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| Chapter XI.—How Christians view death. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
But neither should we be put
to death, nor would wicked men and devils be more powerful than we, were
not death a debt due by every man that is born. Wherefore we give thanks
when we pay this debt. And we judge it right and opportune to tell here,
for the sake of Crescens and those who rave as he does, what is related
by Xenophon. Hercules, says Xenophon, coming
to a place where three ways met, found Virtue and Vice, who appeared to
him in the form of women: Vice, in a luxurious dress, and with a
seductive expression rendered blooming by such ornaments, and her eyes of
a quickly melting tenderness,1940
1940 Another reading is πρὸς τὰς ὄψεις, referring to
the eyes of the beholder; and which may be rendered, “speedily
fascinating to the sight.” | said to Hercules that if he
would follow her, she would always enable him to pass his life in
pleasure and adorned with the most graceful ornaments, such as were then
upon her own person; and Virtue, who was of squalid look and dress, said,
But if you obey me, you shall adorn yourself not with ornament nor beauty
that passes away and perishes, but with everlasting and precious graces.
And we are persuaded that every one who flees those things that seem to
be good, and follows hard after what are reckoned difficult and strange,
enters into blessedness. For Vice, when by imitation of what is
incorruptible (for what is really incorruptible she neither has nor can
produce) she has thrown around her own actions, as a disguise, the
properties of virtue, and qualities which are really excellent, leads
captive earthly-minded men, attaching to Virtue her own evil properties.
But those who understood the excellences which belong to that which is
real, are also uncorrupt in virtue. And this every sensible person ought
to think both of Christians and of the athletes, and of those who did
what the poets relate of the so-called gods, concluding as much from our
contempt of death, even when it could be escaped.1941
1941 Καὶ φευκτοῦ θανάτου may also
be rendered, “even of death which men flee from.”