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| Chapter CXXXIV.—The marriages of Jacob are a figure of the Church. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter CXXXIV.—The marriages of
Jacob are a figure of the Church.
Church" title="266" id="viii.iv.cxxxiv-p1.2"/>“If, then,
the teaching of the prophets and of Himself moves you, it is better for
you to follow God than your imprudent and blind masters, who even till
this time permit each man to have four or five wives; and if any one see
a beautiful woman and desire to have her, they quote the doings of Jacob
[called] Israel, and of the other
patriarchs, and maintain
that it is not wrong to do such things; for they are miserably ignorant
in this matter. For, as I before said, certain dispensations of weighty
mysteries were accomplished in each act of this sort. For in the
marriages of Jacob I shall mention what dispensation and prophecy were
accomplished, in order that you may thereby know that your teachers never
looked at the divine motive which prompted each act, but only at the
grovelling and corrupting passions. Attend therefore to what I say. The
marriages of Jacob were types of that which Christ was about to
accomplish. For it was not lawful for Jacob to marry two sisters at once.
And he serves Laban for [one of] the daughters; and being deceived in
[the obtaining of] the younger, he again served seven years. Now Leah is
your people and synagogue; but Rachel is our Church. And for these, and
for the servants in both, Christ even now serves. For while Noah gave to
the two sons the seed of the third as servants, now on the other hand
Christ has come to restore both the free sons and the servants amongst
them, conferring the same honour on all of them who keep His
commandments; even as the children of the free women and the children of
the bond women born to Jacob were all sons, and equal in dignity. And it
was foretold what each should be according to rank and according to
fore-knowledge. Jacob served Laban for speckled and many-spotted sheep;
and Christ served, even to the slavery of the cross, for the various and
many-formed races of mankind, acquiring them by the blood and mystery of
the cross. Leah was weak-eyed; for the eyes of your souls are excessively
weak. Rachel stole the gods of Laban, and has hid them to this day; and
we have lost our paternal and material gods. Jacob was hated for all time
by his brother; and we now, and our Lord Himself, are hated by you and by
all men, though we are brothers by nature. Jacob was called Israel; and
Israel has been demonstrated to be the Christ, who is, and is called,