Bad Advertisement? News / Reviews: Are you a Christian? Online Store: | WESLEY'S NOTES -PSALMS 93PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELPPS 93 This and the six following psalms, according to the opinion of the Hebrew doctors, belong to the times of the Messiah. The glory of God's kingdom, both of providence and glory, ver. 1-6. 1. Clothed - That majesty and strength which he always had, he will shew in the eyes of all people. Moved - He will overrule all the confusions in the world, so that they shall end in the erection of that kingdom of the Messiah, which can never be moved. 3. Floods - The enemies of thy kingdom. 5. Testimonies-Thy promises, which no less than the precepts are God's testimonies, or the witnesses, or declarations of his will to mankind. He seems here to speak of those precious promises concerning the erection of his kingdom in the world by the Messiah. Holiness - It becometh thy people to be holy in all their approach to thee. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - WESLEY INDEX & SEARCH |