From The January, 1823 Issue of The Wesleyan Methodist Magazine
Anniversaries of Branch Missionary Societies etc. -- Those of Brighton, Lewes, Groombridge, and Eastbourne, have been lately held. The collections, as usual, were very liberal. The anniversary of the Knaresborough circuit Society was held, Nov. 14. Meetings had been previously held at Whisley, Torkwith, Wetherby, and Keswick, all in that Circuit. The sums raised in the year amount to ú166. -- The Juvenile Society of Woodhouse Grove School, consisting of the sons of Methodist Preachers, held its seventh annual meeting on November 27th. Since its establishment, it has contributed ú100 to the Missionary Fund. -- The first Anniversary of the Juvenile Society it Liverpool was held November 29th; the Rev. Dr. Clarke in the Chair. The Collection was ú50. The receipts of the year have been ú170.