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| Chapter I.—The self-evidencing power of truth. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter I.—The self-evidencing power
of truth.
word of truth is free, and carries its own authority, disdaining to fall
under any skilful argument, or to endure the logical scrutiny of its
hearers. But it would be believed for its own nobility, and for the
confidence due to Him who sends it. Now the word of truth is sent from
God; wherefore the freedom claimed by the truth is not arrogant. For
being sent with authority, it were not fit that it should be required to
produce proof of what is said; since neither is there any proof beyond
itself, which is God. For every proof is more powerful and trustworthy
than that which it proves; since what is disbelieved, until proof is
produced, gets credit when such proof is produced, and is recognised as
being what it was stated to be. But nothing is either more powerful or
more trustworthy than the truth; so that he who requires proof of this is
like one who wishes it demonstrated why the things that appear to the
senses do appear. For the test of those things which are received through
the reason, is sense; but of sense itself there is no test beyond itself.
As then we bring those things which reason hunts after, to sense, and by
it judge what kind of things they are, whether the things spoken be true
or false, and then sit in judgment no longer, giving full credit to its
decision; so also we refer all that is said regarding men and the world
to the truth, and by it judge whether it be worthless or no. But the
utterances of truth we judge by no separate test, giving full credit to
itself. And God, the Father of the universe, who is the perfect
intelligence, is the truth. And the Word, being His Son, came to us,
having put on flesh, revealing both Himself and the Father, giving to us
in Himself resurrection from the dead, and eternal life afterwards. And
this is Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord. He, therefore, is Himself
both the faith and the proof of Himself and of all things. Wherefore
those who follow Him, and know Him, having faith in Him as their proof,
shall rest in Him. But since the adversary does not cease to resist many,
and uses many and divers arts to ensnare them, that he may seduce the
faithful from their faith, and that he may prevent the faithless from
believing, it seems to me necessary that we also, being armed with the
invulnerable doctrines of the faith, do battle against him in behalf of
the weak. E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH