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  • Chapter XXI.—Conclusion.

    Chapter XXI.—Conclusion.

    It is well, therefore,1717

    1717 Cod. Sin. omits “therefore.”

    that he who has learned the judgments of the Lord, as many as have been written, should walk in them. For he who keepeth these shall be glorified in the kingdom of God; but he who chooseth other things1718

    1718 The things condemned in the previous chapter.

    shall be destroyed with his works. On this account there will be a resurrection,1719

    1719 Cod. Sin. has “resurrections,” but is corrected as above.

    on this account a retribution. I beseech you who are superiors, if you will receive any counsel of my good-will, have among yourselves those to whom you may show kindness: do not forsake them. For the day is at hand on which all things shall perish with the evil [one]. The Lord is near, and His reward. Again, and yet again, I beseech you: be good lawgivers1720

    1720 Cod. Sin. has, “lawgivers of good things.”

    to one another; continue faithful counsellors of one another; take away from among you all hypocrisy. And may God, who ruleth over all the world, give to you wisdom, intelligence, understanding, knowledge of His judgments,1721

    1721 Cod. Sin. omits the preposition.

    with patience. And be ye1722

    1722 Cod. Sin. omits this.

    taught of God, inquiring diligently what the Lord asks from you; and do it that ye maybe safe in the day of judgment.1723

    1723 Cod. Sin. reads, “that ye may be found in the day of judgment,” which Hilgenfeld adopts.

    And if you have any remembrance of what is good, be mindful of me, meditating on these things, in order that both my desire and watchfulness may result in some good. I beseech you, entreating this as a favour. While yet you are in this fair vessel,1724

    1724 Literally, “While yet the good vessel is with you,” i.e., as long as you are in the body.

    do not fail in any one of those things,1725

    1725 Cod. Sin. reads, “fail not in any one of yourselves,” which is adopted by Hilgenfeld.

    but unceasingly seek after them, and fulfil every commandment; for these things are worthy.1726

    1726 Corrected in Cod. Sin. to, “it is worthy.”

    Wherefore I have been the more earnest to write to you, as my ability served,1727

    1727 Cod. Sin. omits this clause, but it is inserted by the corrector.

    that I might cheer you. Farewell, ye children of love and peace. The Lord of glory and of all grace be with your spirit. Amen.1728

    1728 Cod. Sin. omits “Amen,” and adds at the close, “Epistle of Barnabas.”


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