22 - they were. See on ver. * :22 VERSE 29 * Le 7:30-34 Ex 29:26,27 Isa 66:20 1Co 10:31 1Pe 4:11 VERSE 30 - the anointing. See on * Ex 29:21; 30:30 Isa 61:1,3 Ga 5:22-25 Heb 2:11 1Pe 1:2 * 1Jo 2:27 Re 7:14 - and sanctified. * Le 10:3 Nu 3:3 VERSE 31 - Boil. * Le 6:28; 7:15 Ex 29:31,32 De 12:6,7 1Sa 2:13-17 Eze 46:20-24 - eat it. * Le 10:17 Joh 6:33,35,51,53-56 Ga 2:20 VERSE 32 * Le 7:17 Ex 12:10; 29:34 Pr 27:1 Ec 9:10 2Co 6:2 Heb 3:13,14 VERSE 33 - seven days. * Le 14:8 Ex 29:30,35 Nu 19:12 Eze 43:25-27 VERSE 34 * Heb 7:16,27; 10:11,12 VERSE 35 - the tabernacle. * Le 14:8 Ex 29:35 Nu 19:12 Eze 43:25 2Co 7:1 Col 2:9,10 Heb 7:28 * Heb 9:23,24 - keep. * :30; 10:1 Nu 3:7; 9:19 De 11:1 1Ki 2:3 1Ti 1:3,4,18; 5:21 * 1Ti 6:13,17,20 2Ti 4:1 VERSE 36 - Aaron. This was necessary to be added, to show the exact fulfilment of the commandments delivered to Moses, and which are recorded in Exodus, ch. 29; and consequently the complete consecration and preparation of Aaron and his sons to fill the awfully important office of priests and mediators between God and the children of Israel, to offer sacrifices, and make atonement for the sins of the people. * Ex 39:43; 40:16 De 4:2; 12:32 1Sa 15:22 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH ![]() |