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    BIBLE: -HISTORY OF .Genealogy of MT 1:1-17; LU 3:23-38 .Facts before the birth of .The angel Gabriel appears to Mary (at Nazareth) LU 1:26-38 .Mary visits Elisabeth (at Hebron?) LU 1:39-56 .Mary's magnificat (at Hebron?) LU 1:46-55 .An angel appears to Joseph concerning Mary (at Nazareth) MT 1:18-25 .Birth of (at Bethlehem) LU 2:1-7 .Angels appear to the shepherds (in the vicinity of Bethlehem) LU 2:8-20 .Magi (the wise men from the east) visit (at Bethlehem) MT 2:1-12 .Circumcision of (at Bethlehem) LU 2:21 .Is presented in the temple (in Jerusalem) LU 2:21-38 .Flight into and return from Egypt MT 2:13-23 .Discussions with the religious experts in the temple area (in Jerusalem) LU 2:41-52 .Is immersed by John in the Jordan River MT 3:13-17; MR 1:9-11; LU 3:21-23 .Temptation of (in the desert of Judaea) MT 1:11; MR 1:12,13; LU 4:1-13 .John's testimony concerning him JOH 1:1-18 .Testimony of John the Baptist concerning (at Bethabara) JOH 1:19-34 .Disciples adhere to JOH 1:35-51 .Miracle at Cana of Galilee JOH 2:1-12 .Drives the money-changers from the temple (in Jerusalem) JOH 2:13-25 .Nicodemus comes to Jesus (in Jerusalem) JOH 3:1-21 .His disciples immerse some of the people (at Aenon) JOH 3:22; with 4:2 .Returns to Galilee MT 4:12; MR 1:14; LU 4:14; JOH 4:1-3 .Visits Sychar and teaches the Samaritan woman JOH 4:4-42 .Teaches in Galilee MT 4:17; MR 1:14; 15; LU 4:14; 15; JOH 4:43-45 .Heals a nobleman's son of Capernaum (at Cana of Galilee) JOH 4:46-54 .Is rejected by the people of Nazareth; lives at Capernaum MT 4:13-16; LU 4:16-31 .Chooses Peter, Andrew, James, and John as disciples; miracle of the catch of fish (at Capernaum) MT 4:18-22; MR 1:16-20; LU 5:1-11 .Preaches throughout Galilee MT 4:23-25; MR 1:35-39; LU 4:42-44 .Heals a demoniac (at Capernaum) MR 1:21-28; LU 4:31-37 .Heals Peter's mother-in-law (at Capernaum) MT 8:14-17; MR 1:29-34; LU 4:38-41 .Heals a leper (in Galilee) MT 8:2-4; MR 1:40-45; LU 5:12-16 .Heals a paralyzed man (at Capernaum) MT 9:2-8; MR 2:1-12; LU 5:17-26 .Calls Matthew (Capernaum) MT 9:9; MR 2:13,14; LU 5:27,28 .Heals an immobile man at the pool of Bethesda (the best mss. have "Bethzatha") on the Sabbath day; is persecuted, and makes his defense JOH 5 .Defines the law of the Sabbath on the occasion of his disciples plucking the ears of grain (at Capernaum) MT 12:1-8; MR 2:23-28; LU 6:1-5 .Heals a man having a withered hand (at Capernaum) MT 12:9-14; MR 3:1-6; LU 6:6-11 .Withdraws from Capernaum to Lake Galilee, where he heals many MT 12:15-21; MR 3:7-12 .Goes up onto a mountain, and calls and commissions twelve disciples (in Galilee) MT 10:2-4; MR 3:13-19; LU 6:12-19 .Delivers the "Sermon on the Mount" (in Galilee) MT 5; 6; 7; LU 6:20-49 .Heals the servant of the centurion (near Capernaum) MT 8:5-13; LU 7:1-10 .Raises the widow's son from the dead (at Nain) LU 7:11-17 .Receives the message from John the Baptist (in Galilee) MT 11:2-19; LU 7:18-35 .Rebukes the unbelieving cities about Capernaum MT 11:20-30 .Anointed by a sinful woman (at Capernaum) LU 7:36-50 .Preaches in the cities of Galilee LU 8:1-3 .Heals a demoniac, and denounces the scribes and Pharisees (in Galilee) MT 12:22-37; MR 3:19-30; LU 11:14-26 .Replies to the scribes and Pharisees who seek a sign from him (in Galilee) MT 12:38-45; LU 11:16-36 .Denounces the Pharisees and other hypocrites (in Galilee) LU 11:37-54 .Discourses to his disciples (in Galilee) LU 12:1-59 .Parable of the barren fig tree (in Galilee) LU 13:6-9 .Parable of the sower (at Lake Galilee) MT 13:1-23; MR 4:1-25; LU 8:4-18 .Parable of the tares and other teachings (in Galilee) MT 13:24-53; MR 4:26-34 .Crosses Lake Galilee and quiets the squall MT 8:18-27; MR 4:35-41; LU 8:22-25 .Miracle of the swine (in Gadara) MT 8:28-33; MR 5:1-21; LU 8:26-40 .Returns to Capernaum MT 9:1; MR 5:21; LU 8:40 .Eats with tax collectors and sinners, and discourses on fasting (Capernaum) MT 9:10-17; MR 2:15-22; LU 5:29-39 .Raises to life the daughter of Jairus, and heals the woman who has the issue of blood (at Capernaum) MT 9:18-26; MR 5:22-43; LU 8:41-56 .Heals two blind men and casts out an evil spirit from a mute boy (at Capernaum) MT 9:27-34 .Returns to Nazareth MT 13:53-58; MR 6:1-6 .Teaches in various towns in Galilee MT 9:35-38 .Instructs his disciples and empowers them to heal diseases and cast out unclean spirits MT 10; MR 6:6-13; LU 9:1-6 .Herod (Antipas) falsely supposes him to be John, whom he had beheaded MT 14:1,2,6-12; MR 6:14-16,21-29; LU 9:7-9 .The twelve apostles return; he goes to the desert, multitudes follow him; he feeds five thousand (at Lake Galilee) MT 14:13-21; MR 6:30-44; LU 9:10-17; JOH 6:1-14 .Walks on the lake (Lake Galilee) MT 14:22-36; MR 6:45-56; JOH 6:15-21 .Teaches in the synagogue in Capernaum JOH 6:22-65 .Some disciples forsake him (at Capernaum) JOH 6:66-71 .He justifies his disciples in eating without washing their hands (at Capernaum) MT 15:1-20; MR 7:1-23 .Heals the daughter of the Syro-Phoenician woman (near Tyre and Sidon) MT 15:21-28; MR 7:24-30 .Heals a deaf man (in the Decapolis region) MT 15:29-31; MR 7:31-37 .Feeds more than four-thousand people MT 15:32-39; MR 8:1-9 .Refuses to give a sign to the Pharisees (in the region of Magdala) MT 16:1-4; MR 8:10-12 .Cautions his disciples against, the leaven (teachings) of hypocrisy (on Lake Galilee) MT 16:4-12; MR 8:13-21 .Heals a blind man (at Bethsaida) MR 8:22-26 .Foretells his own death and resurrection (near Caesarea Philippi) MT 16:21-28; MR 8:31-38; 9:1; LU 9:22-27 .Is transfigured MT 17:1-13; MR 9:2-13; LU 9:28-36 .Heals a demoniac (near Caesarea Philippi) MT 17:14-21; MR 9:14-29; LU 9:37-43 .Foretells his own death and resurrection (in Galilee) MT 17:22,23; MR 9:30-32; LU 9:43-45 .Miracle of the temple tax money in the fish's mouth MT 17:24-27 .Reproves the ambition of his disciples (at Capernaum) MT 18:1-35; MR 9:33-50; LU 9:46-50 .Reproves the intolerance of his disciples MR 9:38,39; LU 9:49,50 .Journeys to Jerusalem to attend the Feast of Tabernacles, passing through Samaria LU 9:51-62; JOH 7:2-11 .Commissions the seventy disciples (in Samaria) LU 10:1-16 .Heals ten lepers (near the border between Samaria and Galilee) LU 17:11-19 .Teaches in Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles JOH 7:14-53; 8 .Answers a Biblical expert, who tests his wisdom with the question, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?" by the parable of the Good Samaritan (in Jerusalem) LU 10:25-37 .Hears the report of the seventy disciples (in Jerusalem) LU 10:17-24 .Teaches in the house of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus (in Bethany) LU 10:38-42 .Teaches his disciples to pray LU 11:1-13 .Heals a blind man, who, because of his faith in Jesus, was excommunicated (in Jerusalem) JOH 9 .Teaches people (in Jerusalem) JOH 9:39-41; 10:1-21 .Teaches in the temple (at Jerusalem) at the Feast of Dedication JOH 10:22-39 .Goes to Bethabara to escape violence from the rulers (east of the Jordan River) JOH 10:40-42; 11:3-16 .Returns to Bethany and raises Lazarus from the dead JOH 11:1-46 .Escapes to the town of Ephraim from the conspiracy led by Caiaphas, the high priest (in Judaea,) JOH 11:47-54 .Journeys toward Jerusalem to attend the Passover; heals many who are diseased, and teaches the people (in Peraea) MT 19:1,2; MR 10:1; LU 13:10-35 .Dines with a Pharisee on the Sabbath (in Peraea) LU 14:1-24 .Teaches the multitude the conditions of discipleship (in Peraea) LU 14:25-35 .Enunciates the parables of the lost sheep, of the lost piece of silver, of the prodigal son, and of the unjust steward (in Peraea) LU 15:1-32; 16:1-13 .Reproves the hypocrisy of the Pharisees (in Peraea) LU 16 .Enunciates the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (in Peraea) LU 16:19-31 .Teaches his disciples concerning offenses, meekness, and humility (in Peraea) LU 17:1-10 .Teaches the Pharisees concerning the coming of his kingdom (in Peraea) LU 17:20-37 .Enunciates the parables of the unjust judge, and the Pharisee and publican praying in the temple (in Peraea) LU 18:1-14 .Interprets the law concerning marriage and divorce (in Peraea) MT 19:3-12; MR 10:2-12 .Blesses little children (in Peraea) MT 19:13-15; MR 10:13-16; LU 18:15-17 .Receives the rich young ruler who asks what he shall do to inherit eternal life (in Peraea) MT 19:16-22; MR 10:17-22; LU 18:18-24 .Enunciates the parable of the vineyard (in Peraea) MT 20:1-16 .Foretells his own death and resurrection (in Peraea) MT 20:17-19; MR 10:32-34; LU 18:31-34 .Listens to the mother of James and John in behalf of her sons (in Peraea) MT 20:20-28; MR 10:35-45 .Heals two blind men (at Jericho) MT 20:29-34; MR 10:46-50; LU 18:35-43 .Visits Zacchaeus LU 19:1-10 .Enunciates the parable of the pounds (in Jericho) LU 19:11-28 .Goes to Bethany six days before the Passover JOH 12:1-9 .Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, while the people throw palm branches on the road in front of him MT 21:1-11; MR 11:1-11; LU 19:29-44; JOH 12:12-19 .Enters the temple (in Jerusalem) MT 21:12; MR 11:11; LU 19:45 .Drives the money changers out of the temple (in Jerusalem) MT 21:12,13; LU 19:45,46 .Heals the sick people in the temple courtyard (in Jerusalem) MT 21:14 .Teaches daily in the temple courtyard (in Jerusalem) LU 19:47,48 .Performs the miracle of causing the barren fig tree to wither (just outside Jerusalem) MT 21:17-22; MR 11:12-14,20-22 .Enunciates .The parable of the two sons (in Jerusalem) MT 21:28-31 .The parable of the wicked husbandmen (in Jerusalem) MT 21:33-46; MR 12:1-12; LU 20:9-19 .The parable of the marriage banquet (in Jerusalem) MT 22:1-14; LU 14:16-24 .Tested by the Pharisees and the Herodians, and enunciates the duty of a citizen to his government (in Jerusalem) MT 22:15-22; MR 12:13-17; LU 20:20-26 .Tested by the Sadducees concerning the resurrection of the dead (in Jerusalem) MT 22:23-33; MR 12:18-27; LU 20:27-40 .Tested by a Biblical expert (in Jerusalem) MT 22:34-40; MR 12:28-34 .Exposes the hypocrisies of the scribes and Pharisees (in Jerusalem) MT 23; MR 12:38-40; LU 20:45-47 .Verifies the prophecy of Isaiah concerning the unbelieving Jews JOH 12:37-50 .Foretells the destruction of the temple, and of Jerusalem (in Jerusalem) MT 24; MR 13; LU 21:5-36 .Mourns over Jerusalem (just outside Jerusalem) MT 23:37; LU 19:41-44 .Enunciates the parables of the ten virgins and of the talents MT 25:1-30 .Foretells the scenes of the day of judgment (on the Mount of Olives) MT 25:31-46 .Anointed with precious ointment (in Bethany) MT 26:6-13; MR 14:3-9; JOH 12:1-8 .His last Passover meal and his establishment of the Lord's Supper (in Jerusalem) MT 26:17-30; MR 14:12-25; LU 22:7-20 .Washes the disciples' feet (in Jerusalem) JOH 13:1-17 .Foretells his betrayal (in Jerusalem) MT 26:23; MR 14:18-21; LU 22:21; JOH 13:18 .Accuses Judas of his betrayal (in Jerusalem) MT 26:21-25; MR 14:18-21; LU 22:21-23; JOH 13:21-30 .Teaches his disciples, and comforts them with promises, and promises the gift of the Holy Spirit (in Jerusalem) JOH 14; 15; 16 .One of his last prayers (in Jerusalem) JOH 17 .Retires to Gethsemane (on the Mount of Olives) MT 26:30,36-46; MR 14:26,32-42; LU 22:39-46; JOH 18:1 .Is betrayed and apprehended (in the garden of Gethsemane) MT 26:47-56; MR 14:43-54,66-72; LU 22:47-53; JOH 18:2-12 .Trial of, before Caiaphas (in Jerusalem) MT 26:57,58,69-75; MR 14:53,54,66-72; LU 22:54-62; JOH 13 18:13-18,25-27 .Tried by the council (in Jerusalem) MT 26:59-68; MR 14:55-65; LU 22:63-71; JOH 18:19-21 .Led by the council to Pilate (in Jerusalem) MT 27:1,2,11-14; MR 15:1-5; LU 23:1-5; JOH 18:28-38 .Arraigned before Herod Antipas (in Jerusalem) LU 23:6-12 .Tried in front of Pilate (in Jerusalem) MT 27:15-26; MR 15:6-15; LU 23:13-25; JOH 18:39,40; 19:1-16 .Mocked by the soldiers (in Jerusalem) MT 27:27-31; MR 15:16-20 .Is led away to be crucified (from Jerusalem) MT 27:31-34; MR 15:20-23; LU 23:26-32; JOH 19:16,17 .Crucified (just outside Jerusalem) MT 27:35-56; MR 15:24-41; LU 23:33-49; JOH 19:18-30 .Taken down from the cross and buried (just outside Jerusalem) MT 27:57-66; MR 15:42-47; LU 23:50-56; JOH 19:31-42 .Arises from the dead (just outside Jerusalem) MT 28:2-15; MR 16:1-11; LU 24:1-12; JOH 20:1-18 .Is seen by Peter (near Jerusalem) LU 24:34; 1CO 15:5 .Appears to two disciples who journey to the village of Emmaus MR 16:12,13; LU 24:13-35 .Appears in the midst of the disciples, when Thomas was absent (in Jerusalem) MR 16:14-18; LU 24:36-49; JOH 20:19-23 .Appears to his disciples, when Thomas was present (in Jerusalem) JOH 20:26-29 .Appears to his disciples at Lake Galilee MT 28:16; JOH 21:1,2 .Appears to the apostles and more than five-hundred followers on a mountain in Galilee MT 28:16-20 .See also 1CO 15:6 .Appears to James and also to all the apostles (in Jerusalem) AC 1:3-8; 1CO 15:7 .Ascends to heaven (near Bethany) MR 16:19,20; LU 24:50-53; AC 1:9-12 .Appears to Paul (on the road to Damascus) AC 9:3-17; 18:9; 22:14,18; 23:11; 26:16; 1CO 9:1; 15:8 .Appears to the Apostle John (on Patmos Island) RE 1:10-18 -MISCELLANEOUS FACTS CONCERNING .Brothers (physical) of MT 13:55; MR 6:3; 1CO 9:5; GA 1:19 .Sisters of MT 13:56; MR 6:3 .Was with the Israelites in the wilderness 1CO 10:4,9; HEB 11:26; Jude 5 1:5 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO JOH 6:35,41,48,50,51,53-58; 8:12; 10:9-11,14; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1,5-7; COL 3:4; 2TI 1:10; RE 1:18; 22:13 -ASCENSION OF PS 47:5; 68:18; MR 16:19; LU 24:26,50,51; JOH 1:51; 6:62; 7:33,34,39; 14:2-4,12,28; 16:5,7,10,16,25,28; 17:5,13; 20:17; AC 1:9; 3:21; EPH 1:20; 4:8-10; 1TI 3:16; HEB 1:3; 4:14; 9:24 .See JESUS, EXALTATION OF -ATONEMENT BY .See ATONEMENT ¯ 0485 -ATTRIBUTES OF -(See each one in its alphabetical order, below) -BIRTH OF .See JESUS, INCARNATION OF -COMPASSION OF ISA 40:11; 42:3; 53:4; 63:7-9; MT 8:3,16,17; 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; 18:11-13; 20:34; 23:37; MR 6:34; 8:2,3; LU 7:13; 19:41,42; JOH 11:34-38; 18:8,9; 2CO 8:9; HEB 4:15 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, LOVE OF, below -CONFESSING .See CONFESSION, OF CHRIST ¯ 1187 .See TESTIMONY, RELIGIOUS ¯ 4874 -CREATOR JOH 1:3,10; 1CO 8:6; EPH 3:9; COL 1:16,17; HEB 1:2,10; RE 14 3:14 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, PREEXISTENCE OF, below -DEATH OF GE 3:15; PS 22:1,13,16,18; 34:20; 69:21,26; 109:25; ISA 14 52:14; 53:7-12; DA 9:26; Z9 EC 12:9,10; 13:6,7; MT 12:40; 16:4,21; 17:12,13,22,23; 20:17-19; 21:33-39; 26:2,12,18,21; 27:34,39,46; MR 8:31; 9:31; 10:32-34; 14:9,18; 15:23,28; LU 34 2:34,35; 9:22,44; 12:50; 17:25; 18:31-33; 22:15,21,37; 23:34; JOH 10:11,17,18; 12:7,32-34; 13:18,19,21; 14:19; 15:13; 16:20; 18:11; 19:23,24,28-30,34,36; AC 26:22,23; 1CO 17 1:17,18,23,24; 2:2; 15:3,4; 2CO 4:10,11; 1TH 4:14; RE 5:12; 13:8 .For circumstances of the death of .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, HISTORY OF, above -DESIGN OF HIS DEATH GE 3:15; ISA 53:1-12; DA 9:24,26; Z11 EC 9:11; 13:1; MT 20:28; 26:28; MR 10:45; 14:24; LU 22:19,20; 24:26; JOH 1:29; 3:14-17; 6:51; 10:11,15,17; 11:49-52; 12:24,31-33; 14:19; 15:13; AC 5:30,31; 20:28; 26:23; RO 3:24,25; 4:25; 5:6-11; 6:3-5,9,10; 8:3,32,34,39; 14:9,15; 1CO 5:7; 6:20; 8:11; 15:3; 2CO 5:14,15,19,21; 8:9; GA 1:4; 2:20; 3:13; 4:4,5; EPH 6 1:6,7; 2:13-16; 5:2,25-27; COL 1:14,20-22; 2:14,15; 1TH 10 1:10; 5:9,10; 1TI 2:6; TIT 2:14; HEB 1:3; 2:9,10,14,15,18; 7:27; 9:12-17,25,26,28; 10:10,12,14,17-20; 12:2,24; 13:11,12; 1PE 1:2,19-21; 2:21,24; 3:18; 4:1; 1JO 1:7; 2:2; 3:16; 4:10; RE 1:5,6; 5:9,10; 7:14,15; 13:8 .See ATONEMENT ¯ 0485 .See RECONCILIATION ¯ 4081 .See SATAN, KINGDOM OF, TO BE DESTROYED ¯ 4264 -DEATH OF, VOLUNTARY ISA 50:6; 53:12; MT 26:24,39,42,53,54; MR 14:36,39; LU 51 9:51; 12:50; 22:15,42; JOH 10:17,18; 18:5,8,11; 19:11; PHP 8 2:8; HEB 7:27; 9:26 -DENIAL OF .See JESUS, REJECTED -DIVINITY OF .As Jehovah ISA 40:3; with MT 3:3 .Jehovah of glory PS 24:7,10; with 1CO 2:8; JAS 2:1 .Jehovah our righteousness JER 23:5,6; with 1CO 1:30 .Jehovah above all PS 97:9; with JOH 3:31 .Jehovah the first and the last ISA 44:6; with RE 1:17; ISA 48:12-16; with RE 22:13 .Jehovah's fellow and equal Z7 EC 13:7; PHP 2:6 .Jehovah of hosts ISA 6:1-3; with JOH 12:41; ISA 8:13,14; with 1PE 2:8 .Jehovah PS 110:1; with MT 22:42-45 .Jehovah the shepherd ISA 40:10,11; HEB 13:20 .Jehovah, for whose glory all things were created PR 16:4; with COL 1:16 .Jehovah the messenger of the covenant MAL 3:1; with LU 2:27 .Invoked as Jehovah JOE 2:32; with 1CO 1:2 .As the eternal God and Creator PS 102:24-27; with HEB 1:8,10-12 .The mighty God ISA 9:6 .The Great God and Savior HO 1:7; with TIT 2:13 .God over all RO 9:5 .God the Judge EC 12:14; with 1CO 4:5; 2CO 5:10; 2TI 4:1 .Emmanuel ISA 7:14; with MT 1:23 .King of kings and LORD of lords DA 10:17; with RE 1:5; 17:14 .The Holy One 1SA 2:2; with AC 3:14 .The Lord from heaven 1CO 15:47 .Lord of the sabbath GE 2:3; with MT 12:8 .Lord of all AC 10:36; RO 10:11-13 .Son of God MT 26:63-67 .The one and only Son of the Father JOH 1:14,18; 3:16,18; 1JO 4:9 .His blood is called the blood of God AC 20:28 .One with the Father JOH 10:30,38; 12:45; 14:7-10; 17:10 .As sending the Spirit equally with the Father JOH 14:16; with 15:26 .As unsearchable equally with the Father PR 30:4; MT 11:27 .As Creator of all things ISA 40:28; JOH 1:3; COL 1:16 .Supporter and preserver of all things NE 9:6; with COL 1:17; HEB 1:3 .Acknowledged by Old Testament saints GE 17:1; with 48:15,16; 32:24-30; with HO 12:3-5; JUD 22 6:22-24; 13:21,22; Job 25 19:25-27 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO THE DIVINITY OF GE 1:1-14; EX 23:20,21; NU 21:6; PS 45:6,7; 102:24-27; 110:1; ISA 6:1; 7:14; 8:13,14; 9:6; 40:3,9,10; MAL 3:1; MT 23 1:23; 3:3; 8:29; 9:6; 11:10; 22:43-45; 28:17,18; MR 5:6,7; LU 4:12,33,34; 8:28; 9:43,44; JOH 1:1,2; 5:17,18,21-23; 10:30-33; 12:41,45; 20:28; AC 7:37-39; 20:28; RO 1:7; 1CO 3 1:3; 2:8; 8:6; 10:9; 15:47; 2CO 1:2; GA 1:1,2; EPH 1:2; 6:23,24; PHP 1:2; COL 1:2; 1TH 1:1; 3:11; 2TH 1:1,2; 2:16,17; 1TI 3:16; 2TI 1:2; TIT 2:13; HEB 1:8,10; 1PE 2:8; 1JO 5:20 .See JESUS, CREATOR .See JUDGMENT ¯ 2877 .See JESUS, SON OF GOD .See JESUS, SON OF MAN -ETERNITY OF PS 102:24-27; PR 8:22-25; ISA 9:6; MIC 5:2; MR 12:36,37; JOH 1:1,2,4,15; 6:62; 8:23,58; 12:41; 17:5,24,25; EPH 3:21; 4:10; COL 1:17; 2TI 1:9; HEB 1:10-12; 6:20; 7:16,24,25; 13:8; 1PE 1:20; 1JO 1:1,2; 2:13,14; RE 1:8,11,17,18; 5:13,14 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, PREEXISTENCE OF, below -EXALTATION OF PS 2:8,9; 24:7-10; 68:18; MR 16:19; LU 22:69; 24:26; JOH 39 7:39; 13:31,32; 17:5; AC 2:33,34; 3:20,21; 5:31; 7:55,56; RO 17 8:17,34; EPH 1:20; 4:8,10; PHP 2:9-11; COL 2:15; 3:1; 1TI 16 3:16; HEB 1:3; 2:9; 4:10,14; 6:20; 7:26; 8:1; 9:12,24; 10:12,13; 12:2; 1PE 3:22 -EXAMPLE, AN MT 11:29; 20:28; MR 10:43-45; LU 22:26,27; JOH 10:4; 13:13-15,34; 17:14,18,21,22; RO 8:29; 13:14; 15:2,3,5,7; 2CO 10 4:10; 8:9; 10:1; GA 3:27; 6:2; EPH 4:13,15,24,32; 5:2; 6:9; PHP 2:5-8; COL 3:10,11,13; 1TH 1:6; HEB 3:1; 12:2-4; 1PE 15 1:15,16; 2:21-24; 3:17,18; 1JO 2:6; 3:1-3,16; 4:17; RE 3:21; 14:4 -FAITH IN .See FAITH ¯ 1783 .See SALVATION, CONDITIONS OF ¯ 4232 -GENEALOGY OF .See JESUS, HISTORY OF, at beginning of the topic -HOLINESS OF PS 45:7; 89:19; ISA 11:4,5; 32:1; 42:21; 49:7; 50:5; 53:9; 59:17; JER 23:5; Z9 EC 9:9; MR 1:24; LU 1:35; 4:34; 23:40,41,47; JOH 5:30; 7:18; 8:46; 14:30; 16:10; AC 3:14; 4:27,30; 13:28,35; 2CO 4:4; 5:21; HEB 1:9; 4:15; 7:26-28; 9:14; 1PE 1:19; 2:22; 1JO 2:29; 3:5; RE 3:7 -HUMANITY OF GE 3:15; DE 18:15-19; PS 22:22; ISA 8:18; 9:6; DA 7:13; MT 27 16:27,28; 18:11; 20:28,30,31; 21:9; 26:2,26-28,36-45,64; MR 28 2:28; 9:9,12; 10:33,45; 14:21,34,42,62; LU 2:11-14; 5:24; 17:22,24; 18:31; 19:10; 21:36; 22:48,69; JOH 1:14; 5:27; 12:34; 13:31; AC 7:56; 17:31; GA 4:4; PHP 2:7,8; 1TI 2:5; HEB 2:9,10,14-18; 10:12; 1JO 4:2,3; 2JO 1:7; RE 1:13; 14:14 .See JESUS, INCARNATION OF .See JESUS, HISTORY OF .See JESUS, RELATION OF .See JESUS, HISTORY OF .See JESUS, RELATION OF, TO THE FATHER .See PROPHECY, CONCERNING THE COMING OF ¯ 3974 -HUMILITY OF Z9 EC 9:9; MT 9:10; 21:5; MR 2:14; LU 5:27,28; 22:27; JOH 5 13:5,14; AC 8:32,33; 2CO 8:9; 10:1; PHP 2:7,8 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, MEEKNESS OF, below .See MEEKNESS ¯ 3262 -IMPECCABILITY OF .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, HOLINESS OF, above .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, TEMPTATION OF, below -INCARNATION OF GE 3:15; 12:3; 17:7; 22:18; DE 18:15-19; 2SA 7:12; 1CH 5:2; PS 2:7; 40:7,8; 80:17; 89:19,35,36; ISA 7:14-16; 9:6; 11:1; 32:2; 49:1,5; JER 23:5; MIC 5:2,3; MT 1:1,16-18,23; 2:5,6; 8:20; 13:55,56; 22:45; LU 1:26-35,38-56; 2:1-21; 3:23-38; 24:39; JOH 1:14; 7:42; 20:27; AC 2:30; 3:22; 13:23,33; RO 3 1:3; 8:3; 9:5; 1CO 15:47; 2CO 5:16; GA 3:16; 4:4; PHP 2:7,8; COL 1:15; 1TI 3:16; HEB 1:3,6; 2:9-17; 7:14; 10:5; 1JO 1 1:1-3; 4:2,3; 2JO 1:7; RE 22:16 .See JESUS, HUMANITY OF .See JESUS, RELATION OF, TO THE FATHER -INTERCESSION OF .See JESUS, MEDIATOR -JUDGE PS 72:2,4; 75:2; 96:13; 110:6; ISA 2:4; 11:3,4; MIC 4:3; 5:1; MT 3:2,3,12; 19:28; 25:31-34; LU 3:17; AC 10:42; 17:31; RO 2:16; 10:12; 14:10; 1CO 4:4,5; 2CO 5:10; 2TI 4:1,8; JAS 9 5:9; RE 2:23 .See GOD, JUDGE ¯ 2043 -JUSTICE OF 2SA 23:3; Z9 EC 9:9; MT 27:19; JOH 5:30; AC 3:14; 22:14 .See HOLINESS OF .See JUDGE ¯ 2875 -KING GE 49:10; NU 24:17; 1SA 2:10; PS 2:6; 18:43,44; 24:7-10; 45:3-7; 72:5,8,11; 89:3,4,19-21,23,27,29,36,37; 110:1,2; 132:11,17,18; SO 1:4,12; ISA 6:1-3; 9:6,7; 11:10; 22:22; 32:1; 33:17; 40:10; 52:7,13; JER 23:5,6; 30:9; 33:17; EZE 24 37:24,25; DA 2:35,44; 7:13,14; 8:23,25; 9:25; HO 3:5; MIC 2 5:2,4; Z13 EC 6:13; 9:9,10; MT 2:2,6; 3:12; 11:27; 12:6; 13:41; 19:28; 21:5; 25:31-34; 26:64; 27:11; 28:18; MR 14:62; LU 32 1:32,33; 2:11; 3:17; 10:22; 19:27,38; 22:29,30,69; 23:42; JOH 1:49; 3:31; 12:13,15,41; 13:3; 18:36,37; 19:19; AC 2:30; 3:15; 5:31; 10:36; RO 9:5; 14:9; 1CO 15:23-28; EPH 1:20-22; PHP 2:9-11; 1TI 6:15,16; 2TI 4:8; HEB 2:7,8; 10:12,13; 1PE 22 3:22; RE 1:5-7,18; 3:7,14,21; 5:5,12; 6:2,15-17; 11:15; 12:10; 14:14; 17:14; 19:11,12,15,16; 20:4,6 .See CHURCH, PROPHECIES CONCERNING ¯ 1107 .See GOD, JUDGE ¯ 2043 .See GOD, HIS JUSTICE ¯ 2043 -KINGDOM OF .ITS NATURE MT 13:24-51; 18:3,4; LU 17:21; JOH 8:23; 18:36,37; 2CO 16 5:16,17; 10:3-5 .See below, JESUS, THE CHRIST, UNCLASSIFIED PROPHECIES CONCERNING -PROPHECIES CONCERNING UNIVERSALITY OF THE KINGDOM OF GE 12:3; 49:10; DE 32:21; PS 2:8; 22:27-31; 47:8; 65:2; 66:4; 68:31,32; 72:5,8-11,16,17,19; 85:10-12; 86:9; 87:1-5; 89:1-37; 96:1-13; 102:13-15; 110:1-6; 113:3; 138:4,5; 145:10,11; ISA 2:2-5; 4:2,3; 9:1-7; 11:1-10; 24:16; 25:6-8; 29:18,19; 32:15-17; 35:1,2; 40:4-11; 42:3; 45:8,23,24; 49:1-26; 51:6,8; 53:10-12; 54:1-3; 55:5,10-13; 56:3-8; 59:19-21; 60:1-5,7-9; 66:7-23; JER 3:17; 4:2; 16:19-21; 31:34; 33:22; EZE 17:22,23; 47:1-12; DA 2:35,44; 7:13,14,18,22,27; 12:4; JOE 2:28,29; MIC 4:1-4; HAB 2:14; ZEP 2:11; 3:9; HAG 2:7-9; Z10 EC 2:10,11; 4:10; 6:15; 8:20-23; 9:1,10; 14:8,9,16,20,21; MAL 1:11; MT 8:11; 13:31-33; MR 10 13:10; LU 1:33; 2:10; JOH 3:30; 10:16; 12:31,32; AC 2:34,35; 1CO 15:24-28; EPH 1:10; PHP 2:10,11; HEB 8:11; 10:13; 12:23,24,27,28; RE 5:9,10,13,14; 6:2; 11:15; 12:10; 14:6; 15:4; 17:14; 19:6,11-21; 20:1-3 -UNCLASSIFIED PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE KINGDOM OF GE 22:18; 49:10; PS 2:9; 46:9; 67:1-7; 72:12; ISA 2:2-4; 9:5; 11:1-13; 25:6; 35:1-10; 42:1-7,18-21; 45:14; 49:5,18-23; 55:1-13; 62:11; 65:17-25; 66:19; JER 3:14-19; DA 44 2:44; 7:9-14,27; HO 2:18,23; AM 9:11,12; MIC 4:1-7; ZEC 20 8:20-23; 9:9; 11:12,13; 13:7; MAL 3:1; MT 11:10,15; 12:18-21,29; 16:28; 21:4,5; 26:15,31; 27:3-10; 28:18; LU 32 1:32,33; 22:29,30; HEB 1:8; 2PE 1:11 .See JESUS, MESSIAH .See PSALMS, MESSIANIC ¯ 3987 -SECULAR NOTIONS CONCERNING THE KINGDOM OF MT 18:1-3; 20:20-23; MR 11:9,10; LU 9:46-48; JOH 6:15; AC 6 1:6,7 -LOVE OF PS 69:9; 72:14; PR 8:17,31; ISA 40:11; 42:3; 53:4; 63:7-9; MIC 5:4; MT 8:17; 9:36; 12:49,50; 14:14; 15:32; 18:2-6,10-13; 19:13-15; 23:37; 28:10; MR 3:31-35; 9:36,37,42; 10:13,14,16,21; LU 7:13; 8:19-21; 9:48; 18:15,16; 22:31,32; 23:28; 24:38-40; JOH 10:3,4,11,14-16; 11:5,33-36; 13:1,23,34; 14:1-3,18,21,27; 15:9-13,15; 17:12,15,19; 18:8,9; 19:26,27; 20:17,27; 21:15-17; AC 9:4,5; 10:38; RO 8:35,37-39; 15:3; 2CO 5:13,14; 8:9; GA 2:20; EPH 17 3:17-19; 5:2,25,29,30; 2TH 2:13; HEB 2:11,18; 4:15; 1JO 16 3:16; RE 1:5; 3:9,19 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, COMPASSION OF, above -MEDIATION OF .Typified .By Moses DE 5:5; GA 3:19 .By Aaron NU 16:48 .See INTERCESSION ¯ 2531 -MEEKNESS OF PS 45:4; ISA 42:2; 50:5,6; 52:13; 53:7; MT 11:29; 12:19,20; 21:5; 26:49-63; 27:12-14; MR 2:6-11; LU 22:27; 23:34; JOH 48 8:48-50; 13:5,14; AC 8:32; 2CO 10:1; PHP 2:7,8; HEB 12:2,3; 1PE 2:23 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, HUMILITY OF, above .See MEEKNESS ¯ 3262 -MESSIAH .MESSIANIC PSALMS PS 2:1-12; 16:7-11; 67:1-7; 68:28-35; 69:1-36; 72:1-19; 93:1-5; 96:1-13; 97:1-12; 98:1-9; 99:1-9; 110:1-7; 118:19-29 -OTHER SCRIPTURES RELATING TO HIS MESSIAHSHIP PS 2:2; DA 9:25,26; MT 11:3-6; 16:15,16; 22:42-45; 26:63,64; MR 12:35-37; LU 2:28-32,38; 20:41-44; 24:25-27; JOH 1:41,45; 4:25,26,29,42; 5:33,36,37,39,46; 6:27; 8:14,17,18,25,28,56; 13:19; AC 3:18,20,24; 4:26,27; 9:22; 13:27; 17:2,3; 26:6,7,22,23; 28:23; RO 1:1-3; 1CO 15:3; 1PE 10 1:10,11; 2PE 1:16-18; 1JO 5:6-9 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, KING, above .See JESUS, DIVINITY OF -MIRACLES OF .Water made into wine JOH 2:1-11 .Heals the nobleman's son JOH 4:46-54 .First miraculous catch of fish LU 5:1-11 .Demoniac in the synagogue healed MR 1:23-26; LU 4:33-36 .Heals Simon's mother-in-law MT 8:14,15; MR 1:29-31; LU 4:38,39 .Heals diseases in Galilee MT 4:23,24; MR 1:34 .Miracles at Jerusalem JOH 2:23 .Cleanses the leper MT 8:1-4; MR 1:40-45; LU 5:12-16 .Heals the paralyzed man MT 9:1-8; MR 2:1-12; LU 5:17-26 .Heals the immobile man JOH 5:1-16 .Restores the withered hand MT 12:9-13; MR 3:1-5; LU 6:6-11 .Heals multitudes from Judah, Jerusalem, and the coasts of Tyre and Sidon LU 6:17-19 .Heals the centurion's servant MT 8:5-13; LU 7:1-10 .Heals demoniacs MT 8:16,17; LU 4:40,41 .Raises the widow's son at Nain LU 7:11-16 .Heals in Galilee LU 7:21,22 .Heals a demoniac MT 12:22-37; MR 3:19-30; LU 11:14,15,17-23 .Quiets the squall on Lake Galilee MT 8:23-27; MR 4:35-41; LU 8:22-25; MT 14:32 .Healing of the diseased people in the land of Gennesaret MT 14:34-36 .The demoniacs in Gadara (Gerasa) healed MT 8:28-34; MR 5:1-20; LU 8:26-39 .Raises Jairus' daughter MT 9:18,19,23-26; MR 5:22-24,35-43; LU 8:41,42,49-56 .Heals the woman with the issue of blood MT 9:20-22; MR 5:25-34; LU 8:43-48 .Opens the eyes of two blind men in the house MT 9:27-31 .A demon cast out and a deaf man cured MT 9:32,33 .More than five-thousand people fed MT 14:15-21; MR 6:35-44; LU 9:12-17; JOH 6:5-14 .Heals sick in Galilee MT 14:14 .Walking on the lake MT 14:22-33; MR 6:45-52; JOH 6:14-21 .The daughter of the Syro-Phoenician woman healed MT 15:21-28; MR 7:24-30 .Healing of the lame, the blind, the deaf, and the maimed, near the Lake Galilee MT 15:30 .More than four-thousand people fed MT 15:32-39; MR 8:1-9 .One deaf-mute man cured MR 7:31-37 .One blind man cured MR 8:29-36 .The epileptic boy healed MT 17:14-21; MR 9:14-29; LU 9:37-43 .Piece of money found in the fish's mouth MT 17:24-27 .The ten lepers cured LU 17:11-19 .Opening the eyes of one person born blind JOH 9 .Raising of Lazarus JOH 11:1-54 .The woman with the spirit of infirmity cured LU 13:10-17 .The dropsy cured LU 14:1-6 .Two blind men cured near Jericho MT 20:29-34; MR 10:46-52; LU 18:35-43 .The fig tree blighted MT 21:17-22; MR 11:12-14,20-24 .The healing of Malchus' ear LU 22:49-51 .Second catch of fish JOH 21:6 .Not particularly described MT 4:23,24; 14:14; 15:30; MR 1:34; LU 6:17-19; 7:21; 22; JOH 2:23; 3:2 .Resurrection MT 28:6; MR 16:6; LU 24:6; JOH 20:1-18 .Holds the vision of his disciples, that they should not recognize him LU 24:16,31,35 .His appearances and disappearances LU 24:15 .Opening the understanding of his disciples LU 24:45 .His ascension LU 24:51; AC 1:9 .See MIRACLES ¯ 3387 -MISSION OF 2SA 23:3,4; ISA 42:6,7; 61:1-3; DA 9:24,27; MIC 5:2; ZEC 1 13:1; MAL 3:2,3; MT 1:21; 3:11,12; 4:23; 5:17; 9:13; 10:34-36; 15:24; 18:11-14; 20:28; MR 1:38; 2:15-22; 10:45; LU 1:78,79; 2:30-32,34,35,38; 4:18,19,43; 5:30-32; 8:1; 9:56; 12:49-53; 22:35-38; 24:26,46,47; JOH 3:13-17; 4:25,34; 6:51; 9:39; 10:10; 12:27,46,47; 18:37; AC 5:31; 10:43; 26:23; RO 4:25; 5:6-8; 8:3,4; 10:4; 14:9,15; 15:8,9; 2CO 14 5:14,15; GA 1:3,4; 4:4,5; EPH 4:10; 1TI 1:15; HEB 9 2:9,14,15,18; 9:26; 1JO 3:5,8; 4:10 -NAMES, APPELLATIONS, AND TITLES OF .Adam 1CO 15:45 .Advocate 1JO 2:1 .Almighty RE 1:8 .Alpha and Omega RE 1:8 .Amen RE 3:14 .Angel GE 48:16; EX 23:20,21 .Angel of his presence ISA 63:9 .Anointed PS 2:2 .Apostle HEB 3:1 .Arm of the Lord ISA 51:9,10 .Author and Finisher of our faith HEB 12:2 .Beginning and end of the creation of God RE 3:14; 22:13 .Beloved EPH 1:6 .Blessed and only Potentate 1TI 6:15 .Branch JER 23:5; Z8 EC 3:8 .Bread of life JOH 6:48 .Bridegroom MT 9:15 .Bright and Morning Star RE 22:16 .Brightness of the Father's glory HEB 1:3 .Captain of the Lord's host (army) JOS 5:14 .Captain of Salvation HEB 2:10 .Carpenter MR 6:3 .Carpenter's son MT 13:55 .Chief Shepherd 1PE 5:4 .Chief Cornerstone 1PE 2:6 .Chiefest among ten thousand SO 5:10 .Child ISA 9:6; LU 2:27,43 .Chosen of God 1PE 2:4 .Christ MT 1:16; LU 9:20 .The Christ (Messiah) MT 16:20; MR 14:61 .Christ, a King LU 23:2 .Christ Jesus AC 19:4; RO 3:24; 8:1; 1CO 1:2,30; HEB 3:1; 1PE 5:10,14 .Christ Jesus our Lord 1TI 1:12; RO 8:39 .Christ of God LU 9:20 .Christ, the chosen of God LU 23:35 .Christ the Lord LU 2:11 .Christ, the power of God 1CO 1:24 .Christ the wisdom of God 1CO 1:24 .Christ, the Son of God AC 9:20 .Christ, Son of the Blessed MR 14:61 .Commander ISA 55:4 .Comfort of Israel LU 2:25 .Cornerstone EPH 2:20 .Counselor ISA 9:6 .Covenant of the people ISA 42:6 .David JER 30:9 .Daysman Job 33 9:33 .Dayspring LU 1:78 .Day Star 2PE 1:19 .Deliverer RO 11:26 .Desire of all nations HAG 2:7 .Door, the JOH 10:7 .Elect ISA 42:1 .Emmanuel ISA 7:14 .Ensign ISA 11:10 .Eternal Life 1JO 5:20 .Everlasting Father ISA 9:6 .Faithful and True RE 19:11 .Faithful Witness, the RE 1:5 .Faithful and true witness, the RE 3:14 .Finisher of faith HEB 12:2 .First and last RE 1:17; 2:8; 22:13 .First begotten HEB 1:6 .First begotten of the dead RE 1:5 .Firstborn PS 89:27 .Foundation ISA 28:16 .Fountain Z1 EC 13:1 .Forerunner HEB 6:20 .Friend of sinners MT 11:19 .Gift of God JOH 4:10 .Glory of Israel LU 2:32 .God (deity) JOH 1:1 .God blessed forever RO 9:5 .God manifest in the flesh 1TI 3:16 .God of Israel, the Savior ISA 45:15 .God of the whole earth ISA 54:5 .God our Savior 1TI 2:3 .God's dear Son COL 1:13 .God with us MT 1:23 .Good Master MT 19:16 .Governor MT 2:6 .Great Shepherd of the sheep HEB 13:20 .Head of the ekklesia (body) EPH 1:22,23; 5:23; COL 1:18,24 .Heir of all things HEB 1:2 .High priest HEB 4:14 .Head of every man 1CO 11:3 .Head of the corner MT 21:42 .Holy child Jesus AC 4:30 .Holy one PS 16:10; AC 3:14 .Holy one of God MR 1:24 .Holy one of Israel ISA 41:14; 54:5 .Holy thing LU 1:35 .Hope (our) 1TI 1:1 .Horn of salvation LU 1:69 .I AM JOH 8:58 .Image of God HEB 1:3 .Israel ISA 49:3 .Jehovah ISA 40:3 .Jehovah's fellow Z7 EC 13:7 .Jesus MT 1:21 .Jesus Christ MT 1:1; JOH 1:17; 17:3; AC 2:38; 4:10; 9:34; 10:36; 16:18; RO 1:1,3,6; 2:16; 5:15,17; 6:3; 1CO 1:1,4; 2:2; 2CO 19 1:19; 4:6; 13:5; GA 2:16; PHP 1:8; 2:11; 1TI 1:15; HEB 8 13:8; 1JO 1:7; 2:1 .Jesus Christ our Lord RO 1:3; 6:11,23; 1CO 1:9; 7:25 .Jesus Christ our Savior TIT 3:6 .Jesus of Nazareth MR 1:24; LU 24:19 .Jesus (of Nazareth), King of the Jews JOH 19:19; MT 27:37 .Jesus, the Son of God HEB 4:14 .Jesus, the Son of Joseph JOH 6:42 .Judge AC 10:42 .Just man, Just person, Just One MT 27:19,24; AC 3:14; 7:52; 22:14 .King MT 21:5 .King of Israel JOH 1:49 .King of the Jews MT 2:2 .King of Saints RE 15:3 .King of Kings 1TI 6:15; RE 17:14 .King of Glory PS 24:7-10 .King of Zion MT 21:5 .King over all the earth Z9 EC 14:9 .Lamb RE 5:6,8; 6:16; 7:9,10,17; 12:11; 13:8,11; 14:1,4; 15:3; 17:14; 19:7,9; 21:9,14,22,23,27 .Lamb of God JOH 1:29 .Lawgiver ISA 33:22 .Leader ISA 55:4 .Life JOH 14:6 .Light JOH 8:12 .Light, everlasting ISA 60:20 .Light of the world JOH 8:12 .Light to the Gentiles ISA 42:6 .Light, true JOH 1:9 .Living Bread, the JOH 6:51 .Living Stone 1PE 2:4 .Lion of the tribe of Judah RE 5:5 .Lord RO 1:3 .Lord of Lords RE 17:14; 19:16 .Lord of all AC 10:36 .Lord our righteousness JER 23:6 .Lord God Almighty RE 15:3 .Lord from heaven 1CO 15:47 .Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2PE 1:11; 3:18 .Lord Christ COL 3:24 .Lord Jesus AC 7:59; COL 3:17; 1TH 4:12 .Lord Jesus Christ AC 11:17; 16:31; 20:21; RO 5:1,11; 13:14 .Lord Jesus Christ our Savior TIT 1:4 .Lord of glory JAS 2:1 .Lord of Hosts (armies) ISA 44:6 .Lord, mighty in battle PS 24:8 .Lord of the dead and living RO 14:9 .Lord of the sabbath MR 2:28 .Lord over all RO 10:12 .Lord's Christ LU 2:26 .Lord, strong and mighty PS 24:8 .Lord, the, our righteousness JER 23:6 .Lord, your holy one ISA 43:15 .Lord, your redeemer ISA 43:14 .Man Christ Jesus 1TI 2:5 .Man of sorrows ISA 53:3 .Master MT 23:8 .Mediator, the only 1TI 2:5 .Cf JOH 14:6 .Messenger of the covenant MAL 3:1 .Messiah JOH 1:41 .Messiah the Prince DA 9:25 .Mighty God ISA 9:6 .Mighty one of Israel ISA 30:29 .Mighty one of Jacob ISA 49:26 .Mighty to save ISA 63:1 .Minister of the sanctuary HEB 8:2 .Morning Star RE 22:16 .Most holy DA 9:24 .Most mighty PS 45:3 .Nazarene MT 2:23 .Offspring of David RE 22:16 .Only begotten (Greek monogenes: one and only, unique) JOH 3:16 .Only begotten (Greek monogenes: one and only, unique) of the Father JOH 1:14 .Only begotten (Greek monogenes: one and only, unique) Son (the best mss. have "God" instead of "Son" here) JOH 1:18 .Only wise God, our Savior Jude 25 1:25 .Overseer 1PE 2:25 .Passover, our 1CO 5:7 .Plant of renown EZE 34:29 .Potentate 1TI 6:15 .Power of God 1CO 1:24 .Physician MT 9:12 .Precious Cornerstone ISA 28:16 .Priest HEB 7:17 .Prince AC 5:31 .Prince of Life AC 3:15 .Prince of Peace ISA 9:6 .Prince of the kings of the earth RE 1:5 .Prophet DE 18:15,18; MT 21:11; LU 24:19 .Propitiation (expiation, our Sin-offering) 1JO 2:2 .Rabbi, Rabboni JOH 1:49; 20:16 .Ransom 1TI 2:6 .Redeemer ISA 59:20 .Resurrection and the Life, the JOH 11:25 .Redemption 1CO 1:30 .Righteous Branch JER 23:5 .Righteous Judge 2TI 4:8 .Righteous Servant ISA 53:11 .Righteousness 1CO 1:30 .Rock 1CO 10:4 .Rock of Offence 1PE 2:8 .Root of David RE 5:5; 22:16 .Root of Jesse ISA 11:10 .Rose of Sharon SO 2:1 .Ruler in Israel MIC 5:2 .Salvation LU 2:30 .Sanctification 1CO 1:30 .Sanctuary ISA 8:14 .Savior LU 2:11 .Savior, Jesus Christ 2TI 1:10; TIT 2:13; 2PE 1:1 .Savior of the body (ekklesia) EPH 5:23 .Savior of the world 1JO 4:14 .Sceptre NU 24:17 .Second Man, the 1CO 15:47 .Seed of David 2TI 2:8 .Seed of the woman GE 3:15 .Servant ISA 42:1 .Servant of rulers ISA 49:7 .Shepherd MR 14:27 .Shepherd and Overseer of souls 1PE 2:25 .Shepherd, Chief 1PE 5:4 .Shepherd, Good JOH 10:11 .Shepherd, Great HEB 13:20 .Shepherd of Israel PS 80:1 .Shiloh GE 49:10 .Son of the Father 2JO 1:3 .Son of God .See JESUS, SON OF GOD .Son of Man .See JESUS, SON OF MAN .Son of the Blessed One (God) MR 14:61 .Son of the Highest One (God) LU 1:32 .Son of David MT 9:27 .Star NU 24:17 .Sun of Righteousness MAL 4:2 .Surety (Guarantee) HEB 7:22 .Stone MT 21:42 .Stone of Stumbling 1PE 2:8 .Sure Foundation ISA 28:16 .Teacher JOH 3:2 .True God 1JO 5:20 .True Vine JOH 15:1 .Truth JOH 14:6 .Unspeakable Gift 2CO 9:15 .Very Christ AC 9:22 .Vine, the JOH 15:1 .Way, the JOH 14:6 .Which is, which was, which is to come (equivalent to the tetragrammaton (YHWH), the Eternal One, I AM THAT I AM RE 1:4 .Wisdom PR 8:12 .Wisdom of God, the 1CO 1:24 .Witness ISA 55:4; RE 1:5 .Wonderful ISA 9:6 .Word JOH 1:1 .Word of God RE 19:13 .Word of Life 1JO 1:1 .See GOD, NAME OF ¯ 2043 -"IN HIS NAME." 1CO 6:11; PHP 2:9; COL 3:17; RE 19:16 .To be confessed 2TI 2:19 .Prayer JOH 14:13; 16:23,24,26; EPH 5:20; COL 3:17; HEB 13:15 .Miracles performed AC 3:6; 4:10; 19:13 .Immersion MT 28:19; AC 2:38 .Preaching LU 24:47 .Faith MT 12:21; JOH 1:12; 2:23 .Forgiveness of sins LU 24:47; AC 10:43; 1JO 2:12 .Life JOH 20:31 .Salvation AC 4:12; 10:43 .See INTERCESSION OF, above .See PRIESTHOOD OF, below -OBEDIENCE OF PS 40:8; ISA 11:5; 42:21; 50:5,6; MT 3:15; 26:39,42; MR 36 14:36; LU 2:49; 22:42; JOH 4:34; 5:30,36; 6:38; 7:18; 8:29,46,55; 9:4; 14:31; 15:10; 17:4; 19:30; PHP 2:8; HEB 8 5:8; 10:7-9 -OMNIPOTENCE OF PS 45:3-5; 110:3; ISA 9:6; 40:10; 50:2,4; 63:1; MT 3 8:3,16,27; 10:1; 12:13,28,29; 28:18; MR 3:27; 6:7; LU 5:17; 9:1; 11:20-22; JOH 2:19; 5:21,28,29; 10:17,18,28; 17:1,2; PHP 3:20,21; COL 1:17; 2TH 1:9; 1TI 6:16; HEB 1:3; 7:25; 2PE 16 1:16; RE 1:8; 3:7; 5:12 .See MIRACLES OF ¯ 3387 -ONNIPRESENCE OF MT 18:20; 28:20; JOH 3:13; EPH 1:23 -OMNISCIENCE OF PR 8:1-16; ISA 11:2,3; 50:4; MT 9:4; 11:27; 12:25; 13:54; 22:18; 24:25; 26:46; MR 2:8; 5:30; 14:13-15,42; LU 40 2:40,47,52; 5:22; 6:8; 9:46-48; 22:10-13; JOH 1:48; 2:24,25; 3:32; 4:16-19,28,29; 5:30,42; 6:64; 8:16; 13:1,2,10,11; 16:30,32; 17:1; 18:4; 21:17; AC 1:24; COL 2:3; RE 2:18,23; 5:5,12 -PARABLES OF .The wise and foolish builders MT 7:24-27; LU 6:47-49 .Two debtors LU 7:41-47 .The rich fool LU 12:16-21 .The servants waiting for their Lord LU 12:35-40 .The barren fig tree LU 13:6-9 .The sower MT 13:3-9,18-23; MR 4:1-9,14-20; LU 8:5-8,11-15 .The tares (darnel) MT 13:24-30,36-43 .Seed growing secretly MR 4:26-29 .The mustard seed MT 13:31,32; MR 4:30-32; LU 13:18,19 .Leaven (yeast) MT 13:33; LU 13:20,21 .The hidden treasure MT 13:44 .The pearl of great price MT 13:45,46 .The drag net MT 13:47-50 .The unmerciful servant MT 18:23-35 .The Good Samaritan LU 10:30-37 .The friend at midnight LU 11:5-8 .The Good Shepherd JOH 10:1-16 .The great supper LU 14:15-24 .The lost sheep LU 15:3-7; MT 18:12-14 .The lost piece of money (one drachma) LU 15:8-10 .The prodigal son and his older brother LU 15:11-32 .The unjust steward LU 16:1-9 .The rich man and Lazarus LU 16:19-31 .The importunate (unrelenting) widow LU 18:1-8 .The Pharisee and the publican LU 18:9-14 .The laborers in the vineyard MT 20:1-16 .The pounds LU 19:11-27 .The two sons MT 21:28-32 .The evil sharecroppers MT 21:33-44; MR 12:1-12; LU 20:9-18 .The arriage of the king's son MT 22:1-14 .The fig tree leafing MT 24:32; MR 13:28,29 .Man taking a far journey MR 13:34-37 .Ten virgins MT 25:1-13 .The talents MT 25:14-30 .The vine JOH 15:1-5 -PASSION OF .See SUFFERING OF ¯ 4734 -PECCABILITY OF .See JESUS, TEMPTATION OF -PERFECTIONS OF .Not classified under foregoing topics PS 45:2; ISA 11:5; 49:2; 53:9; EZE 34:29; MIC 5:4; HAG 7 2:7; MT 3:11; 12:41,42; 27:3,4; MR 1:7,8; LU 3:16; 23:41; JOH 1:14,18; 5:30,34,41; 7:18; AC 13:28; 1CO 1:24; 15:45,47; 2CO 1:19; 4:4; 5:21; 9:15; EPH 3:8; COL 1:19; 2TH 3:3; 2TI 2:13; HEB 1:3; 2:10; 3:2 -PERSECUTIONS OF .See PERSECUTIONS ¯ 3811 -POWER OF, TO FORGIVE SINS MT 9:2,6; MR 2:5,10; LU 5:20,24; 7:47-50; AC 5:31; COL 13 3:13 .See JESUS, DIVINITY OF -PRAYERS OF MT 11:25,26; 14:23; 15:36; 19:13; 26:26,27,36,39,42,44; 27:46; MR 1:35; 6:41,46; 14:32-39; LU 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18,28,29; 11:1; 22:32,41-44; 23:34; JOH 11:41,42; 12:27,28; 17:1-26; 1CO 11:24; HEB 5:7 .See CHRIST ¯ 1100 .See HIGH PRIEST ¯ 2333 .See JESUS, MEDIATOR -PREEXISTENCE OF GE 1:26; PS 102:25-27; PR 8:22-36; JOH 1:1-3; 6:62; 8:56-58; 17:5; RO 11:36; 1CO 8:6; PHP 2:5-7; COL 1:15-17; HEB 1:1,2,8-12; 2:9,14-16; 4:8; RE 4:11 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, ETERNITY OF .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, CREATOR .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, INCARNATION OF .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, OMNIPOTENCE OF .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, OMNIPRESENCE OF .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, OMNISCIENCE OF -PRESCIENCE OF .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, OMNISCIENCE OF -PRIESTHOOD OF .Appointed and called by God HEB 3:1,2; 5:4,5 .After the order of Melchizedek PS 110:4; with HEB 5:6; 6:20; 7:15,17 .Superior to Aaron and the Levitical priests HEB 7:11,16,22; 8:1,2,6 .Consecrated with an oath HEB 7:20,21 .Has an unchangeable priesthood HEB 7:23,28 .Is of unblemished purity HEB 7:26,28 .Faithful HEB 3:2 .Needed no sacrifice for himself HEB 7:27 .Offered himself as a sacrifice HEB 9:14,26 .His sacrifice superior to all others HEB 9:13,14,23 .Offered sacrifice only once HEB 7:27 .Made reconciliation HEB 2:17 .Obtained redemption for us HEB 9:12 .Entered into heaven HEB 4:14; 10:12 .Sympathizes with saints HEB 2:18; 4:15 .Intercedes HEB 7:25; 9:24 .Blesses NU 6:23-26; with AC 3:26 .On his throne Z13 EC 6:13 .Appointment of, an encouragement to steadfastness HEB 4:14 .Typified .Melchizedek GE 14:18-20 .Aaron and his sons EX 40:12-15 -PROMISES OF, PROPHETIC MT 19:28,29; MR 10:29,30; LU 18:29,30; 22:29,30; 23:43; 24:49; JOH 5:25-29; 6:54,57,58; 7:39; 12:25,26; 14:16,26; 15:26,27; 16:7-16,20-26,33; AC 1:4-8 -PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE COMING OF GE 3:15; 12:3; 49:10; DE 32:18; 1SA 2:10; Job 25 19:25; PS 5 21:5-7; 40:6-10; 68:18; 118:22-24,26; ISA 11:1-16; 28:16; 40:3,11; 42:1-4; 49:1-26; 55:3-5; 56:1; 59:16-18,20; 62:10,11; JER 23:5,6; 33:15-18; DA 7:13,14; 9:24-27; HAG 7 2:7; Z8 EC 3:8; 9:9; 13:1; MAL 3:1-3; 4:2; MT 1:20-23; LU 26 1:26-37,41-45; 2:26,31,32,34,35,38; 3:4; JOH 8:56; AC 22 3:22-24; RO 1:2,3; 15:12; HEB 7:16; 10:9 .See JESUS, KINGDOM OF .See JESUS, PROPHECIES CONCERNING .See CHURCH, PROPHECIES CONCERNING ¯ 1107 -PROPHECIES CONCERNING THE FUTURE GLORY AND POWER OF ISA 22:22; MR 14:62; 1PE 3:22; Jude 14 1:14,15; RE 1:5-7,18; 2:23; 3:7,14,21; 5:5,12; 6:16,17; 7:9-17; 11:15; 12:10; 14:14; 17:14; 19:11,12,15,16; 20:4,6 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, EXALTATION OF .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, KINGDOM OF -PROPHET .Foretold ISA 52:7; NA 1:15 .Anointed with the Holy Spirit ISA 42:1; 61:1; with LU 4:18; JOH 3:34 .Reveals God MT 11:27; JOH 3:2,13,34; 17:6,14,26; HEB 1:1,2 .Declared his doctrine to be that of the Father JOH 8:26,28; 12:49,50; 14:10,24; 15:15; 17:8,26 .Foretold things to come MT 24:3-35; LU 19:41-44 .Faithful LU 4:43; JOH 17:8; HEB 3:2; RE 1:5; 3:14 .Abounded in wisdom LU 2:40,47,52; COL 2:3 .Mighty in deed and word MT 13:54; MR 1:27; LU 4:32; JOH 7:46 .Unostentatious in his teaching ISA 42:2; MT 12:17-20 .God commands us to hear DE 18:15; AC 3:22 .God will severely punish those who reject him DE 18:10; AC 3:23; HEB 2:3; DE 18:15; AC 3:22,23; 7:37; MT 21:11,46; LU 7:16,39; 13:33; 24:19; JOH 3:2; 4:19; 6:14; 7:40; 9:17 -RECEIVED MT 4:24,25; 7:28,29; 8:1; 9:8,27,33; 12:23,38; 13:2,54; 14:13,33,35; 15:31; 16:1,14; 19:1,2; 21:8-11,15; 27:54; MR 22 1:22,27,33,37,45; 2:2,12,15; 3:7,20,21; 4:1; 5:21,42; 6:2,33,51,52,55,56; 7:37; 8:11,28; 10:1; 11:8-10,18; 12:37; 15:39; LU 4:14,15,22,32,36,37,42; 5:1,17,19,26; 6:17-19; 7:16-18; 8:56; 9:11,19; 11:16; 12:1; 13:17; 18:43; 19:36-38,47,48; 21:38; 23:27,47; JOH 2:11,23; 6:2; 7:31,40-44,46; 8:2,30; 9:17,24,25,29,30,33; 10:41,42; 11:37,45-48; 12:9,11,12,13,18-21,34,42 -INSTANCES OF .By Matthew MT 9:9,10 .By Peter and other disciples MR 1:16-20; LU 5:3-11 .By Zacchaeus LU 19:1-10 .By Philip JOH 1:43,45 .By Nathanael JOH 1:45-50 .By three thousand people on the day of Pentecost AC 2:41; 4:4 .By the Ethiopian eunuch AC 8:37 .See FAITH IN CHRIST, INSTANCES OF ¯ 1783 -REDEEMER .See JESUS, SAVIOUR .See REDEMPTION ¯ 4086 -REJECTED PS 2:1-3; 118:22; ISA 6:9,10; 8:14; 49:4; 50:1-11; 53:1-4; MT 7:26,27; 8:12,34; 10:14,15,33; 11:16-19; 12:38-45; 13:3-14,58; 17:17; 21:32,38-45; 22:2-13; 26:31-35,69-75; MR 17 5:17; 6:3-6; 12:1-12; 14:27-31,66-72; 16:16; LU 6:46-49; 7:30-35; 8:37; 10:16; 11:23-26; 13:34; 14:16-24; 17:25; 19:42; 20:9-18; 22:31-34,54-62,67; 24:11,15-25,37-39; JOH 11 1:11; 3:11,12,18,19,32; 5:38,40,43; 6:36,60-68; 7:3-5,12,13,15,25-27; 8:13,21,22,24-30,45-47,53; 9:16,17,24; 10:20,21,24,33; 11:46-48; 12:37,48; 15:18,20,24; 18:15-27; AC 13:46; 18:5,6; 22:18; 28:24,25,27; RO 3:3; 9:31,32; 10:16,21; 1CO 1:18,23; 2TI 2:12; HEB 6:6; 10:29; 1PE 4 2:4,7,8; 2PE 2:1; 1JO 2:22,23; 2JO 1:7; Jude 4 1:4 -RELATION OF, TO THE FATHER PS 110:1; ISA 42:1; 49:5,6; 61:1; MIC 5:4; MT 20:23; 26:39; MR 10:40; 13:32; JOH 1:1,2,14; 3:34,35; 4:34; 5:19-31,37,45; 6:32,33,38-40,44-46; 7:16,28,29,33; 8:16,19,28,29,38,40,42, 49,54,55; 9:4; 10:15,18,25,29,30,32,33,36-38; 11:41,42; 12:44,49,50; 14:7,9-14,20,24,28,31; 15:9,10,15,23-26; 16:5,10,15,23,25,27,28,32; 17:1-26; AC 2:33,36; 10:38; 13:37; RO 1:4; 8:32; 1CO 1:30; 3:23; 11:3; 15:24,27,28; 2CO 4 4:4,6; EPH 1:17,20-22; PHP 2:6,11; COL 1:15,19; 1TH 5:18; HEB 1:2,3; 2:9; 3:2; 5:5-10; 1PE 1:21; 2:4,23; 2PE 1:17; 1JO 9 4:9,10,14; RE 2:27; 3:12,21 .See JESUS, DIVINITY OF .See JESUS, HUMANITY OF .See JESUS, SON OF GOD -RESURRECTION OF PS 2:7; 16:9,10; ISA 26:19; MT 12:40; 16:4,21; 17:23; 20:19; 26:32; 27:52,53,63; 28:6,7; MR 8:31; 9:9,10; 10:34; 14:28,58; 16:6,7; LU 9:22,31; 18:33; 24:5-7,46; JOH 19 2:19,21,22; 12:23; 16:16,22; 20:1-18; AC 1:3,22; 2:24,31,32; 3:15; 4:10,33; 5:30-32; 10:40,41; 13:30-34; 17:2,3,31; 26:23,26; RO 1:4; 4:24,25; 5:10; 6:4,5,9,10; 8:11,34; 10:9; 1CO 6:14; 15:3-8,12-23; 2CO 4:10,11,14; 5:15; 13:4; GA 1:1; EPH 1:20; PHP 3:10; COL 1:18; 2:12; 1TH 1:10; 4:14; 2TI 2:8; HEB 13:20; 1PE 1:3,21; 3:18,21; RE 1:5,18 .See RESURRECTION ¯ 4137 -REVELATIONS BY .Concerning his kingdom MT 8:11,12; LU 13:28,29; MT 10:23,34; 13:24-50; 16:18,28; MR 9:1; LU 9:27; MT 21:43,44; 24:14; MR 16:17,18; LU 40 12:40-53; 13:24-35; 17:20-37; JOH 4:21,23; 5:25,29; 6:39,54; 12:35; 13:19; 14:29; 16:4 .His rejection by the Jews MT 21:33-44; LU 17:25 .His betrayal MT 26:21,23-25 .Crucifixion JOH 3:14; 8:28; 12:32 .Judgments upon the Jews MT 23:37-39; 25; MR 11:12-14 .The destruction of the temple, and Jerusalem MT 24; MR 13; LU 19:41-48 .The destruction of Capernaum MT 11:23; LU 10:15 .Concerning persecutions of Christians MT 23:34-36 .His being forsaken by his disciples JOH 16:32 .Concerning Lazarus JOH 11:4,11,23,40 .Concerning Peter JOH 21:18-23 .Fame of the woman who anointed his head MT 26:13; MR 14:8,9 .Antichrist MT 24:4,5,23-26; MR 13:5,6,21-23; LU 17:23,24; 21:8; AC 36 5:36,37 .Concerning .His death and resurrection MT 12:39,40; 16:21; 17:22,23; 20:18,19; 2 26:2,21,23,24,45,46; MR 8:31; 9:31; 10:32-34; Lu 22 9:22-24; 18:31-33; JOH 2:19; 12:7,23; 13:18-27,36-38; 16:32 .His ascension JOH 7:33,34; 8:21; 12:8; 13:33; 16:10,16 -RIGHTEOUSNESS OF .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, HOLINESS OF, above -SALVATION BY .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, SAVIOUR, below -SAVIOUR GE 12:3; 49:18; 2SA 23:6,7; Job 23 33:23,24; PS 14:7; 72:4,12-14,17; 80:17; 89:19; ISA 8:14; 28:16; 32:2; 40:10,11; 42:6,7; 49:6,8,9; 50:2,8,9; 53:10,11; 59:16,17,20; 61:1-3; 62:11; 63:1,5,8,9; JER 23:5,6; 33:15,16; EZE 34:23; HAG 2:7; Z7 EC 4:7; 9:9; MAL 4:2; MT 1:21; 9:12,13; 15:24; 18:11-13; LU 1:68-77; 2:11,31,32,34; 5:31,32; 9:56; 15:1-10; 19:10; JOH 1:9,29; 3:16,17; 4:14,42; 5:26,33,34,40; 6:27,32,33,35,37,39,51,53-58,68; 7:37-39; 8:12; 9:5,39; 10:7,9-11,14-16,27,28; 11:25-27; 12:47; 14:6,19; 16:33; 17:2,3; AC 3:26; 4:12; 5:31; 13:23,38,39,47; 15:11; 16:31; RO 3:24-26; 4:25; 5:1,6,8-11,15,17-19,21; 6:23; 8:2; 10:9,11; 15:7,9; 1CO 1:30; 3:11; 6:11; 10:3,4; 15:17,57; 2CO 18 5:18,19,21; GA 1:3,4; 2:20; 4:7; EPH 1:10,11; 2:7,13-18,20; 4:8; 5:2,14,23,25,26; PHP 3:20; COL 1:12-14,27,28; 2:8,10; 3:3,4,11; 1TH 1:10; 5:9,10; 2TH 1:12; 1TI 1:1,15; 2TI 1 1:1,9,10,12; 2:10; 3:15; TIT 1:4; 2:13,14; HEB 2:3,17; 5:9; 7:22,25; 13:10,20; 1PE 1:3,18,19; 2:4-7,25; 3:18,21; 5:10; 2PE 1:3,11; 2:20; 1JO 3:5,8; 4:9,10,14; 5:11-13,20; Jude 1 1:1; RE 2:7; 3:18; 5:5-14; 7:10; 14:4; 21:27; 22:1,2 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, DEATH OF, ITS DESIGN, above .See FAITH IN ¯ 1783 .See ASCENSION OF -SECOND COMING OF Job 25 19:25,26; MT 16:27,28; 23:39; 24:1-51; 25:1-13,19,31-46; 26:64; MR 8:38; 9:1; 13:1-37; 14:62; LU 26 9:26,27; 12:37-40; 17:22-37; 18:8; 19:12,13,15; 21:5-36; JOH 3 14:3,18,28,29; AC 1:11; 3:20,21; 1CO 1:7,8; 4:5; 11:26; 15:23; PHP 3:20,21; 4:5; COL 3:4; 1TH 1:10; 2:19; 3:13; 4:15-17; 5:2,3,23; 2TH 1:7-10; 2:1-3,5,8; 3:5; 1TI 6:14,15; 2TI 4:1,8; TIT 2:13; HEB 9:28; JAS 7 5:7-9; 1PE 1:7,13; 4:13; 5:4; 2PE 1:16; 3:3,4,8-14; 1JO 2:28; 3:2; Jude 14 1:14,15; RE 7 1:7; 3:11; 16:15; 22:12,20 .See MILLENNIUM ¯ 3373 -SHEPHERD, JESUS THE TRUE .Foretold GE 49:24; ISA 40:11; EZE 34:23; 37:24 .The chief 1PE 5:4 .The good JOH 10:11,14 .The great MIC 5:4; HEB 13:20 .His sheep he knows JOH 10:14,27 .He calls JOH 10:3 .He gathers ISA 40:11; JOH 10:16 .He guides PS 23:3; JOH 10:3,4 .He feeds PS 23:1,2; JOH 10:9 .He cherishes tenderly ISA 40:11 .He protects and preserves JER 31:10; EZE 34:10; Z16 EC 9:16; JOH 10:28 .He laid down his life for Z7 EC 13:7; MT 26:31; JOH 10:11,15; AC 20:28 .He gives eternal life to JOH 10:28 .Typified: David 1SA 16:11 -SON OF GOD PS 2:7; 89:26,27; MT 3:17; 4:3,6; 10:40; 11:27; 14:33; 15:13; 16:15-17; 17:5; 18:10,19; 20:23; 21:37; 26:53,63,64; 27:43,54; MR 1:1,11; 3:11; 5:7; 9:7; 14:61,62; 15:39; LU 32 1:32,35; 3:22; 4:3,9,41; 8:28; 9:35; 10:22; 20:13; 22:29,70; JOH 1:1,2,14,18,34,49,50; 3:16-18,34-36; 5:19-21,23,26,27,30,32,36,37; 6:27,38,40,46,57,69; 7:16,28,29; 8:16,19,26-29,38,40,42,49,54; 9:35-37; 10:15,17,18,29,30,36-38; 11:4,27,41; 12:49,50; 13:3; 14:7,9-11,13,16,20,24,28,31; 15:1,8-10,23,24; 16:5,15,27,28,32; 17:1-26; 19:7; 20:17,21,31; AC 3:13; 13:33; RO 1:3,4,9; 8:3,29,32; 1CO 1:9; 15:24,27,28; 2CO 3 1:3,19; GA 1:16; 4:4; EPH 1:3; 3:14; COL 1:3,15,19; 3:17; 1TH 1:10; HEB 1:1-3,5; 4:14; 5:5,8,10; 6:6; 7:3; 10:29; 2PE 17 1:17; 1JO 1:7; 2:22-24; 3:8,23; 4:9,10,14; 5:5,9,10,13,20; 2JO 1:3; RE 2:18 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, THE DIVINITY OF, above .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, RELATION OF, TO THE FATHER, above -SON OF MAN .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, HUMANITY OF, above -SOVEREIGNTY OF .See JESUS, KING .See JESUS, SUFFERINGS OF -SUFFERINGS OF MT 26:38-45; 27:24-50; MR 14:15; 15:34; LU 2:34; 4:28,29; 22:23,44; 24:46; JOH 4:6; 11:33,35; 12:27; 18:11,19; 19:28; AC 3:18; 17:3; 2CO 1:5; PHP 2:7,8; 3:10; HEB 2:9; 4:15; 5:7,8; 12:2,3; 1PE 1:11; 2:21-23; 4:1; RE 5:6; 19:13 .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, DEATH OF, above .See PERSECUTION ¯ 3811 -PROPHECIES CONCERNING PS 22:6-8,11-13,17-21; 69:7-9,20; 109:25; ISA 50:6; 52:13,14; 53:1-12; MIC 5:1; Z12 EC 11:12,13; 13:6,7; MT 16:21; 17:12,22,23; 20:17-19; 27:35; MR 8:31; 10:32-34; 15:24; LU 34 2:34,35; 9:22; 18:31-33; 22:37; 23:34; JOH 12:38; 19:23; 1PE 11 1:11 -SYMPATHY OF .See JESUS, COMPASSION OF .See JESUS, LOVE OF -TEACHER MT 4:23; 5:1; 7:29; 11:1; 21:23; 22:16; 23:8; 26:55; MR 1 4:1; 12:14; LU 4:15; 6:6; 20:21; 23:5; JOH 3:2; AC 1:1 -TEMPTATION OF ISA 7:16; MT 4:1-11; MR 1:12,13; LU 4:1-13; 22:28; JOH 30 14:30; HEB 4:15 -TYPES OF .See TYPES ¯ 5016 -UNCHANGEABLE HEB 13:8 -UNION OF, WITH THE RIGHTEOUS .See RIGHTEOUS, UNION OF, WITH CHRIST ¯ 4167 -WISDOM OF .See JESUS, THE CHRIST, OMNISCIENCE OF, above -WORSHIP OF JOS 5:14,15; PS 45:11,17; 72:15; MT 2:2,11; 9:18; 14:33; 15:25; 20:20; 21:9; 28:9,16,17; MR 3:11; 5:6,7; 11:9,10; LU 41 4:41; 5:8; 23:42; 24:52; JOH 5:23; 9:38; 12:13; AC 1:24; 7:59,60; 1CO 1:2; 2CO 12:8,9; PHP 2:10,11; 1TI 1:12; HEB 6 1:6; 2PE 3:18; RE 5:8,9,12-14; 7:10 -ZEAL OF PS 69:9; ISA 59:17; MT 4:23; 9:35; MR 1:38; 3:20,21; 6:6; LU 2:49; 4:43; 8:1; 9:51; 12:50; 13:32,33; JOH 2:17; 4:32,34; 9:4; AC 10:38; RO 15:3; 1TI 6:13


    1. The Temple Chapter 12
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