From The June, 1823 Issue of The Wesleyan Methodist Magazine
The Anniversary of this Society appears to excite increasing interest every succeeding year; and the attendance of friends from all parts of the kingdom, on that important occasion, affords a most gratifying proof that the miseries of the heathen still excite the tenderest sympathy of the Wesleyan Connection. While so many persons are ready to make a generous sacrifice of personal ease and convenience, in order that they may participate in the triumphs of this Society, and renew their pledges of attachment to the sacred cause of Christian Missions, no doubt can he entertained but that the evangelization of the world will proceed with increasing rapidity and power.
At seven o'clock in the morning of the first of May, a public prayer-meeting was held in the City-Road Chapel, to implore the blessing of Almighty God upon the general meeting and the religious services connected with it. Notwithstanding the early hour at which this meeting was held, it was very numerously attended, and the heavenly influence which rested upon the congregation was generally regarded as "a token for good." The cause of Missions is eminently the cause of God; and, though carried on by human instrumentality, it is essentially dependent upon the divine blessing in every stage of its progress: and that blessing should be implored in the exercise of devout and fervent prayer.
The three Anniversary Sermons before this Society were preached on the 1st and 2d of May, by the Rev. Dr. Adam Clarke the Rev. William Jay, of Bath, and the Rev. Robert Wood, of Liverpool. These excellent discourses, which were highly appropriate to the occasion, were attended by very numerous congregations in the Chapels at City-Road; Great Queen-Street, and Long Lane, Southwark. On Sunday, May 4th, Sermons in aid of the Methodist Missions were preached in all the Chapels of the three London Circuits, and collections made on behalf of the Society. The Preachers stationed in London were kindly assisted, on that day, by several brethren from the country; who very successfully pleaded the Missionary cause.
The congregational collections exceeded those of any former year, by upwards of one hundred pounds. And with feelings of the liveliest gratitude we state, that the total amount of collections and donations connected with this Anniversary was more than twelve hundred pounds, and exceeded that of any former year.