Bad Advertisement? Are you a Christian? Online Store: | PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA.INDEX OF SUBJECTS.[INCLUDING THE INTRODUCTIONS AND NOTES.].Abstraction from material things, necessary to the knowledge of divine truth, 460. Advent of Christ, precursors of, 519. Agape, Christian, 238. abuse of the term by heretics, 403. Alexandria, centre of Christian culture, 165. catechetical school of, 342. Alms, how given and received, 578. Amusements, good and bad, 289. public (spectacles), forbidden, 290. Anacharsis, forbids heathen mysteries, 177. Angels, spiritual beings, 493. inferior, given to Gentiles, 524. guardian, 533. Animals, clean and unclean, signification of, 556. Apostles, how chosen, 514, 532. marriage of, 541, 543. Art, wisdom given by God, 304. Arts, invented by Hebrews, 317. Astronomy, mystery of, 501. Baptism, of Christ, effect of, 215. Christian, names and effects, 215-216. with faith and repentance, 217. for the remission of sins, 222, 361. sin after, 438, 443. first of Christian mysteries, 461. of the apostles, tradition of, 578. Barnabas, St., an apostle, 354-355. quoted, 355, 362, 366, 372, 459. Basilides, heretic, errors of, 355, 358, 381, 423, 437, 440, 445. Bean, prohibited by Pythagoras, 385, 402. Beatitudes, true teaching of, 413, 441. Beauty, true and false, 271. “Because of the angels,” interpreted, 578. Beetle, fable concerning, 449, 484. Blood, symbol of the Word, 221. Body, Christian, temple of God, 584. Bread, symbol of the Word, 221. Britain, legend of musical cave, 487. Bunsen, Baron, Hippolytus, 297, 443. Candlestick, the golden, symbol of the Holy Spirit, 452, 477. Carpocratians, their heresies and practice, 383, 403. Causes, defined and classified, 565-567. Children, Christ’s name for his disciples, 212-213. applied to those under the Law, 217. nourished by the milk of the Word, 218. Christian life, a system of reasonable actions, 235. precepts of, in Scripture, 291-295. Christians, sons of God, 195. their unity, 197. Chronology of Holy Scripture, 325-334, 346. Church, Catholic, unity of, 555. Jewish and Christian, one, 369. earthly, image of heavenly, 421. Clement of Alexandria, a reformer, 165. pupil and successor of Pantænus, 166. life and works, 167. teacher of philosophic Christianity, 380. his knowledge of Hebrew questioned, 439, 443, 446, 484. Clement of Rome, St., an apostle, 428. Clothing, Christian use of, 263. of women, 266. of the feet, 267. becoming for Christians, 284. Commandments, the two great, 599. Concupiscence, forbidden by the law and by Christ, 394. (See Covetousness.) Confession of Christ, public, 421. promises to, 422. Continence, heretical opinions of, refuted, 381. of Christians more excellent than of philosophers, 391. in all things, not one only, 392. Contrition, the only true penitence, 416. Covetousness. (See Concupiscence.) Creation, why not repeated, 584. Crowns, floral, not used by Christians, 255. Culture, Greek, useful to Christians, 307. necessary for understanding Scripture, 310. Customs, heathen, to be forsaken, 197-199. debasing effects of, 200-201, 205-206. overcome by divine truth, 201-202. Death, Christian philosophy of, 411. errors of Valentinus, concerning, 425. Decalogue, interpreted, 511. why ten commandments, 511. omissions in interpretation of, 515, 522. Deception, permitted by the sophists, 538. Definitions of terms, necessary, 556, 561. philosophical, nature, and classification, 562-563. Degrees, in heaven, corresponding to order in the church, 505. of knowledge, true Gnostic only perfect in, 507. Democritus, on the idea of God, 465, 486. produces scientific belief, 559. first principles indemonstrable, 559. dilemma of suspense of judgment, 562. Dialectics, a means to true wisdom, 340. Disciplina arcani, true nature of, 343-344. Dispensations, the seven, 476-477. Doubt and assent, causes of, 564. Dove, emblem of the Holy Spirit, 578. Dress, heathen luxury in, forbidden to Christian women, 273. leads to licentiousness, 276. Drinking, Christian principles of, 242. abuses of, 244-245. Eating, luxury in, heathen, 237. Christian temperance in, 239-242. Bishop Warburton on, 520. women in, 521. Elect, illustrated by Abraham, 445. known by Christ, 533. Electa, lady to whom St. John’s Second Epistle was written, 577. Elijah, example of frugality, 281. Emblems, Christian, in the Catacombs, 297. Empedocles, quoted, 384-385, 403, 446, 464, 466. opinion on community of women, 403. Esoteric doctrine, use of, 302, 313, 343. 345. received according to reason, 310. heretics celebrate with water, 322. typified by Melchizedek, 439. Euripides, quoted, 384-385, 403, 469. Evil, not sought for itself, 319. Exhortation, The, of Clement, object of, 167. Eye, government of the, 291. Faith, possible without learning, 307, 345. not a natural quality, 349. only means to the knowledge of God, 349. taught by Scripture to Greek philosophy, 352. leads to repentance, hope, benevolence, 353, 357. faith, not opinion, foundation of knowledge, 359. twofold, relating to memory and hope, 360. necessary to justification, 444. foundation of knowledge, 445. heretical views of, 445. saving, manifested by works, 505. Fathers, apostolical, quoted, 348, 355, 357, 360, 362, 366, 422, 428, 460, 495-496, 510. Figurative teaching of Scripture and philosophy, 450. Filthy speaking and acts, reproved, 250. Free-will, the original of sin, 319, 362-363. necessary to faith and repentance, 349. condition of judgment, 353. proofs of, 424, 426, 437, 502, 524. power of choosing salvation, 441. source of obedience, 519, 527-528. and of faith, 525, 527-528. choice of virtue, 525. Friendship, how threefold, 369. Frugality, a mark of Christian living, 280. Geometry, mystery of, 499-501. Gnosis, true wisdom, revealed by God, 494. Gnostic, true (Christian), as defined by Clement, 342. his contempt for pain and poverty, 412. divine contemplation, 414. object of life, 418. trained by Christian knowledge, 433, 438. seeks good for itself, 434-437. and knowledge, 495. philosophic testimony to, 436. how regards earthly things, 439. an imitator of God, 440. freed from passion and perturbation, 496. uses all knowledge, 498. conjectures things future, 501, 521. alone attains perfection, 502. represses sensual desire, 503. worshipper of God, 523. attains likeness to Christ, 526. knowledge, 527. prayer and alms, 537. 545. takes no oath, 537. teaches by example, 538. made perfect in knowledge, 539. final reward, 539. his self-restraint in lawful things, 543. fasting, 544. charity, 545. continual devotion, 546. long-suffering and forgiveness, 548. Gnostics, false, tendency of, 380. God, known by science only as manifested in Christ, 438. incomprehensible by human mind, 463. knowledge of, a divine gift, 464. this shown by philosophers, 464-465. how far revealed to the heathen, 474-475. eternal, 476. knowledge of, in Greek philosophy, 489. Gods of the heathen, their wickedness, 179-182. cruelty of their worship, 183. Goodness, divine, not inconsistent with justice, 225-227. Grafting, illustrative of conversion, 507. Greek, language of Christianity, 166. type of early Christianity, 379. poetry quoted, 469-474. Gymnosophists of India, answers of, 488. Hades, Christ preached to Jews in, and apostles to Gentiles, 490. Hair, may be trimmed, but not dyed, 286. Hebrew names, meaning of, 439, 443, 446, 476. Hebrews, Epistle to, translated by St. Luke, 579. why not subscribed by St. Paul, 442, 579. Heraclitus, quoted, 384-385, 403, 446. Heresies, no argument against Christian belief, 550. authors of, 556. Heretics, their pretexts for licentiousness, 385. claim all carnal things as lawful, 388. first heretics post-apostolic, 555-556. St. John’s course regarding, 577. Hermas, Shepherd of, quoted, 348, 357, 360, 422, 510. Herodotus, quoted, 384-385, 403. Homer, quoted, 384-385, 403, 469. Hope, Christian, witnessed to by philosophers, 447. Household life, habits of, 251. evening, of Greek Christians, 298. Images, heathen, shameful, 184-188. Incarnation of Christ, benefits of, 202-204, 601. Instruction, Christian, meaning of, 223. given through the Law by the Word, 224, 234. effects in Christians, 235. Iota and tittle, meaning of, 578. Irreverence, reproof of, 585. Isaac, type of Christian joy, 214. tradition of his martyrdom, 579. the Just, Bishop of Jerusalem, 579. Jarvis, Dr. S. F., Church of the Redeemed, 477. John, St., tradition of, 574. his Second Epistle interpreted, 577. origin of his Gospel, 580. St. John and the robber, story of, 603-604. John Baptist, St., voice of the Word, 174. Jude, St., his relationship to our Lord, 573. Kaye, Bishop, analysis of St. Clement’s Miscellanies, 342. Kiss of charity, abuse of, 291. Knowledge, true, defined, 349-350, 364. foundation in faith, 445. twofold, by apprehension and reason, 480. of God, in Greek philosophy, 489. love of, 508. true, in Christ only, 508. philosophy and heresies, aids to, 509. Laughter, abuse of, 249. Law, penalty of, beneficent, 339. natural and revealed, one, and divine, 341. divine, teacher of philosophy, 367. Lord’s day, illustrated by Greek authors, 469. day of Christ’s resurrection, 545. Love, Christian, how fulfils the law, 414. represses sensual passion, 430. of man, rewards of, 601-602. Luxury, household, forbidden to Christians, 247. in dress and person, 272-277. in servants, 278. hindrance to charity, 279. Maiden, the model, described by Zeno, 289. Man, pre-existent in the Divine Mind, 210. spiritual excellence of, 410. Manliness, true Christian, 365. Marcion, heretic, 384-385, 403, 445. Mark, St., disciple of St. Peter, 561. origin of his Gospel, 579. Marriage, lawful use of, 259-263. nature, conditions, and duty of, 377. single commended, second permitted, 382, 403. heretical perversions of Scripture regarding, 395, 398. errors of Cassian refuted, 399. its purity taught in Holy Scripture, 400, 403. depravation of it a reproach to the Creator, 400, 403. two heretical views of marriage to be shunned, 401. true philosophy of, 402, 403-407. of apostles, 533. Martha of Bethany, Christ’s rebuke of, 594. Martyrdom, why to be desired, 411, 423. spiritual, 412. heathen, falsely so named, 412. not needless death, 412, 423. blessedness of, 416. philosophy testifies to, 418-419. sex and condition of martyrs, 420. errors of Basilides on, 423-424. testimony of Scripture, 427. of St. Clement of Rome, 428. Menander, witness to Scripture, 446. Milk, symbol of spiritual nourishment, 218-222. commissioned by Christ,. Miracles of Christ, mystery of, 501. Mixed cup in the Eucharist, 242. Mosaic Law, a preparation for Christ, 339. Moses, history of, 335. lawgiver and general, 336-338. Music, sanctified to God, 248. instrumental, not Christian, 249. mystery of, 499. Mustard seed, parable of, interpreted, 578. Mysteries, Christian, why celebrated by night, 435. Eleusinian, vileness of, 175-177. Mythology, heathen, absurd and impious, 175-177, 520. Names, conceptions and subjects (philosophical) classified, 564. New creation in Christ, meaning of, 594. Nicetas, commentary on Job, quoted, 577. Nicolas, deacon, name and teaching abused by Nicolaitans, 385. Numbers, mystery of, 499, 521. symbols of, in the Decalogue, 512-514. Occupations of Christians, 282. Offences to be avoided, 426. Ointments, abuse of, 253. Ornaments, unsuited to Christians, 267-270. Pœdagogus, The, of Clement, object and contents of, 167. Pantænus, teacher at Alexandria, 165-167, 343. Parables of our Lord, mystery of, 501-502. interpreted,—of the Labourers, 415. Mustard Seed, 578. Pearl, 578. Prodigal Son, sermon on, 581-589. Passover (last) of our Lord, date of, 565. Paul, St., late witness of Old-Testament truth, 434, 442. Pearl, parable of, interpreted, 578. Perfection, distinct from completeness, 459, 478. possible to human nature, 502. attained by the true Gnostic alone, 502. Persecution, how understood, 598. Peter, St., tradition of his wife’s martyrdom, 541. Philo Judæus, his interpretation of Scripture history, 306. Philosophers, heathen, opinions of, respecting God, 190. taught truth by the Scriptures, 191-192. opinions on the chief good, 374. Christian, self-restraint of, 370. Philosophy, use of, in Christian teaching, 303. Greek, a preparation for Christ, 305, 321-323, 347-348. what is true philosophy, 308, 311. sects of, contain half-truths, 313. successive schools of, 313. Greek, foreign sources of, 314-317. posterior to the Mosaic Law, 324-333, 341. true philosophy seeks God, 358-359, 369. taught by divine law in piety, charity, justice, purity, 367. taught highest good by Scripture, 375 and other things by the same, 465, 478. object of true philosophy, 493. gift of God to Jew and Greek, 495, 517, 521. cannot give perfect knowledge of God, 515. but a preparation for such knowledge, 516. Greek, a recreation to the Gnostic, 517. necessary to knowledge, 518. its objective truth, 556. Pictures, heathen, their licentiousness, 189. Plagiarism, of Greek poets from each other, 481-483. of philosophers and historians, 484-486. of Greeks from Hebrew Scriptures, 486-488. of philosophers, from Egypt and India, 488. Plato, on language of animals, 333. an imitator of Moses, 338. falsely quoted by heretics, on community of women, and depravation of the natural creation, 382, 403. on hope, 404. on future rewards, 416, 436, 442. city of, in heaven, 441, 443. witness to Scripture, 446, 470, 479. idea of God, 465. philosophic teaching from Scripture, 466, 469. illustrating the Trinity, 468. the Lord’s day, 469. the Messiah, 470, 479. Poets, heathen, testimony to the truth, 193. silent, 535. of the wicked, 535. Prayer of St. Clement to the Pœdagogus, 295. Predestination, ground of, 497, 524. Priesthood of Christians, 572. Prophets, the, teachers of the truth, 194-195. teach by parables and enigmas, 510, 522. Providence, special, to be believed, 312. Punishment, a mark of God’s love, 226. a means of salvation, 228-230. divine, object of, 437, 442. Purity, law of, 259, 317, 348, 433. Pythagoreans, falsely quoted against marriage, 385, 403. sayings of Theano, 417, 431, 441-442. on the idea of God, 465. Regeneration of Christians by the Word, 357. Repentance, first and second, 361. Riches, true Christian, 279, 596, 600. want of, not salvation, 597. how forsaken for Christ, 598. Righteousness, true, 504. impresses a likeness to God, 504. in what sense attained through philosophy, 305, 323, 345-346. Rings, for the ears, forbidden, 285. for the hands, how allowed, 285. Ruler, the young, character of, 594. Sabbath, Jewish, right keeping of, 302. Sacrifices, heathen, cruelty of, 183. sacrifices of prayer and praise, 532. of the Law, 532. Salome, apocryphal sayings of Christ to, 392. one to Jew and Gentile, 490. Samaritan, good, signifies Christ, 599. Scripture, holy, chronology of, 325-334. threefold interpretation of, 341. why veiled in parables, 509. test of doctrinal truth, 550. Segaar, Charles, annotator of St. Clement, 605. Self-restraint of Christian philosophers, 370. Septuagint, date and origin of, 334. Servants, how kept by heathen, 278. Servants, how treated by Christians, 288. Sex, no distinction of, in instruction, 211. Christian relations of, 419. Sibyl, the, testimony to the truth, 192, 194, 346. Similitudes in instruction, use of, 281. Sin, voluntary and involuntary, 361. not to be predicated of the divine nature, 363. Socrates, on future rewards, 436, 442. Sodomites, sin and punishment of, 282. Son of God, Saviour and Lord of all, 524. order of His government, 525. Sophists, foolishness of, 304, 309. Sophocles, witness to Scripture, 446. Speech, subordinate to action, 310. Spirits in prison, preached to, 490. Stationary days, fasts of, 544. Stromata, The, of Clement, object and character of, 168. Symbols, Pythagorean, in philosophic proverbs, 450. of philosophical language, 455. of the Mosaic Law, 456. Jewish, do not sanction image worship, 453, 477. Tabernacle and its furniture, symbolic meaning of, 452. Tatian on marriage, errors of, 396, 403-407. Teachers of St. Clement, 301-302. Teaching, right motives in, 300. Temperance, in living, 251. Temple furniture, symbolism of, 585. Temples, in what sense holy, 530. Theano the Pythagorean, sayings of, 417, 431, 441-442. Timothy, Epistle to, rejected by certain heretics, 359. Tithes and firstfruits, maintenance of priests under the Law, 363. Tradition of doctrine from the apostles, 301, 343. Trinity, doctrine of, illustrated by Plato, 468. Truth, divine, contrasted with heathen fable, 171. its power over men, 172. attained through faith, as the gift of God, 519. object of true philosophy, 556. Unbelief, sin and danger of, 195-197. Unity of Jew and Greek in Christ, 504. “Unknown God,” Athenian inscription to, 464, 478. Valentinus, heretic, errors of, 355, 359, 425, 445. Vestments of the high priest, symbolism of, 453. Wife, character of a good, 432. Wine, how used by Christians, 243. how abused to drunkenness, 244. Christ’s example in, 246. Wisdom, object of true philosophy, 492. Witnesses, three earthly, interpreted, 576. Women, right adorning of, 287. behaviour at church, 290. examples of perfection in, 431. Word, the, pre-existent, incarnate, teacher, 173. restorer and guide of man, 209. healer of the soul, 210. symbolized by milk, 219, by bread and by blood, 221. eternal and uncreate, 573. Worship, true nature of, 532. Xenocrates, on the idea of God, 465, 486. Zeno, description of a model maiden, 289. Zephaniah (apocryphal), vision of heaven, 462.