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| Chapter XI.—Request to them to send a messenger to Antioch. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XI.—Request to them to send a
messenger to Antioch.
Your prayer has
reached to the Church which is at Antioch in Syria. Coming from that
place bound with chains, most acceptable to God,1045
1045 Literally, “most becoming of
God.” | I salute all; I who am not worthy to be styled
from thence, inasmuch as I am the least of them. Nevertheless, according
to the will of God, I have been thought worthy [of this honour], not that
I have any sense1046
1046 Or,
“from any conscience.” | [of having deserved it],
but by the grace of God, which I wish may be perfectly given to me, that
through your prayers I may attain to God. In order, therefore, that your
work may be complete both on earth and in heaven, it is fitting that, for
the honour of God, your Church should elect some worthy delegate;1047 so that he, journeying into
Syria, may congratulate them that they are [now] at peace, and are
restored to1048
1048 Or,
“having received.” | their proper greatness, and
that their proper constitution1049 has been
re-established among them. It seems then to me a becoming thing, that you
should send some one of your number with an epistle, so that, in company
with them, he may rejoice1050
1050 Literally, “may glorify with him.”
| over the tranquility which, according to the will of God, they
have obtained, and because that, through your prayers, they have now
reached the harbour. As persons who are perfect, ye should also aim
at1051 those things which are perfect. For when ye are
desirous to do well, God is also ready to assist you.
Your prayers have
reached to the Church of Antioch, and it is at peace. Coming from that
place bound, I salute all; I who am not worthy to be styled from thence,
inasmuch as I am the least of them. Nevertheless, according to the will
of God, I have been thought worthy [of this honour], not that I have any
1052 Or, “from
any conscience.” | [of having deserved it], but by the
grace of God, which I wish may be perfectly given to me, that through
your prayers I may attain to God. In order, therefore, that your work may
be complete both on earth and in heaven, it is fitting that, for the
honour of God, your Church should elect some worthy delegate;1053 so that he, journeying into
Syria, may congratulate them that they are [now] at peace, and are
restored to their proper greatness, and that their proper
constitution1054 has been re-established among them. What
appears to me proper to be done is this, that you should send some one of
your number with an epistle, so that, in company with them, he may
rejoice over the tranquillity which, according to the will of God, they
have obtained, and because that, through your prayers, I have secured
Christ as a safe harbour. As persons who are perfect, ye should also aim
at1055 those things which are perfect. For when ye are
desirous to do well, God is also ready to assist you.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH