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| The Account of the Creation in Genesis a General One, Corroborated, However, by Many Other Passages of the Old Testament, Which Give Account of Specific Creations. Further Cavillings Confuted. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter XXXII.—The
Account of the Creation in Genesis a General One, Corroborated,
However, by Many Other Passages of the Old Testament, Which Give
Account of Specific Creations. Further Cavillings Confuted.
This is the answer I should give in defence of the
Scripture before us, for seeming here to set forth6456
6456 Quatenus hic
commendare videtur. | the formation of the heaven and the earth,
as if (they were) the sole bodies made. It could not but
know that there were those who would at once in the bodies understand
their several members also, and therefore it employed this concise mode
of speech. But, at the same time, it foresaw that there would be stupid
and crafty men, who, after paltering with the virtual meaning,6457
6457 Dissimulato tacito
intellectu. | would require for the several members a word
descriptive of their formation too. It is therefore because of such
persons, that Scripture in other passages teaches us of the
creation of the individual parts. You have Wisdom saying, “But
before the depths was I brought forth,”6458 in
order that you may believe that the depths were also “brought
forth”—that is, created—just as we create sons also,
though we “bring them forth.” It matters not whether the
depth was made or born, so that a beginning be accorded to it, which
however would not be, if it were subjoined6459 to matter. Of darkness, indeed, the Lord
Himself by Isaiah says, “I formed the light, and I created
darkness.”6460 Of the
6461 De spiritu. This
shows that Tertullian took the spirit of Gen. i. 2 in the inferior sense. | also Amos says, “He that strengtheneth
the thunder6462
6462 So also the
Septuagint. | , and createth the
wind, and declareth His Christ6463
6463 So also the
Septuagint. | unto
men;”6464 thus showing that
that wind was created which was reckoned with the formation of the
earth, which was wafted over the waters, balancing and refreshing and
animating all things: not (as some suppose) meaning God Himself by
the spirit,6465 on the ground that
“God is a Spirit,”6466 because the waters
would not be able to bear up their Lord; but He speaks of that spirit
of which the winds consist, as He says by Isaiah, “Because my
spirit went forth from me, and I made every blast.”6467 In like manner the same Wisdom says of the waters,
“Also when He made the fountains strong, things which6468 are under the sky, I was fashioning6469 them along with Him.”6470 Now, when we prove that these particular
things were created by God, although they are only mentioned in
Genesis, without any intimation of their having been made, we shall
perhaps receive from the other side the reply, that these were made, it
is true,6471 but out of Matter,
since the very statement of Moses, “And darkness was on the face
of the deep, and the spirit of God moved on the face of the
waters,”6472 refers to Matter,
as indeed do all those other Scriptures here and there,6473 which demonstrate that the separate parts
were made out of Matter. It must follow, then,6474
6474 Ergo:
Tertullian’s answer. |
that as earth consisted of earth, so also depth consisted of depth, and
darkness of darkness, and the wind and waters of wind and waters. And,
as we said above,6475
6475 Ch. xxx., towards the
end. | Matter could not
have been without form, since it had specific parts, which were formed
out of it—although as separate things6476 —unless, indeed, they were not
separate, but were the very same with those out of which they came. For
it is really impossible that those specific things, which are set forth
under the same names, should have been diverse; because in that
case6477 the operation of God might seem to be
useless,6478 if it made things
which existed already; since that alone would be a creation,6479
6479 Generatio: creation in
the highest sense of matter issuing from the maker. Another reading has
“generosiora essent,” for our “generatio sola
esset,” meaning that, “those things would be nobler which
had not been made,” which is obviously quite opposed to
Tertullian’s argument. | when things came into being, which had not
been (previously) made. Therefore, to conclude, either Moses then
pointed to Matter when he wrote the words: “And darkness
was on the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved on the face of
the waters;” or else, inasmuch as these specific parts of
creation are afterwards shown in other passages to have been made
by God, they ought to have been with equal explicitness6480 shown to have been made out of the Matter
which, according to you, Moses had previously
mentioned;6481 or else,
finally, if Moses pointed to those specific parts, and not to
Matter, I want to know where Matter has been pointed out at