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| Statement of the True Doctrine Concerning Matter. Its Relation to God's Creation of the World. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXXIII.—Statement of the True Doctrine Concerning
Matter. Its Relation to God’s Creation of the World.
But although Hermogenes finds it amongst his own
colourable pretences6482
6482 Colores. See our
“Anti-Marcion,” p. 217, Edin., where the word
pretension should stand instead of precedent. | (for it was not in
his power to discover it in the Scriptures of God), it is enough for
us, both that it is certain that all things were made by God, and that
there is no certainty whatever that they were made out of Matter. And
even if Matter had previously existed, we must have believed
that it had been really made by God, since we maintained (no less) when
we held the rule of faith to be,6483 that nothing
except God was uncreated.6484
6484 Innatum: see above,
note 12. | Up to this point
there is room for controversy, until Matter is brought to the test of
the Scriptures, and fails to make good its case.6485
6485 Donec ad Scripturas
provocata deficiat exibitio materiæ. | The conclusion of the whole is this: I find
that there was nothing made, except out of nothing; because that which
I find was made, I know did not once exist. Whatever6486 was made out of something, has its origin in
something made: for instance, out of the ground was made the grass, and
the fruit, and the cattle, and the form of man himself; so from the
waters were produced the animals which swim and fly. The original
fabrics6487 out of which such
creatures were produced I may call their materials,6488
6488 Materias. There is a
point in this use of the plural of the controverted term
materia. | but then even these were created by