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| Chapter XII.—Christians proved innocent by their contempt of death. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
For I myself, too, when I was delighting in
the doctrines of Plato, and heard the Christians slandered, and saw them
fearless of death, and of all other-things which are counted fearful,
perceived that it was impossible that they could be living in wickedness
and pleasure. For what sensual or intemperate man, or who that counts it
good to feast on human flesh,1942 could welcome death that he might be deprived of
his enjoyments, and would not rather continue always the present life,
and attempt to escape the observation of the rulers; and much less would
he denounce himself when the consequence would be death? This also the wicked demons have now caused to be done
by evil men. For having put some to death on account of the accusations
falsely brought against us, they also dragged to the torture our
domestics, either children or weak women, and by dreadful torments forced
them to admit those fabulous actions which they themselves openly
perpetrate; about which we are the less concerned, because none of these
actions are really ours, and we have the unbegotten and ineffable God as
witness both of our thoughts and deeds. For why
did we not even publicly profess that these were the things which we
esteemed good, and prove that these are the divine philosophy, saying
that the mysteries of Saturn are performed when we slay a man, and that
when we drink our fill of blood, as it is said we do, we are doing what
you do before that idol you honour, and on which you sprinkle the blood
not only of irrational animals, but also of men, making a libation of the
blood of the slain by the hand of the most illustrious and noble man
among you? And imitating Jupiter and the other gods in sodomy
and shameless intercourse with woman, might we not bring as our apology
the writings of Epicurus and the poets? But because we persuade men to
avoid such instruction, and all who practise them and imitate such
examples, as now in this discourse we have striven to persuade you, we
are assailed in every kind of way. But we are not concerned, since we
know that God is a just observer of all. But would that even now some one
would mount a lofty rostrum, and shout with a loud voice;1943
1943 Literally, “with a
tragic voice,”—the loud voice in which the Greek tragedies
were recited through the mask [persona]. |
“Be ashamed, be ashamed, ye who charge the guiltless with those
deeds which yourselves openly could commit, and ascribe things which
apply to yourselves and to your gods to those who have not even the
slightest sympathy with them. Be ye converted; become wise.”E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH