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- ftu1 Biographie, 6th Epistle
- ftu2 Many particulars about these two converts may be found in the twelfth volume of Dr. Clarke’s Work’s
- ftu3 “The Mission Field,” May,
- ftu4 On his route to Ireland by the north he found the General Assembly in session at Edinburgh; when he took the opportunity of witnessing the manner in which that reverend body conducts its proceedings. Dr. Clarke could not help drawing in his own mind a contrast between the rigid formality with which the business was transacted, and the genial yet well ordered freedom of the “conversations between the Wesleyan ministers at their annual Conference;” and expressed it, on leaving the church, by whispering to his companion, “Methodism for ever!”
- ftv1 His mind had too far outgrown things of that kind to be satisfied with them.
- ftv2 Primo autem conmemorandi quorum favore chartam a vectigalibus emmunem habuimus, quod quinque abhinc annis (scil. 1652) a concilio secretiori primo concessum, postea a Serenissimo D. Protectore ejusque concilio, operis promovendi causa, benigne coufirmatum et continuatum erat.”
- ftv3 In the art of heraldry John Clarke was second to very few
- ftv4 The superintendent of the Windsor Circuit (the Rev. A. Strachan) was at the Hall that day; and, talking over the visit afterward, said, “Do you think, Doctor, that the prince is a converted man?” “I do not know what you would do,” replied he; “but I think I should not hesitate to give him a note upon trial.”
- ftv5 This project has since taken its finally definite character. “The Adam Clarke Memorial,” (under the patronage of the Right Hon. the earl of Antrim, and John Crombie, Esq., J.P., D.L.,) is to consist of a “school, church, and minister’s house, at Port-Stewart, and an obolisk and statue at Port-Rush, near Coleraine.” The foundation-stone of the obelisk was laid in September, 1857, with great public solemnities. The base is seven feet square and eight feet high, from which the monument will rise to a height of forty-two feet; which, taking the elevation of the site, will be equal to one hundred and twenty feet above the level of the sea. Close to the base will be the statue of Dr. Clarke, contributed by public offerings in America. Two eminent men from that side of the Atlantic represented the Methodist Episcopal Church in the proceedings of the day, — Dr. M’Clintock, lately editor of the Methodist Quarterly Review, and the Rev. W. H. Milburn, lately chaplain to the Congress.
- ftw1 See Division 12, Book II, Chapter
- ftw2 I find from his letters, that in his journeys in Ireland he went about with an open-handed bounty among the poor. At Millbrook one severe winter he gave shelter and food to some twenty poor sailors from Liverpool
- ftx1 The reader will, doubtless, appreciate the courage of this warlike lady. In regard to some of the extracts following, we must interpose a word or two. Though the writer of these remarkable letters was, to a great extent, estranged from Romish superstitions and observances, yet the influence of her early associations is too plainly traceable in the sequel; and of this some whose intimacy she enjoyed had melancholy proof. It is hardly needful to remark, in addition, that no creature can innocently affect to be more benevolent than the great and blessed Maker of all. Hence the encomium [a formal or high-flown expression of praise] on the Jews who prolonged their prayers, in order to afford the more relief to the souls in perdition, must be qualified. Other fancies, which will occur to the reader, are more or less innocent; but the tone of them is by no means the most salutary.
- ftx2 Letter to Dr. Clarke
- ftx3 “Law of the Lord.”
- ftx4 Translated into it from the Spanish
- ftx5 One, however, whose theology was not evangelical
- ftx6 The late Mr. John Carne, the Eastern traveler, and author of “The Lives of eminent Christian Missionaries,” and various other works, was also as, intimate friend of the Clarkes.
- ftx7 Poems, vol. i.
- fty1 Vide supra, p.
- fty2 Page
- fty3 Family memorandum
- fty4 Dulden, tragen, lieben, geben, Einfaltvoll und frohlich ruhn; Immer nach der Weisheit streben, Was wir thun, nur Dir zu thun; Dir nur danken alle Freuden, Dir nur leiden wenn wir leiden, Dir im Tode noch vertraun, Wollen wir, bis wir Dich schaun!
- ftz1 Alice
- ftz2 A son of the prebendary [an honorary canon], the Rev. Adam Clarke, has recently entered holy orders. We should not omit to mention, also, the Doctor’s much-esteemed nephew, Mr. John Edward Clarke, the son of his brother Tracy; a man of great erudition, as may he seen from the able dissertation inserted by his uncle in his commentary on the thirteenth chapter of the Revelation.
- ftaa1 Tischreden.
- ftaa2 In recording Dr. Clarke’s sentiments on the point here raised, we are not to be understood as adopting them in full. An eminent living divine, the learned Dr. Fred Augustus Tholuck, of Halle, inclines to a very different opinion. “O that we were richer, in our German language,” he writes, “in biographical works, which are adapted to illustrate and promote a truly elevated and practical Christianity, by laying open the sanctuary of the inner life! It may be said that more awakenings have proceeded from the written lives of those eminent for piety, than from books of devotion and printed sermons. We are able, at least, in the circle of our own knowledge, to address a great number of Christians — and among them names of the first rank in the religious world — who are indebted essentially to works of biography for the confirmation and stability of their spiritual life. The writer can assert this in regard to himself. He can make such an acknowledgment respecting a book to which he knows that not a few, in Europe, America, and Asia, will bear a similar testimony. The biography of the missionary Martyn opened in my own life a new era of religious progress.” (Preface to vol. i. of a series of Biographies, in German, for Sabbath reading.)
- ftaa3 Christianus sum, et Christiani filius, portans in fronte med vexillum Crucis.” — Ad Paulinum
- ftaa4 This was not the first occasion when the Doctor was minuted as “supernumerary. “ I find the term in connection with his name when engaged in the Record Commission in London.
- ftbb1 Mr. Dutton was received
- ftbb2 Letters to Travis on the Genuineness of I John v.
- ftbb3 Some of the timbers, of course
- ftbb4 “Where frozen Scythia’s utmost bound is placed, A desert lies, a melancholy waste, In yellow crops there nature never smiled, No fruitful tree to shade the barren wild; There sluggish cold its icy station snakes, There paleness frights, and anguish trembling shakes; Of pining famine this the fated seat, To whom my orders, in these words, repeat.”